
Trump wants to bang his daughter? Huh?


Aug 12, 2005
I don't like Trump and I'm pretty f-in liberal, but I really don't want to click on this link you posted. A, it sounds like clickbait. B, it just sounds like some inflammatory bs someone came up with. You can do better!


Jan 26, 2003
monarch64|1449910390|3960587 said:
I don't like Trump and I'm pretty f-in liberal, but I really don't want to click on this link you posted. A, it sounds like clickbait. B, it just sounds like some inflammatory bs someone came up with. You can do better!

You're wrong this time, Monnie. I thought perhaps kenny was just going to rehash the issue of Donald Trump's saying that he would like to date Ivanka if she were not his daughter (which was really distasteful to me but certainly not anything criminal). This was put up to entertain us, though. It is a segment of a comedy show that I found not only quite funny because of the way it skewered Trump, but informative. I had no idea that he had said some of the things he did about Ivanka, He looks utterly ridiculous and incredibly sleazy. It is really astounding that the man is running for president and speaking this way about sex. He isn't just some congressman like Anthony Wiener. Of course Anthony Wiener was elected. Donald Trump never has been.



Aug 12, 2005
Alright, Deb, I'll take YOUR word for it. I'll watch in a few hours.

But only because you said so. :wavey:


Jan 26, 2003
monarch64|1449913363|3960590 said:
Alright, Deb, I'll take YOUR word for it. I'll watch in a few hours.

But only because you said so. :wavey:

Where's that smiley icon? ;))



Jul 7, 2004
monarch64|1449910390|3960587 said:
I don't like Trump and I'm pretty f-in liberal, but I really don't want to click on this link you posted. A, it sounds like clickbait. B, it just sounds like some inflammatory bs someone came up with. You can do better!
It's from Comedy Central, the Daily Show specifically, and it's BRILLIANT. It's legit, and the Daily Show basically let Trump do his own damage. He is GROSS and this just calls more attention to it.

And here's a follow up because he tried to "damage control" it after this aired and only did more damage.


Oct 2, 2014
OMG!!!!!! Poor Ivanka.

BTW, I love Trevor Noah - so funny!!


Jan 26, 2003
ame|1449935025|3960626 said:
monarch64|1449910390|3960587 said:
I don't like Trump and I'm pretty f-in liberal, but I really don't want to click on this link you posted. A, it sounds like clickbait. B, it just sounds like some inflammatory bs someone came up with. You can do better!
It's from Comedy Central, the Daily Show specifically, and it's BRILLIANT. It's legit, and the Daily Show basically let Trump do his own damage. He is GROSS and this just calls more attention to it.

And here's a follow up because he tried to "damage control" it after this aired and only did more damage.

Thanks for the update, Ame. I am not a prude. If Donald Trump has secret sexual thoughts about Ivanka, he is not the only man who has or has had thoughts about his daughter, but would never dream of acting upon them. (I am giving him the benefit of the doubt here and assuming that he is one of the many men and women who can fantasize without acting on his fantasies.)

What bothers me so much about Mr. Trump is that he doesn't realize that that fantasies like those are personal and should not not be shared publicly, especially if one wants to be elected president in a country like the United States in 2015. It shows incredibly bad judgement. It also shows a disregard for his daughter's probable feelings as Trevor Noah pointed out. It would be an unusual young woman who would wish to have her father discuss his sexual fantasies about her on television. One has to think that he is oblivious to how Ivanka might feel, that he just cannot imagine that she wouldn't be flattered by his desiring her as a sexual object. His narcissism is so overwhelming that it blinds him and he doesn't have the common sense any normal person would have.



Jul 23, 2012
Jambalaya|1449935697|3960629 said:
OMG!!!!!! Poor Ivanka.

BTW, I love Trevor Noah - so funny!!

I heart Trevor Noah too I hope he does well Jon was such a hard act to follow.

As for the skit, the one that got me the most was the Wendy Williams show.

I don't think he really wants to "bang" her, but its very odd, distasteful, and disrespectful to his daughter to say those things constantly

I think he's moreso trying to make himself look like a man who could get attractive woman and someone who has "the best of everything" including and attractive daughter.


Jun 7, 2014
monarch64|1449910390|3960587 said:
I don't like Trump and I'm pretty f-in liberal, but I really don't want to click on this link you posted. A, it sounds like clickbait. B, it just sounds like some inflammatory bs someone came up with. You can do better!

