
Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fired!

Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

beebrisk|1331922728|3150138 said:
kenny|1331919828|3150104 said:
One solution never fits all.

Abstinence works for the people it works for.
I encourage encouraging the choice of abstinence AND availability of the choice BC for partakers.
People vary, and so should solutions.

I guess I'm just an old fashioned homo. :sun:

Yep. I'm all for "encouraging" abstinence while knowing full well it's not a reality for most. Sadly, it should be more of reality for kids but that's not what's happening.

I am against employers knowing my personal business.

I am against my tax dollars being used to fund birth control for those that CAN afford it (Ms. Fluke, included) and against my tax dollars being used to fund abortion under any circumstances.

I am against insurance companies not being able to compete across state lines for my business, thus having no other option but to offer a product for sale that no one can afford any longer; leaving ONLY government interference as an option.

And, I am against the government knowing my personal business and being involved in my health care, but aside from hoping for a full repeal, I have no control over that.

I guess I'm just an old fashioned hetero :D

Thank you Kenny for your civility and humor....
FWIW Ms. Fluke had insurance through her school (a private school that charges $50k a year in tuition and is a source of profit for the parent institution) but my understanding was that she wanted the school to use health insurance that covered her BC, not for the taxpayer to pick up her tab. I don't know how it works at Georgetown, but at my law school I have to pay for my own insurance premiums, so it's not exactly a free ride, although my own school does use insurance that covers birth control.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

kenny, many many many years ago "sexual congress" was the phrase for sexual intercourse. your use of "old" triggered it for me.
that one who is a member of a group that in not necessarily known for its ability to abstain [despite individually having been able to do so], it seemed odd that you appeared to be advocating so heavily for it.
like you i advocate birth control which abstinence is only one of several alternatives.
that it should be the only choice for any group is my point. that any group can look at another group and determine what that group should or should not be doing and how is all about control.

i'm against my $ going for a lot of things and is not limited to medical examples.
yet it is deemed for the societal good and i see my tax dollars being spent on things that i morally object to.
why should one group get a special pass when others do not?
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

amc80|1331923326|3150151 said:
MissStepcut|1331922663|3150135 said:
amc80|1331922239|3150126 said:
movie zombie|1331921818|3150123 said:
whether married or unmarried there is a need for birth control and it is to society's benefit economically to make it cheap and easy to access.

Not necessarily. I haven't been on birth control for a long time. My husband and I use a combination of natural family planning methods. I didn't get pregnant until the month we were trying. Not saying this will work for everyone, because it takes time and discipline. But those are small prices to pay to avoid being on hormonal bc. I have several friends who do this as well. Not for religious reasons, just a dislike of synthetic hormones. None of us have ever had an accident.
Well we had an accident.

Just because one method works for some people some of the time doesn't make for sensible public policy. People who are young, new to sex, uneducated about birth control (yay abstinence only education!), etc are the most likely to have birth control failures. In other words, those who I least want to see be parents.

That's not the population I was talking about. I was specifically commenting on the "married" part of the quote. People who know they are going to be in a monogamous relationship.

I'm interpreting what you've written as saying it's okay to use natural "rhythm" birth control if you're married because if there is an accident and you become pregnant, it's "okay" because you're married. Is that correct? If so, I strongly disagree. I'm at a point in my marriage and life now where if we had an "oops" baby, it would be okay and we would keep it, but earlier in my marriage, when I was younger and not employed and not in the same position that I am in now, I wouldn't have been able to care properly for a child and may (can't know for certain) have chosen to terminate. Being married doesn't mean that you're automatically willing to be a parent if it should arise unexpectedly.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

beebrisk|1331923284|3150150 said:
MissStepcut|1331922663|3150135 said:
amc80|1331922239|3150126 said:
movie zombie|1331921818|3150123 said:
whether married or unmarried there is a need for birth control and it is to society's benefit economically to make it cheap and easy to access.

Not necessarily. I haven't been on birth control for a long time. My husband and I use a combination of natural family planning methods. I didn't get pregnant until the month we were trying. Not saying this will work for everyone, because it takes time and discipline. But those are small prices to pay to avoid being on hormonal bc. I have several friends who do this as well. Not for religious reasons, just a dislike of synthetic hormones. None of us have ever had an accident.
Well we had an accident.

