
Trip to IDJ - I1 Clarity?


Dec 15, 2011
Hello all,

As some of you may know I have a Ritani setting that needs a 6.4-6.66mm diamond in it. My budget was $3000. Many members suggested, that I wait and save up some more cash, which I also agreed was wise. However, I have ants in my pants :naughty: and couldn't just wait. So I went to go see Yekutiel in NYC. As usual, he was very nice, professional and patient!

This was what we came up with that would somewhat work with our budget. He stated the inclusions are white so they are hard to see. I personally couldn't see a thing but they are plotted on the report. (but that may be my untrained eye). I did see that hearts and arrows. What would you do?

GIA 61332129374
Round Brilliant
J Color
I1 Clarity
Excellent Cut Grade
Excellent Polish
Excellent Symmetry
No Fluorescence
I believe in scored a .9 on the HCA

He will be sending the idealscope and ASET images tomorrow, so I'll update the thread with that.
Well, it is your eyes who saw the diamond, and only you can say if it would be mind-clean for you to have an I1. I would only consider it if they will allow you to trade up later in case you decide you want a higher color or clarity stone. I would also look at it very carefully from the sides since you can see the sides partially in the setting. It will help to see the idealscope and ASET when you get them.
Can the inclusions be covered with a prong? If so, that would be great. Otherwise, I would check out the inclusions with a loupe first, so that you know where they are, and then look at the diamond again with the naked eye, and see if they're still unnoticeable to you. So many people say that once you see the inclusions once you can't stop seeing them, so I'd tread very carefully with an I1.
I'm a huge fan of I1s with white inclusions! Check out my avatar for my I1! The main flaw is smack dab in the middle, part of the pattern! I heard Joan Rivers say years ago "I don't care if someone's shoveling coal in there as long as it's BIG!" ;) If you can't see it (in different lighting, btw), then more power to you! Go with the I1! And yes, get an upgrade policy and great return policy in case you change your mind. Check my LA jeweler thread for the other I1 I returned, the cushion crushed ice pattern disguised the I1 so well.
I have a beautiful I1 clarity AVC, I regard the inclusion as a plus as it enabled me to buy a much larger stone than I would otherwise have for a certain budget. It is also a white inclusion made less noticeable by the patterning. Very clever cutting.

When I first received the ring I couldn't see the inclusion at all, but after I looked with a loupe I found I can at certain angles in certain lights. I don't think anyone casual looking would ever notice it as you do need to look closely.

For me the I1 inclusion is still a bonus, even if I can sometimes see it, as i can see the much bigger size ALL the time. Only you will be able to decide if you are happy to make the same tradeoff.

For me one of the things that made me happy to buy an I1 was the trade in policy as I knew if it did start to bother me I could change it. Maybe you could ask for a trade in policy so you could upgrade the clarity later if you wished.
Thanks for sharing your story! My future SIL has enlisted my help to try and find a stone. Knowing what my daughter wants, I was going to suggest he take a path almost identical to yours. She is not color sensitive and will be perfectly happy to live with the right I1 inclusion to get the size stone she wants :) I was even going to tell him to contact IDJ as people seem to have great things to say about them and they seem to have a great selection at great prices.
Please be sure to let us know the final result and post pics!
Yes, diamondseekeer your are right. I only know what I saw, but like I said I'm an untrained eye. I went to Helzberg a few days ago and they had to really magnify the image for me to be able to see, albeit it wasn't an I1 clarity. I've also been mindful of the fact that the setting has opening on the sides as well. But once I post the images maybe you guys can give me a better feel for what I'm working with.

Kindred - Yekutiel said he would mark on the diamond where the inclusion is so that Ritani could cover it with the prongs. I'm treading carefully, this is why I'm asking all questions before purchasing. Thanks!

webdiva - I was hoping you'd chime in. I know you just recently got an I1 diamond from GOG recently. I will read up on your other threads.

Yes, I will definitely ask if I could upgrade in the future and what are the parameters that surround upgrading.

