
Trader Joe Favs!

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Aug 12, 2005
Date: 3/6/2007 12:59:25 AM
Author: biblobaggins23
this is slightly off topic, but i wish my trader joe''s carried Amy''s Organic frozen foods. I am a vegetarian, and normally don''t take time to cook cause i work, so I like her foods. they are so yummy.
I don''t mind Amy''s, but personally I think the prices are outrageous even when they''re on sale (2/$9?!) at our Albertson''s. I''m vegetarian and I think TJ''s has a pretty good frozen selection...have you tried the asian tofu/rice bowls? Also, the black bean and corn enchiladas, all the different veggie topped pizzas, veggie eggrolls, etc.? Maybe they don''t carry Amy''s because it''s harder to get her stuff at a lower price? TJ''s is all about value, so maybe that''s why they don''t carry Amy''s. However, I do notice a few Kashi things there, although not the frozen entrees...Kashi isn''t exactly dirt cheap, so maybe my logic is totally off. I will just have to ask them next time I''m in there! I like how receptive the cashiers are when you ask them about products you can''t find or whatever...they are usually really knowledgeable and helpful about things like that. yet another reason I love this company!


Oct 30, 2002
monnie i totally agree re: TJ''s employees, they are so awesome and helpful!!! and i love how they chat with you at the ''oh this is my favorite pizza''''s like total validation, hehee. or ''i haven''t tried these, are they good''..kinda thing. and i agree re: value, most of the stuff they sell is the TJ''s version or they probably don''t want too many things competing with their own brand, since they have a TON of TJ brand items.

fave frozens so far:
steel cut oatmeal
minced chicken for lettuce cups
shepherd''s pie
multigrain waffles
tomato and mozz gnocchi
bean and rice fat-free burritos

things i haven''t tried yet but have in the freezer at home, dying to try:
chicken marsala and rice
black bean and corn enchiladas
new: chili and lime chicken burgers (110 cals each!)

i also checked out all the desserts yesterday in the frozen section, they didn''t have the tiramisu so i couldn''t see how bad it was for me. but some of the other stuff, wowsers!! the carrot cake was tempting for sure lol.

greg has commented on how we are becoming more into disposable kind of food items, aka things that come pre-packaged. even though we cook at home like 2-3x a week we still eat pre-packaged items like 2-3x a week as well. and places like TJ just make it so easy...$2.49 for a big lunch salad, or $1.49 for steel cut oatmeal, i mean how can you resist? hehe.


Nov 25, 2006
Date: 3/6/2007 12:02:52 PM
Author: monarch64

Date: 3/6/2007 12:59:25 AM
Author: biblobaggins23
this is slightly off topic, but i wish my trader joe''s carried Amy''s Organic frozen foods. I am a vegetarian, and normally don''t take time to cook cause i work, so I like her foods. they are so yummy.
I don''t mind Amy''s, but personally I think the prices are outrageous even when they''re on sale (2/$9?!) at our Albertson''s. I''m vegetarian and I think TJ''s has a pretty good frozen selection...have you tried the asian tofu/rice bowls? Also, the black bean and corn enchiladas, all the different veggie topped pizzas, veggie eggrolls, etc.? Maybe they don''t carry Amy''s because it''s harder to get her stuff at a lower price? TJ''s is all about value, so maybe that''s why they don''t carry Amy''s. However, I do notice a few Kashi things there, although not the frozen entrees...Kashi isn''t exactly dirt cheap, so maybe my logic is totally off. I will just have to ask them next time I''m in there! I like how receptive the cashiers are when you ask them about products you can''t find or whatever...they are usually really knowledgeable and helpful about things like that. yet another reason I love this company!

i usually just by amy''s vegetable and shepherd pies which are like 3 dollars each. some of amy''s prices are outrageous. i agree with that.


Aug 12, 2005
OK, I know this is the "favorites" thread, BUT, I don''t want to start a "not so favorites" thread, and I wanted to add two things I''ve discovered that I don''t like:

Frozen Key Lime Pie--NOT good. Certainly not worth 430 whopping calories per itty bitty slice (1/5th of the pie, which is maybe 8-10" diameter). Seriously, I took one bite and almost threw it out right then and there. Instead of throwing it out because I felt bad about wasting it, I stuck it back in the fridge and it''s been sitting there looking all sourly forlorn all week. I''ve had real Key Lime pie before, and this doesn''t do it for me. At all. Fortunately it was only $7, I think, so whatever.

Frozen white chocolate covered strawberries--bought these on impulse for V-Day this year...not so good. Like any frozen berry, these get mushy when they thaw, but these get realllllllyyyy mushy, AND the white chocolate has virtually no flavor. Total bust, not happy.

Yeah, so I''ve had several TJ''s employees tell me if I try something and don''t like it, just bring it back in for a refund...for some reason I just don''t feel right doing that! I am seriously considering doing that with the Key Lime pie, though...$7, do you guys think that''s wrong? Well I know it''s not WRONG, but I still feel kinda bad. Like maybe it''s just ME.