Just because one method works for some people some of the time doesn't make for sensible public policy. People who are young, new to sex, uneducated about birth control (yay abstinence only education!), etc are the most likely to have birth control failures. In other words, those who I least want to see be parents.

People who are "new to sex"? What exactly does that mean? You first have to have sex to understand that doing so can cause you to become pregnant? Or maybe you have to be really experienced and really good at it ( :naughty: ) to figure out that sperm can fertilize an egg? Apparently those people don't just need birth control, they need brains!

Either way, I don't wanna pay for it.
I am talking about people who just started having sex. For me, that was 19. For my cousin who just got married, it was 27. No matter how many brains you have, you may not know if a condom is snug enough, or too snug, the first time you use it. The point is, user error at its height when people first start learning to use a new thing, whether that's a stick shift car or a condom.

I would rather pay for someone's morning after pill than their unwanted child's public education.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

beebrisk|1331923284|3150150 said:
MissStepcut|1331922663|3150135 said:
amc80|1331922239|3150126 said:
movie zombie|1331921818|3150123 said:
whether married or unmarried there is a need for birth control and it is to society's benefit economically to make it cheap and easy to access.

Not necessarily. I haven't been on birth control for a long time. My husband and I use a combination of natural family planning methods. I didn't get pregnant until the month we were trying. Not saying this will work for everyone, because it takes time and discipline. But those are small prices to pay to avoid being on hormonal bc. I have several friends who do this as well. Not for religious reasons, just a dislike of synthetic hormones. None of us have ever had an accident.
Well we had an accident.

Just because one method works for some people some of the time doesn't make for sensible public policy. People who are young, new to sex, uneducated about birth control (yay abstinence only education!), etc are the most likely to have birth control failures. In other words, those who I least want to see be parents.

People who are "new to sex"? What exactly does that mean? You first have to have sex to understand that doing so can cause you to become pregnant? Or maybe you have to be really experienced and really good at it ( :naughty: ) to figure out that sperm can fertilize an egg? Apparently those people don't just need birth control, they need brains!

Either way, I don't wanna pay for it.

Having acted as the unofficial sex counselor for ... well, everybody I've known from 13 on (I read a lot), I can tell you that people who are "new to sex" will be too bashful to ask partners to get tested, and/or insist on condoms: will use condoms that are the wrong size; will misinterpret the instructions on everything from diaphrams to lube; and don't even get me started on how many people lack fundamental comprehension of the female reproductive system.

You know why? Abstinence-only education. And shame. The problem isn't that they need brains. The problem is that they need INFORMATION.

ETA: Crossposted with MSC - well put! That's another important element.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

amc80|1331923326|3150151 said:
MissStepcut|1331922663|3150135 said:
amc80|1331922239|3150126 said:
movie zombie|1331921818|3150123 said:
whether married or unmarried there is a need for birth control and it is to society's benefit economically to make it cheap and easy to access.

Not necessarily. I haven't been on birth control for a long time. My husband and I use a combination of natural family planning methods. I didn't get pregnant until the month we were trying. Not saying this will work for everyone, because it takes time and discipline. But those are small prices to pay to avoid being on hormonal bc. I have several friends who do this as well. Not for religious reasons, just a dislike of synthetic hormones. None of us have ever had an accident.
Well we had an accident.

Just because one method works for some people some of the time doesn't make for sensible public policy. People who are young, new to sex, uneducated about birth control (yay abstinence only education!), etc are the most likely to have birth control failures. In other words, those who I least want to see be parents.

That's not the population I was talking about. I was specifically commenting on the "married" part of the quote. People who know they are going to be in a monogamous relationship. If I couldn't afford bc, I wouldn't expect others to pay for it. I would take the time to get educated and do what I need to do to be protected. It's all about personal responsibility, something our society is seriously lacking these days.
This is pretty much the root of what I see as our disagreement on this issue. You think that people should pay for their own birth control. Well, I do too. The difference is, if they can't, or hell, even if they just won't, I want them to have it anyway. Sort of like public school. If people can't or won't pay for their children to get K-12 education, that sucks and I wish they would, but I wish even more that kids would get a K-12 education, so I don't bemoan the idea of property taxes.

