
Trump says the basic cognitive test was "difficult"


Oct 15, 2016
I've administered this test. It isn't hard. That he is bragging about "aceing" a basic screening tool is hysterical and so scary at the same time.

My favourite part of the article is this: “They say, ‘That’s amazing. How did you do that?’ I do it because I have, like, a good memory,” he said. “Because I’m cognitively there.”



Sep 10, 2003
Transcript of his interview with Fox News correspondent. The cognitivity (I know it's not a real word) flows like a rat lost in a maze.

"So, the last time I was at the hospital, well, probably a year ago, a little less than a year ago, I asked the doctor. I said: 'Is there some kind of a cognitive test that I could take? Because I have been hearing about it, because I want to shut these people up.'
"They're -- they're fake news. They make up stories. I mean, like, I will do an interview with you. You -- I didn't say you can ask me about this, you can't -- I say, ask me anything. I did one with Chris Wallace.
"He was nice enough to say. He said, I just want to tell the audience there was no question that's off bounds, OK? And he's a tough cookie. And it was a good interview. I liked it. I enjoyed it. And it was good.

"But I didn't say, you can only ask this. You can only -- we have to be sharp. If you're in the office of the presidency, we have to be sharp.
"So, they were saying all these different things. It was going all over, whichever stuck. None of it stuck, fortunately. But one of the reasons it didn't is that I took a test. I said to the doctor -- it was Dr. Ronny Jackson -- I said: 'Is there some kind of a test, an acuity test?'

"And he said: 'There actually is.' And he named it, whatever it might be. And it was 30 or 35 questions. The first questions are very easy. The last questions are much more difficult, like a memory question. It's like, you will go person, woman, man, camera, TV.
"So, they say, could you repeat that? So, I said, yes. So, it's person, woman, man, camera, TV. OK, that's very good.
"If you get it in order, you get extra points. If you -- OK, now he's asking you other questions, other questions. And then 10 minutes, 15, 20 minutes later, they say, remember the first question, not the first, but the 10th question? Give us that again. Can you do that again? And you go, person, woman, man, camera TV.

"If you get it in order, you get extra points.

"They said, nobody gets it in order. It's actually not that easy. But, for me, it was easy.

"And that's not an easy question. In other words, they ask you to -- they give you five names, and you have to repeat them. And that's OK. If you repeat them out of order, it's OK, but you know, it's not as good.

"But then, when you go back, about 20, 25 minutes later, and they say, go back to that question -- they don't tell you this. Go back to that question, and repeat them. Can you do it? And you go, person, woman, man, camera, TV.

"They say: 'That's amazing. How did you do that?'

"I do it because I have, like, a good memory, because I'm cognitively there."



Sep 17, 2008


Sep 16, 2009
I've administered this test. It isn't hard. That he is bragging about "aceing" a basic screening tool is hysterical and so scary at the same time.

My favourite part of the article is this: “They say, ‘That’s amazing. How did you do that?’ I do it because I have, like, a good memory,” he said. “Because I’m cognitively there.”

I had a student work/study job entering similar test results for a clinical trial.

I laughed out loud when he said he aced the test and they were amazed that he did so well.

Maybe they were expecting a fail?


Aug 18, 2013
I read one psychologist's comments on it. He said:

"It's the type of test where - if you get any questions wrong - we take your driver's license away."

Loved it.

And I love that he's "cognitively there". As opposed to...cognitively...over here? As I've so often said - it's important to know are...cognitively speaking....


Feb 25, 2014
Anyone considering Biden should really investigate further. I truly believe he has a cognitive issue. There is a reason he's seldom publically seen... Even then he rarely will answer questions from the press. I venture to guess that there will be no presidential debates this year either. Excuses and unprecedented conditions will be made to prevent Joe from publically engaging with Trump one on one.
Biden's VP pick will be running the country should he win the election.

