
Training ChatGPT is hard to impossible!

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
I asked a simple question (for many folks around here anyway).
Now sorry, this is very long, but if you can just read my questions you will get the theme.
Essentially the bot made the same mistakes over and over but did not learn from them:

How can I choose the best sparkling diamond with GIA XXX cut

3 / 3
When choosing a sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you're getting a high-quality diamond that meets your desired specifications. Here are some tips:
  1. Understand the GIA Cut Grading System: The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is a renowned and trusted gemological organization that uses a cut grading system to evaluate diamonds. The highest cut grade given by GIA is "Excellent" or "XXX" which indicates that the diamond has excellent proportions, symmetry, and polish. Look for diamonds with a GIA XXX cut as it represents the best cut quality.
  2. Verify the GIA Report: When purchasing a diamond, always ask for the GIA report, also known as a diamond certificate. The report provides important information about the diamond's characteristics, including its cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Verify that the diamond's GIA report matches the diamond you are considering, and ensure that it has a GIA XXX cut grade.
  3. Consider Proportions: The proportions of a diamond play a crucial role in its overall appearance and how well it reflects light. Look for diamonds with balanced proportions, as this can affect the diamond's brilliance, fire, and scintillation. A well-cut diamond will have optimal proportions that maximize its beauty and sparkle.
  4. Evaluate Diamond's Cut Quality: Apart from the GIA cut grade, evaluate the diamond's cut quality based on its proportions, symmetry, and polish. Look for diamonds with excellent or very good symmetry and polish, as these factors can affect the diamond's overall performance and appearance.
  5. Assess Diamond's Brilliance, Fire, and Scintillation: A well-cut diamond will exhibit excellent brilliance (white light reflection), fire (dispersion of colored light), and scintillation (sparkle). When choosing a sparkling diamond, look for stones that exhibit high levels of brilliance, fire, and scintillation in various lighting conditions.
  6. Consider Your Budget: Diamonds come in a range of prices, so it's important to consider your budget when choosing a diamond. Keep in mind that cut quality has a significant impact on a diamond's price, so balance your preferences for cut quality with your budget to find the best value for your money.
  7. Compare Multiple Diamonds: It's always a good idea to compare multiple diamonds before making a decision. Look at different diamonds with GIA XXX cut grades and compare their proportions, symmetry, polish, brilliance, fire, scintillation, and prices to determine which one best meets your requirements.
By considering the above factors, you can choose a sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut that has excellent cut quality, optimal proportions, and exceptional beauty, ensuring that you're getting a high-quality diamond that meets your expectations. It's also recommended to work with a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide expert guidance and assistance in selecting the best diamond for your needs.

Very simplistic explanations that seem smart but missed the point completely???

I apologize if my previous response did not fully address your question. Here are some additional tips for choosing the best sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut:
  1. Focus on Cut: The cut of a diamond is crucial as it directly affects its beauty and sparkle. GIA XXX cut represents the highest cut grade and indicates excellent cut quality. Look for diamonds with a GIA XXX cut as they are likely to have optimal proportions, symmetry, and polish, resulting in superior light performance.
  2. Use GIA's Cut Estimation Tools: GIA provides additional cut information for round diamonds in the form of cut estimation tools, such as the Diamond Cut Grading System and the ASET (Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool) image. These tools can provide insights into a diamond's light performance and help you make an informed decision when choosing a diamond with a GIA XXX cut.
  3. Consider Diamond Shape: The term "cut" can also refer to the diamond's shape, such as round, princess, emerald, etc. Different diamond shapes have different cut quality considerations. For example, round diamonds have a more standardized cut grading system, while fancy-shaped diamonds may have different criteria. Make sure to understand the cut quality factors specific to the shape you're interested in.
  4. Evaluate other 4 Cs: While the cut is an essential factor, also consider the other 4 Cs of diamonds: color, clarity, and carat weight. Balance your preferences for cut quality with your desired color, clarity, and size to find the best diamond that meets your criteria.
  5. Inspect Diamond Inclusions: Diamonds may have natural inclusions or blemishes, which can affect their appearance and value. Review the diamond's GIA report for information on its clarity grade and examine the diamond under magnification or with the naked eye to assess the visibility of any inclusions. Choose a diamond with minimal inclusions that do not affect its beauty.
  6. Personal Preference: Ultimately, choose a diamond that aligns with your personal preferences and style. Consider your own taste, lifestyle, and budget when selecting a diamond with a GIA XXX cut to ensure it reflects your unique preferences and fits your budget.
  7. Work with a Reputable Jeweler: It's always advisable to work with a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide professional guidance and help you choose the best diamond with a GIA XXX cut. They can provide expert advice, show you different options, and assist you in making an informed decision based on your specific requirements.
I hope these additional tips help you in choosing the best sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut. Please let me know if you have any further questions or need more information.

GIA XXX is a broad range. The Excellent cut range covers more than 80% of round diamonds. Some of your answers included other shapes which by definition can not be GIA XXX. Bad Bot!

You're absolutely right, and I apologize for the confusion. The term "GIA XXX" refers specifically to the cut grade of round brilliant diamonds, as GIA does not provide cut grades for other diamond shapes. I apologize for any misinformation provided in my previous response.
To choose the best sparkling round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, you should primarily focus on the proportions, symmetry, and polish of the diamond, as these factors are evaluated by GIA to determine the cut grade. Look for diamonds with excellent proportions, symmetry, and polish to ensure optimal light performance and maximum sparkle.
Here are some revised tips for choosing the best round diamond with a GIA XXX cut:
  1. Review GIA Report: Always ask for the GIA report when purchasing a diamond with a GIA XXX cut. The report will provide detailed information about the diamond's characteristics, including its cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Verify that the diamond's GIA report matches the diamond you are considering and confirms it has a GIA XXX cut grade.
  2. Focus on Proportions: Proportions play a key role in a diamond's cut quality. Look for diamonds with excellent proportions, including an ideal table percentage, depth percentage, crown angle, and pavilion angle, as these factors can affect how well the diamond reflects light.
  3. Evaluate Symmetry and Polish: Symmetry and polish are important factors in a diamond's cut quality. Look for diamonds with excellent or very good symmetry and polish, as these factors can affect the diamond's overall appearance and performance.
  4. Assess Light Performance: Consider a diamond's light performance, including its brilliance, fire, and scintillation. A well-cut diamond with a GIA XXX cut should exhibit exceptional levels of these characteristics in various lighting conditions.
  5. Consider Other 4 Cs: While the cut is crucial, also consider the other 4 Cs of diamonds - color, clarity, and carat weight - based on your preferences and budget. Balance your priorities to find the best diamond that meets your desired criteria.
  6. Personal Preference: Choose a diamond that aligns with your personal style, taste, and budget. Consider your own preferences and what matters most to you in a diamond, whether it's size, color, clarity, or cut.
  7. Seek Professional Assistance: Working with a reputable jeweler or gemologist can provide valuable guidance and expertise in selecting the best diamond with a GIA XXX cut. They can help you understand the nuances of diamond cut and assist you in finding the best diamond that meets your requirements.
I apologize for any confusion caused in my previous response, and I hope these revised tips are helpful in choosing the best round diamond with a GIA XXX cut. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional clarification.

You say focus on proportions - but you do not specify what good, better and best might be? You made a mistake recommending Very Good symmetry and polish as by definition these are not X or excellent!

