
Very Dissatisfied Potential Customer


Jul 24, 2003
I saw a stone online and inquired about it. It had everything I was looking for and I was so excited it was available. We messaged back and forth real time about the stone. I asked what it would take to hold the stone, vendor said just say the word and I will hold it so you don't have to worry about it being sold. I said great, put it on hold for me. I told them I would be at the bank on Monday to pay for it. They promised pics and stats to come later. The next day I tell my husband and friends about the perfect stone I found and it had everything I was looking for. I went online for hours and found the perfect setting to enhance this stone and was so excited. Later that night I went to check for the pictures and stats from the vendor and received a message.

I'm sorry, but I received an email from a customer confirming they wanted that diamond, I didn't know about that email when I promised to hold the stone for you but the time stamp on the email was before I talked to you.

So the stone that they were holding for me is being sold to someone else because the vendor didn't read their email before promising it to me, after reading their email they take the stone back because the time of the email which they didn't even know about at the time it was promised to me.

Very bad business practice. If you knew you had interest in a stone why wouldn't you check email first before promising something to another person.

I am so upset I can't even describe it, I will never find a another stone with the pattern, size, color and price again. Extremely put off!!!!.

What do you think?


Feb 5, 2015
Way too many other beautiful diamonds out there to get so worked up over one. I'd chalk it up as a loss and move on, might find something even better.


Jul 24, 2003

I know there are many out there but this was a unique diamond and I wont find another like it, I have searched for some time.


Dec 17, 2008
I'm so sorry autumgems. This is one of those things that happens
Every now and then that is really frustrating. I don't think it can be
Helped...I mean while you were on the phone getting the promise to hold it another sales person could be putting it on hold. I wish they had a more effective way of doing it that could prevent this from happening. I know you are upset. Any way we can help you look?

I would love to see the stone that got away. I'm sure it was really

Edit...perhaps they should go through the process of putting it on hold while you are on the phone with them? Still could have already been put on reserved but you would know right then and there.


Jul 24, 2003

I was direct messaging back and for about it for about 30 minutes. I just don't get why they didn't check email right there before promising it to me if there was other interest. I am not one to make hasty decisions and this was a holy grail for me.

:confused: :confused: :confused:


Dec 17, 2008
I see...but like I was trying to say...reading their mail isn't always good enough because someone else cold have put it on hold. (I'm just trying to figure out a way to keep it from happening. )

Can I ask what shape it was? I take it, it wasn't a RB? I wonder if we should put things on hold early on before we are sure, then say never mind if we change our mind....especially on non RBs.

Let this be a lesson to us all. :((


Jul 24, 2003
It was an oec


Jun 23, 2005
Sorry you are disappointed but hopefully that just means an even better stone is out there for you. I would hope that the vendor would work extra hard to find that special stone for you!

I understand that it is sometimes harder with OEC's to find that perfect one and I am truly sorry that you are so devastated over this one getting away. On to bigger and better things though!


Jul 24, 2003
Thanks MissGotRocks but right now I just don't even want to look for OEC's and don't expect I will be dealing with that vendor.


Apr 2, 2006
I'm very sorry - I can feel your disappointment and frustration through your post. I hope a comparable or even better stone comes your way soon.


Jun 23, 2005
autumngems|1442155455|3927169 said:
Thanks MissGotRocks but right now I just don't even want to look for OEC's and don't expect I will be dealing with that vendor.

I understand - it clearly was a real kick in the teeth for you. I'm so sorry this happened to you but I'm still holding firm that one of these days the perfect stone will present itself for you. For now though, I can certainly understand that way you feel and the disinterest in diamonds in general. As for the vendor, it probably was one of those things that happen but it is always wise to check and recheck on a stone's availability before it is absolutely promised to a customer. We've seen this happen before on other websites where several vendors have access to stones that are not in house but I presume that this vendor had the stone. I don't know who the vendor is but I'm sure they feel very badly that this happened - I would certainly hate to disappoint a customer to this degree.


Jul 24, 2003
Yeah, it was in in-house stone.

Lesson learned, I just won't put stock in what people promise anymore until it's in my hand.


