
The Official TTC Thread!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/17/2008 12:28:09 PM
Author: NovemberBride
Hi everyone,

I hope everyone had a good weekend and that we are going to start seeing some BFPs here soon - it seems like it''s been quite a drought this month! Must mean we are due for lots of good news for the upcoming holidays

As for me, I am on CD 63. I am getting really frustrated, so this weekend I did two things. 1. I called my doctor to see at what point I can come in and talk to her. I haven''t heard back yet and am hoping she won''t tell me to wait 6 months or something. 2. I joined FF and read through the charting tools and also ordered a BBT and TCOYF from amazon. Maybe I was just tired, but after reading all the FF lessons, I still have no idea how to read a chart. I think I am going to have to go back through this whole thread and hopefully you guys will be able to explain it better.
November, it isn''t unusual at all to have cycles like that, but definitely worth looking into. If I recall correctly, Fisher''s docs wouldn''t see her to do anything about her long cycle, which was around 60 days, they just said to wait and see. There is a shot they can give you to bring on a "period" (actually anovulatory bleeding) with a long cycle, and maybe this would re-boot your system, so to speak, and get you back on track? Worth looking into.

Charting may be expecially useful for you if you have longer cycles (is this normal or very unusual for you?) because it will really help you to know how your body is working and time BDing... good luck, keep us posted!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/17/2008 1:16:55 PM
Author: littlelysser

I was just thinking the same thing. I even said to DH after we have a kid, we''ll probably use the FAM method, as a second child would be a-okay with us.
I don''t want to go on hbc ever again, and although we want 2 kids at least, for career reasons I really want 3 years between kiddies... so I am not sure if I will feel comfortable depending on it
Especially when breast-feeding I think it becomes even less effective, since that affects hormones. We shall see I guess!


Jun 28, 2006
I''m also never going back on hormonal bc. I''m guessing that we''ll just be using condoms along with charting until we''re ready to TTC again.


Jun 26, 2006
LL, I am a former biglaw associate. I lasted 1.5 years at an old Wall St. firm before moving to Philly to be with my DH. The hours there were brutally long, but I loved my work (banking regulatory and M&A) and my colleagues. When I came to Philly, I went to another biglaw firm (largest in Philly). I lasted about 2.5 years there, but hated almost every minute of it. The firm was very cliquish and there was none of the camraderie among associates I had at my prior firm. It got so bad that DH and I considered moving back to NYC so I could return to my old firm. In the end, we decided that was not the right move for us (we want kids and neither of us have family in NYC and thought there was no way we could be the kind of parents we hope to be working the hours we would have had to work there. About 9 months ago I left the firm for an in-house position. I am rediscovering what it means to have a life (go to the gym, meet friends for drinks and dinner, make plans that I don''t have to cancel, take a vacation, etc). My dream job would be something to do with jewelry or fashion (by the way, your pieces are terrific, I can''t wait to see your Etsy store), but for now I am really happy.

I completely agree about not going back on hormonal birth control after having a child, especially since my cycle has been a mess since going off and I did not have any problems before. However, DH and I do not want a lot of kids (2) so I am hoping I am able to become adept at charting so that we don''t end up with a show on tv called "November and DH plus 13."

On a good note, I spoke to my doctor and she told me to come on in and she will probably give me the pill to start AFF. Hopefully that will get me back on track.


Aug 1, 2008
Pre-bc, my cycles weren''t clockwork, but they weren''t completely whacked either... However, very good point that there is an increased risk of an "oops" with this.... human error and all. To be honest, it wouldn''t be the end of the world by any means, it would just change our world in a direction that we didn''t plan.

The hormonal bc was starting to make me a bit crazy (i am not a big crier, but the last month I was on them, I was crying every time I turned around and wasn''t even sure why), which is one reason why I went off it. We are just going to have to make sure we are diligent about other b/c methods.......


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/17/2008 1:54:09 PM
Author: NovemberBride
On a good note, I spoke to my doctor and she told me to come on in and she will probably give me the pill to start AFF. Hopefully that will get me back on track.
Yah! Let us know if it works!


Feb 5, 2002
My chart is a disaster this month as I have been sick and running fever and taking decongestant etc.
no pretty crosshairs for me this time.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
You guys are funny. I couldn''t WAIT to get back onto BC! I even asked my doctor *before* I delivered my baby. He must have thought I was crazy. I was on the mini pill for the 7 months I BFed and now am back with my best friend, seasonique! I never had issues if anything it helps *so* much with my chronic cysts. Plus family planning is CRUCIAL for us b/c we buy our own health insurance (DH is self-employed). DD, I think 3 years is the perfect age gap. We''ll see if it works out for me.