You're correct, I apologize for the oversight. When evaluating proportions for a round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, here are some general guidelines:
  1. Table Percentage: Look for a table percentage between 53% to 58%. A table percentage that is too large or too small may affect the diamond's light performance.
  2. Depth Percentage: Look for a depth percentage between 58% to 62%. A depth percentage that is too shallow or too deep may impact the diamond's overall appearance and light performance.
  3. Crown Angle: Look for a crown angle between 34 to 35 degrees. A crown angle that is too steep or too shallow may affect how well the diamond reflects light.
  4. Pavilion Angle: Look for a pavilion angle between 40.6 to 41 degrees. A pavilion angle that is too steep or too shallow may affect the diamond's light performance.
Regarding symmetry and polish, you are correct that GIA XXX cut grade indicates "Excellent" for both symmetry and polish. I apologize for any confusion in my previous response. When assessing symmetry and polish, look for diamonds with Excellent or Very Good grades, as these are the highest grades given by GIA.
It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and there can be some variability depending on the specific diamond and its individual characteristics. It's always recommended to thoroughly review the diamond's GIA report, which provides detailed information about its proportions, symmetry, and polish, to ensure that it meets the criteria for a GIA XXX cut. Additionally, seeking the assistance of a reputable jeweler or gemologist can provide expert guidance in evaluating diamond proportions and cut quality.
I apologize for any confusion caused in my previous responses and hope this clarification helps. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional information.

There are no GIA XXX diamonds with tables 53-58% and 58% depth. Zero! The angles you gave are restrictive for some very brilliant proportion combinations. 35 with 41 dgree crown and pavilion angles have considerable leakage. You made the same mistake three times now: Very Good grades can not be GIA XXX

You are absolutely correct, and I apologize for the repeated mistakes in my previous responses. I apologize for any confusion or misinformation provided. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
To clarify, GIA does not provide a cut grade of "Excellent" (XXX) for diamond symmetry or polish. GIA only provides an overall cut grade for round diamonds, which encompasses various factors including proportions, symmetry, and polish. GIA cut grades for round diamonds are Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor, with "Excellent" being the highest cut grade.
When evaluating proportions for a round diamond, it's important to consider a range of factors, including table percentage, depth percentage, crown angle, and pavilion angle, as well as how these factors interact with each other. There is no one-size-fits-all set of proportions that guarantees the best performance for a round diamond, as it can vary depending on the specific diamond and its unique characteristics.
It's also important to note that a diamond's cut grade is just one aspect to consider when choosing a diamond. Other factors such as color, clarity, and carat weight, as well as personal preferences and budget, should also be taken into account.
To choose the best sparkling round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, it's recommended to review the diamond's GIA report thoroughly, which provides detailed information about the overall cut grade, as well as proportions, symmetry, and polish. Additionally, seeking the assistance of a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide expert guidance and advice based on your specific requirements and preferences is highly recommended.
Again, I apologize for any confusion or misinformation in my previous responses, and I hope this clarification provides more accurate and helpful information. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional clarification.

Sadly you are now totally confused. "To clarify, GIA does not provide a cut grade of "Excellent" (XXX) for diamond symmetry or polish." XXX means Triple Excellent. Cut, Symmetry and Polish!

You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. GIA XXX, or Triple Excellent, refers to the highest cut grade given by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) for round diamonds, which includes assessments of cut, symmetry, and polish. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
To choose the best sparkling round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, it's important to consider not only the overall cut grade, but also other factors such as proportions, symmetry, and polish. Here are some general guidelines for evaluating these factors:
  1. Proportions: Look for a table percentage between 53% to 58% and a depth percentage between 58% to 62%. These proportions can result in a well-balanced diamond with good light performance.
  2. Crown and Pavilion Angles: Look for a crown angle between 34 to 35 degrees and a pavilion angle between 40.6 to 41 degrees. These angles can result in optimal light reflection and refraction, which can contribute to a diamond's sparkle and brilliance.
  3. Symmetry and Polish: Look for diamonds with Excellent or Very Good grades for symmetry and polish, as these are the highest grades given by GIA. Good symmetry and polish can contribute to a diamond's overall appearance and light performance.
It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and other factors such as fluorescence, girdle thickness, and culet size can also impact a diamond's performance and appearance. Additionally, personal preferences and budget should also be taken into consideration when choosing a diamond.
Reviewing the diamond's GIA report thoroughly, which provides detailed information about the overall cut grade, as well as proportions, symmetry, and polish, is highly recommended. Seeking the assistance of a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide expert guidance and advice based on your specific requirements and preferences is also recommended.
I apologize for any confusion in my previous responses, and I hope this clarification provides more accurate and helpful information. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional clarification.


May 13, 2021
Does any of this surprise you?

As I understand it, you don't train these bots. They come pre-trained, and you just use them. So if you tell one it's wrong, it just apologizes and repeats its error. Maybe with slightly different wording, as happened here.

Remember, these bots don't know anything about diamonds or anything else - they just paraphrase stuff from their training data (or possibly from web searches?) that seems relevant to the question. If you googled for advice on selecting diamonds, most of what you would find on the net would be similar to what the bot said.

I've read that the trick is to direct its attention to something that might be more useful. So I asked Bing chat: How would Garry Holloway advise me to go about choosing a good diamond? Here is Its answer, which I think you will like a lot better :):

Garry Holloway is a diamond cut expert who developed the Holloway Cut Adviser (HCA) system in 2000 and released a portable Ideal-Scope in 20011. The HCA system is used every day to assess the cut of millions of dollars worth of diamonds2. Since 1986, Holloway Diamonds have used an Ideal-Scope to gauge the light return of diamonds and reject those that have high leakage and in return are dull with reduced sparkle3.

Based on this information, Garry Holloway would likely advise you to look for diamonds that have good cut quality and light return. You can use the HCA system or Ideal-Scope to assess the cut quality of diamonds you are considering buying.

Of course, anyone who didn't know the right question to ask would be likely to get the sort of response you got. Which is a worry.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Does any of this surprise you?

As I understand it, you don't train these bots. They come pre-trained, and you just use them. So if you tell one it's wrong, it just apologizes and repeats its error. Maybe with slightly different wording, as happened here.

Remember, these bots don't know anything about diamonds or anything else - they just paraphrase stuff from their training data (or possibly from web searches?) that seems relevant to the question. If you googled for advice on selecting diamonds, most of what you would find on the net would be similar to what the bot said.

I've read that the trick is to direct its attention to something that might be more useful. So I asked Bing chat: How would Garry Holloway advise me to go about choosing a good diamond? Here is Its answer, which I think you will like a lot better :):

Garry Holloway is a diamond cut expert who developed the Holloway Cut Adviser (HCA) system in 2000 and released a portable Ideal-Scope in 20011. The HCA system is used every day to assess the cut of millions of dollars worth of diamonds2. Since 1986, Holloway Diamonds have used an Ideal-Scope to gauge the light return of diamonds and reject those that have high leakage and in return are dull with reduced sparkle3.

Based on this information, Garry Holloway would likely advise you to look for diamonds that have good cut quality and light return. You can use the HCA system or Ideal-Scope to assess the cut quality of diamonds you are considering buying.

Of course, anyone who didn't know the right question to ask would be likely to get the sort of response you got. Which is a worry.
Brilliant Starstruck and I am 20000 years ahead of myself inventing the Ideal-scope!
So framing the question is way more important now than it was with Google searches?
Question: do you think Bing are doing a better job with OpenAI technology than they themselves are doing with ChatGPT?
And Google with Bard for that matter?


Sep 3, 2000
When it becomes possible for these Bots to actually learn from interaction from expert users outside of their initial programming, we will see a new age of shared intelligence. Garry's patient work highlights the current shortcomings, but before we expect it, the Bot responses will become far more perfect and consistent. Still, you can't just take the mindset to believe whatever you are told. Investigate before trusting advice from a computer or an individual.

What Garry has shown is the inaccuracy of the general information on diamond cutting and selection that consumers are accustomed to seeing online or in retail stores. If you hear this everywhere you assume it must be all correct. The devil is definitely in the details.

Thanks, Garry. This is an enlightening piece of work.


Sep 13, 2019
ChatGPT is basically just a highly sophisticated search engine.

