
Updates/take out your frustrations here

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Dec 9, 2008
This is where you can post what''s new with you on the LIW frount if it''s not quite new thread worthy. Had a good engagment talk with SO? Going ring shopping? Deciding what kind of ring to get? Think SO is up to somthing and the proposal is imminant?

LIW-itise getting you down? Have a rant here, gain a bit of sympathy from those who totally get it and get it out of your system.


Dec 9, 2008
I''ll start I guess...... Feburary LAST YEAR when we bought the ring I was sure I''d be happily flicking through wedding mags with a ring on my finger within 6months. Things havn''t quite worked out that way as a still need to find a job (there is just NOTHING in my industry at the moment) so we can move out of may parents house into our own place before we can get engaged (mutual desision). action on the engagment frount except my waining sanity.

Rant: I want this stage of stagnation to end, I want a job and I want us to get our own place. I want my effing ring, I''m sick of it hiding in our bedroom. I want to spend the rest of my life with my BF and I want that to start now and not be held off my my innability to get employed. End rant.


Aug 20, 2008
I have a nice update

We''ve been ring shopping a few times, and B has a pretty solid idea of my style (and by "pretty solid" I mean "incredibly specific"). just comes down to execution now! No exact timeline, but it''s been hinted that it''ll happen before my birthday (in July).


Aug 20, 2008
Date: 3/30/2010 7:34:46 PM
Author: 4ever
I''ll start I guess...... Feburary LAST YEAR when we bought the ring I was sure I''d be happily flicking through wedding mags with a ring on my finger within 6months. Things havn''t quite worked out that way as a still need to find a job (there is just NOTHING in my industry at the moment) so we can move out of may parents house into our own place before we can get engaged (mutual desision). action on the engagment frount except my waining sanity.

Rant: I want this stage of stagnation to end, I want a job and I want us to get our own place. I want my effing ring, I''m sick of it hiding in our bedroom. I want to spend the rest of my life with my BF and I want that to start now and not be held off my my innability to get employed. End rant.

Hugs! Been there (minus the ring) and it''s not fun at all. Hope you find a job soon, lady!


Mar 14, 2009
I''m with you 4ever, I need to find a job too and my industry isn''t hiring either. It''s frustraiting isn''t it ?

BF won''t be finishing his degree until october. no degree = no money = nothing doing.

So that''s my non-update.

I''m excited for you misskitty - it sounds like things are moving along!


Aug 10, 2009
I've been really down the past couple weeks about still being 'in waiting' and I'm glad this thread came up, since it's not worth me making my own thread really.

I had thought and hoped that we might get married this calendar year. But it's almost April and we've not bought a ring. Since neither of us want to get married in the winter, I've realized it isn't going to happen this year. BF says he knows he wants to marry me but he isn't ready yet. While that means a lot that he knows he wants to someday, it's not very comforting. I'm not a patient person - once I know what I want, I make it happen - and I can't do that with this. I try so hard to be patient and not to pressure him but when I really think about it I just break down and cry. I know that his unreadiness doesn't mean he doubts our relationship, it means he that he *does* want to get married but not right now.

And there's a wedding in my family this summer. If I am still not engaged by then, I'm going to get questioned about when I am getting married. Like I always do. I don't even want to go to the wedding *just* because of that, and that makes me feel like such an awful person.


May 26, 2009
BF recently told me that he already came up with a proposal plan. Apparently, he thought of it a while ago. Of course, he won''t tell me what it is.

However, I''m not sure if that will happen this year or not. I know that he''s been saving up for a ring, but both his computer and his car died within the last two months. I feel so bad for him because he just had to get a new car and computer, so I''m not expecting a proposal anytime in the near future.

With that being said, however, I haven''t really suffered from LIWitis lately. I''ve come to realize that it will happen eventually, so there''s no point in stressing out over it. In the meantime, I will just relax and enjoy the beautiful weather.


Aug 28, 2007
BF bought our diamond last week from GOG. Since the setting will be Tacori, he could either propose with a temporary setting and it could be any day now or it could be between 4-6 weeks which is how long the setting takes to make. Since we wanted to be engaged before we move in together and my lease is up in 4 weeks, I am thinking he might be going the temporary setting route, however I am totally happy either way. Hopefully I will be able to request a removal from the list soon.


Aug 14, 2009
UGH. My BF is a teacher and there''s budget cuts and drama at the school board, so officially, as of now, he will not have a job next school year. As in, his last paycheck is coming in August, I think. This news put an ENORMOUS damper on our plans. We had pretty much decided what jeweler we were going to work with and felt really ready to move forward with everything in a couple of months, and then this happened.