Dec 27, 2013
Sorry that happened to you. I'm sure it's frustrating considering the time you spent looking for the perfect stone. :wall: Unfortunately, this does happen at times which is unfortunate. I hope you can find an even better oec in future! Once you feel up to it please do let the PSers help you find something fabulous again. :wavey:


Jan 4, 2015
First world problems you will find another what in particular about this stone made your heart sing post the stats and pictures or links and maybe somebody on here can help you

Nothing ventured nothing gained


Apr 21, 2010
autumngems|1442157339|3927185 said:
Yeah, it was in in-house stone.

Lesson learned, I just won't put stock in what people promise anymore until it's in my hand.

Yes, this is my approach too.

However, I do want to point out that, based on the timeline set forth in your opening post, it sounds like you IM'd back and forth sometime on Friday; then Saturday night the vendor emailed you stating he'd come across an email dated before your IM with a purchase confirmation on that same stone. Frankly, although you as a potential buyer was unfortunately discommoded in this specific situation, I think the vendor did the correct and ethical thing here. With all the ways of contact (email/phone/IM/facebook/etc.), it is no easy thing for a vendor to give full attention to a current interested buyer and simultaneously keep current with all the incoming communications. Sounds like the vendor contacted you as soon as he discovered the other email, and on a weekend night too, so that you'd be informed right away.

As you don't identify the vendor, it is unclear whether it is a small establishment with basically only the vendor/owner himself working the business, or if it is a larger company with multiple customer representatives.. my guess is the former.

[For ease of typing, I'm saying referring to the vendor as "he" but of course vendor could be a "she"]

Positions reversed, if you were the person who emailed the purchase confirmation, you'd be overjoyed to discover the vendor maintained ethical business practices and honored the traditional "first come, first served" policy.

I do understand your disappointment, but I don't share your POV that the vendor was at fault here.


Jul 28, 2007
Hi all,

I'm the vendor that Autumngems is referencing in her post. I came on because I have been sick over this situation since it happened and I feel so terrible about it.

She is correct that I verbally held it for her via IM. At the time, I hadn't realized that my other buyer pulled the trigger via email. After I spoke with Autumngems, I realized that my other buyer had in fact emailed me before I held it for Autumngems, to confirm that she is buying the stone - for her this diamond is also a holy grail - I had simply skimmed past her email and not realized it. Between toggling from phone to computer, and email/IG/FB messaging, I sometimes do get things coming in simultaneously and it gets difficult to sort.

So I was in a real pickle - someone would be heartbroken. I had basically accidentally double sold a stone that everyone was nuts over - I currently have no less than 6 people waiting to see if the sale falls through. Everyone wants this diamond, and only one person can buy it. The only fair thing to do was to check time stamps. Each woman believed that the stone was hers so I knew I would have to disappoint someone - I could only honor one hold.

I feel absolutely terrible. I frequently offer to verbally hold stones for people - in fact I'm holding a couple as we speak. I do that as a courtesy to allow people a couple days to mull it over, prepare the funds, await additional photos, etc. This has never been a problem in the past, because I rarely have so many inquiries about the same stone at the same time. But I'm considering no longer offering to do this.

As to my business, I run it by myself - I don't have employees or a sophisticated system to track these things. My business is small, personal, and my overhead low. I'm human, and sometimes I do the wrong thing or make a mistake while thinking I was doing the right thing. 99% of the time, everything goes smoothly and my clients are very happy with my service and business model. I hand select and own my inventory - I don't carry virtual stones or anything like that, so usually I'm easily in control of these types of things.

Autumngems, I understand that you are devastated and don't care to do business with me again, but if there's anything I can do to help you find a similar stone, or to perhaps let you see the other diamond you were considering, I will bend over backwards for you. And if for any reason my first sale falls through, I will offer this stone to you first.

Apart from being so very sorry, I don't know what else I can do. No matter what, someone would walk away disappointed and angry.


Jan 4, 2015
WTH does this stone look like that so many are clammering for pls show if possible

I can see by your reply you are a genuinely lovely kind vendor and only human


Dec 17, 2008
Really...inquiring minds want to know.

I see the picture now. Maybe Vendor needs to tell whoever wants the stone to send an email to hold it. (never verbally agree to hold
it via chat and let them know the first email that comes in on the stone is the one that will be getting it.) I know some of the colored
gem vendors work in this manner. So when stones show up on line, it's the first email that gets
the stone. The person doesnt know that they got the stone until they hear back from the vendor. Just seems like there is no easy
answer and it's probably not a problem 99% of the time.

