
Vacuum Question: Emptying Those Canisters

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Jul 3, 2006
So, I have searched through many, many threads about vacuums here on PS, and while I have found out lots of valuable information, I still have a question. I received a Dyson as a wedding gift, but my husband and I have yet to open it and use it. We are waiting to open it until we know for SURE we want to keep it. We currently have an older Hoover Fusion Plus, and like the Dyson is bagless Anyway, the little canister for it is VERY difficult to clean out. It doesn''t just dump out neatly into the trash; dirt and whatever else there is gets stuck in these crevices near the top portion of the canister. It def. has some ick factor. Well, we are worried that our Dyson will end up presenting the same problem. So far I have found 2 posts talking about how easy it was to empty the Dyson canister, but those posters seemed to have only been using the Dyson for a short time. So, my question for all you veteran Dyson owners is: Is the canister still easily and effectively emptied even after you have had the vacuum for a while? If you had it to do over, would you still go bagless, or would you investigate something else like a Miele? My DH is very concerned that like our Hoover, the canister on the Dyson will end up making a bigger mess than it cleaned up in the first place. We are considering trading it for something with a bag, but I am not keen on changing the vacuum bags and buying additional bags, but I also don''t want to end up with a mess.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
We have had our Dyson for 2 years or so and have never had a problem. My MIL is a neat freak and has several Dysons. She would never use them if they caused a mess. On my model (unless they have changed) there is a trigger and it fully empties into the trash. Sure there is a little left on the sides but not much. I love it and it does an amazing job. What a generous wedding present!


Feb 17, 2006
I''ve had my Dyson for almost 4 years and I still LOVE it. I would never go back to bags. NEVER.

To empty it, it''s good to have a trash bag handy so that you can slip the canister inside it. Keeps the air cleaner. So put the trash bag around the bottom, pull the trigger, and bingo, it all slides out. Well, most of it. Sometimes things DO get stuck up toward the top... for me that means wads of pet hair and sometimes styrofoam peanuts (wedding registry evils)... but have no fear because the Dyson has a SECOND trigger that will remove the whole plastic canister so that you may further empty it if necessary. I don''t have to do this very often, but it is there for the times I need it.

You can, in fact, take almost every part off the Dyson if you need to. It''s really easy and intuitive. I''ve only had to do that a couple of times... once I sucked up almost a whole box of baking soda from a suitcase and I had to rinse it out... almost the entire thing is washable plastic. Another time I got a thread stuck and it tangled up inside the parts... but they slide right off so I was able to pull it out without sending it out to repair.

Have I mentioned that I LOVE my Dyson? Have no fear!! Take it out of the box!!!


Jul 3, 2006
Thanks guys! I really have been looking forward to using the Dyson, but after the mess we had with the Hoover, we were worried that we should go back to vacuums with bags and swap out our Dyson. It sounds like it is pretty easy to empty and won''t be nearly as much trouble as our Hoover. I actually found a few reviews today about the Hoover, and apparently clogging is a pretty common problem with it.

I certainly agree that it was a VERY generous gift. I was so surprised when it arrived for us. Several of my cousins went in together on it. That''s another reason I didn''t want to swap it. I am a little sentimental about the fact that they were so thoughtful to do that, especially because we probably would have taken a couple of years to get any sort of new, nice vacuum for ourselves.


Nov 25, 2002
I've had my Dyson Animal for over three years now, and it's a cinch still to empty it.

It has a "trigger" release to empty the canister, so I take it right to the trash, pull the trigger and voila! done.

I confess I had the same concerns about bagless, but I'd buy this vacuum again in a heartbeat.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 1/9/2008 12:06:23 PM
Author: aljdewey
I've had my Dyson Animal for over three years now, and it's a cinch still to empty it.

It has a 'trigger' release to empty the canister, so I take it right to the trash, pull the trigger and voila! done.

I confess I had the same concerns about bagless, but I'd buy this vacuum again in a heartbeat.

Ditto! We bought one with wedding money and we LOVE it. With two dogs and a cat it has been a godsend. We've only had ours for a few months, but we love it so far.


Feb 8, 2003

I have a dyson too and when I vaccuum the house, I take a handful of plastic grocery bags with me and emtpy the canister after vaccuming each room. The top part of the canister doesn''t always empty all the way, so if it doesn''t I use a plastic knife and scrap off the stuff, but as was mentioned, it has a little trigger release that makes taking the canister out very easy so this whole process takes only a minute or two.

Which model did you receive? I have the slim version and are happy with it. DH & I planned to get the animal model because we have cats, but the slim does the trick!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
MC, you fill it after just one room?!? I wonder if the slim''s canister is smaller than the animal''s (that is the model we have).


Sep 10, 2003
I''ve had the Dyson Animal for 4 years. I don''t like emptying the canister because dust flies all over the place and it does get clogged by cat hair. I was emptying it into a plastic bag and having to be careful that dust and other floating debris didn''t fly back out all over the place. However, I think that inconvenience is worth it because the vacuum is so good at sucking up ickies from upholstery and carpets. That said, I bought a Miele this week. Self-closing bag prevents dust from escaping when changing the bag. I bought the Miele because we''ve replaced most of our carpeting with Pergo. The remaining carpeting is very low pile and the Dyson is not as efficient on low pile as it is on longer piles, and it''s lousy at picking up stuff from hard surfaces -- just spreads the dirt all over rather than picking it up. The solid floor tool on the Miele is superb and the carpet tool is superb and this vacuum fits my needs better than the Dyson. So if the majority of your floor surface is carpet with a bit of a pile, you''ll probably love the Dyson.


Jul 3, 2006
Date: 1/9/2008 10:19:49 PM
Author: Matata
So if the majority of your floor surface is carpet with a bit of a pile, you''ll probably love the Dyson.

Hmmm I think our carpet may actually be low pile and we actually also have pergo flooring in some rooms. (We just bought special cleaner for that though.) So maybe this isn''t the best choice. I''ll have to make certain that''s what sort of carpet we have before we make our decision.

MC, mine is just a regular Dyson.

I guess probably anything will be better than our current vacuum... I mean it picks up a lot of stuff, but the clogging is--ick.


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 1/9/2008 10:17:04 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
MC, you fill it after just one room?!? I wonder if the slim''s canister is smaller than the animal''s (that is the model we have).
Yep, I''m pretty sure it''s smaller and lighter (which is nice). We debated on which to get since we have too many cats (lol), but the Slim is cheaper and with the 20% BBB coupon, we paid only $400 (including tax).
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