Relying on people to be responsible for themselves when their failure ends up hurting everyone is not something I can get behind.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

sonnyjane|1331924864|3150177 said:
I'm interpreting what you've written as saying it's okay to use natural "rhythm" birth control if you're married because if there is an accident and you become pregnant, it's "okay" because you're married. Is that correct? If so, I strongly disagree. I'm at a point in my marriage and life now where if we had an "oops" baby, it would be okay and we would keep it, but earlier in my marriage, when I was younger and not employed and not in the same position that I am in now, I wouldn't have been able to care properly for a child and may (can't know for certain) have chosen to terminate. Being married doesn't mean that you're automatically willing to be a parent if it should arise unexpectedly.

I'm talking about NFP as a whole- charting your ovulation, knowing when you ovulate, and abstaining, using withdrawal, or condoms during those high risk times. Not the old rhythm method, where it's "all women ovulate around day 14, so avoid sex around that time." It's temping and charting every day and paying attention to your body. I think NFP gets a bad reputation as being unreliable, when that simply isn't true...if you're doing it correctly.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

beebrisk said:
MissStepcut|1331922663|3150135 said:
amc80|1331922239|3150126 said:
movie zombie|1331921818|3150123 said:
whether married or unmarried there is a need for birth control and it is to society's benefit economically to make it cheap and easy to access.

Not necessarily. I haven't been on birth control for a long time. My husband and I use a combination of natural family planning methods. I didn't get pregnant until the month we were trying. Not saying this will work for everyone, because it takes time and discipline. But those are small prices to pay to avoid being on hormonal bc. I have several friends who do this as well. Not for religious reasons, just a dislike of synthetic hormones. None of us have ever had an accident.
Well we had an accident.

Just because one method works for some people some of the time doesn't make for sensible public policy. People who are young, new to sex, uneducated about birth control (yay abstinence only education!), etc are the most likely to have birth control failures. In other words, those who I least want to see be parents.

People who are "new to sex"? What exactly does that mean? You first have to have sex to understand that doing so can cause you to become pregnant? Or maybe you have to be really experienced and really good at it ( :naughty: ) to figure out that sperm can fertilize an egg? Apparently those people don't just need birth control, they need brains!

Either way, I don't wanna pay for it.

I take strong exception to this.

My DD and her friends have been subjected to "abstinence-only" sex education. The questions these teens have asked me indicate to me that they have NO IDEA about birth control or sex. These are intelligent girls, scoring high on AP tests, heavy-duty challenging curriculum. One thought the pill prevented AIDS. Another girl thought spermicide prevented AIDS. Another asked my DD if her (the other girl's) boyfriend's fingers (post-ejaculation) could carry enough sperm . . . well . . . (the question made me blush, but I answered her so she could pass it along). You are not Born knowing something. You have to be taught every single thing that you learn. I think the new refusal of the schools to teach kids about sex is ridiculous. These girls we only taught "abstinence is 100% effective" repeatedly. Nothing else. :rolleyes:

ETA: I told my DD to pass out the planned parenthood web address to all her friends, because they have reliable info. Sad state of affairs, if you ask me.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

beebrisk|1331921765|3150121 said:
Employers are required to provide it in my state if an employee works 20 hours a week.) that all businesses or just those with over a certain number of employees?

All, yes.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

MissStepcut|1331925488|3150190 said:
amc80|1331923326|3150151 said:
MissStepcut|1331922663|3150135 said:
amc80|1331922239|3150126 said:
movie zombie|1331921818|3150123 said:
whether married or unmarried there is a need for birth control and it is to society's benefit economically to make it cheap and easy to access.

Not necessarily. I haven't been on birth control for a long time. My husband and I use a combination of natural family planning methods. I didn't get pregnant until the month we were trying. Not saying this will work for everyone, because it takes time and discipline. But those are small prices to pay to avoid being on hormonal bc. I have several friends who do this as well. Not for religious reasons, just a dislike of synthetic hormones. None of us have ever had an accident.
Well we had an accident.

Just because one method works for some people some of the time doesn't make for sensible public policy. People who are young, new to sex, uneducated about birth control (yay abstinence only education!), etc are the most likely to have birth control failures. In other words, those who I least want to see be parents.

That's not the population I was talking about. I was specifically commenting on the "married" part of the quote. People who know they are going to be in a monogamous relationship. If I couldn't afford bc, I wouldn't expect others to pay for it. I would take the time to get educated and do what I need to do to be protected. It's all about personal responsibility, something our society is seriously lacking these days.
This is pretty much the root of what I see as our disagreement on this issue. You think that people should pay for their own birth control. Well, I do too. The difference is, if they can't, or hell, even if they just won't, I want them to have it anyway. Sort of like public school. If people can't or won't pay for their children to get K-12 education, that sucks and I wish they would, but I wish even more that kids would get a K-12 education, so I don't bemoan the idea of property taxes.

