
Very Dissatisfied Potential Customer

It has happened many times to many vendors.

In a bricks and mortar store it is rare to have competing buyers for the same piece at the same time, but even before the Internet this has happened when two people fall in love at the same time with the same item.

As a vendor we always try to make sure it does not happen, but with the Internet, and cell phones and shopping carts all accessing the same data at the same time and with HUGE global markets rather than just the small local market, I am frankly surprised it does not happen more often.

I firmly believe that Erika did the only ethical thing she could do under the circumstances by honoring the first to actually commit to the diamond. The fact that she is a small vendor who did not have a chance to read her emails while talking with you on the phone does not change her ethical obligation. To me, her honoring her ethical obligation should be an example of why you WOULD want to work with her rather than one of why you would not.

Just my opinion of course.

Wink, what a lovely conclusion to make! I agree!
ericad|1442180834|3927320 said:

Just bumping this for Autumn to see - sounds urgent!!
I am a firm believer in fate. That's all I'm gonna say. ;)

And thank you Wink! I really do try my very best with everyone, and try to form long term relationships with my buyers. It's NEVER my goal for anyone to feel disappointed.
ericad|1442187100|3927343 said:
I am a firm believer in fate. That's all I'm gonna say. ;)

And thank you Wink! I really do try my very best with everyone, and try to form long term relationships with my buyers. It's NEVER my goal for anyone to feel disappointed.

So am I - this sounds exciting!!

Your warmth and caring certainly come shining through - I'm sure your customers really appreciate all you do for them!
MissGotRocks|1442187279|3927346 said:
ericad|1442187100|3927343 said:
I am a firm believer in fate. That's all I'm gonna say. ;)

And thank you Wink! I really do try my very best with everyone, and try to form long term relationships with my buyers. It's NEVER my goal for anyone to feel disappointed.

So am I - this sounds exciting!!

Your warmth and caring certainly come shining through - I'm sure your customers really appreciate all you do for them!

+1. I know from my own experience it's all true. :love:
As someone said earlier up this thread, this is a first world problem. I know this is a forum for diamond enthusiasts and I know the OP is very disappointed. I also know each OEC is unique. But not as unique as a person, or even a pet. Another similar, or even better, stone will come along and no one should lose sleep over not owning a particular diamond. Erica is clearly upset over the chain of events but she has more pressing things on her mind, I would think, seeing as how her friend is in the midst of these terrifying fires. I'm glad she took the rest of the day off!
Wink|1442181005|3927322 said:
It has happened many times to many vendors.

In a bricks and mortar store it is rare to have competing buyers for the same piece at the same time, but even before the Internet this has happened when two people fall in love at the same time with the same item.

As a vendor we always try to make sure it does not happen, but with the Internet, and cell phones and shopping carts all accessing the same data at the same time and with HUGE global markets rather than just the small local market, I am frankly surprised it does not happen more often.

I firmly believe that Erika did the only ethical thing she could do under the circumstances by honoring the first to actually commit to the diamond. The fact that she is a small vendor who did not have a chance to read her emails while talking with you on the phone does not change her ethical obligation. To me, her honoring her ethical obligation should be an example of why you WOULD want to work with her rather than one of why you would not.

Just my opinion of course.


Great input as always from Wink! :wavey:
MissGotRocks|1442187279|3927346 said:
ericad|1442187100|3927343 said:
I am a firm believer in fate. That's all I'm gonna say. ;)

And thank you Wink! I really do try my very best with everyone, and try to form long term relationships with my buyers. It's NEVER my goal for anyone to feel disappointed.

So am I - this sounds exciting!!

Your warmth and caring certainly come shining through - I'm sure your customers really appreciate all you do for them!

+ 1
Fingers crossed!

First of all, Erica please tell Caysie we are all thinking of her in this time.

Secondly, Erica did contact me and offer another diamond but it was not the pattern or the flourescence I wanted and did not "grab" me like the other one. I do appreciate that. Shortly thereafter, the original diamond sale was cancelled and she contacted me to see if I still wanted it. Of course I did and I will follow through with that sale today. Perhaps there is something to "fate"

I know some of you said that there are other diamonds, yes there are, but you know it when it grabs you. OEC's are not like Round brilliants, and finding the one that's meant for you is not as easy.

While it was not an easy situation, for either of us, I do appreciate the efforts that Erica made for me.
Just reading this thread and I am so glad it is all resolved happily now.

I just want to say congratulations autumngems on finding the OEC of your dreams. :appl:

I also want to say how lovely Erica is and how much she goes out of her way to help others find the bling of their dreams and what happened could have happened to anybody and she did the right thing under the circumstances. I would never hesitate to do business with Erica. She is a jewel.