Monnie, I thought the same thing a few weeks ago when I heard aboutthis. Debs correct, he made some weird comments. I think politcally you and I are pretty much sitting on the same side of the fence but gosh you really have to wonder what the heck the republicans were thinking and how the they let this clown get this far. I heard the other day that initially the Republicans were worried about Rand Paul and they didn't see Trump as being a contender who would get very far. Deb, Have you heard anything about this?


Jun 26, 2007
Poor Trumpy!
He's so misunderstood! LOL


Jul 7, 2004
Speaking of hilarious takedowns--did you see Jon Stewart "crash" Colbert's monologue the other night? I almost DIED laughing at the dorito dust part.

I seriously wonder wtf his kids are thinking, not just about THIS situation, but about him running his mouth in general. His current nonsense about closing the borders and "closing the internet" is seriously doing massive damage to their business interests. Ivanka, personally, was very proud of the work she's done in the Middle East with their hotel business, etc., and now her dad has basically shat all over it. Not only has that caused their properties over in the Middle East some serious security risks, as well as those customers who might visit them, but the amount of business they might get, and the employees at those various properties. It's evident he does not at all think about the ramifications prior to running his yapper.

I said it before and I will say it again, whether he gets elected or not, this campaign is going to bankrupt him yet again, or bring him damn close because he is so polarizing that too many possible business entities are going to run screaming from him and his companies, and that will affect his kids, who will be taking over for him at some point. Ugh, he is such a pox on this planet.


Apr 30, 2005
monarch64|1449910390|3960587 said:
... You can do better!

Yes, Mommy ... I mean Monny! :mrgreen:

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
AGBF|1449941883|3960655 said:
ame|1449935025|3960626 said:
monarch64|1449910390|3960587 said:
I don't like Trump and I'm pretty f-in liberal, but I really don't want to click on this link you posted. A, it sounds like clickbait. B, it just sounds like some inflammatory bs someone came up with. You can do better!
It's from Comedy Central, the Daily Show specifically, and it's BRILLIANT. It's legit, and the Daily Show basically let Trump do his own damage. He is GROSS and this just calls more attention to it.

And here's a follow up because he tried to "damage control" it after this aired and only did more damage.

Thanks for the update, Ame. I am not a prude. If Donald Trump has secret sexual thoughts about Ivanka, he is not the only man who has or has had thoughts about his daughter, but would never dream of acting upon them. (I am giving him the benefit of the doubt here and assuming that he is one of the many men and women who can fantasize without acting on his fantasies.)

What bothers me so much about Mr. Trump is that he doesn't realize that that fantasies like those are personal and should not not be shared publicly, especially if one wants to be elected president in a country like the United States in 2015. It shows incredibly bad judgement. It also shows a disregard for his daughter's probable feelings as Trevor Noah pointed out. It would be an unusual young woman who would wish to have her father discuss his sexual fantasies about her on television. One has to think that he is oblivious to how Ivanka might feel, that he just cannot imagine that she wouldn't be flattered by his desiring her as a sexual object. His narcissism is so overwhelming that it blinds him and he doesn't have the common sense any normal person would have.


I'm giving this post a standing ovation! I'd take it out on an illicit weekend if I could.
: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: appl:


Mar 24, 2011
"Real estate and golf: both normal answers that do not make me want to puke...." LOLZZZZ

First, this is really funny. Secondly, I need to take a shower. Donald really gives me the ickies!


Jan 1, 2011
"I have never been more grateful for ellipses in my life." :lol:


Mar 3, 2013
Don't care. One bit. I think that it's completely irrelevant and means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I don't see it as demonstrating "poor judgement" etc. - Trump says a lot of dumb things and people are well aware of that, so why would this commentary come as any surprise? There are real issue/concerns with Trump, but this is certainly not one of them....


Mar 5, 2013
It was definitely funny. The follow up was good because it demonstrated, yet again, how out of touch he is ("crickets" in the audience with Mike and Kelly as he desperately tried to get the audience to support his freakish comments). Watching any Daily Show clip makes me sad that Jon retired when he did - he'd have had a field day with everything right now. I wish he'd have hung in there just another year or so.

IMO, anything and everything is relevant about a presidential contender. A president who repeatedly infers that he thinks of his daughter in a sexual way is quite gross. Once is a gaffe. Two, three, four times? You're an idiot who shouldn't be representing the US, especially when it comes to negotiating sensitive matters with the world at large.