Relying on people to be responsible for themselves when their failure ends up hurting everyone is not something I can get behind.[/quote]

I agree- this is the root of the disagreement, because, if I am reading bee correctly (and I hope I am because I agree with her), I don't believe that you have any right to make this decision for me or anyone else. Define common good; define why you are more qualified to make this choice for me than I am; people will make different choices than I would make-this is liberty, that we are all endowed with the right to be free from others making choices for us once we are adults.

I think it is interesting and beneficial to talk out both sides of a debate, as long as everyone can stay civil- and like a previous poster mentioned, I think you can usually find some common ground if you really are open. But really- I believe with my whole being in the autonomy of my person and you don't; I think this is what they call an impasse.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

movie zombie|1331923723|3150160 said:
kenny, many many many years ago "sexual congress" was the phrase for sexual intercourse. your use of "old" triggered it for me.
that one who is a member of a group that in not necessarily known for its ability to abstain [despite individually having been able to do so], it seemed odd that you appeared to be advocating so heavily for it.

Oh, so I'm gay so I can't think clearly.

Again I'm NOT "advocating heavily" for abstinence. (Your gay-filter is going haywire.)
I'm pointing out that people vary, so solutions should too.
I advocate abstinence for those for whom it works and BC for the rest . . . (for what, the third time now).

I resent having my perspective on BC/abstinence called "odd" because I'm gay.
How narrow minded, so all gay men are sluts in your mind? (Funny, that outrageous mentality towards women is how this whole subject got started.)

Gay men vary too.
Some of us don't think with our dicks.
Like American women I resent being thought of as a slut.

Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

I'm talking about NFP as a whole- charting your ovulation, knowing when you ovulate, and abstaining, using withdrawal, or condoms during those high risk times. Not the old rhythm method, where it's "all women ovulate around day 14, so avoid sex around that time." It's temping and charting every day and paying attention to your body. I think NFP gets a bad reputation as being unreliable, when that simply isn't true...if you're doing it correctly.[/quote]

i'm glad this works for you.
some don't have the time or inclination to balance a checkbook much less take the time to do all this.
some don't have the time because they are working 2-3 jobs and having to make sex "work" just isn't in the cards.
again, i'm glad it works for those that like it. but it does fail for a portion of the population.
to expect everyone to practice what works for any one group or individual is unrealistic.

also, know that birth control pills do fail in combination with some antibiotics.

like others i'd rather see my tax dollars spent on birth control for both men and women [and not on a lot of other things i find morally wrong] rather than pay for the education, housing, food, medical expenses of their unwanted children. those costs are certainly higher. saying they should not copulate is useless.

thank you, iLander, for educating your daughter and her friends.

eta: kenny, i apologize if you think i was insulting you. that was not my intention. i do note that your original post was actually of outrage and encouraging women to realize this is a very slippery slope. again, abstinence for any group just does not work. its fighting one's nature whether one is gay or hetero. hence, the "how is that working out" question! most do not want to give up their sexuality. look at the success of the gays and lesbians re civil rights, housing rights, etc. years ago it was legal in the state of texas to not rent to two men. then Lawrence v. Texas came along and so many doors opened. your bent towards abstinence unless in a long term decision is your decision. but it is not the decision everyone no matter gay or hetero make. again, sorry if i've offended you.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

amc80|1331925674|3150194 said:
sonnyjane|1331924864|3150177 said:
I'm interpreting what you've written as saying it's okay to use natural "rhythm" birth control if you're married because if there is an accident and you become pregnant, it's "okay" because you're married. Is that correct? If so, I strongly disagree. I'm at a point in my marriage and life now where if we had an "oops" baby, it would be okay and we would keep it, but earlier in my marriage, when I was younger and not employed and not in the same position that I am in now, I wouldn't have been able to care properly for a child and may (can't know for certain) have chosen to terminate. Being married doesn't mean that you're automatically willing to be a parent if it should arise unexpectedly.