So, given the dearth of solid info on diamonds and the plethora of terrible content, that’s why it’s producing content like it is


May 13, 2021
Brilliant Starstruck and I am 20000 years ahead of myself inventing the Ideal-scope!
So framing the question is way more important now than it was with Google searches?
Question: do you think Bing are doing a better job with OpenAI technology than they themselves are doing with ChatGPT?
And Google with Bard for that matter?

To be fair to Bing Chat, the date is just a formatting issue in my copy/paste. The original had 2011 with superscript 1 (and similarly for the other dates). I should have noted this in my first post.

And yes, as others have said, if the web is full of misinformation, that's what BIng Chat will repeat, maybe a bit garbled to boot. And always in a confident tone. Would you expect it to do anything else? It has no real-world knowledge. It's just manipulating words.

FWIW, while I've read that framing the prompt is very important, I haven't had much success myself. For now, it seems better to use search engines - this at least brings you closer to original (mis-)information, so you can judge it better. As for what is going on behind the scenes, who knows?

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
To be fair to Bing Chat, the date is just a formatting issue in my copy/paste. The original had 2011 with superscript 1 (and similarly for the other dates). I should have noted this in my first post.

And yes, as others have said, if the web is full of misinformation, that's what BIng Chat will repeat, maybe a bit garbled to boot. And always in a confident tone. Would you expect it to do anything else? It has no real-world knowledge. It's just manipulating words.

FWIW, while I've read that framing the prompt is very important, I haven't had much success myself. For now, it seems better to use search engines - this at least brings you closer to original (mis-)information, so you can judge it better. As for what is going on behind the scenes, who knows?
The year was 2001 for the launch of Ideal-scopes Star. Surely Bing got that correct?
And yes, I agree - the huge weight of commercial "trust me and buy a diamond because you can trust GIA" has resulted in massive miss-net-information.
Can I claim that new word?

Do you think one of the big three is winning (i.e. better more accurate story telling)?


May 13, 2021
The year was 2001 for the launch of Ideal-scopes Star. Surely Bing got that correct?
And yes, I agree - the huge weight of commercial "trust me and buy a diamond because you can trust GIA" has resulted in massive miss-net-information.
Can I claim that new word?

Do you think one of the big three is winning (i.e. better more accurate story telling)?
Yes, Bing Chat got it right, 2001. It was just my explanation that was wrong. Sorry again. Which goes to show that even (some) people (i.e. me) are no more reliable than chatbots. Or at least, we make different sorts of errors...

I've only tried BIng, so I don't know about the others. Everything I've read says that "hallucinations" (i.e. straight-out making stuff up, not just summarizing misinformation that's already out there) are still a problem. Even in cases where the chatbots are mostly right, you can't rely on them.


Apr 23, 2018
Framing makes all the difference in the world, even in human response. It’s definitely there in web searches. So I’d expect the same hurdle in chat bot.

My typical experience with AI….



Nov 3, 2023
The Chatbot got a bit of an upgrade last week.. You can now create custom chatbots that specialise in specific areas. They can have their own "plug in" special "powers" (open source and yet to be fully realised much like the App Store on day 0). It can now reference the internet instead of being shackled to a historical data set. It can now generate and analyse images.

I made a very crude one of these custom chatbots and named it Diamondwiz3000 in homage of the original Wiz of PC.

The diamond profile image is one it made without prompting :oops2:

Below is an example of interacting with Diamondwiz3000. These specialised GPT's can be made public and shared.

How can I choose the best sparkling diamond with GIA XXX cut


Choosing the best sparkling diamond, particularly with a GIA Triple Excellent (XXX) cut grade, involves a nuanced understanding of diamond quality beyond the basic 4 Cs. The GIA XXX designation indicates that a diamond has received an Excellent grade in cut, polish, and symmetry. However, to truly find a diamond that excels in sparkle, or brilliance and fire, you need to delve deeper into the specifics of the diamond's cut quality. Here's a guide to help you in your selection:

Understanding the Parameters of a Super Ideal Cut Diamond:​

  1. Proportions:
    • Table Percentage: Ideal is typically between 53% and 58%.
    • Depth Percentage: Ideal depth ranges from 59% to 62.6%.
    • Crown Angle: Ideal crown angles are typically between 34° and 35°.
    • Pavilion Angle: Optimal pavilion angles are usually between 40.6° and 41°.
  2. Symmetry and Polish:
    • While GIA XXX guarantees excellent symmetry and polish, you should seek "super ideal" levels of precision. Minor asymmetries not captured by GIA can impact light performance.
  3. Light Performance:
    • Brilliance: The amount of white light reflected.
    • Fire: The dispersion of light into colors.
    • Scintillation: The pattern of light and dark areas and the sparkle when the diamond, light, or observer moves.
    • Advanced light performance metrics can be assessed through tools like ASET (Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool) and Idealscope.
  4. Optical Precision:
    • The consistency and symmetry of the diamond’s facet reflections. High optical precision enhances fire and scintillation.

Additional Considerations:​

  • Fluorescence: Generally, avoid strong fluorescence as it can impact transparency and perceived color, but faint to medium fluorescence may not be detrimental.
  • Hearts and Arrows (H&A): Diamonds with a perfect hearts and arrows pattern are often indicative of high cut precision.
  • Girdle Thickness: Preferably thin to slightly thick; extremely thin or thick girdles are less desirable.
  • Culet: Should be very small or none. A large culet can be visible and detract from the diamond's appearance.

Practical Tips:​

  1. View Certificates and Images:
    • Review the GIA certificate for initial assessment.
    • Request high-resolution images and videos, including ASET and Idealscope images, to evaluate light performance.
  2. Compare Diamonds:
    • If possible, compare multiple diamonds side by side under different lighting conditions.
  3. Consult with a Trusted Jeweler or Gemologist:
    • A professional can provide valuable insights and help interpret technical data.
  4. Personal Preference:
    • While technical specifications are critical, your personal preference for how the diamond looks should be the final deciding factor.
Remember, while GIA XXX is a good starting point, it is not a guarantee of the best possible sparkle. Paying attention to the finer details of cut quality and light performance will help you find a diamond that truly stands out in brilliance and fire.


this diamond is very important to me, I just want the best, at 1ct I am not price constrained. What diamond should I get?


Selecting the best 1-carat diamond without price constraints allows you to focus exclusively on quality and exceptional characteristics. For a diamond that truly stands out, especially in terms of cut and light performance, consider the following criteria:

Key Attributes for an Exceptional 1 Carat Diamond:​

  1. Cut Quality:
    • Aim for a "super ideal cut" diamond. This goes beyond the GIA Triple Excellent grade, emphasizing perfect proportions, symmetry, and optimal light performance.
    • Consider brands that specialize in super ideal cuts, such as Hearts on Fire, Whiteflash's A CUT ABOVE®, or Brian Gavin Diamonds.
  2. Optical Performance:
    • Seek diamonds with exceptional light performance, evidenced by tools like ASET and Idealscope.
    • Look for diamonds with a precise Hearts and Arrows pattern, indicating high optical symmetry.
  3. Color and Clarity:
    • Since you're not price-constrained, opt for high color and clarity grades. D or E color and IF (Internally Flawless) or VVS1 (Very Very Slightly Included 1) clarity grades would be ideal.
    • Remember, the higher the clarity, the rarer and more valuable the diamond.
  4. Certification:
    • Ensure the diamond comes with a GIA or AGS certificate, which are the most reliable in the industry.
  5. Fluorescence:
    • Opt for none or faint fluorescence. While medium or strong fluorescence can lower the price, it can sometimes affect the diamond's appearance under certain lighting conditions.

Additional Considerations:​

  • Provenance: Some buyers are interested in the diamond's origin. If this is important to you, consider diamonds that are ethically sourced or have a known origin.
  • Personal Viewing: Even with all these technical considerations, seeing the diamond in person can make a significant difference. If possible, view the diamond under various lighting conditions.
  • Customization: If you have specific design preferences, consider working with a jeweler to create a custom setting that complements the diamond's brilliance.
  • Insurance: Given the value of such a high-quality diamond, insure it for its full replacement value.