Aug 12, 2005
"monnie i totally agree re: TJ''s employees, they are so awesome and helpful!!! and i love how they chat with you at the ''oh this is my favorite pizza''''s like total validation, hehee. or ''i haven''t tried these, are they good''..kinda thing. and i agree re: value, most of the stuff they sell is the TJ''s version or they probably don''t want too many things competing with their own brand, since they have a TON of TJ brand items."

You''re right, Mara, I hadn''t even thought about the fact that they don''t want too many brands competing with their own! This is why you''re in marketing for a living (I think, right?) and it was only my college minor, lol! Makes so much sense, though. But yeah, they are always SO fun and upbeat, I love the atmosphere in our store because it is very customer friendly, which you don''t get in most major grocery stores. Love it! The stockers are always out in the aisles and always asking customers, myself included, if we are finding everything ok, and many times I''ve been able to ask questions and give feedback, which is a totally abnormal but wonderful experience for me as far as grocery shopping.


Nov 24, 2006
Which fish items are the best at TJ's? Thanks!

I looked for the Rosemary chicken and could not find it. Is it in the Freezer section or fridge? Thanks!


Jun 17, 2005
Mara, my TJ''s is not stocking the frozen steel cut oatmeal currently...they said there were quality control issues and they are looking for a new hoo, but I got the McCann''s 5 minute version, it is really good!


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 3/6/2007 10:01:36 PM
Author: diamondfan
Mara, my TJ''s is not stocking the frozen steel cut oatmeal currently...they said there were quality control issues and they are looking for a new hoo, but I got the McCann''s 5 minute version, it is really good!
DF, what area of the country are you in? Wondering because I asked about the frozen oatmeal last Friday night, and the TJ''s guy said they don''t have it in stock but they will be getting it in -- not sure how soon.

On another front, though - HUGE score with regular stove-top steel cut oatmeal. I bought a container of the Country Choice Organic Irish Style Steel Cut oats.....FABULOUS. Holy COW, cannot believe how creamy and yummy it is. Steel cut oats take longer to cook than rolled (about 30 min), so I cooked it in the increment listed on the container, which is a 4-serving amount. I ate one and divided the other 3 into serving gladware, and now I just have to heat and eat.

TOTALLY different taste than rolled oats - SO yummy.


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 3/6/2007 10:28:45 PM
Author: aljdewey

Date: 3/6/2007 10:01:36 PM
Author: diamondfan
Mara, my TJ''s is not stocking the frozen steel cut oatmeal currently...they said there were quality control issues and they are looking for a new hoo, but I got the McCann''s 5 minute version, it is really good!
DF, what area of the country are you in? Wondering because I asked about the frozen oatmeal last Friday night, and the TJ''s guy said they don''t have it in stock but they will be getting it in -- not sure how soon.

On another front, though - HUGE score with regular stove-top steel cut oatmeal. I bought a container of the Country Choice Organic Irish Style Steel Cut oats.....FABULOUS. Holy COW, cannot believe how creamy and yummy it is. Steel cut oats take longer to cook than rolled (about 30 min), so I cooked it in the increment listed on the container, which is a 4-serving amount. I ate one and divided the other 3 into serving gladware, and now I just have to heat and eat.

TOTALLY different taste than rolled oats - SO yummy.
I''m not DF, but she is in my neck of the woods, lives 5 minutes from me. Main Line, outside of Philly. Our TJ''s is in Ardmore, PA


Jun 17, 2005
the McCanns steel cut quick cook is not bad either. Cooks in 5 minutes. I add fresh blueberries, one splenda and some flax seed meal and it is a rib sticking yummy breakfast on a cold day!


Oct 30, 2002
how weird re the oatmeal DF! i was just there yesterday and they had a ton of the oatmeal finally (they are always almost sold out) so i was tempted to stock up and now maybe i will! i will be worried if they end up taking it off the market for a while. i do not have patience at all for the stovetop version of the oats. i guess i could make it then freeze it then re-warm it or something. i only eat it like 1x a week so i couldn't make a big batch of it and refridgerate it, because i don't eat it that often. i have way too many yummy breakfast things i like to switch out...hehee.

skippy, the rosemary chicken and rice is a fridge item, in the pre-packed section like near the pizzas. they also have things like lasaga, eggplant parmesan etc but they are not health, lol. the rosemary chicken and rice is sooo yummy! there are 2 pieces of chicken in there even though it may not look like it. so if you want it for lunch 2x then it's perfect or i make it for greg and i for dinner with side salads. either way it works!

monnie, yep i'm in marketing, hehe. it's always funny when i see a friend or something who is all 'yeah i bought this cool XYZ because of this ad' or whatever i just giggle. i'm like fabulous marketing work the company is doing then!! does anyone else get the TJ's fearless flyer? it came in the mail the other day and i had some fun reading it!! we are getting a TJ's like 5 min from us in the next few months so i can't wait.


Jun 17, 2005
could be regional, Mara...we had the lettuce cup fillers, but not the low fat pizzas or the chicken marsala. The manager told me that they decide what sells and different stores have success with different items. Makes sense, but bugs me I cannot try it out. The 5 minutes oatmeal is very easy, you could be getting your coffee or tea while it cooks, and it really tastes awesome!