Watch "'Biden's cognitive issues can no longer be ignored'" on YouTube

Donning my asbesto suit now...
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Feb 16, 2009
Well, Sky News' founder is Murdoch, so that pretty much rules them out for me.Biden has a stuttering problem, that's been well known for years. Has anyone given Biden a cognitive test for a dementia screening? Have you listened to Trump?

Lol, there is no consideration BUT Biden, IMO.

And I just have to.....

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Sep 10, 2003
To quote the great Yogi Berra: "The future ain't what it used to be."

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
Anyone considering Biden should really investigate further. I truly believe he has a cognitive issue. There is a reason he's seldom publically seen... Even then he rarely will answer questions from the press. I venture to guess that there will be no presidential debates this year either. Excuses and unprecedented conditions will be made to prevent Joe from publically engaging with Trump one on one.
Biden's VP pick will be running the country should he win the election.

Watch "'Biden's cognitive issues can no longer be ignored'" on YouTube

Donning my asbesto suit now...

Here's a link to Biden's recent press conference. He did OK.

I remain surprised that Biden succeeded in being the dem nominee. I would have liked BOTH dem and repub candidates to be younger. I am in my late 50s and although definitely not in any way suffering cognitively, I'm simply not as quick and sharp as I was 15 years ago. Sometimes when my daughter is getting a little impatient explaining something to me I hear myself talking to my own mother at her age! IMO, there's an ideal age range for being POTUS. We already have a lower age limit, maybe we need an upper one as well. See: Reagan.

Although Biden was not in my top 3 choices for dem candidate, I still think he is a fantastically better choice than Trump. If one were to base the choice only on cognition and intelligence, it's Biden hands-down.



Jul 31, 2014
This isn't an IQ or cognitive test persay. It's literally a test to screen for dementia and serious cognitive decline. So there is no such thing as "acing" the test. You are either a functioning adult and therefore "pass", or you don't and it means you need to have your drivers license taken away and need to have others help you care for yourself.

The fact that Trump took the test at all is seriously alarming. There is a reason that normally functioning adults don't take such tests. Because there is no need to.


Aug 18, 2013
This isn't an IQ or cognitive test persay. It's literally a test to screen for dementia and serious cognitive decline. So there is no such thing as "acing" the test. You are either a functioning adult and therefore "pass", or you don't and it means you need to have your drivers license taken away and need to have others help you care for yourself.

The fact that Trump took the test at all is seriously alarming. There is a reason that normally functioning adults don't take such tests. Because there is no need to.

It's the HCA for would-be presidents - a rejection, not a selection, tool: anyone who brags about passing it is immediately rejected.
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May 17, 2014
I haven't followed your election process but what happened to Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. Both were well spoken and seemed to have all their marbles.

Why did they pick Biden? Do they think he will also appeal to the Trump demographics?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I haven't followed your election process but what happened to Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. Both were well spoken and seemed to have all their marbles.

Why did they pick Biden? Do they think he will also appeal to the Trump demographics?

I think its about getting the swing vote back
and they can't risk putting a woman up
i know its hard to comprehend because both our countries have had woman leaders

I mean as you know In our upcoming election both labour and national have woman leaders


Sep 10, 2003
what happened to Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren

Kamala Harris was the instrument of her own failure with poor debate performances and her campaign staff was rife with missteps and personnel issues. Media opinions are that Warren peaked too soon and her decision to withdraw her full support for Sanders' medicare-for-all plan and release her own plan that tried to find a middle ground between Biden and Sanders backfired. For both of them there was also an element of sexism.


Apr 30, 2005
But don't your DARE criticize Trump voters! :naughty::naughty::naughty:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004


Aug 27, 2011
I haven't followed your election process but what happened to Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. Both were well spoken and seemed to have all their marbles.

Why did they pick Biden? Do they think he will also appeal to the Trump demographics?

Either might be choices for running mate?