However, there is a chance that he''ll be "rehired" in July, but geez, that is cutting things so close! He''s going to start looking around and see if he can find a job in another parish, but things aren''t looking so great in that area either. He''s also working on his master''s, but he''s already said he doesn''t want to go back to school full time, so it''s hard to say what''s going to happen come August.

I''m also in braces for an estimated 3.5 more months, and we both want me to be brace-free before he proposes. Maybe that''s shallow, I don''t know, but I''m so over these things, and I''d rather be free of them before being engaged.

I''m really hoping that the orthodontist is overestimating and that my BF will find work soon, and everything will turn out the way we want it to. I feel strangely optimistic about everything, haha.


Mar 11, 2009
Hmmm not a whole lot of anything interesting to update about- still planning on starting to look seriously at rings this summer although I''m interested to see if SO will ever actually initiate any talk relating to engagement. He wants to get engaged, I know but he''s just so chill that I wonder if he will ever take the first step out of the status quo. Things are going well though, next week will be 9 months living together which is so hard to believe. The time has flown!

Just when I thought I had my ring preferences figured out, they are all over the radar again. I was dead set on a GOG OMC and now I''m thinking maybe an antique european cut... idk too many choices. Hopefully I''ll be able to hone in on some real preferences when we go ring shopping this summer.


Feb 9, 2010
no updates from me... other than me being really good about not bringing it up...

@jenmarie: I am having braces put on this summer for an estimated 2 years and I do not want to get married when I still have them. I sure hope he proposes well before then though!


Dec 9, 2008
Misskitty- I''m so glad everything is going well for you, I love to see someone in the top 10 come off the list. By that point, it is well earned! Also thank you for the support.

Hopedream- It sure is, I know it''s not me, it''s just the economy etc but I can''t help but take it personally. I hope things start looking up for you in your job surch soon.

Crossmyfingers- I''m sorry that things are progressing more slowly then you''d like, and I''m not a patient person either, it makes it so hard dosn''t it?

Sparklyring- I''m glad your in a good place with being a LIW at the moment, I look forward to hearing what your FF has come up with!

aVogueIdea- Sounds like you may not be a LIW for much longer, I bet even the temp ring would be stunning!

jenmarie- Sorry to hear about your BF''s job, that horrible luck and bad timing
I''m sure he will find somthing else and things will look up for you too soon. I hear you about the braces too, I had them as a teen but my bottem teeth have moved so I am debating with myself if it''s worth getting them put back on now...

Callisto- Hehe, sounds like your fairly set on an antique type cut, they are beautiful (I much prefer them to a RB personally) I bet any thing you pic will be stunning! Are you having it in an antique inspired setting also?

Speechie- Good job on being well behaved

I don''t usually do a respond to everyone who posted but I''m really feeling for the other LIW out there right now and would like you all to have big hugs. The wait will be worth it in the end!


Aug 14, 2009
I fully encourage orthodontic work! I originally had a consultation when I was 20, but my vanity got the better of me, and I put it off until last March, exactly a month after my 23rd birthday. I wish so badly that I had done it sooner! Not only because my teeth look better, but because my bite is amazing! It''s one of those things I never thought about before, but now that it''s corrected, it''s obvious to me every time I eat something. Braces are something I''d definitely put in to the category of "Why put off until tomorrow what you can get done today?"

I don''t feel too incredibly dreary in regards to BF''s job situation. We both felt pretty crappy this time last year about his job prospects, and his current job kind of fell into place. I feel strangely confident that things will work out for us, and hopefully we''ll be getting engaged sometime this summer! Fingers crossed and all that!


Feb 11, 2010
I feel like I''m in a similar situation as Crossmyfingers, my BF says he knows he wants to marry me but isn''t quite ready yet. I do know though that it will happen before October. I also know that he wants to have kind of a pre-conversation with my parents about the concept (not the typical may I marry your daughter convo- I guess). I''m not sure, just trying to bite my tongue and keep my talking about rings and engagement to a minimum. Dust to everyone else waiting!


Mar 16, 2010
Date: 3/30/2010 10:05:13 PM
Author: jenmarie
UGH. My BF is a teacher and there''s budget cuts and drama at the school board, so officially, as of now, he will not have a job next school year. As in, his last paycheck is coming in August, I think. This news put an ENORMOUS damper on our plans. We had pretty much decided what jeweler we were going to work with and felt really ready to move forward with everything in a couple of months, and then this happened.