One question I have is that I'm trying to compare prices with what Yekutiel gave me, but most sites don't even carry I1 stones. Is there some other way for me to compare?
glammy|1334842701|3174979 said:
Yes, diamondseekeer your are right. I only know what I saw, but like I said I'm an untrained eye. I went to Helzberg a few days ago and they had to really magnify the image for me to be able to see, albeit it wasn't an I1 clarity. I've also been mindful of the fact that the setting has opening on the sides as well. But once I post the images maybe you guys can give me a better feel for what I'm working with.

Kindred - Yekutiel said he would mark on the diamond where the inclusion is so that Ritani could cover it with the prongs. I'm treading carefully, this is why I'm asking all questions before purchasing. Thanks!

webdiva - I was hoping you'd chime in. I know you just recently got an I1 diamond from GOG recently. I will read up on your other threads.

Yes, I will definitely ask if I could upgrade in the future and what are the parameters that surround upgrading.

One question I have is that I'm trying to compare prices with what Yekutiel gave me, but most sites don't even carry I1 stones. Is there some other way for me to compare?

GOG has some I1s to compare. The rounds I've seen have non-white inclusions and weren't so great, though. However, for a price compare it might help.

Diamonds are like snowflakes, they're all different - have different inclusions. I believe mine's a crystal - which I've been told is like another little diamond that was trapped by the larger one. Bonus! Two diamonds! :naughty: The great part is I know I'll never have to worry about anyone changing out my stone - because I can identify it easily! I can see the inclusion because I knew it was there, but otherwise it just looks like the normal POH pattern. They must have shaved off quite a bit of the rough in order to have the inclusion centered, they were cutting geniuses!

If I wanted something flawless, I could have gotten a cz. I love gemstones and made wire-wrapped jewelry with semi-precious stones prior to this. Part of my fascination with diamonds is that it's a real stone, with real inclusions, and it's so amazing that all these millions of diamonds form differently and end up different colors, clarities and sizes. However, that said - cut was at the top of my list and I only bought it because cut and light performance wasn't affected by the inclusion (which you can see on it's ASET and Idealscope in my thread).

I wore it around carefully in the ring holder at work, in the car and at home to make sure I loved it. Not everyone may be ok with an I1, even if they can''t see it - but I'm all about value. We also bought the crappiest house in the nicest neighborhood we could afford. :) I could not have afforded this diamond in this size, in this color, otherwise. I'm thrilled! (even though it's not on my finger yet - waiting for the ring to be made! 2 more weeks!)
Webdiva, I like you, you are funny! When I went to IDJ yesterday I wasn't feeling too well. I didn't have a chance to look at it in different lighting, didn't check to see if I could see the inclusions from the side, etc. I'm going to try and go back this week to do a thorough analysis.

Here are the images, please share your thoughts

glammy|1334842701|3174979 said:
Yes, diamondseekeer your are right. I only know what I saw, but like I said I'm an untrained eye. I went to Helzberg a few days ago and they had to really magnify the image for me to be able to see, albeit it wasn't an I1 clarity. I've also been mindful of the fact that the setting has opening on the sides as well. But once I post the images maybe you guys can give me a better feel for what I'm working with.

Kindred - Yekutiel said he would mark on the diamond where the inclusion is so that Ritani could cover it with the prongs. I'm treading carefully, this is why I'm asking all questions before purchasing. Thanks!

webdiva - I was hoping you'd chime in. I know you just recently got an I1 diamond from GOG recently. I will read up on your other threads.

Yes, I will definitely ask if I could upgrade in the future and what are the parameters that surround upgrading.

One question I have is that I'm trying to compare prices with what Yekutiel gave me, but most sites don't even carry I1 stones. Is there some other way for me to compare?

the PS diamond search has plenty of I1s
For that price, go for it. I am getting more blase about inclusions if the price is right. My only bigaboo is I hate inclusions under the table. If the table is clear I don't really care about inclusions at all.
Dreamer_D|1334852797|3175118 said:
For that price, go for it. I am getting more blase about inclusions if the price is right. My only bigaboo is I hate inclusions under the table. If the table is clear I don't really care about inclusions at all.