May 11, 2013
No flames just observation that this is opinion of an American/Iranian/Australian right winger. If you are American then it's your right to believe what you read in far right news articles and negative pieces from people who are not politically aligned with the left, as I am politically aligned with the left I do a lot of reading on sites I don't think are far left and I always visit Fox News every day.

What do you say that a physician said he's fine, he's never been a public speaker (nor is Trump)

He stumbled in 2012

He stumbled in 2008 a bit and read the teleprompter.. to be clear, he's NOT a public speaker like Obama.


Trump is horrible, if you heard this and you were just a regular person you'd think he was either senile or drunk.

Neither one is young.

Anyone considering Biden should really investigate further. I truly believe he has a cognitive issue. There is a reason he's seldom publically seen... Even then he rarely will answer questions from the press. I venture to guess that there will be no presidential debates this year either. Excuses and unprecedented conditions will be made to prevent Joe from publically engaging with Trump one on one.
Biden's VP pick will be running the country should he win the election.

Watch "'Biden's cognitive issues can no longer be ignored'" on YouTube

Donning my asbesto suit now...


May 11, 2013


May 27, 2009
It's been established that Biden has a life long stutter.
Moments when he might appear to be stumbling or confused, he's actually pausing to utilize what techniques he uses to reestablish his conversational flow (Please forgive my non expert vocabulary, I'm going on memory)


Aug 22, 2012
Listen to Biden 10 years ago. His stutter does not explain the difference between then and now. He can’t think of what he’s trying to say. He loses track mid-thought. He seems confused. He repeats things and forgets others, he slurs words so badly that it’s often unrecognizable or he just uses the wrong word. What is a ’voter registration physician.’ He certainly has some good days and clear speeches but overall the decline is obvious. The bizarre stories he tells about nurses blowing in his nostrils and kids petting his leg hair....come on. He’s been mean and confrontational. Nothing about that is explained by having a stutter. Every public speaker has gaffes and that is expected. Biden is well pas that point. Perhaps the people closest to him are in denial. Or perhaps they are setting up a bait and switch. Pick someone as a running mate who could not have won the nomination and then bow out. Biden has expressed doubt and uncertaintly that he could complete a full term. That should be concerning to all voters.


May 11, 2013
Just as Trump does, both are old. We are also doing bashing of older people which isn't what we should be doing, we should be reading the platforms and voting. Biden's doctor has certified he is in great health and I'm pretty sure Trump's has to so let's leave it at that, both may have some age related health problems but both have physicians saying they are viable.

Why do you say 'bait and switch'? etc, there is absolutely no reason to think this, unless you have facts, like I have been saying, let's stick to the facts.

If you have some facts on dementia on Biden, please share, and if I had facts on Trump's mental acuity I'd share it, I don't.

And can you point to any facts that Biden has expressed doubt and uncertainty about his completion of his term as president? What I read and have read is that he feels
that is 4 years will be transitional to a younger democratic president, I don't think I read anything wrong with that.

I did listen to Biden 10 years ago 8 years ago and now, and i don't find much difference at all, nothing that would alarm me anyway. he has a stutter he controls and he is a fast talking easterner and his mouth doesn't keep up with his words, I don't find him any more senile than Trump.

Listen to Biden 10 years ago. His stutter does not explain the difference between then and now. He can’t think of what he’s trying to say. He loses track mid-thought. He seems confused. He repeats things and forgets others, he slurs words so badly that it’s often unrecognizable or he just uses the wrong word. What is a ’voter registration physician.’ He certainly has some good days and clear speeches but overall the decline is obvious. The bizarre stories he tells about nurses blowing in his nostrils and kids petting his leg hair....come on. He’s been mean and confrontational. Nothing about that is explained by having a stutter. Every public speaker has gaffes and that is expected. Biden is well pas that point. Perhaps the people closest to him are in denial. Or perhaps they are setting up a bait and switch. Pick someone as a running mate who could not have won the nomination and then bow out. Biden has expressed doubt and uncertaintly that he could complete a full term. That should be concerning to all voters.
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