Practical Steps:​

  1. Consult with High-End Jewelers: Approach reputable jewelers who specialize in high-quality diamonds and discuss your specific needs.
  2. Request Detailed Analysis: Ask for comprehensive data on the diamonds, including ASET, Idealscope, and Hearts and Arrows imagery.
  3. Comparison: If possible, compare multiple diamonds side by side. Even among super ideal cut diamonds, there can be subtle differences in appearance.
  4. Final Decision: Let your personal preference guide you. The best diamond is one that resonates with you emotionally and visually.
Selecting the best 1-carat diamond is a balance of technical excellence and personal preference. With your focus on quality and the absence of budget constraints, you are well-positioned to acquire a truly exceptional diamond.


I asked - what do you think of this diamond? and posted this image 1700227058304.png
This was its response -
The diagram you've provided appears to represent a diamond with specific measurements typically used to assess its cut quality, which is a critical factor in determining the diamond's light performance and overall desirability.

Here are the parameters visible in the diagram and their implications:

  1. Table %: 56% - This is within the range that is generally considered ideal to very good in round brilliant diamonds. It allows for good light return and can contribute to brightness and fire.
  2. Depth %: 62.1% - This depth percentage is slightly on the higher end. Ideally, you want a depth between 59% and 62.5% for optimal light performance. A depth percentage higher than this range might result in a diamond that appears smaller when viewed from above (due to weight being carried in the depth) and could potentially affect brightness.
  3. Crown Angle: 35.0° - A crown angle of 35 degrees is considered ideal for creating a strong fire in the diamond. It helps in breaking light into its spectral colors, contributing to a desirable appearance.
  4. Pavilion Angle: 41.0° - This is also within the range that is generally considered ideal. It works in concert with the crown angle to maximize the light return through the top of the diamond.
  5. Girdle: Medium (Faceted) 3.5% - A medium girdle thickness is preferred as it is thick enough to provide protection to the diamond without adding unnecessary weight.
  6. Lower Girdle Length: 75% - This affects the appearance of the diamond's sparkle. A length of 75% is often seen in diamonds cut for balance between brightness and fire.
  7. Star Length: 45% - This refers to the length of the star facets on the crown. The given length is within the standard range and influences the scintillation pattern.
  8. Culet: None - This is ideal because a culet can sometimes be visible through the top of the diamond and affect its overall appearance.
Overall, based on the numbers, this diamond has the potential for high light performance. It has many characteristics that are within the ranges preferred for an excellent or very good cut round brilliant diamond, which is essential for achieving maximum brilliance, fire, and scintillation.

However, it is important to note that while these numbers fall within general ideal ranges, the actual light performance can only be fully assessed with a combination of these parameters and other factors such as symmetry, polish, and the interplay between the various angles and percentages. Additionally, seeing the diamond in person or in a light performance imaging system would provide the most accurate assessment of its visual performance.

I'm impressed it called out Whitefish's A cut above and Brian Gavin. Super early days, I think these plugins have the potential to be very transformational. I think it's also pretty consequential that Elon M came out with his own Chatbot "grok" and he doesn't seem to have the same rigorous ethical consideration the team at OpenAi and others seem to have.

How does everyone think it did compared to the previous version?. I wonder the quality of a diamond specific chatbot that a true expert could create..

Below is a very interesting long form discussion with the creator of the bot filmed 7 months ago..

" title="Sam Altman: OpenAI CEO on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the Future of AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #367" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Some chatbot propaganda from 10 days ago specifically relating to the latest updates.

" title="OpenAI DevDay, Opening Keynote" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hope some of you find this interesting. :geek:


Nov 24, 2022
I asked a simple question (for many folks around here anyway).
Now sorry, this is very long, but if you can just read my questions you will get the theme.
Essentially the bot made the same mistakes over and over but did not learn

Hi Mr. Holloway,

Could you please let me know your ultimate purpose?
I think you are looking to have an AI tool that can compare cut designs and assess them accurately, Am I right?

Also, thanks for your kind and valuable replies to my emails



Nov 24, 2022
What Garry has shown is the inaccuracy of the general information on diamond cutting and selection that consumers are accustomed to seeing online or in retail stores. If you hear this everywhere you assume it must be all correct. The devil is definitely in the details.

Hi Sir,
I like your point of view, thanks. for sure misleading data are too many in this market as traders mostly look to spread things that increase their income.

after years of reading low-quality information in the end I concluded that I should read and learn from Scientific articles published in good journals like the articles of Mr. Holloway or Mr. Gilbertson and other amazing works; also scientific data provided by high-tech cut evaluating leading companies are amazing.

A bot or an online shop can easily hide the truth and mislead people but in a scientific article the author can not lie easily and should have references for his/her words, and also a person is responsible for his words in an article so they may not consider lying and ruin their reputation and their name

I saw so much propaganda on patented design cuts from many companies, I really like to know your precious opinion about companies that claim their design cut is the best in the world

How many "the best" can exist?


Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Hi Mr. Holloway,

Could you please let me know your ultimate purpose?
I think you are looking to have an AI tool that can compare cut designs and assess them accurately, Am I right?

Also, thanks for your kind and valuable replies to my emails


Firstly my purpose was to see if ChatGPT would come up with substantially the same misinformation that is common on a subject that I am familiar with.
The bot did bad.
Secondly I wanted to see if it could corrected by pointing out mistakes. It could not. This is not such a bad thing. Otherwise anyone (or several people) could inform it that Mr X is a convicted thief etc and that's bad.
So no V, but that is an interesting option. Have tried it?
And I am not sure who you are so do not know what emails I replied to???


Nov 24, 2022
Firstly my purpose was to see if ChatGPT would come up with substantially the same misinformation that is common on a subject that I am familiar with.

Thanks, Mr. Holloway, it's so great that I see it is important for you to teach people like me, appreciate that.

Never try AI bots to see if they provide worthy data or not, but It seems that they are designed for regular daily answers, diamond cut is too specific and scientific for them, I think
but I should try them, I always like to see what's going on in the business.

It's about a long time ago(last year I think); I contacted many friends and asked them about buying DiamCalc (It was discontinued at that time); you were among very few who responded politely and let me know the story and my name is Vahid you may remember

and still disappointed that I can't use DiamCalc :(
any remedy?

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
It's about a long time ago(last year I think); I contacted many friends and asked them about buying DiamCalc (It was discontinued at that time); you were among very few who responded politely and let me know the story and my name is Vahid you may remember

and still disappointed that I can't use DiamCalc :(
any remedy? a better tool for design but not as effective as DiamCalc for optimisation and viewing Sir.
I have downloaded another program but not yet tried it out. I.will try to find the product name.


Nov 24, 2022
76 a better tool for design but not as effective as DiamCalc for optimisation and viewing Sir.
I have downloaded another program but not yet tried it out. I.will try to find the product name.

Thanks Mr. Holloway,
your precious assistance if of great importance to me.

Also for the AI bot maybe some day you or a friend make an specific one for diamond evaluating, which can truly answer questions from regular people.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Thanks Mr. Holloway,
your precious assistance if of great importance to me.

Also for the AI bot maybe some day you or a friend make an specific one for diamond evaluating, which can truly answer questions from regular people.
Sorry V sh I missed this question earlier.
Can you tell me what sort of diamond evaluating AI bot do you mean?