Oct 19, 2005
Ahhh, hello ladies. I hate Mondays.

I must share with you all, and for those of you who don''t know about our (my husband and I) issues with sex (he wants it never, I want it NOW), I wanted to tell you all I managed to have sex with my husband on Friday. Yes, throw a parade. Possibly TMI, but really, are there boundaries on TTC Threads? Anyway, it was off schedule and all that, so it''s not procreation sex at all, it was *gasp* for FUN! Holy moly. Yes, that''s my Brag and Tell for today. It actually HELPED us because he actually said he''d forgotten that sex was fun.
Hm, my fault most likely. Most definitely.

Oh well. So I was high off the fumes of that when we went to get dinner Friday night. I was walking down the street with DH to get some Mexican food, also looking behind me at a cute vintage cardigan with kitties on it, when the toe of my shoe hooks a hole/ledge in the sidewalk and I go splaying out on my face. Totally wrecked my knee, and now it''s all bruised, bloody and swollen. Good thing O time is next weekend because I''m in so much pain. Being a coach as well as a PE teacher, DH had all the goodies in the car to make me feel better, he alcohol swabbed the area (OW), bandaged it and saran wrapped an ice pack to it immediately after I hobbled to the car. My damn vasovagal syncope (pass out when I get hurt) kicked in right when I beefed it, and it was all I could do to not throw up on poor ol'' DH. I''ll attach a pic.

As for everything else, I''m good, did some baking and had fun! Now on CD 10, voice is mostly back and I bought four new pairs of pants and a ton of sweaters. I also bought the world''s cutest pair of Nine West boots, normally 129.99, I got them for 78 w/tax and shipping, because of sales and coupon codes!



Mar 26, 2006
Delurking to say OWCH!!! You poor thing! (Although that is a great story, LOL!)


Apr 14, 2006
Amber, Owie!

Yay for the good times before that on Friday, though.


I sure hope I know what watery is since I don''t know what EW is. Hmph. I waited until there was watery before we started the marathon, so I don''t think I mixed it up with the little swimmers.

I''m hoping to have a O day confirmed this week. FF still says, depending on the temps I plug in, that CD 16, 19, or 20 could be O days. I''ll keep hoping unless tomorrow is incredibly low. But, if I do end up being a CD 20 ovulater again, that''s fine, gives me a better BD line.

About BC, I will not *EVER* be back on that stuff. I''m still cycling down from being on the pill, nearly a year later. No thanks! I''m glad it works well for some people, but it totally messed me up. Hardcore.

Paul''s mom went back into the hospital today for her second round of treatment. Keep thinking happy thoughts for her; she''s a gem. Thanks, everyone. I''m still hoping to share the news that she''ll be a grandmother soon.


Oct 19, 2005
Thanks Dee and Fisher! Yeah, it''s ugly alright, and that''s two days later! I tried to take a picture of the ground beef that was my knee at dinner that night but Paul was not hearing it. Or seeing it. What appetite disruption??

It''s sooo much better feeling, which is scary. It''s all gross, though. No sexy nighties for me, I''ll look like I had a beating. Bad enough I have to wear shorts because pants hurt!


Apr 14, 2006
Date: 11/17/2008 1:23:04 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 11/17/2008 1:16:55 PM
Author: littlelysser

I was just thinking the same thing. I even said to DH after we have a kid, we''ll probably use the FAM method, as a second child would be a-okay with us.
I don''t want to go on hbc ever again, and although we want 2 kids at least, for career reasons I really want 3 years between kiddies... so I am not sure if I will feel comfortable depending on it
Especially when breast-feeding I think it becomes even less effective, since that affects hormones. We shall see I guess!
Paul''s younger brother (and only sibling) was conceived when Paul was just barely 2 months old. Thanks to the whacked out hormones of breast-feeding. It supposedly has a tendency to do that to some women.


Jun 26, 2006

I think one of the reason some of us are hesitant to go back on hormonal bc is because some of us are having problems with our cycles after coming off which we perceive to be making it more difficult to conceive. In my case, until I started having these issues (I am on a 60 day + cycle right now and before going on bc I was a clockwork 28 day cycler) I would have definitely said I wanted to go back after my first child was born. I didn''t have any bad side effects and I think it''s the easiest and most reliable method of bc. However, since I know I do want more than one child, I would be hesitant to go back on after seeing how long it is taking me to regulate this time.