I'm with Dreamer!

Honestly, I know my diamond's specs are 100% perfect. There's a little more light leakage under the table than I would prefer, which I see on all POH's but not on Brian Gavin's Quadex. I wish they faced up a bit larger like the Jubilee. But that was my trade-off - you can't beat under $2700 for a 5.5 mm POH and I was cool with that. I wanted the best possible stone in that size for my money and it sounds like as long as you are happy with it's performance that you will be satisfied with your purchase. Do you have the idealscope or ASET? That's the hearts and arrows view...
Here is the second image. I don't have the idealscope or ASET yet. I will post as soon as I do. As far as the price it's $3700, so I'm trying to see if it's a fair price for the stone.

Thanks slg47!

Hmmm after looking at the chart, it seems I can go a grade level higher in color, for the same price with other vendors.
glammy|1334854586|3175157 said:
Thanks slg47!

Hmmm after looking at the chart, it seems I can go a grade level higher in color, for the same price with other vendors.

Eye clean is worth a lot, and you cannot judge that from the comps. Finding an eye clean AND ideally proportioned I1 is really really hard, and the eye cleanliness factors into price. I would try to talk ID down in price before I would consider looking at other I1 stones. But for the carat weight, cut and color that is a good price IMO. The only way to come close would be on the secondary market I think.
Dreamer_D|1334855179|3175173 said:
glammy|1334854586|3175157 said:
Thanks slg47!

Hmmm after looking at the chart, it seems I can go a grade level higher in color, for the same price with other vendors.

Eye clean is worth a lot, and you cannot judge that from the comps. Finding an eye clean AND ideally proportioned I1 is really really hard, and the eye cleanliness factors into price. I would try to talk ID down in price before I would consider looking at other I1 stones. But for the carat weight, cut and color that is a good price IMO. The only way to come close would be on the secondary market I think.

IDJ has the best prices. I agree with a low priced I1 is probably just going to be a dirty looking I1.
It would not hurt though to use IDJs Best Price program, and just have them call in the cheaper I1 stones to take a look.

They match (and usually beat) the price that any other online vendor can offer.
I apologize for the huge pics. here is the ASET image. please share your thoughts. I know clear/white spots indicate light leakage, and I don't see any.

I apologize for the huge pics. here is the idealscope image. please share your thoughts. I know clear/white spots indicate light leakage, and I don't see any.

That is an ASET, which is Red (good), Grean,Blue, Black (bad). It looks good. With RB sometimes ASETs arn't as good as detecting light leakage as Idealscopes. Can you ask yekutiel for an idealscope as well. He will provide it. Would also be interested in seeing a regular magnified image of the stone.
06pvc|1334859445|3175244 said:
I apologize for the huge pics. here is the idealscope image. please share your thoughts. I know clear/white spots indicate light leakage, and I don't see any.

That is an ASET, which is Red (good), Grean,Blue, Black (bad). It looks good. With RB sometimes ASETs arn't as good as detecting light leakage as Idealscopes. Can you ask yekutiel for an idealscope as well. He will provide it. Would also be interested in seeing a regular magnified image of the stone.

Will request an idealscope and post once I receive it. Thanks.
I agree with what everyone else has already said. It's looking good. An eye clean I1 IS hard to find! Do ask him to call in the other stones to make you feel better and use the best price program - but don't lose the hold on this diamond. Good luck!
That's the diamond right? :) Not the idealscope?
It's looking pretty clean under the table, I see a inclusion on the left at about 9 o'clock but the photo is also blown on three thousand percent! :) I always made the pic actual size to gauge if I wanted to pursue the diamond, but it sounds like you already saw it in person and it's eye clean!
Yes webdiva, just the diamond. Don't have the idealscope yet. I will get that by tomorrow. I'm thinking this is a keeper!
That looks like a good I1! Not so different from my SI2. The prong should be able to cover most of the inclusion. Definitely a keeper. An I1 that is relatively eye clean is a needle in the haystack!
That looks like a good I1! Not so different from my SI2. The prong should be able to cover most of the inclusion. Definitely a keeper. An I1 that is relatively eye clean is a needle in the haystack!