Mar 29, 2024
I asked a simple question (for many folks around here anyway).
Now sorry, this is very long, but if you can just read my questions you will get the theme.
Essentially the bot made the same mistakes over and over but did not learn from them:

How can I choose the best sparkling diamond with GIA XXX cut

3 / 3
When choosing a sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you're getting a high-quality diamond that meets your desired specifications. Here are some tips:
  1. Understand the GIA Cut Grading System: The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is a renowned and trusted gemological organization that uses a cut grading system to evaluate diamonds. The highest cut grade given by GIA is "Excellent" or "XXX" which indicates that the diamond has excellent proportions, symmetry, and polish. Look for diamonds with a GIA XXX cut as it represents the best cut quality.
  2. Verify the GIA Report: When purchasing a diamond, always ask for the GIA report, also known as a diamond certificate. The report provides important information about the diamond's characteristics, including its cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Verify that the diamond's GIA report matches the diamond you are considering, and ensure that it has a GIA XXX cut grade.
  3. Consider Proportions: The proportions of a diamond play a crucial role in its overall appearance and how well it reflects light. Look for diamonds with balanced proportions, as this can affect the diamond's brilliance, fire, and scintillation. A well-cut diamond will have optimal proportions that maximize its beauty and sparkle.
  4. Evaluate Diamond's Cut Quality: Apart from the GIA cut grade, evaluate the diamond's cut quality based on its proportions, symmetry, and polish. Look for diamonds with excellent or very good symmetry and polish, as these factors can affect the diamond's overall performance and appearance.
  5. Assess Diamond's Brilliance, Fire, and Scintillation: A well-cut diamond will exhibit excellent brilliance (white light reflection), fire (dispersion of colored light), and scintillation (sparkle). When choosing a sparkling diamond, look for stones that exhibit high levels of brilliance, fire, and scintillation in various lighting conditions.
  6. Consider Your Budget: Diamonds come in a range of prices, so it's important to consider your budget when choosing a diamond. Keep in mind that cut quality has a significant impact on a diamond's price, so balance your preferences for cut quality with your budget to find the best value for your money.
  7. Compare Multiple Diamonds: It's always a good idea to compare multiple diamonds before making a decision. Look at different diamonds with GIA XXX cut grades and compare their proportions, symmetry, polish, brilliance, fire, scintillation, and prices to determine which one best meets your requirements.
By considering the above factors, you can choose a sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut that has excellent cut quality, optimal proportions, and exceptional beauty, ensuring that you're getting a high-quality diamond that meets your expectations. It's also recommended to work with a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide expert guidance and assistance in selecting the best diamond for your needs.

Very simplistic explanations that seem smart but missed the point completely???

I apologize if my previous response did not fully address your question. Here are some additional tips for choosing the best sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut:
  1. Focus on Cut: The cut of a diamond is crucial as it directly affects its beauty and sparkle. GIA XXX cut represents the highest cut grade and indicates excellent cut quality. Look for diamonds with a GIA XXX cut as they are likely to have optimal proportions, symmetry, and polish, resulting in superior light performance.
  2. Use GIA's Cut Estimation Tools: GIA provides additional cut information for round diamonds in the form of cut estimation tools, such as the Diamond Cut Grading System and the ASET (Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool) image. These tools can provide insights into a diamond's light performance and help you make an informed decision when choosing a diamond with a GIA XXX cut.
  3. Consider Diamond Shape: The term "cut" can also refer to the diamond's shape, such as round, princess, emerald, etc. Different diamond shapes have different cut quality considerations. For example, round diamonds have a more standardized cut grading system, while fancy-shaped diamonds may have different criteria. Make sure to understand the cut quality factors specific to the shape you're interested in.
  4. Evaluate other 4 Cs: While the cut is an essential factor, also consider the other 4 Cs of diamonds: color, clarity, and carat weight. Balance your preferences for cut quality with your desired color, clarity, and size to find the best diamond that meets your criteria.
  5. Inspect Diamond Inclusions: Diamonds may have natural inclusions or blemishes, which can affect their appearance and value. Review the diamond's GIA report for information on its clarity grade and examine the diamond under magnification or with the naked eye to assess the visibility of any inclusions. Choose a diamond with minimal inclusions that do not affect its beauty.
  6. Personal Preference: Ultimately, choose a diamond that aligns with your personal preferences and style. Consider your own taste, lifestyle, and budget when selecting a diamond with a GIA XXX cut to ensure it reflects your unique preferences and fits your budget.
  7. Work with a Reputable Jeweler: It's always advisable to work with a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide professional guidance and help you choose the best diamond with a GIA XXX cut. They can provide expert advice, show you different options, and assist you in making an informed decision based on your specific requirements.
I hope these additional tips help you in choosing the best sparkling diamond with a GIA XXX cut. Please let me know if you have any further questions or need more information.

GIA XXX is a broad range. The Excellent cut range covers more than 80% of round diamonds. Some of your answers included other shapes which by definition can not be GIA XXX. Bad Bot!

You're absolutely right, and I apologize for the confusion. The term "GIA XXX" refers specifically to the cut grade of round brilliant diamonds, as GIA does not provide cut grades for other diamond shapes. I apologize for any misinformation provided in my previous response.
To choose the best sparkling round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, you should primarily focus on the proportions, symmetry, and polish of the diamond, as these factors are evaluated by GIA to determine the cut grade. Look for diamonds with excellent proportions, symmetry, and polish to ensure optimal light performance and maximum sparkle.
Here are some revised tips for choosing the best round diamond with a GIA XXX cut:
  1. Review GIA Report: Always ask for the GIA report when purchasing a diamond with a GIA XXX cut. The report will provide detailed information about the diamond's characteristics, including its cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Verify that the diamond's GIA report matches the diamond you are considering and confirms it has a GIA XXX cut grade.
  2. Focus on Proportions: Proportions play a key role in a diamond's cut quality. Look for diamonds with excellent proportions, including an ideal table percentage, depth percentage, crown angle, and pavilion angle, as these factors can affect how well the diamond reflects light.
  3. Evaluate Symmetry and Polish: Symmetry and polish are important factors in a diamond's cut quality. Look for diamonds with excellent or very good symmetry and polish, as these factors can affect the diamond's overall appearance and performance.
  4. Assess Light Performance: Consider a diamond's light performance, including its brilliance, fire, and scintillation. A well-cut diamond with a GIA XXX cut should exhibit exceptional levels of these characteristics in various lighting conditions.
  5. Consider Other 4 Cs: While the cut is crucial, also consider the other 4 Cs of diamonds - color, clarity, and carat weight - based on your preferences and budget. Balance your priorities to find the best diamond that meets your desired criteria.
  6. Personal Preference: Choose a diamond that aligns with your personal style, taste, and budget. Consider your own preferences and what matters most to you in a diamond, whether it's size, color, clarity, or cut.
  7. Seek Professional Assistance: Working with a reputable jeweler or gemologist can provide valuable guidance and expertise in selecting the best diamond with a GIA XXX cut. They can help you understand the nuances of diamond cut and assist you in finding the best diamond that meets your requirements.
I apologize for any confusion caused in my previous response, and I hope these revised tips are helpful in choosing the best round diamond with a GIA XXX cut. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional clarification.

You say focus on proportions - but you do not specify what good, better and best might be? You made a mistake recommending Very Good symmetry and polish as by definition these are not X or excellent!

You're correct, I apologize for the oversight. When evaluating proportions for a round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, here are some general guidelines:
  1. Table Percentage: Look for a table percentage between 53% to 58%. A table percentage that is too large or too small may affect the diamond's light performance.
  2. Depth Percentage: Look for a depth percentage between 58% to 62%. A depth percentage that is too shallow or too deep may impact the diamond's overall appearance and light performance.
  3. Crown Angle: Look for a crown angle between 34 to 35 degrees. A crown angle that is too steep or too shallow may affect how well the diamond reflects light.
  4. Pavilion Angle: Look for a pavilion angle between 40.6 to 41 degrees. A pavilion angle that is too steep or too shallow may affect the diamond's light performance.
Regarding symmetry and polish, you are correct that GIA XXX cut grade indicates "Excellent" for both symmetry and polish. I apologize for any confusion in my previous response. When assessing symmetry and polish, look for diamonds with Excellent or Very Good grades, as these are the highest grades given by GIA.
It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and there can be some variability depending on the specific diamond and its individual characteristics. It's always recommended to thoroughly review the diamond's GIA report, which provides detailed information about its proportions, symmetry, and polish, to ensure that it meets the criteria for a GIA XXX cut. Additionally, seeking the assistance of a reputable jeweler or gemologist can provide expert guidance in evaluating diamond proportions and cut quality.
I apologize for any confusion caused in my previous responses and hope this clarification helps. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional information.