Oct 30, 2002
yeah i would imagine it''d be really frustrating to not be able to try a bunch of stuff that sounds appealing! !i just had the chicken masala tonite and i had to spice it up a bit more with turmeric, curry, salt, pepper, and garlic but then it was really yummy. i mixed it with the rice which is what i do when we go to eat indian. anyway hope you get some new good stuff soon. our TJ''s is always adding new stuff so maybe yours will be doing the same!! also you can request it right and then maybe they will consider it for the next round or something.

i would imagine since we are in CA that our TJ''s are pretty packed with MOST of what they offer, because these stores are hugely popular out here. i know TJ''s is spreading but i think in the east coast maybe it''s not quite as popular as it is here in liberal california?

there is a website, i think it''s and they have reviews and pictures of most of their stuff and in the frozen section and other areas on the site, i have only seen like 3-4 things that we don''t have at our stores. so i guess we are lucky!!


Jun 17, 2005
I remember, coming from LA, all the things I lamented Philly not having...Coffee Bean, Peets, Koo Koo Roo, Cheesecake Factory, TJ''s slowly but surely we are starting to come into the real world! I think I would make a mint if I opened a large mall with mostly food and a few high end retailers...


Aug 12, 2005
Skippy, so far we''ve only tried the Mahi-mahi (dolphinfish)frozen which has been great! DH grillls it while I make some rice or potatoes or something, and we just love it. I would bet that their salmon or swordfish is wonderful too altough we haven''t tried it yet. I'' mso happy with the mahi that I would give all their fish at this point two thumbs up!


Jun 27, 2006
Skippy - Fiance and I also like the wild salmon. There''s one in an herb sauce, and the plain one is always staple (we usually put some bottled teriyaki sauce on it). The salmon portions are a little big for 2 people, though, I think. Wild salmon is so much tastier and so much healthier than farmed salmon, and they don''t even have it in the grocery stores here most of the time.


Nov 24, 2006
Many thanks, Mara, Basil and Monarch.

I bought the Smoked chicken Sausage and it is yummy; I am making it for dinner w/Whole Wheat Penne Pasta and of course TJ marinara sauce.

Oh, I tried the frozen cheeries on someones suggestion and they are yummy! Thanks all


Sep 24, 2004
Mara, frozen Oatmeal ??!!!

That''s one thing I haven''t seen yet.

I do my own steelcut oats almost every morning, takes just 3-4 minutes in the micro.
I add a tiny bit of natural sugar, blueberries, walnuts and milk, yummy.

I buy a large bag that lasts me almost a month runs, $3.50.


Feb 18, 2006
The kids loved the frozen choc. covered banana bites. i got some of the soy ice cream, but, I haven''t tried it yet. I hope it''s yummy because I''m lactose intolerant (even though I ate some fried fresh mozzerella tonight - oh the bloating I''ll have to endure later) and I really miss ice cream.


Oct 30, 2002
i noticed that the frozen cherries got rave reviews on tjfan too...i want to check them out for sure!

ann...haha i love the frozen as it comes in chunks already portioned out, so you just dump the block into a bowl and microwave. add sugar free maple syrup and you''re good to go.

the steel cut oats i bought from TJ''s (regular kind) say they do not recommend microwaving so i never thought to do it. the frozen is already cooked i believe and just heats up in 4 minutes.


Sep 24, 2004
We do not have a TJ''s here in Houston.

We have Whole Foods, which I guess is pretty good, though it''s too far across
town to visit (45 minute drive at the least)

Our other stores are good depending on location. My local HEB (Austin Tex. based)
is ok, but the one closer to Galleria (Whiteflash!) is really tops.

I love the grocery stores in Austin. There is one HEB there I love to go
get a sandwich and soup for lunch on Sundays. They have live Jazz on the patio!!


Aug 10, 2006
Ann, I too am really hoping that TJ''s expands to Texas very soon. I have relatives in SoCal, so I stock up when we visit them.

Luckily, I work less than a mile from Whole Foods. The patio/jazz/grocery location is Central Market. I love going there about this time of year. The weather is just right to grab a bottle of wine from the huge selection in the market, hit the cafe for a big Mediterranean salad, then head outside to the patio for some music! Our five year old loves to play on the huge playscape while mom and dad enjoy their food and wine.

Central Market has the best lemon bars I''ve ever had. You must try them!


Aug 12, 2005
19,311 favorite, this time in the health and beauty section! I''ve read and heard about this brand before but never tried it...wasn''t actively seeking anything out but was sort of browsing today and saw Kiss My Face lotion in Peaches N Cream flavor with 4% alpha hydroxy and it smelled so great I had to buy it. I tried it when I got home and it smells soooo amazing, and feels pretty good on my face! It''s not greasy, but it doesn''t exactly evaporate after 10 minutes, either, kind of a nice happy medium for a moisturizer! I love it so far. If I wake up broken out tomorrow I''ll let you know, but hopefully that won''t happen because I really love the scent of this stuff, and it''s not tested on animals nor does it contain any animal products and was only $6.50 for a pretty large pump bottle (sorry, it''s upstairs and I''m too lazy to go check out how many oz. it is!)
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