Everything a candidate does is studied for a reason. They are putting themselves on display and showing us, via their actions, how they would potentially act as POTUS. Do we want a POTUS who repeatedly refers to his biological daughter in a lasciviously sexual way? I certainly don't.

But again, there's really no way he will be president. I can't see it happening in any scenario.


Jul 23, 2012
momhappy|1450037835|3960985 said:
Don't care. One bit. I think that it's completely irrelevant and means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I don't see it as demonstrating "poor judgement" etc. - Trump says a lot of dumb things and people are well aware of that, so why would this commentary come as any surprise? There are real issue/concerns with Trump, but this is certainly not one of them....

I suspect you do not watch the daily show, so I will say that Noah did do a lengthy segment on the legitimate dangers of Trump right before this humorous segment about his inappropriate remarks. Being a satirical news show, it focuses on both serious and light political topics.


Aug 12, 2005
Ok, I finally watched it. Part of it. He is gross and says things that stupid teenage boys say when they want to piss off their moms or teachers. :sick: I feel kind of sorry for Ivanka, only with regard to the totally inappropriate comments her dad has made about "if she wasn't my daughter."

I should've watched it before my initial comment here. Sorry! :wall: Sometimes I have the dumbs. (At least I can admit it, unlike our unfortunate DT.)


Apr 30, 2005
monarch64|1450049018|3961033 said:
Ok, I finally watched it. Part of it. He is gross and says things that stupid teenage boys say when they want to piss off their moms or teachers. :sick: I feel kind of sorry for Ivanka, only with regard to the totally inappropriate comments her dad has made about "if she wasn't my daughter."

I should've watched it before my initial comment here. Sorry! :wall: Sometimes I have the dumbs. (At least I can admit it, unlike our unfortunate DT.)

I have dumbs too. :knockout:

Ouch! having dumbs smarts. ;-)


Aug 12, 2005
kenny|1450052228|3961049 said:
monarch64|1450049018|3961033 said:
Ok, I finally watched it. Part of it. He is gross and says things that stupid teenage boys say when they want to piss off their moms or teachers. :sick: I feel kind of sorry for Ivanka, only with regard to the totally inappropriate comments her dad has made about "if she wasn't my daughter."

I should've watched it before my initial comment here. Sorry! :wall: Sometimes I have the dumbs. (At least I can admit it, unlike our unfortunate DT.)

I have dumbs too. :knockout:

Ouch! having dumbs smarts. ;-)




Mar 3, 2013
Niel|1450048353|3961029 said:
momhappy|1450037835|3960985 said:
Don't care. One bit. I think that it's completely irrelevant and means nothing in the grand scheme of things. I don't see it as demonstrating "poor judgement" etc. - Trump says a lot of dumb things and people are well aware of that, so why would this commentary come as any surprise? There are real issue/concerns with Trump, but this is certainly not one of them....

I suspect you do not watch the daily show, so I will say that Noah did do a lengthy segment on the legitimate dangers of Trump right before this humorous segment about his inappropriate remarks. Being a satirical news show, it focuses on both serious and light political topics.

I don't watch it regularly, but I do catch it every once in a while. I watched the clip (before I wrote my initial post here) and while I think his remarks are odd, I didn't think much of it. I think in some weird way, he's proud of what he "made" and his comments are a twisted way of not only complementing his daughter, but also himself - sort of like, he made a woman so perfect, if she wasn't his daughter, he'd date her. Again, twisted, but I don't think that he really, truly wants to bang her - I think things just come flying out of his mouth before he has a chance to think about whether or not they are okay to share out loud.


Apr 30, 2005
momhappy|1450054343|3961063 said:
I think things just come flying out of his mouth before he has a chance to think about whether or not they are okay to share out loud.

Do you feel that is an acceptable quality in a President of the United States?

Earlier in this thread you posted, "Don't care. One bit. I think that it's completely irrelevant and means nothing in the grand scheme of things.".


Mar 3, 2013
I still don't think it means anything in the grand scheme of things because again, I think that while the comments are certainly odd, I don't think they mean that he truly wants to "bang" his daughter. There are many things about DT that I find troubling and you don't have to look that hard to find his flaws, but I don't feel the need to pick apart every little thing he says. I have already formed an overall opinion of him.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
momhappy|1450059679|3961091 said:
I still don't think it means anything in the grand scheme of things because again, I think that while the comments are certainly odd, I don't think they mean that he truly wants to "bang" his daughter. There are many things about DT that I find troubling and you don't have to look that hard to find his flaws, but I don't feel the need to pick apart every little thing he says. I have already formed an overall opinion of him.