Well, have you tried OWD or Jewels by Grace? I know you feel burned right now so you'll have to give it a while. Let us know
when you're ready to look again. I'll also do my best to help in any way I can. 8)


Aug 14, 2009
I'm sorry autumn!
I'm very glad Erica saw your post and was able to respond with what is obviously a heartfelt reply, but of course it's still a very disappointing situation :(sad But... There IS be another OEC out there for you - the one that you're meant to have. I'm sure of it!!

We've seen things like this happen before, unfortunately, and it certainly isn't specific to small operations - another large PS vendor wound up actually charging multiple customers for the same stone before realising the error. Ultimately it's up to the vendor to try and rectify the gaffe as best as possible, and it sounds like LAD is eager to help make you whole :))


Jun 2, 2013
Erica, I'm wondering if it would make sense for you to limit exchanges with prospective buyers of a particular stone to just 1 or 2 forms of media, e.g., e-mail -- and/or during normal or moderately extended business weekday hours, rather than trying to field such communiques on the fly at all hours via various devices/platforms, making a snafu more likely.

Buying a diamond is never an emergency crisis of life-threatening consequences that truly needs immediate attention. And your inventory is sufficiently unique that you won't lose a sale to, say, Blue Nile if a customer cannot immediately confer with you. Honestly, much as I like being able to order a coffee maker or some other kind of stockpiled "widget" from Amazon at midnight if I want, I think we consumers could dial back our expectations of immediate gratification, having merchants (especially sole propietors & small businesses) at our beck and call.

In the alternative or in addition to, maybe consider requiring some sort of a refundable deposit to keep a stone on hold for 2-3 days (without requiring the person to formally enroll in your lay-away plan)? That mutually benefits, as I see it, serious, prospective customers & you as well.


Jun 23, 2005
As always, good to hear from the vendor. I think it speaks volumes about her - owning up to a mistake and apologizing for it is not something we always see in the business world today. I think we can all gather that she feels terrible about the situation.

I think you can do business a certain way, every day, and still have room for that one mistake. We are all just human after all. I know this doesn't help Autumn's broken heart but fair is fair.

I'm sure that with time another gorgeous stone can be found. I am a firm believer in things happening for a reason and while it looks so broken now, I think Autumn will find her joy in another stone - maybe even a better one. It does happen!


Jul 28, 2007
It's a beautiful diamond, but it's not a magical diamond, and there will be many more beautiful stones now that I know what qualities people are so excited about. For those of you who missed out on this one, please don't send me angry emails (I have received two since this thread was posted :(sad ). I sold the stone to the first person who committed to it - this time she got lucky - she also had missed out on previous stones with similar specs. Even if you think you're the one who wanted or deserved it the most, it was sold to the first person who committed to it based on time stamp, and I stand by that - it's the only fair way. How would you want me to handle it if YOU were the one who committed first via time stamp? I am not joking when I say that I had at least a dozen people who wanted to hold it, and 6 people who are standing by to wire funds if it becomes available. If I could clone one for each of you, I would!


I will no longer be offering to hold anything for anyone. Going forward, the first person to purchase it once it goes to the website gets it. While I'm so flattered that I've been choosing diamonds for inventory that so many people want, this has gotten out of hand - diamonds are supposed to make people happy - please let's remember that.

To anyone who has emailed or IM'd asking to hold the diamond - it is pending sale to a person who committed to it before you, and Autumngems gets first dibs should the sale fall through and she still want it. After that, it would then go up on the site and the first one to buy it wins.

This past week, Caysie's house very nearly burned down in the CA wildfires - her family was evacuated and the fire line reached her front yard, but the firefighters were able to save her home - just barely. They will be without power for 2 weeks or more, and their land now looks like scorched Middle Earth. Her neighbors have lost their homes. A local elementary school has burned to the ground. Please let's all keep a healthy perspective - you missed out on a diamond you wanted, but we CAN find another one that you will love if you're willing to curb your anger and disappointment and work with me patiently to find your dream stone.

Now, I will not be responding to angry emails for the rest of the day - I'm taking the afternoon off, but will resume my apologetic groveling tomorrow, in addition to trying to find more stones of similar specs. It is my mission.