However, there is a chance that he''ll be ''rehired'' in July, but geez, that is cutting things so close! He''s going to start looking around and see if he can find a job in another parish, but things aren''t looking so great in that area either. He''s also working on his master''s, but he''s already said he doesn''t want to go back to school full time, so it''s hard to say what''s going to happen come August.

I''m also in braces for an estimated 3.5 more months, and we both want me to be brace-free before he proposes. Maybe that''s shallow, I don''t know, but I''m so over these things, and I''d rather be free of them before being engaged.

I''m really hoping that the orthodontist is overestimating and that my BF will find work soon, and everything will turn out the way we want it to. I feel strangely optimistic about everything, haha.
You must be in Louisiana! I''m from there and actually flying back tomorrow to see my family. It''s strange that I never liked it when I lived there but now when I see someone from there I get all excited.
I''m sorry about your BF''s troubles. It seems LA always gets hit harder than most places with budget stuff. Best of luck as he continues to look for a job.

No updates really on my end-- we are still waiting to hear from the two grad schools BF applied to. Honestly I feel like it''s not good news if we still haven''t heard, BUT I''m trying to remind myself that maybe it''s good news if he hasn''t been outright rejected. Maybe he is on some sort of wait-list and they are waiting to see if their top-tier people accept their offers and if they don''t and there''s new spots that open up they want to give one to BF? That would be best case scenario at this point I guess. [sigh] Once he gets a full-time position somewhere, then we can think about moving forward...


Mar 25, 2010
My SO told me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me 3 months after we started dating. 6 months into our relationship he told his family that he wanted to marry me and they all thought that he was crazy. Although we both knew that we had found the one, we also wanted to take the time to get to know each other better. 17 months into our relationship, I moved into his house. A few months later, he said that he wanted us to go shopping for rings before my birthday. (I had a huge group vacation planned with my friends and family in Vegas for my 30th birthday.) We never made it into a store but we looked at some stuff online so he had an idea of what I liked. My birthday came and went without a ring. The winter holidays came and went without a proposal. 20 months into our relationship, he confronted me to say that the only reason that I had not gotten a ring was because he couldn''t find what I wanted within his budget. He asked for my help and I gave it to him. I would email him stuff that I would find. But the more that I read threads on Pricescope, the more I learned and I would have to send "don''t buy that ring" emails. For the past 6-7 weeks he has been begging me to just let him cut me a check and I take care of it. But I want him to be involved in the selection of the ring. This weekend we have two appointments. One with Whiteflash and one (pending) with Brian Gavin Diamonds. I really wanted to get married on 10/10/10. It looks like that won''t happen now. I just want a ring already! He thinks that I am obsessed with it. My response is that one of us has to be!


Mar 11, 2009
Date: 3/31/2010 6:36:30 AM
Author: 4ever

Callisto- Hehe, sounds like your fairly set on an antique type cut, they are beautiful (I much prefer them to a RB personally) I bet any thing you pick will be stunning! Are you having it in an antique inspired setting also?

Yeah I just love the chunky facet look. Oddly in my pre-pricescope days I thought I wanted a princess cut.... man was I way off base... I just didn''t know what else was out there!

I''m really a bit confused on what I''m going to do right now. I''m on a big reduce reuse and recycle kick right now (and hopefully permanently) so my options are pretty much down to going with a company that uses recycled metal (which I haven''t found any that I love their craftsmanship) or just buy an antique or estate ring/setting. I really want something a bit unique (honestly I like simpler settings also but I know it will bother me to get something too common of a style and see a lot of other people with similar rings)I''m keeping my eyes on JbEG since she sources such great items so hopefully she''ll post something like what I''m looking for (and in my budget). We''ll see.... hopefully I''ll have something to post by the end of the year or shortly after.


Apr 25, 2008
Date: 3/30/2010 7:36:34 PM
Author: misskitty
I have a nice update

We''ve been ring shopping a few times, and B has a pretty solid idea of my style (and by ''pretty solid'' I mean ''incredibly specific''). just comes down to execution now! No exact timeline, but it''s been hinted that it''ll happen before my birthday (in July).
Oh that''s awesome, MK!! I''m excited to hear about your progress!!!


Aug 29, 2009
I don''t have anything nice or exciting to update really.