"Odd" is too broad. The adjectives I would use to describe Trump's speech are tasteless, crass, crude, boorish, unseemly, gauche, inappropriate..OK, I admit using a thesaurus!

The thing is, this is how he sounds all the time. He's so classless that it's not even surprising that he'd talk about his daughter this way! He thinks the highest compliment you can give a woman is to positively comment on her good looks and sex appeal. Such a dickwad.


Aug 12, 2005
Has "dickwad" ever been said on PS before? Because it should've been. :wavey:


Apr 21, 2010
Niel|1449943350|3960661 said:
Jambalaya|1449935697|3960629 said:
OMG!!!!!! Poor Ivanka.

BTW, I love Trevor Noah - so funny!!

I heart Trevor Noah too I hope he does well Jon was such a hard act to follow.

As for the skit, the one that got me the most was the Wendy Williams show.

I don't think he really wants to "bang" her, but its very odd, distasteful, and disrespectful to his daughter to say those things constantly

I think he's moreso trying to make himself look like a man who could get attractive woman and someone who has "the best of everything" including and attractive daughter.

Whenever I hear Americans complimenting Trevor Noah I instinctively go, "thank you, thank you very much" and smiiiiiiiiiiiiile! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm South African and we think BraTrev is pretty awesome too. ;)) Glad you're enjoying him! :lol:


Mar 3, 2013
Maria D|1450067929|3961118 said:
momhappy|1450059679|3961091 said:
I still don't think it means anything in the grand scheme of things because again, I think that while the comments are certainly odd, I don't think they mean that he truly wants to "bang" his daughter. There are many things about DT that I find troubling and you don't have to look that hard to find his flaws, but I don't feel the need to pick apart every little thing he says. I have already formed an overall opinion of him.

"Odd" is too broad. The adjectives I would use to describe Trump's speech are tasteless, crass, crude, boorish, unseemly, gauche, inappropriate..OK, I admit using a thesaurus!

The thing is, this is how he sounds all the time. He's so classless that it's not even surprising that he'd talk about his daughter this way! He thinks the highest compliment you can give a woman is to positively comment on her good looks and sex appeal. Such a dickwad.

Odd is just fine with me, which is why I posted it - everyone is entitled to their opinions =)
I just think this topic is reaching to prove something that has already been proven. DT has displayed some alarming flaws, so I don't think that it's necessary to nit-pick every tiny thing he's ever said. He obviously admires his daughter (and maybe in a way that's sort of creepy), but I don't think it's relevant to his campaign.


Jan 26, 2003
momhappy|1450096989|3961194 said:
Maria D|1450067929|3961118 said:
momhappy|1450059679|3961091 said:
I still don't think it means anything in the grand scheme of things because again, I think that while the comments are certainly odd, I don't think they mean that he truly wants to "bang" his daughter. There are many things about DT that I find troubling and you don't have to look that hard to find his flaws, but I don't feel the need to pick apart every little thing he says. I have already formed an overall opinion of him.

"Odd" is too broad. The adjectives I would use to describe Trump's speech are tasteless, crass, crude, boorish, unseemly, gauche, inappropriate..OK, I admit using a thesaurus!

The thing is, this is how he sounds all the time. He's so classless that it's not even surprising that he'd talk about his daughter this way! He thinks the highest compliment you can give a woman is to positively comment on her good looks and sex appeal. Such a dickwad.

Odd is just fine with me, which is why I posted it - everyone is entitled to their opinions =)
I just think this topic is reaching to prove something that has already been proven. DT has displayed some alarming flaws, so I don't think that it's necessary to nit-pick every tiny thing he's ever said. He obviously admires his daughter (and maybe in a way that's sort of creepy), but I don't think it's relevant to his campaign.

As I said above to Monnie, I believe that kenny provided the link to entertain us more than to alert us to some infamy. I was very entertained. Yesterday when my brother and I spent a long day in the hospital with my father, we talked about all sorts of things. I found out that my niece, who is an assistant film editor in the Los Angeles area likes Comedy Central and that my brother has seen Trevor Noah (of whom I had bever heard prior to kenny's posting). I asked my brother if he had seen the episode posted above and he had. He hadn't seen fit to mention it to me. It was obviously just something amusing (to him) that he had seen. But he is a die-hard Democrat, an attorney, and extremely well-informed. He wouldn't get all worked up over a comedy show.

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