Jan 1, 2011
Oh, Autumn sorry that this happened to you! It may be hard to believe, but there IS an OEC out there for you that will be perfect. And I'm willing to bet LAD can find it for you. I believe everything happens for a reason, and your holy grail stone is still out there. It's very nice to hear from a vendor who so obviously cares and wants to make things right. I wish all parties the best!


Jun 9, 2014
ericad|1442176355|3927285 said:
This past week, Caysie's house very nearly burned down in the CA wildfires - her family was evacuated and the fire line reached her front yard, but the firefighters were able to save her home - just barely. They will be without power for 2 weeks or more. Her neighbors have lost their homes. A local elementary school has burned to the ground. Please let's all keep a healthy perspective - you missed out on a diamond you wanted, but we CAN find another one that you will love if you're willing to curb your anger and disappointment and work with me patiently to find your dream stone.

Oh my goodness! Caysie is doing a custom piece for me. I haven't heard from her in a week which is unusual because she's always cheerfully updating me. I'm happy to hear firefighters were able to save her home (grateful to all of the brave men and women with CalFire) but at the same time sad for her neighbors and the children and teachers without a school. Yes, yes, a healthy perspective is wise.


Jul 23, 2012
makeable|1442177674|3927295 said:
ericad|1442176355|3927285 said:
This past week, Caysie's house very nearly burned down in the CA wildfires - her family was evacuated and the fire line reached her front yard, but the firefighters were able to save her home - just barely. They will be without power for 2 weeks or more. Her neighbors have lost their homes. A local elementary school has burned to the ground. Please let's all keep a healthy perspective - you missed out on a diamond you wanted, but we CAN find another one that you will love if you're willing to curb your anger and disappointment and work with me patiently to find your dream stone.

Oh my goodness! Caysie is doing a custom piece for me. I haven't heard from her in a week which is unusual because she's always cheerfully updating me. I'm happy to hear firefighters were able to save her home (grateful to all of the brave men and women with CalFire) but at the same time sad for her neighbors and the children and teachers without a school. Yes, yes, a healthy perspective is wise.

Gosh yes, I have been following her Facebook posts and the entire situation seems quite dire


Jul 23, 2012
Sorry it didn't work out for you. Being told one thing and then loosing out sucks. I truly doubt it was something malicious, but malicious or not, still no diamond.

Ive heard of very highly praised vendors on here dropping a sale to one person because another person offered more money. Now that's very poor customer service, I think this was more of an issue in communication.

Consider I'd she had sold it to you, a third party would be here saying "I told her I wanted to buy it and boom it was already gone"


Jul 28, 2007
Caysie's cell and Internet has been unreliable - anyone wanting to check in is more than welcome to contact me and I'll pass it along to her when I'm able to speak with her!


Jun 9, 2014
ericad|1442178156|3927302 said:
Caysie's cell and Internet has been unreliable - anyone wanting to check in is more than welcome to contact me and I'll pass it along to her when I'm able to speak with her!

Could you please tell her Elle in San Diego is thinking about her and her family and not to worry about the design. It can wait. Thank you Erica!


Jan 11, 2006
You know, some of us including MYSELF need to get a GRIP! Goodness, there is no diamond that perfect and irreplaceable...maybe the Hope Diamond and a few others...okay?

Erica...I do think a deposit (paypal or CC over the phone) should be required for the hold, and then you wouldn't be getting 15 wires on the same diamond which would really be a mess.

I am sorry this happened and that you are disappointed, AG, but truly, if the positions were switched and you sent the email first, you'd be very thankful that Erica did the right thing!

Now, I am going to check on and pray for Caysie and her family which is a trillion times more important than diamonds and settings. :((


Jul 19, 2011
Autumngem...I'm so sorry and I know how devastating it is to lose out on a holy grail. I'm on the same quest and just lost out on an OEC but unlike you I did not put it on hold. I am currently talking to erica about a stone and having read her post I can only say she goes above and beyond to make sure her customers are happy. She did not have to identify herself on this forum but she did and she has been nothing but gracious. I agree with DS that had the roles been reversed you would be grateful erica did the right thing. I hope you find another beautiful stone which I am sure you will and I would not be surprised if it's erica who finds it!

Erica-I hope Cassie is ok.
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