I''d been having issues talking to BF about what will happen after we finish uni, not in a MARRY ME NOW way, I just wanted to know if we were planning to live together, would he move to me or me to him etc. It was tough, he''d just clam up and say we couldn''t think about it until it happens, a wait and see kinda thing. I eventually got really upset and told my sister about it, who told me I just had to explain to him how much it got to me etc.

So I did! Unfortunately for me, I''m the kinda girl who cries when she''s angry or frustrated, which angers and frustrates me, and it''s a vicious cycle. I started out all calm and collected saying I wasn''t trying to force him into talking about it, but we would have to talk about it and soon, because it''s not that far away anymore and it was starting to get to me. Obviously my calm demeanour disappeared after the first 5 words, and the waterworks start. AGH.

He said let''s talk about it! Yay! So I explain that I know that to some degree we have to wait and see, see what jobs are like in September etc etc, but I needed to know what we were aiming for, so I could know, cause I was starting to think the reason he didn''t want to talk about it was that he didn''t want to live with me at all. He got all shocked and upset and insists he does want to live with me, and so our "plan" was to both aim to get a job in London as soon as possible, and work on finding somewhere. Great.

Except now we can''t talk about it again. Or he''ll talk about living with someone else. He was talking on the phone the other day about saving up money to go on a holiday with one of his friends, and getting a flat with another one. That really upset me, firstly because he cancelled a holiday with me in December, insisting we would go in March or May (ahem, as if) and now says he can''t afford it until goodness knows when, and then to refuse to talk about living together and say you''re going to live with someone else?!

Egh. I know that I''ve got a bit of a hard time discerning between jokes and what he means, I have to force myself not to take anything too seriously because most of the time it is just something he''s said off the top of his head as a joke. I used to be so good and chilled and happy, then I got a bit of depression and it''s this massive struggle not to be a moany cow all the time.

Sorry about this essay...I think I needed this vent more than I realised!

Crossmyfingers - I''m SO impatient, I feel your pain. Right now I''m looking at cars and preparing to take a driving test in May, I''m getting so frustrated that I have to wait, I know what I want I just want to DO it already. I want to pass, and buy my car, not wait until May to maybe pass and then probably end of May/June to buy my car. It sucks. *hugs*


Dec 13, 2009
Well I have been doing so much better with focusing on our dating life and our relationship now, instead of focusing on the fact that we aren''t engaged.

BF''s birthday was almost two weeks ago. To celebrate we went to a casino about 30 minutes away. Neither of us had ever been and it was just something we both wanted to do. We walked in completely confused about what to do
. We both sat down at a slot machine just pushing buttons and trying to figure everything out when.....wait for it.....BF WON $1000!!! We were both in complete shock! He didn''t even know what was happening
. It was really funny. We stayed a little longer but BF still walked out with over $1000. He deposited it all into his savings the next day! So, what does all this have to do with waiting? Well, that $1000 took a pretty big chunk of time off my waiting for him to save money for the ring. So, it was exciting for us both. He told me that he wished he had won more so that we could have gone on an gotten the ring so we could get engaged.

It is still hard though because his cousin just got engaged about 4 weeks ago. Her ring is a gorgeous three stone with a 1 carat center and two 1/2 carats on either side! Talk about finger coverage! But, the only problem is that BF doesn''t want us to impose on anyone else''s "thunder" or get married near the other people in his family. His brother and sister are both engaged, his cousin is now engaged. He also has another cousin our age, who has been with his GF for longer than we have been together, and he will probably propose soon too. It''s like, I don''t want their relationship timelines to determine ours. I''m not too worried about it though.

Other than this, (I had been thinking about posting a thread about this anyways) BF has been acting really weird lately. He has just not been himself. Usually he''s a very happy person who is always joking and playing around with me and wants to talk about anything and everything. But, for the past three days, he''s not been talkative at all, not joking, not playing, and hasn''t been wanting sex. He acts like this sometimes whenever he''s had a bad day or if he''s super tired. But, we have both gotten plenty of sleep the past two or three nights. I have asked him a few times if everything was okay or if something is wrong and he keeps saying everything is fine. But, I can''t help but feel like he wouldn''t be acting like this if everything was fine. I don''t want to keep asking him because I know that can get frustrating.

Do you ladies have any ideas that could help me figure out what is going on?


Aug 28, 2007
Date: 3/30/2010 7:36:34 PM
Author: misskitty
I have a nice update

We''ve been ring shopping a few times, and B has a pretty solid idea of my style (and by ''pretty solid'' I mean ''incredibly specific''). just comes down to execution now! No exact timeline, but it''s been hinted that it''ll happen before my birthday (in July).
That''s very exciting! hopefully in the next few months you and I will be able to free up two spots in the top 10 for other LIW...fingers crossed. What styles are you looking at?