That said, I know it''s not everyone''s experience, I have more than one friend who got ktfu the very first cycle off the pill, so they understandably don''t have the aversion to it that I do right now.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
NovemberBride, that is true. My cycles were (around) 40 days after I stopped BC and while I got preggo. But honestly since I was on the pill (some brand or another) for 13+ years I don''t even REMEMBER what my cycles were like before them.

Anyways...I wish all of you your BFPs soon...sorry to have interupted!


Nov 15, 2005
Hi Amber, I''m so sorry about your scrape up!! Ouch
It gives me the chills thinking about it! I love how your husband took care of you and got you all bandaged up though, what a sweetheart! Sounds like you got a couple of sweet deals though- fun sex with hubby and an awesome deal on boots! What more could a girl ask for?!
Love ya, Amber! Take care~


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/17/2008 5:20:10 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
You guys are funny. I couldn''t WAIT to get back onto BC! I even asked my doctor *before* I delivered my baby. He must have thought I was crazy. I was on the mini pill for the 7 months I BFed and now am back with my best friend, seasonique! I never had issues if anything it helps *so* much with my chronic cysts. Plus family planning is CRUCIAL for us b/c we buy our own health insurance (DH is self-employed). DD, I think 3 years is the perfect age gap. We''ll see if it works out for me.
I think my aversion to it is funny too in a way... suprising type of funny. When I was younger I said I would NEVER trust anything but the pill! But when I went off it I noticed my mood was better, and my sex drive, and I just *felt* more like me... so I think the hormones were not my best friend. But all that may take a back-seat to the possibility of a Britney-Spears type one-two punch! Fisher two months and then preggo?? Wild!

November I also have an aversion to the pill because of how long it took my body to return to normal. It took three cycles for my fertility to return... even though they were shorter cycles, from my CF and my charting I know I was not actually able to conceive (No CF and too short LPs) and it was agonizing and scary and worrisome because we were TTC. So that was a total of 50-60 days... if this is your first cycle you may find since it is longer that next cycle your fertility returns full force, who knows right? Like you, I couldn''t help but wonder, "If it took this long to regulate now, what will it be like when I am 3-4 years older?" Anyhoo, I hope the doctor trip works! Hold firm to the idea that no matter what the bumps, the vast majority of women do not have fertility issues so the odds are that it is just a matter of time, patience, and lots of gettin'' it on.


Apr 14, 2006
Yep, Paul and his brother are just barely a year apart. His mother worried she was a fertile myrtle and would end up with 6 kids in 5 years, so she got her tubes tied. At the time, it seemed the right choice, but she later questioned it. Anyway, she said her Dr. (30 years ago) told her that while breast feeding, you are the most infertile you can be, when it''s really quite the opposite. Hindsight....

Today''s temperature was jacked up, too. So, I guess we just keep on keeping on and see what happens. At this point, it doesn''t look like I''ll be able to plan a testing day for my birthday, but oh well. I love a belated present! Always hopeful, that''s me!



Apr 14, 2006
Date: 11/17/2008 3:37:55 PM
Author: iwannaprettyone
My chart is a disaster this month as I have been sick and running fever and taking decongestant etc.
no pretty crosshairs for me this time.
Yeah, I think being sick for 9 days in a row had an effect on my temps and my crazy chart thic cycle, too.

Hope you''re feeling better now!!


Apr 14, 2006
I''ve been meaning to post this for a while, but forgot until now. A friend of mine who has also been TTC (and is now carrying a baby) told me she read up that men shouldn''t wear cell phones in their pockets while trying to procreate because it has an effect on the quality of sperm. Well, come the winter months (and I do consider this fall month a winter month, too!), I wear pull over hoodies a lot at work (for the first part of the day, at least. Old building= FREEZING!!) and the little pouch in the front is often where my phone ends up hanging out while I''m at work. So, I wonder if a cell phone can also have an effect on the ovaries? I don''t even know if the thing about cell phones and men is true, but I thought I''d throw it out here in case anyone has heard anything about it. Just in case, I''ve been trying to tuck my phone into my purse lately, rather than in my hoodie pouch.