I'm talking about NFP as a whole- charting your ovulation, knowing when you ovulate, and abstaining, using withdrawal, or condoms during those high risk times. Not the old rhythm method, where it's "all women ovulate around day 14, so avoid sex around that time." It's temping and charting every day and paying attention to your body. I think NFP gets a bad reputation as being unreliable, when that simply isn't true...if you're doing it correctly.

It is only reliable for a woman who knows exactly how to do it and who has a predictable and regular cycle. It's also no use for people who travel a great deal for work etc. It's also not always easy to temp for a lot of people.

We used this method to get pregnant and we also use it now for BC - I have migraine with aura and can't take the BCP - but I have a clockwork 28 day cycle and so it's easy.

One of the MPs in the UK was planning on introducing a bill to Parliament advocating teaching abstinence as a method of BC - she withdrew it after it was made clear that she didn't have a hope in hell of getting it through. Even so, sex education still needs improving here.

It's interesting just how different things are in the USA compared with the Northern European countries... a world apart.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

Get your facts straight, beebrisk-MissStepCut is correct. Ms. Fluke's school, Georgetown, has a health insurance plan that does not cover birth control, as it is a Catholic institution. The compromise offered by the Obama administration would result in INSURANCE COMPANIES paying for birth control pills entirely, so that religious institutions don't have to offer it in their insurance coverage. NO tax dollars are involved. And insurance companies don't mind paying for BC, because birth control pills are a lot cheaper than prenatal care and delivering a baby.

So once again, TAX DOLLARS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. NOTHING. AT ALL. I know it's super hard to believe, but Rush Limbaugh completely made that up.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

aviastar|1331926747|3150208 said:
I agree- this is the root of the disagreement, because, if I am reading bee correctly (and I hope I am because I agree with her), I don't believe that you have any right to make this decision for me or anyone else. Define common good; define why you are more qualified to make this choice for me than I am; people will make different choices than I would make-this is liberty, that we are all endowed with the right to be free from others making choices for us once we are adults.

I think it is interesting and beneficial to talk out both sides of a debate, as long as everyone can stay civil- and like a previous poster mentioned, I think you can usually find some common ground if you really are open. But really- I believe with my whole being in the autonomy of my person and you don't; I think this is what they call an impasse.
I am really confused by this post. I am not suggesting anyone be forced to take birth control or anything else that would threaten the autonomy of their person, or anyone making BC choices on behalf of anyone else. I just think it is better for society that women have easy access to preventative BC. Going back to the public school analogy, people may always choose to home or private school, but I think it is important that there be access. Am I missing something?
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

movie zombie|1331928466|3150241 said:
eta: kenny, i apologize if you think i was insulting you. that was not my intention. i do note that your original post was actually of outrage and encouraging women to realize this is a very slippery slope. again, abstinence for any group just does not work.


again, sorry if i've offended you.

No problem, thanks for the apology.

Group, you say?
I advocate abstinence for those for whom it works, and BC for the others. (Fourth time now)

Once again abstinence DOES work for one group - the people for whom it works.
If we hush up about abstinence, that group will get smaller.
Educate, then let individuals decide.
People who make both decisions should get equal respect IMHO.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir


I will also chime in here. The Federal Gov't some yrs ago tried to mandate covering abortions under Medicaid. I believe the Supreme court ruled that uncontitional. So in Illinois, a fairly liberal state, the Gov. does not pay for abortion under the Medicaid health plan. So a lower income individual must pay for it. I really don't know of another state that pays for abortions. Anyone?

Beebrisk has turned the conversation to her agenda. I agree with I lander.--it just muddies the issue. An employer cannot have the right to ask those question and be able to take action on the answer, nor should anyone be subjected to a transvaginal precedure in order to have an abortion.

I was one of the first women in Illinois to be "allowed: to buy a home in my own name. Here is what is says Name---an unmarried woman. This stated in all documents. I was divorced. It was 1978

Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

I hate the word agenda.
I define agenda as "anything that's not YOUR agenda".

Agendas aren't real and not out there.
Like beauty, agendas are in the eye of the beholder.

Nobody has an agenda, and we all have an agenda . . . it's just what we feel is right.
Since people vary and no single right way is universally agreed upon, the term agenda just blows up.