If you want to do price comparisons, compare it to SI2s, as you are bascially getting an SI2 clarity there, that will be discounted because of the the I1 grade.
misssoph|1334812251|3174847 said:
I have a beautiful I1 clarity AVC, I regard the inclusion as a plus as it enabled me to buy a much larger stone than I would otherwise have for a certain budget. It is also a white inclusion made less noticeable by the patterning. Very clever cutting.
When I first received the ring I couldn't see the inclusion at all, but after I looked with a loupe I found I can at certain angles in certain lights. I don't think anyone casual looking would ever notice it as you do need to look closely.

For me the I1 inclusion is still a bonus, even if I can sometimes see it, as i can see the much bigger size ALL the time. Only you will be able to decide if you are happy to make the same tradeoff.
I never thought I would get an I1 and then I found one of these. it is a marquise that is 1.19 ct. With the naked eye, I can see the inclusion sometimes, not all the time, when I look for it and many people that I show it to still can't see it. The stone is very sparkly and lively. I got it for an amazing price. It is is not my engagement ring, but I really like this diamond and since then I have thought that what's important is to see the stone in person. some I1's are fine.
PS I also took the stone to a jeweler after buying it, had it appraised and made sure that the inclusion did not affect the integrity of the stone. This might be a smart thing to do also.
On Pricescope, we can sidetracked into buying the stats on a piece of paper rather than an actual stone. I think the certs are useful for internet buying and that the knowledge is good to make sure you don't get cheated (you wouldn't want to buy an I1 and pay the price for a clean stone) but its possible to get too sucked up into all the little tests coming out perfect and all the little papers being great and ideal and superideal and all of that and forget the purpose--to get a pretty, sparkly stone. I do have some ideal stones, so I am not knocking them, but honestly to the naked eye, my J I1 ring is jsut as beautiful as my H VS AGS000 earrings--both have amazing sparkle (fireballs!) and are gorgeous. the inclusion in the J I have described above, and the color is only visible from the side.
1.01 J SI2 - $3999 - I can't find certs on it. Wonky Aset, limited guarantee, slightly smaller diameter :

Brian Gavin Select 1 J SI2 - $3993 - no pics, a little deep...
JA True Hearts .96 K color $3900
JA 1.01 I color I1 - $3900 - looks like a mess!
JA 1.08 G I1 - $3900 - I have no idea what's even going on here around that table

Definitely hang onto the one you got!
I am no expert, but i think there is some good advice here that I myself take to heart. It is YOUR stone and YOU have to be comfortable with it. Going down in clarity works for some people when it helps them get what they want or closer to what they want it terms of size, etc. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

We can all learn a lot from PS (in my sake it may be too much for my own good :naughty: ) but I find myself getting caught up in these magnified pictures and getting myself into a state. I know personally that finding the size I want and getting the setting I want is not going to be possible with a VS1 stone. Some would choose the much smaller stone and I can respect them for that. For me, eye clean or something like this white inclusion could be doable if the other factors worked out. I would have to be happy with the performance of the stone, happy with how it looked, understand its flaws and feel my price was fair considering the stone's pros and cons.

It sounds like you are making an educated decision on what looks to be a great possibility for you. As long as you feel you have the info you need and you like what you see, I say go for it!
I just want to thank everyone for their insight and help. I really appreciate it. Before joining this forum, I knew my BF and I were on a budget but i didn't just want to squander the little we had without doing proper research (if it were up to him, this whole process would be done by now with a ring purchased at the mall, lol)

And yes, everyone is right. At the end of the day, you should be drawn by what your eyes see (specs should just be used as a guide). And I know I can be happy with the right perfect imperfections. :)

Webdiva - out of the suggestions you shared as possible contenders, I like 0. lol
glammy|1334872084|3175481 said:
Webdiva - out of the suggestions you shared as possible contenders, I like 0. lol

Yay! And I did search for a true contender! :) This way, you know that you get the BEST possible deal!