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Nov 13, 2007
Date: 12/9/2009 12:16:42 PM
Author: meresal
Princess- I really like the idea of the Family Calendar! Only issue, getting DH to remember to write things down. I''ll try after the new year. We will be getting closer to the baby being due, and will have lots of things that we need to get done, so I can use that as an excuse for needing to have one that we both use.

El- I am trying to find out the doctor''s name right now, so that I can see if he is a specialist, and what it is that he specializes in. I know that there is nothing that can be said now, but I would just like to know for my own personal well being, and maybe it will be good to know sometime in the future since DH will continue to see this guy.
The doctor is an Internal Medicine Physician.

From what I am reading it is pretty much a general physcician for adults.


May 20, 2008
Date: 12/9/2009 12:47:30 PM
Author: meresal
The doctor is an Internal Medicine Physician.

From what I am reading it is pretty much a general physcician for adults.
I''m not surprised he called it depression and prescribed meds because it seems like that''s the typical general practitioner thing. Though he should honestly be recommending your DH visit a specialist - he should realize that this disorder is out of his experience level.

But you''re right, nothing you can do about it at the moment, but hopefully your DH will get to a specialist at some point.


Nov 13, 2007
Ok, I have a little update, and we didn''t end in a fight.

Last night DH and I were sitting on the couch and his eyes were twitching like crazy. This would make the 3rd night in a row. I turned directly to him and just flat out asked, "What is bothering you?". He of course, said nothing about 2 times, so I asked if it was something at work, or with his family, and he still said that nothing was wrong. So I just came clean.

I told him that I noticed his eyes had been twitching alot the last 3 nights, and I was just worried about him. He said that it was probably just that Christmas is coming up and getting the house ready to bring the tree in, and maybe a few small things, but assured me that nothing abnormal was happening at work or around the house.

So, I decided that since we were talking openly and calmly, that this might be my only shot for a while, so I brought up, the idea of both of us going to a behavioral speacialist to talk about whether or not this could be passed onto the baby, and if so, what we should be looking for, if anything at all.

We discussed that he was the only one in his family that has this, but that it was worth the piece of mind to get some insight. He asked me some more questions, but I assured him that I hadn''t done any research on it, because I didn''t want him to feel like I was doing anything behind his back, and wanted him to be on-board before looking into it.

So, where we are right now... DH is still taking his Lexapro and we''ll see if it is still helping after the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the New Year passes, but for now we are going to do some research and go talk with a specialist about Tourettes and any implications it might have on the baby.



May 20, 2008
That''s fantastic news, Mere! I''m so glad you guys were able to talk about it calmly and it sounds like he''s getting on board and not feeling so defensive. I hope it goes well and I hope you guys learn a lot of good information.


Feb 8, 2003
Hope things get better for your DH. My son had blinking problems for a few years, but now over the last few months, has begun developing full-blown symptoms. I''m going to try changing his diet to see if that helps. In one of the responses someone mentioned yeast and I just found online an article about how intestinal yeast (candida) can worsen symptoms. I have Diflucan but am not sure if it''s safe to give to my son. . .(will have to look into that).

Candida is suppose to be controlled by removing sugar from one''s diet.


Apr 19, 2004
Date: 12/9/2009 1:23:07 PM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 12/9/2009 12:47:30 PM
Author: meresal
The doctor is an Internal Medicine Physician.

From what I am reading it is pretty much a general physcician for adults.
I''m not surprised he called it depression and prescribed meds because it seems like that''s the typical general practitioner thing. Though he should honestly be recommending your DH visit a specialist - he should realize that this disorder is out of his experience level.

But you''re right, nothing you can do about it at the moment, but hopefully your DH will get to a specialist at some point.

An Internist is a specialist--in Internal Medicine (much greater than a GP in terms of education). Are you hoping to see a Neurologist (Internist with Neurology subspecialty)?



Nov 13, 2007
Date: 12/17/2009 6:23:28 PM
Author: canuk-gal

Date: 12/9/2009 1:23:07 PM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 12/9/2009 12:47:30 PM
Author: meresal
The doctor is an Internal Medicine Physician.

From what I am reading it is pretty much a general physcician for adults.
I''m not surprised he called it depression and prescribed meds because it seems like that''s the typical general practitioner thing. Though he should honestly be recommending your DH visit a specialist - he should realize that this disorder is out of his experience level.

But you''re right, nothing you can do about it at the moment, but hopefully your DH will get to a specialist at some point.

An Internist is a specialist--in Internal Medicine (much greater than a GP in terms of education). Are you hoping to see a Neurologist (Internist with Neurology subspecialty)?

I would love to just find a doctor that specializes in Touettes, but not a single doctor wants to pin-hole themselves to Tourettes apparently. It is very frustrating.

MC- Thank you for your post. I will mention it to my DH, but I know that he will not stop eating sugar, unfortuntely. The hazards of being an adult once they actually figures out what causes these things.

DH''s tourettes/twitching is still going crazy. Every single night. I''m still hoping that it is just because of the holiday''s like he says, but I''m starting to doubt that. I guess we will see after the New Year passes.


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 12/17/2009 8:11:06 PM
Author: meresal
I would love to just find a doctor that specializes in Touettes, but not a single doctor wants to pin-hole themselves to Tourettes apparently. It is very frustrating.

MC- Thank you for your post. I will mention it to my DH, but I know that he will not stop eating sugar, unfortuntely. The hazards of being an adult once they actually figures out what causes these things.

DH''s tourettes/twitching is still going crazy. Every single night. I''m still hoping that it is just because of the holiday''s like he says, but I''m starting to doubt that. I guess we will see after the New Year passes.
Hey, I''ve been doing a bit more reading. Haven''t spent a lot of time yet, but found a list of foods to avoid and am just going to eliminate those for a few weeks and see if it helps my son. (taking out wheat and cheese)

Two items on the list (which don''t apply to my son, but may apply to your husband) include alcohol and caffeine. Often people drink more around the holidays (like me
) and if he''s doing so to "loosen up," he may actually be compounding the problem.
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