I try to avoid the belittling and inflammatory term agenda.
I think it's more constructive to just continue the conversation with reasonable points for why you disagree with a person's perspective.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

Anyone willing to claim that this is not political NOW?
I hate dishonesty.
Dishonesty such as claiming that abortion is 'women's health' and that Planned Parenthood is not all about abortion--and that Sandra Fluke was not a total set-up. That woman is not having trouble paying for her birth control-- she just believes that her university should pay BECAUSE they are Catholic and no one should be allowed to opt of paying for (and being involved in) policies that certain people have decided going to be put in place.
I was talking to a student yesterday who was upset feeling that women's 'rights' are going backwards from what she is reading in the media--thoughtful, intelligent young woman who wants to do go in the world and takes things at face value. Interesting conversation in many ways. She is still young enough to be willing to listen instead of to shout stereotype and shout. I told her what I believe is the truth. I am all for women's rights. It would be really nice if we could get equal pay for equal work and reasonable things such as that. I am NOT a feminist. Feminism now has nothing to do with equal rights for women at all. The litmus test feminist issue has become abortion--it's the only 'women's right' that you ever hear the big feminist organizations protecting and going on about. And abortion kills probably more girl babies than boy babies at this point when you consider the sex selection abortions that openly go on, now in the United States as well as China and India; pregnancy is not 'bad health''; women throughout history have been able to be mothers and accomplish amazing things--abortion is a sick and wrong thing that at this point is being used for eugenics (look up the statistics in the black community); culling out not only the 'racially unfit' but the quite often only mildly handicapped; it leaves untold psychological devastation--how did 'equal rights' come to be associated with this monstrous thing at all?
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

this thread is not and never was about abortion.

it is about the what constitutes access to birth control [which could mean less need for abortions].
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

Black Jade said:
Anyone willing to claim that this is not political NOW?
I hate dishonesty.
Dishonesty such as claiming that abortion is 'women's health' and that Planned Parenthood is not all about abortion--and that Sandra Fluke was not a total set-up. That woman is not having trouble paying for her birth control-- she just believes that her university should pay BECAUSE they are Catholic and no one should be allowed to opt of paying for (and being involved in) policies that certain people have decided going to be put in place.
I was talking to a student yesterday who was upset feeling that women's 'rights' are going backwards from what she is reading in the media--thoughtful, intelligent young woman who wants to do go in the world and takes things at face value. Interesting conversation in many ways. She is still young enough to be willing to listen instead of to shout stereotype and shout. I told her what I believe is the truth. I am all for women's rights. It would be really nice if we could get equal pay for equal work and reasonable things such as that. I am NOT a feminist. Feminism now has nothing to do with equal rights for women at all. The litmus test feminist issue has become abortion--it's the only 'women's right' that you ever hear the big feminist organizations protecting and going on about. And abortion kills probably more girl babies than boy babies at this point when you consider the sex selection abortions that openly go on, now in the United States as well as China and India; pregnancy is not 'bad health''; women throughout history have been able to be mothers and accomplish amazing things--abortion is a sick and wrong thing that at this point is being used for eugenics (look up the statistics in the black community); culling out not only the 'racially unfit' but the quite often only mildly handicapped; it leaves untold psychological devastation--how did 'equal rights' come to be associated with this monstrous thing at all?

I call BS. :wavey:

Planned Parenthood is also a clear source of information regarding sex, a source of cheap/free condoms and cheap/free birth control. They are helpful to anyone, regardless of age, income, etc.

As Mozo said, more birth control = less abortions.

Also as Mozo said, this isn't about abortion. Why do you want to take it there?
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

I also hate dishonesty.

I feel what's behind all this, but they'd never admit, is forcing one version of morality (the singularly correct one of course :roll: ) onto every woman.
This is just the latest tool.

morality enforcer.jpg
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

kenny|1331938194|3150365 said:
I also hate dishonesty.

I feel what's behind all this, but they'd never admit, is using a tool to scare and intimidate with the goal of forcing one version of morality (the singularly correct one of course :roll: ) onto every woman.

yes one group enforcing its view.......
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

movie zombie|1331938397|3150370 said:
kenny|1331938194|3150365 said:
I also hate dishonesty.

I feel what's behind all this, but they'd never admit, is using a tool to scare and intimidate with the goal of forcing one version of morality (the singularly correct one of course :roll: ) onto every woman.

yes one group enforcing its view.......

The group defined by sharing the goal of forcing one version of morality (the singularly correct one of course :roll: ) onto every woman.
Re: Use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy? You're fir

Keep it civil and about the issue of personal rights rather than religion or the thread will need to be closed. Thank you for your cooperation.