Oct 19, 2009
I''ve got a good update!

The jewelry store just called this morning saying that my ring is ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We''ll go pick it up in the next couple of days!


Nov 11, 2008
Crossmyfingers, I don''t have any good advice for you but boy can I ever relate!! I''m just glad I didn''t put myself on "the list" when bf and I first started ring shopping... IN DECEMBER 2008. He''d been talking engagement for about a year at that point (and we''d been dating for 2) but I had a feeling he wasn''t completely ready. Looking back now, I think he was going along with it because he knew that''s what I wanted (and because I told him I''d walk if he didn''t get it together!) Now, clearly I didn''t want to rope him into anything, and I kind of felt like it was me that he was hesitant about more so than getting engaged, etc. Honestly, it was really discouraging for awhile. I''m with you on family weddings being painful though- in the nearly 3.5 yrs we''ve been dating, I''ve had about four family weddings (and even more friends getting married) and have another this fall. My family''s like yours at these things, I get plenty of "sooooo have you two talked about getting married?" and "when''s bf going to pop the question comments?". And to boot- I''m a h.s teacher and I get TONS of comments from my students "Ms Babygirl, how old are you again? (I''m 28) Isn''t that kind of old not to be married? Do you at least have any kids? Do you have a bf? Do you think you''ll get married??" BRUTAL!

In any event, I think we''re in a pretty good place (sounds so lame, I know) right now. Bf is saying it will happen within the next month or so but I don''t think he''s bought the ring. (We''ve been shopping a bunch of times and we have a few styles we both like- he''ll make the final decision and I don''t even know what he''s envisioning. However, he''s been AMAZING at buying me jewelry thus far so I trust him almost! completely!) He also says he wants to get married in the fall, as in- this fall. We''ve discussed possible venues and then I very delicately pointed out that I currently don''t have a ring on my finger and he''s going to need to speed things up if he wants to give us time to throw a wedding together in a matter of months!
Apparently he wants to ask my dad for my hand in person and we''re long distance- so maybe it will happen the next time he comes to visit (in the next month or so). It''s getting realllllly hard not to count my chickens before they''ve hatched but I''m doing my best to hang in there.

Whew, apparently I really needed to vent!!


Jan 8, 2010
Date: 3/30/2010 9:27:54 PM
Author: crossmyfingers
I''ve been really down the past couple weeks about still being ''in waiting'' and I''m glad this thread came up, since it''s not worth me making my own thread really.

I had thought and hoped that we might get married this calendar year. But it''s almost April and we''ve not bought a ring. Since neither of us want to get married in the winter, I''ve realized it isn''t going to happen this year. BF says he knows he wants to marry me but he isn''t ready yet. While that means a lot that he knows he wants to someday, it''s not very comforting. I''m not a patient person - once I know what I want, I make it happen - and I can''t do that with this. I try so hard to be patient and not to pressure him but when I really think about it I just break down and cry. I know that his unreadiness doesn''t mean he doubts our relationship, it means he that he *does* want to get married but not right now.

And there''s a wedding in my family this summer. If I am still not engaged by then, I''m going to get questioned about when I am getting married. Like I always do. I don''t even want to go to the wedding *just* because of that, and that makes me feel like such an awful person.
Hello crossmyfingers I feel the SAME way! If I think about my situation enough I could cry for a very long time and I have cried for a bit of time on and off. Sucks cause my bf''s younger brother is getting married this july (my birthday is in June) so I am getting worried that something will not happen by the wedding and everyone will be asking me when my turn is..ah well there isn''t much we can do but wait unfortunatly
My bf has said the same thing, that he wants to marry me, just not right now. That can be hard to take when you already feel so wonderful about marrying him! So I totally know how you feel, have you two been out looking at rings at all yet? It is so hard to have a dream and hold out hope (like you were for getting married this calendar year) and then have to come to the realization that it will not be happening...but think of how wonderful you will feel when you do get that ring on your hand! Even though I know it can be so difficult, keep the hope alive as well all must here in the LIW list!