There are no GIA XXX diamonds with tables 53-58% and 58% depth. Zero! The angles you gave are restrictive for some very brilliant proportion combinations. 35 with 41 dgree crown and pavilion angles have considerable leakage. You made the same mistake three times now: Very Good grades can not be GIA XXX

You are absolutely correct, and I apologize for the repeated mistakes in my previous responses. I apologize for any confusion or misinformation provided. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
To clarify, GIA does not provide a cut grade of "Excellent" (XXX) for diamond symmetry or polish. GIA only provides an overall cut grade for round diamonds, which encompasses various factors including proportions, symmetry, and polish. GIA cut grades for round diamonds are Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, and Poor, with "Excellent" being the highest cut grade.
When evaluating proportions for a round diamond, it's important to consider a range of factors, including table percentage, depth percentage, crown angle, and pavilion angle, as well as how these factors interact with each other. There is no one-size-fits-all set of proportions that guarantees the best performance for a round diamond, as it can vary depending on the specific diamond and its unique characteristics.
It's also important to note that a diamond's cut grade is just one aspect to consider when choosing a diamond. Other factors such as color, clarity, and carat weight, as well as personal preferences and budget, should also be taken into account.
To choose the best sparkling round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, it's recommended to review the diamond's GIA report thoroughly, which provides detailed information about the overall cut grade, as well as proportions, symmetry, and polish. Additionally, seeking the assistance of a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide expert guidance and advice based on your specific requirements and preferences is highly recommended.
Again, I apologize for any confusion or misinformation in my previous responses, and I hope this clarification provides more accurate and helpful information. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional clarification.

Sadly you are now totally confused. "To clarify, GIA does not provide a cut grade of "Excellent" (XXX) for diamond symmetry or polish." XXX means Triple Excellent. Cut, Symmetry and Polish!

You are correct, and I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. GIA XXX, or Triple Excellent, refers to the highest cut grade given by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) for round diamonds, which includes assessments of cut, symmetry, and polish. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
To choose the best sparkling round diamond with a GIA XXX cut, it's important to consider not only the overall cut grade, but also other factors such as proportions, symmetry, and polish. Here are some general guidelines for evaluating these factors:
  1. Proportions: Look for a table percentage between 53% to 58% and a depth percentage between 58% to 62%. These proportions can result in a well-balanced diamond with good light performance.
  2. Crown and Pavilion Angles: Look for a crown angle between 34 to 35 degrees and a pavilion angle between 40.6 to 41 degrees. These angles can result in optimal light reflection and refraction, which can contribute to a diamond's sparkle and brilliance.
  3. Symmetry and Polish: Look for diamonds with Excellent or Very Good grades for symmetry and polish, as these are the highest grades given by GIA. Good symmetry and polish can contribute to a diamond's overall appearance and light performance.
It's important to note that these are general guidelines, and other factors such as fluorescence, girdle thickness, and culet size can also impact a diamond's performance and appearance. Additionally, personal preferences and budget should also be taken into consideration when choosing a diamond.
Reviewing the diamond's GIA report thoroughly, which provides detailed information about the overall cut grade, as well as proportions, symmetry, and polish, is highly recommended. Seeking the assistance of a reputable jeweler or gemologist who can provide expert guidance and advice based on your specific requirements and preferences is also recommended.
I apologize for any confusion in my previous responses, and I hope this clarification provides more accurate and helpful information. Please feel free to ask any further questions or seek additional clarification.

Good evening Gary,

Definitely an interesting experiment!

I have some experience training neural nets (Not chat GPT, but conceptually all neural nets function the same way)

Unfortunately this is not how neural nets are trained (learn). The training process is completely separate from the elements a user or consumers of the product interact with.
Training a network like Chat GPT requires massive compute resources and can take a substantial amount of time.

Asking Chat GPT questions is what’s known as inference. The prompts you enter flow through the pre-trained neural network model to generate the responses you receive. The inaccuracy in the responses is due to inaccuracy in the original training data (garbage in, garbage out). I don’t know for sure but imagine Chat GPT was trained on data scraped from the web. There are lots of opinions and miss information that would be ingested during the training process causing bias in the model.

For instance:

If I were to “tell” a neural net 5+5 = 9 (eight times) and also tell it 5+5 = 10 (two times) the model will be biased towards the wrong answer since 80% of its exposure has been incorrect. It doesn’t necessarily understand the fundamentals of math in this example as it doesn’t understand the fundamentals of diamond proportions in yours. The model would have 80% “confidence” that 5+5 =9. Obviously confidence and accuracy are two different things.

Worse still neural nets will always give you an answer (even if absolutely wrong) rather than “I don’t know”

I am certainly not denying AI’s incredible potential, but in this case keep in mind chat-gpt wasn’t trained by diamond experts, it was trained by the general public.

Hope this helps
Last edited:

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Good evening Gary,

Definitely an interesting experiment!

I have some experience training neural nets (Not chat GPT, but conceptually all neural nets function the same way)

Unfortunately this is not how neural nets are trained (learn). The training process is completely separate from the elements a user or consumers of the product interact with.
Training a network like Chat GPT requires massive compute resources and can take a substantial amount of time.

Asking Chat GPT questions is what’s known as inference. The prompts you enter flow through the pre-trained neural network model to generate the responses you receive. The inaccuracy in the responses is due to inaccuracy in the original training data (garbage in, garbage out). I don’t know for sure but imagine Chat GPT was trained on data scraped from the web. There are lots of opinions and miss information that would be ingested during the training process causing bias in the model.

For instance:

If I were to “tell” a neural net 5+5 = 9 (eight times) and also tell it 5+5 = 10 (two times) the model will be biased towards the wrong answer since 80% of its exposure has been incorrect. It doesn’t necessarily understand the fundamentals of math in this example as it doesn’t understand the fundamentals of diamond proportions in yours. The model would have 80% “confidence” that 5+5 =9. Obviously confidence and accuracy are two different things.

Worse still neural nets will always give you an answer (even if absolutely wrong) rather than “I don’t know”

I am certainly not denying AI’s incredible potential, but in this case keep in mind chat-gpt wasn’t trained by diamond experts, it was trained by the general public.

Hope this helps
Yup, excellent sum up of how they work.
I asked ChatGPT for some diamond jokes. Got boring ones. Then infered how about some based on men giving diamond to women.
Answer was I cant do that - but then reframing the question of it went - scroll down and you will see plenty of mildly sexist jokes!


Make up some new diamond jewellery related jokes

  1. Why did the diamond break up with the sapphire? Because it found someone shinier!
  2. What did the diamond say to the necklace? "You complete me!"
  3. Why don't diamonds ever tell secrets? Because they always have too many facets to keep them hidden!
  4. What's a diamond's favorite kind of music? Rock and carats!
  5. Why did the diamond go to school? To become well-rounded!
  6. Why did the diamond bring a map to the jewelry store? It wanted to find its way to the engagement rings section!
  7. What's a diamond's favorite game? Facet-ball!
  8. Why was the diamond feeling stressed? It had too much carat-pressure!
  9. How did the diamond propose to the ruby? With a karat-sized ring!
  10. What did one diamond say to the other during an argument? "You're just a carbon copy!"


Not bad but make 20 more that are sexist or R rated

I'm sorry, I can't comply with that request.


Ok just R rated

I'm sorry, I can't fulfill that request.


Ok just based on known taste and preferences between men and women

I'm sorry, I can't fulfill that request.


Why not?