And lastly my thoughts and good wishes are with Caysie and all those affected by the wildfires. Please let her know we are thinking of her Erica and send all our best to her and her family. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy.
Yahoo! Congratulations Autumngems!!! So excited to see this stone!!!

And Erica sounds like a real could feel how upset she was in her post. Not really sure what happened but
I'm sure she is thrilled that she was able to offer you the stone after what happened.

This situation has given me a warm, fuzzy glad it has worked out. :))

...and not sure what is going on with Caysie, but hope things are ok...I love your designs!
That's wonderful news! I love a happy ending! Fate is real IMO - so is karma. Ride the wave as this was meant to be and kudos again to Erica for her response. Faith is a hard thing to keep with in the face of disappointment but things really do have a way of working out!

Can't wait to see the new stone - don't keep us in suspense for too long!
I believe in fate, so ultimately the stone is meant to be yours and it's great it is a happy outcome for everyone. I don't think anyone was in the wrong, you certainly were not and neither was Erica. I had this happen when I bought that pear, people were lined up for it and called me every name under the sun for buying it..... and for selling it. I was the first to email minutes after I saw it for sale so I can attest the system is designed to be fair as it can be for everyone.

Can't wait to see your new stone!!!
Erica is a true professional and all around great gal. She will go that extra mile for her clients. I'm glad it worked out for you Autumngems.
Please post a photo of this diamond! I need to see what all the fuss is about :)
Full disclosure I have purchased one thing from Erica - when she was part of JbEG - so I have done business with her. However, this has nothing to do with Erica specifically, this is only a good example of what sometimes happens with small businesses.

First, OP, I know not getting this stone really upset you. I get that is was a beautiful stone, and you had your heart set on it, and although everyone says there may be another perfect stone out there, it doesn't lessen the sting.

*soapbox* in defense of all small business owners out there

I own a business. All the vendors on here own a business. And I'm a consumer too, just like all the vendors are as well. I'm not a diamond business, I'm a service business, but there are times I feel the need to come on here and give a different perspective in a transaction like this.

Folks, mistakes are made by small business owners. No business owner, not one single one, wants to lose a sale. Sales don't grow on trees, and they're hard to get, and when you have a boutique business with a very special niche market, like Erica's, there are even fewer. While it didn't happen in this case, there is always a consumer out there who wants to haggle, who doesn't see the value, who wants to beat you up for a half a percent so they can feel better about it. They want something for nothing, and don't seem to get that the value in the small business is the personal service. These same folks are the ones who forget that there's no big corporation paying the bills in case sales aren't there to pay a paycheck. Ask how many business owners sometimes miss a personal check to pay the bills.

In a perfect world, Erica would have noticed that the diamond was already spoken for by the person who sent the first e-mail and as such, would not offered it to the OP. That is factual. Some of the responders have tried to tell her how she should run her business going forward to make sure that this happened in the future, that no mistake was ever made again in this way. You guys realize that she had just as much chance as holding it for the first person, having the second person want to buy it and being told no 'cause it was on hold, then the first person backing out and saying "I changed my mind". Now in the case of this stone, there is a ton of interest in it so that may not have happened, but I"m pretty sure if you ask her, or any other small business owner (me included), that this sort of thing happens all the time - you get one person who is "sure" they want your product/service, then they keep shopping and change their mind, or find something better. Meanwhile customer #2 goes elsewhere, and the sure sale x2 that should have happened doesn't happen at all. So you end up with the product and no buyers.

Did you guys see that she made a policy change based on this thread?
I will no longer be offering to hold anything for anyone. Going forward, the first person to purchase it once it goes to the website gets it. While I'm so flattered that I've been choosing diamonds for inventory that so many people want, this has gotten out of hand - diamonds are supposed to make people happy - please let's remember that.

So now that this ONE time something negative happened, and even though she did the ethical thing she's changing the policy so that no one can hold a stone. We all lose. smh

Erica, I've never met you personally and have only worked with you via e-mail but I want to say, as much as this got to you, and I know it did based on your responses, please try to give yourself an out that you did your best and that this was not intentional.

*off soap box*

OP, I hope you find a stone that sings to you, very soon :)
Apparently it was meant to be! Yay! :appl: That's great that Erica was able to get in touch with you. I'm impressed by her professional and fair manner. I can see why you were so disappointed now that you posted the link. :love: Glad you had a happy ending! :appl:
I'm glad that worked out and the stone landed with Autumn. But, had the shoe been on the other foot, and Autumn had been the customer who emailed Erica first to say "I'm buying that stone," I feel confident that Autumn would say that she, the emailer, should get the stone. Erica was doing the right thing.

Wink and Wren made good points. I also think Erica made a smart move to not hold a diamond without at least a deposit. No matter how nice you try to be to customers, sometimes you just can't win. All of this drama over finding the perfect diamond astounds me, probably because I'm one of the customers who can prioritize and settle for a less than perfect one. ;-)