Jan 8, 2010
Date: 3/31/2010 9:06:25 AM
Author: Rose_Dust
I feel like I''m in a similar situation as Crossmyfingers, my BF says he knows he wants to marry me but isn''t quite ready yet. I do know though that it will happen before October. I also know that he wants to have kind of a pre-conversation with my parents about the concept (not the typical may I marry your daughter convo- I guess). I''m not sure, just trying to bite my tongue and keep my talking about rings and engagement to a minimum. Dust to everyone else waiting!
rose_dust, sounds like you, me, and crossmyfingers are all in the same situation! Its so hard to keep from bringing it up!! Dust to everyone else waiting and extra dust to all three of us!!


Aug 20, 2008
Date: 3/31/2010 1:10:58 PM
Author: aVogueIdea
Date: 3/30/2010 7:36:34 PM

Author: misskitty

I have a nice update

We''ve been ring shopping a few times, and B has a pretty solid idea of my style (and by ''pretty solid'' I mean ''incredibly specific''). just comes down to execution now! No exact timeline, but it''s been hinted that it''ll happen before my birthday (in July).
That''s very exciting! hopefully in the next few months you and I will be able to free up two spots in the top 10 for other LIW...fingers crossed. What styles are you looking at?

Woot woot, top 10 spots freeing up

We both really like emerald cuts and Vatche-style X-prong settings. The funny thing is, I knew I liked those before we went ring shopping, but didn''t really say anything to him (I wanted to keep an open mind, and also not be pushy) but it works out that he happens to prefer them as well!


Mar 11, 2009
Well I think I am settled on a setting. If you spend any time in CS you know that this has been a big deal issue for me and I have changed my mind a thousand times. I believe we will be placing the order for it and I expect an engagement in or before June. I expect in or before June because we both want a Jan 2011 wedding and I told him I need a minimum of 6 months to plan it.


Aug 28, 2007
Date: 3/31/2010 10:45:45 PM
Author: misskitty

Date: 3/31/2010 1:10:58 PM
Author: aVogueIdea

Date: 3/30/2010 7:36:34 PM

Author: misskitty

I have a nice update

We''ve been ring shopping a few times, and B has a pretty solid idea of my style (and by ''pretty solid'' I mean ''incredibly specific''). just comes down to execution now! No exact timeline, but it''s been hinted that it''ll happen before my birthday (in July).
That''s very exciting! hopefully in the next few months you and I will be able to free up two spots in the top 10 for other LIW...fingers crossed. What styles are you looking at?

Woot woot, top 10 spots freeing up

We both really like emerald cuts and Vatche-style X-prong settings. The funny thing is, I knew I liked those before we went ring shopping, but didn''t really say anything to him (I wanted to keep an open mind, and also not be pushy) but it works out that he happens to prefer them as well!
We just bought an emerald cut from GOG. I LOVE EC''s! Vatche x-prong has been one of my favorites for a long time, its so classic. With that style, your ring is sure to be stunning, can''t wait to see it. Congrats on the update!


Aug 20, 2008
Date: 3/31/2010 11:14:42 PM
Author: aVogueIdea
Date: 3/31/2010 10:45:45 PM

Author: misskitty

Date: 3/31/2010 1:10:58 PM

Author: aVogueIdea

Date: 3/30/2010 7:36:34 PM

Author: misskitty

I have a nice update

We''ve been ring shopping a few times, and B has a pretty solid idea of my style (and by ''pretty solid'' I mean ''incredibly specific''). just comes down to execution now! No exact timeline, but it''s been hinted that it''ll happen before my birthday (in July).
That''s very exciting! hopefully in the next few months you and I will be able to free up two spots in the top 10 for other LIW...fingers crossed. What styles are you looking at?

Woot woot, top 10 spots freeing up

We both really like emerald cuts and Vatche-style X-prong settings. The funny thing is, I knew I liked those before we went ring shopping, but didn''t really say anything to him (I wanted to keep an open mind, and also not be pushy) but it works out that he happens to prefer them as well!
We just bought an emerald cut from GOG. I LOVE EC''s! Vatche x-prong has been one of my favorites for a long time, its so classic. With that style, your ring is sure to be stunning, can''t wait to see it. Congrats on the update!

Congrats on your update as well! Can''t wait to see your ring, EC + Tacori = sounds awesome.


Feb 11, 2010
So how many ways can you ask the same question in a different way, I feel like I am going for a world record. Last night I asked if he had started thinking about how he was going to ask and he said not until he actually has the ring in his possession just in case he comes up with something good. Why are guys (at least mine specifically) so far behind in this thought process compared to women (or just me)??? I feel like I''ve thought about those kinds of things a million times over. Sigh....just trying to hang on.
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