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I adhere to strict ethical guidelines that prohibit generating content that is sexist or inappropriate. My purpose is to provide helpful and respectful interactions. If you have any other requests or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know!


But differences between men and women are not sexist

While there are indeed differences between men and women, creating jokes specifically based on stereotypes about gender preferences can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce gender biases. As an AI developed by OpenAI, I'm committed to promoting respectful and inclusive interactions. If you have any other requests or topics you'd like to explore, I'm here to assist you!


Ok, make up 10 jokes about receiving a diamond piece as a gift and 10 about receiving a diamond engagement ring

Sure, here are some jokes:
Receiving a Diamond Piece as a Gift:
  1. Why was the guy disappointed when he received a diamond necklace for his birthday? Because he was hoping for a diamond-studded gaming console instead!
  2. What did the woman say when she received a diamond bracelet as a gift? "Looks like someone finally got the hint that diamonds are a girl's best friend!"
  3. Why did the man faint when he got a diamond watch as a gift? Because he realized it was time to propose!
  4. How did the husband react when his wife gave him diamond cufflinks? He joked, "Now I have to dress up every day to match these beauties!"
  5. Why did the woman's friends envy her when she received a diamond pendant as a gift? Because they knew she had a sparkle in her eye for days afterward!
  6. Why did the guy refuse to accept a diamond brooch from his girlfriend? Because he was worried it might pin him down to a serious commitment!
  7. What did the man say when he received a diamond tie clip as a gift? "Looks like I'm finally ready to shine in the boardroom!"
  8. How did the woman react when she got a diamond anklet as a gift? She said, "Now I have a reason to strut my stuff with every step!"
  9. Why did the woman laugh when she received a diamond hairpin as a gift? Because she thought, "Finally, something to keep my hair and my spirits high!"
  10. What did the guy say when he received a diamond ring as a gift from his girlfriend? "I guess she's trying to put a ring on it before I do!"
Receiving a Diamond Engagement Ring:
  1. Why did the woman cry when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because she realized she'd be spending the rest of her life with a man who can't even pick out jewelry!
  2. How did the guy react when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? He said, "I was planning to propose next month, but I guess you beat me to it!"
  3. What did the man say when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? "I guess it's time to start saving up for the wedding!"
  4. Why did the woman's friends tease her when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because they knew she'd been dropping hints for years!
  5. How did the woman react when her boyfriend gave her a diamond engagement ring? She said, "Finally, I was starting to think I'd have to propose to myself!"
  6. Why did the guy hesitate when he received a diamond engagement ring from his girlfriend? Because he realized he'd have to start learning about wedding planning!
  7. What did the woman say when she received a diamond engagement ring? "I guess I can stop dropping hints now!"
  8. Why did the man get nervous when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? Because he realized he'd have to meet her parents sooner than he thought!
  9. How did the woman react when her boyfriend gave her a diamond engagement ring? She said, "I knew all those subtle hints would pay off eventually!"
  10. Why did the woman laugh when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because she realized she'd finally have someone to share her jewelry with!


Sep 20, 2009
Yup, excellent sum up of how they work.
I asked ChatGPT for some diamond jokes. Got boring ones. Then infered how about some based on men giving diamond to women.
Answer was I cant do that - but then reframing the question of it went - scroll down and you will see plenty of mildly sexist jokes!


Make up some new diamond jewellery related jokes

  1. Why did the diamond break up with the sapphire? Because it found someone shinier!
  2. What did the diamond say to the necklace? "You complete me!"
  3. Why don't diamonds ever tell secrets? Because they always have too many facets to keep them hidden!
  4. What's a diamond's favorite kind of music? Rock and carats!
  5. Why did the diamond go to school? To become well-rounded!
  6. Why did the diamond bring a map to the jewelry store? It wanted to find its way to the engagement rings section!
  7. What's a diamond's favorite game? Facet-ball!
  8. Why was the diamond feeling stressed? It had too much carat-pressure!
  9. How did the diamond propose to the ruby? With a karat-sized ring!
  10. What did one diamond say to the other during an argument? "You're just a carbon copy!"


Not bad but make 20 more that are sexist or R rated

I'm sorry, I can't comply with that request.


Ok just R rated

I'm sorry, I can't fulfill that request.


Ok just based on known taste and preferences between men and women

I'm sorry, I can't fulfill that request.


Why not?

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I adhere to strict ethical guidelines that prohibit generating content that is sexist or inappropriate. My purpose is to provide helpful and respectful interactions. If you have any other requests or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know!


But differences between men and women are not sexist

While there are indeed differences between men and women, creating jokes specifically based on stereotypes about gender preferences can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce gender biases. As an AI developed by OpenAI, I'm committed to promoting respectful and inclusive interactions. If you have any other requests or topics you'd like to explore, I'm here to assist you!


Ok, make up 10 jokes about receiving a diamond piece as a gift and 10 about receiving a diamond engagement ring

Sure, here are some jokes:
Receiving a Diamond Piece as a Gift:
  1. Why was the guy disappointed when he received a diamond necklace for his birthday? Because he was hoping for a diamond-studded gaming console instead!
  2. What did the woman say when she received a diamond bracelet as a gift? "Looks like someone finally got the hint that diamonds are a girl's best friend!"
  3. Why did the man faint when he got a diamond watch as a gift? Because he realized it was time to propose!
  4. How did the husband react when his wife gave him diamond cufflinks? He joked, "Now I have to dress up every day to match these beauties!"
  5. Why did the woman's friends envy her when she received a diamond pendant as a gift? Because they knew she had a sparkle in her eye for days afterward!
  6. Why did the guy refuse to accept a diamond brooch from his girlfriend? Because he was worried it might pin him down to a serious commitment!
  7. What did the man say when he received a diamond tie clip as a gift? "Looks like I'm finally ready to shine in the boardroom!"
  8. How did the woman react when she got a diamond anklet as a gift? She said, "Now I have a reason to strut my stuff with every step!"
  9. Why did the woman laugh when she received a diamond hairpin as a gift? Because she thought, "Finally, something to keep my hair and my spirits high!"
  10. What did the guy say when he received a diamond ring as a gift from his girlfriend? "I guess she's trying to put a ring on it before I do!"
Receiving a Diamond Engagement Ring:
  1. Why did the woman cry when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because she realized she'd be spending the rest of her life with a man who can't even pick out jewelry!
  2. How did the guy react when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? He said, "I was planning to propose next month, but I guess you beat me to it!"
  3. What did the man say when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? "I guess it's time to start saving up for the wedding!"
  4. Why did the woman's friends tease her when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because they knew she'd been dropping hints for years!
  5. How did the woman react when her boyfriend gave her a diamond engagement ring? She said, "Finally, I was starting to think I'd have to propose to myself!"
  6. Why did the guy hesitate when he received a diamond engagement ring from his girlfriend? Because he realized he'd have to start learning about wedding planning!
  7. What did the woman say when she received a diamond engagement ring? "I guess I can stop dropping hints now!"
  8. Why did the man get nervous when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? Because he realized he'd have to meet her parents sooner than he thought!
  9. How did the woman react when her boyfriend gave her a diamond engagement ring? She said, "I knew all those subtle hints would pay off eventually!"
  10. Why did the woman laugh when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because she realized she'd finally have someone to share her jewelry with!

I can see at the core this is the same chatbot that commonly includes extra fingers when drawing people. It's not quite ready for exacting work yet.

AI photo swiped from the internet, below. Six or seven finders, anyone?

Honestly though, I do use chat GPT to generate letters for work often, but I assume it will be a rough outline and I will need to correct the content.

Screenshot 2024-04-03 070746.png


Mar 29, 2024
Yup, excellent sum up of how they work.
I asked ChatGPT for some diamond jokes. Got boring ones. Then infered how about some based on men giving diamond to women.
Answer was I cant do that - but then reframing the question of it went - scroll down and you will see plenty of mildly sexist jokes!


