
Two stones to chose from and I going crazy

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Dec 6, 2004
Diamond lovers, I need your help.
I have studied and done too much research and now I finally narrowed it down to just two. But I can''''t seem to be able to make the final decision and I could use a little advise.

First Stone;
Blue Nile Signature Ideal
1.52, G, VS1
Depth 60.3, Table 56%, crown angle 33.7, pavillion angle 41, and HCA score of 1 (EX, EX, EX, VG)
Price 15,400.00

Second Stone;
Whiteflash A Cut Above
1.504, E, VS2
Depth 60.9, Table 56, crown angle 34.7, pavillion 40.8, and HCA score of 1.3 (EX, EX, EX, VG)
Price 16,000.00

I could really use your input with regards to this stones. I am scared since I have not seen this stones and I am going by the HCA score to help me decide. I saw recently a Lazare that I loved but smaller and when I scored it, 1.8. So by that I figured that a lower score with these stones can only mean just as beautiful. Is going E really worth the premium? Or G and VS1 trump an E VS2?
Another little question is about Whiteflash. I have read a lot about Bluenile and I feel safe with them, but there is little out there about Whiteflash. Any first hand experiences?
I greatly appreciate any imput on this matter and thank you ahead of time.


Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
Don't go crazy!

Sorry, but why those two?

Generally, White Flash (particularly!) and most of the vendors here, particularly the ones who maintain their own inventory of diamonds, and consistent with this, are viewable here for your own search and analysis, are quite reliable. You can search the boards here to see comments about them, and for that matter, about Blue Nile, which are positively regarded, but also thought to be a bit high priced...probably intermediate between the internet vendors here and the B&M locals...probably because they're the largest, as you are sensitive to, most well known, and generally can get away with it.

But, given the qualities you are reasonably sensitive to, why those two? Using the database referenced in my note above (it does the HCA calculation for you, too!), you might consider even a few others, not the least of which is this one from Nice Ice.

Get what you want; it's a lot of money, and you deserve it!

with best wishes,


Oct 6, 2004
Whiteflash offers a discount to Pricescope viewers. Do a search on this website by diamond size & the cash price will be displayed. If you pay by credit card add 2 % to that price. Also where will you be getting your setting from? Whiteflash has nicer settings than Blue Nile in my opinion. My choice would be for the Whiteflash E diamond. It doesn''t cost that much more & an E color is very very nice. Also have you checked the diameter of the stones, that will tell you which one looks larger.

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
OK, so based on the kind of assistance you are seeking, I find I''m taking you in the wrong direction. Still...

...another reason to go with White Flash, is the other database of diamonds provided here on Pricescope, where a lot of diamonds are presented that are generally available, generally categorized by type, and generally less expensive that those kept in-house by the vendors otherwise.

So, for example, looking at this other database, you could see this one (selected because of it''s cost, symmetry, polish, cert, and popularity -- it''s listed by several vendors on the list, if you search for: 1.5 - 1.6, G, VS2, AGS0), and more than a dozen others that could provide additional savings, if you''d like to even entertain more options at this point. So, selecting your original WF option, you could also ask them to call in this other one, and help them compare them both for you.

Alternately, this new WF option at $12,7 (when viewed on the database, with Pricescope discount) has such a disparate pricing model than the "A Cut Above" may just want to consider how to have those two options compared effectively against each other. Perhaps hearing what WF has to say about the difference would be informative. Another option (perhaps exercised after WF is asked to account for the difference) is to engage an independent appraiser, have them actually compare the Nice Ice option against the new WF option, and see what their comments would be.

Last option, just take 2 diamonds....and call your doctor in the morning.

I''m afraid you were hoping to narrow down, rather than open up your options, so I have to imagine I''ve been of little help. Just found I couldn''t help myself.


Dec 6, 2004
Thank you to everyone for your prompt response to my dilema. I have gone on to look for the preclasified HCA stones on pricescope and now my new question is what is teh service of Nice Ice?
Also how far will HCA score will take anyone in deciding how good is a stone? As I mentioned the Lazare I saw was 1.8 (Ex, Ex, Vg, Vg) and was beautiful.
Regarding the demensions of the 2 diamonds previously mentioned the WF 1.504 is ~7.42 X 7.43 x 4.52 and the BN is 7.5 x 7.54 x 4.54. Will this really be such a large difference?

Thanks again for all of your advise.


Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
Nice Ice is a well regarded vendor on the west coast, known for existing both as a "b&m" real jewelry store, as well as being an internet vendor.

Re the last item on size, the difference seemed not huge to me, but not sure, and Rosy''s point is worth noting.

There''s lot''s written about HCA here, and it''s reliability as a predictor. Do a search on the term at the top right. At a distance, it''s a significant resource, howver, the vendors here also provide various sorts of pictures you can use to compare, and you may find these helpful. But, re HCA, I think you''ll find the author/creator is among it''s most serious critics as to it''s ultimate value, and he will frequently tell you to go look at a picture of some sort. With my limited experience, I''ve come to value it as a good predictor for performance.

Again, best wishes,


Jun 26, 2004
Well, I think they are pretty much the same size... Not a huge difference there.

They will both look beautiful. I''d go for the color, as both the clarities are more than adequate. You do though have a few choices at that level though.
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