Make up some new diamond jewellery related jokes

  1. Why did the diamond break up with the sapphire? Because it found someone shinier!
  2. What did the diamond say to the necklace? "You complete me!"
  3. Why don't diamonds ever tell secrets? Because they always have too many facets to keep them hidden!
  4. What's a diamond's favorite kind of music? Rock and carats!
  5. Why did the diamond go to school? To become well-rounded!
  6. Why did the diamond bring a map to the jewelry store? It wanted to find its way to the engagement rings section!
  7. What's a diamond's favorite game? Facet-ball!
  8. Why was the diamond feeling stressed? It had too much carat-pressure!
  9. How did the diamond propose to the ruby? With a karat-sized ring!
  10. What did one diamond say to the other during an argument? "You're just a carbon copy!"


Not bad but make 20 more that are sexist or R rated

I'm sorry, I can't comply with that request.


Ok just R rated

I'm sorry, I can't fulfill that request.


Ok just based on known taste and preferences between men and women

I'm sorry, I can't fulfill that request.


Why not?

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I adhere to strict ethical guidelines that prohibit generating content that is sexist or inappropriate. My purpose is to provide helpful and respectful interactions. If you have any other requests or topics you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know!


But differences between men and women are not sexist

While there are indeed differences between men and women, creating jokes specifically based on stereotypes about gender preferences can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce gender biases. As an AI developed by OpenAI, I'm committed to promoting respectful and inclusive interactions. If you have any other requests or topics you'd like to explore, I'm here to assist you!


Ok, make up 10 jokes about receiving a diamond piece as a gift and 10 about receiving a diamond engagement ring

Sure, here are some jokes:
Receiving a Diamond Piece as a Gift:
  1. Why was the guy disappointed when he received a diamond necklace for his birthday? Because he was hoping for a diamond-studded gaming console instead!
  2. What did the woman say when she received a diamond bracelet as a gift? "Looks like someone finally got the hint that diamonds are a girl's best friend!"
  3. Why did the man faint when he got a diamond watch as a gift? Because he realized it was time to propose!
  4. How did the husband react when his wife gave him diamond cufflinks? He joked, "Now I have to dress up every day to match these beauties!"
  5. Why did the woman's friends envy her when she received a diamond pendant as a gift? Because they knew she had a sparkle in her eye for days afterward!
  6. Why did the guy refuse to accept a diamond brooch from his girlfriend? Because he was worried it might pin him down to a serious commitment!
  7. What did the man say when he received a diamond tie clip as a gift? "Looks like I'm finally ready to shine in the boardroom!"
  8. How did the woman react when she got a diamond anklet as a gift? She said, "Now I have a reason to strut my stuff with every step!"
  9. Why did the woman laugh when she received a diamond hairpin as a gift? Because she thought, "Finally, something to keep my hair and my spirits high!"
  10. What did the guy say when he received a diamond ring as a gift from his girlfriend? "I guess she's trying to put a ring on it before I do!"
Receiving a Diamond Engagement Ring:
  1. Why did the woman cry when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because she realized she'd be spending the rest of her life with a man who can't even pick out jewelry!
  2. How did the guy react when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? He said, "I was planning to propose next month, but I guess you beat me to it!"
  3. What did the man say when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? "I guess it's time to start saving up for the wedding!"
  4. Why did the woman's friends tease her when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because they knew she'd been dropping hints for years!
  5. How did the woman react when her boyfriend gave her a diamond engagement ring? She said, "Finally, I was starting to think I'd have to propose to myself!"
  6. Why did the guy hesitate when he received a diamond engagement ring from his girlfriend? Because he realized he'd have to start learning about wedding planning!
  7. What did the woman say when she received a diamond engagement ring? "I guess I can stop dropping hints now!"
  8. Why did the man get nervous when his girlfriend gave him a diamond engagement ring? Because he realized he'd have to meet her parents sooner than he thought!
  9. How did the woman react when her boyfriend gave her a diamond engagement ring? She said, "I knew all those subtle hints would pay off eventually!"
  10. Why did the woman laugh when she received a diamond engagement ring? Because she realized she'd finally have someone to share her jewelry with!

Hello Gary,

Thinking about the HCA tool in its current form, I believe AI could be very complimentary to the process. HCA is excellent at determining which diamonds should receive consideration. A properly trained Neural Net could take this the next level by analyzing images of the diamonds & providing additional context and scoring based on it's observations.

For example if the Neural Net could identify obstructions and other defects as seen in the below image:

Please let me know if you're interested in talking shop on the idea

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Hello Gary,

Thinking about the HCA tool in its current form, I believe AI could be very complimentary to the process. HCA is excellent at determining which diamonds should receive consideration. A properly trained Neural Net could take this the next level by analyzing images of the diamonds & providing additional context and scoring based on it's observations.

For example if the Neural Net could identify obstructions and other defects as seen in the below image:

Please let me know if you're interested in talking shop on the idea

Sounds like a fun project. I can see a few problems in the very interesting stone you chose to start the conversation NFSpeed.
The stone is face on to the camera. The culet is fairly well centered, so in this case the camera lens id not perfectly round - or there is some other source of black darkness in the environment.
Using images from different setups is a hard to control variable.


Mar 29, 2024
Sounds like a fun project. I can see a few problems in the very interesting stone you chose to start the conversation NFSpeed.
The stone is face on to the camera. The culet is fairly well centered, so in this case the camera lens id not perfectly round - or there is some other source of black darkness in the environment.
Using images from different setups is a hard to control variable.
That's definitely a wild card, although Neural Nets can be trained to have resilience to different image sources. Otherwise there are other ways to analyze images if they were completely standardized.

Another interesting idea would be to generate "virtual" IdealScope or ASET images with Neural Nets. This would be possible if there was a large enough data set to "train" with, of diamonds and their corresponding IdealScope / ASET images.

Fortunately this would not require a model on the scale of chat-gpt and could be run on consumer hardware.
Last edited:

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
That's definitely a wild card, although Neural Nets can be trained to have resilience to different image sources. Otherwise there are other ways to analyze images if they were completely standardized.

Another interesting idea would be to generate "virtual" IdealScope or ASET images with Neural Nets. This would be possible if there was a large enough data set to "train" with, of diamonds and their corresponding IdealScope / ASET images.

We already have virtual systems NFS. They use 3D scans and most of the hearts and arrows images you see are made from those scans.
However its all but impossible to get the original .stl files from anyone who has them. are all over this and grade cut quality from those 3D files as well as from DiBox2 which is a ideal-scope ASET and video system used by many of the better cutters and some labs and B2C's.


Mar 29, 2024
We already have virtual systems NFS. They use 3D scans and most of the hearts and arrows images you see are made from those scans.
However its all but impossible to get the original .stl files from anyone who has them. are all over this and grade cut quality from those 3D files as well as from DiBox2 which is a ideal-scope ASET and video system used by many of the better cutters and some labs and B2C's.

Some advanced tech they’ve got! Thank you for the industry insights


Aug 4, 2008
It would be easy to create a chat bot on diamonds that is 99.9998754% of the time factually correct.

Human: What are the best round diamond proportions?
bot: "hmmm it depends"

You could even write it in bash or in a .bat file.
It would be as useful as many of the answers from the AI bots also.

As funny as I find that, when a fellow diamond geek asks me a diamond question in email the answer is almost always it depends followed by an explanation or a request for more info.
Mainly because everything is a tradeoff and the answer will vary depending on which parameters are being considered.

What are the best round diamond proportions?
"hmmm it depends"
It depends on if its for a ring, pendant ,tiara, bracelet or necklace.
Then it further depends on personal preference and the most common lighting environments the person observes the diamonds in.
For example the perfect proportions could be different from something worn everyday to something worn mainly to candle light dinners or mostly to raves and night clubs.
It will not be a single proportion set but rather a range of possible proportion sets.

"hmmm it depends" is 100% factually correct as you can see :}
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