Anyone heard anything about this? Likely it''s a hoax, but I still wonder.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/18/2008 7:47:23 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
I''ve been meaning to post this for a while, but forgot until now. A friend of mine who has also been TTC (and is now carrying a baby) told me she read up that men shouldn''t wear cell phones in their pockets while trying to procreate because it has an effect on the quality of sperm. Well, come the winter months (and I do consider this fall month a winter month, too!), I wear pull over hoodies a lot at work (for the first part of the day, at least. Old building= FREEZING!!) and the little pouch in the front is often where my phone ends up hanging out while I''m at work. So, I wonder if a cell phone can also have an effect on the ovaries? I don''t even know if the thing about cell phones and men is true, but I thought I''d throw it out here in case anyone has heard anything about it. Just in case, I''ve been trying to tuck my phone into my purse lately, rather than in my hoodie pouch.

Anyone heard anything about this? Likely it''s a hoax, but I still wonder.
There is concrete evidence that people with really really high use of cell phones have a greater probability of developing brain tumors on the side of the brain where they typically hold the phone. I think this got generalized to other possible negative effects, like the one your friend mentioned. But I don''t think there is documented evidence of effects of simply carrying a cell phone... I think the phone needs to be transmitting?? But no one knows. Better safe than sorry! But I think even if the effects were negative for just carrying a phone, it would take a loooong time for it to manifest. It is highly unlikely it affects your fertility now.


Mar 16, 2005
Good morning ladies. Still no AF for me. Woohoo! I am 3 days late but my cycle is very unpredictable off of BC so I''m not getting too excited yet. DH comes home from a bus. trip on Friday, so I am going to test then if I still haven''t gotten it...don''t want to get a positive and then can''t tell him for days, that would be torture! How is everyone else this morning?


Dec 8, 2005
Alright charting gurus...I''m utterly confuzzled. This is kind of long, but please read and give me your input.

So, this morning I woke up, took my temp and it was still low - which is insane to me. I have sore insanely sore nips, not much EWCM at all, and I was 99.9999% sure I O''d on either Saturday or Sunday.

Anyway, my temp was 97.25. Then I realized my I was breathing through my mouth and wondered if that was the cause of the low temps. So, I laid in the same position for about 2 minutes, and breathed through my nose - which wasn''t easy given my stuffy nose. Temp was 97.50. Thinking it might have been due to the fact that I was awake and stuff, I breathed through my mouth again for a couple minutes and took my temp again. This time it was down to 97.22.

Now, yesterday, the same thing sort of happened. Took my temp, 97.24, which was low, realized I''d been "mouth breathing" (hehe) all night, so I turned on my side, shut my mouth and fell back asleep for about three hours. Woke up, with mouth closed, and temp was 97.56.

So...long story short, if I enter my mouth breather temps in, I haven''t ovulated.

If I enter my nose breather temps, I have.

Which one do you ladies think I should I go with???

I''ve attached my chart when I''m a nose breather. Mouth breather is soon to follow.



Dec 8, 2005
Here is my mouth breather chart.

I''m just confused. And also, really DONE DTD every day. UGH. Last night felt totally mechanical. Luckily, DH has been quite the trooper.



Nov 10, 2006
Good Morning All!

I'm at CD 20 and I think I O today!
Well, it will be either today or tomorrow so, that's good. My monitor said it was a peak day and I had a positive OPK. This is a good thing, because like LL, my DH has about had it with BDing this month since we started it last Mon. (granted we've been BDing every other day since last week), but we're both ready to thow in the towel. My plan is to BD tonight and again tomorrow....doubt I'll be able to get it in on Thurs. but we'll see.

LL - I'm a mouth breather and my temps are low, but they still show a clear shift at the time of O. I'm not exactly sure which one you should go by, but whenever I'm in question, I always use the first one (I know it's not the one you want to see on your chart). If you start to overthink things, your chart becomes manipulated. I think DD needs to chime in here.

Amber - OUCH!!!!! Love the story though. If you get a scar from that you'll always have a remembrence of that!!!

As for the BC topic - I will definitely not go back on it after I have a baby. I was never a fan of it to begin with, but went on it to ease my cramps since they were getting bad.


Jun 28, 2006
I''m thinking you probably O''d, but I''d still go with the mouth breather ones for now and make a note of the nose breather ones. Since you''re trying, I wouldn''t believe the crosshairs until there''s more definite evidence otherwise you could end up missing your window.


Dec 16, 2007
Lysser since you have never had an anovulatory cycle (rght?) and you seem to have a good handle on your CF (sounds gross!) I think you have ovulated... after all, temps are not the only sign! And if your CF has indeed dried up I would go with that. If you took the nose-breather temp this morning without moving at all between waking and taking, then I think it is reliable. It will probably become clearer over the next few days anyways... but I'd enter the nose-breather temp for today and enter the mouth-breather one for yesterday, just because you took it much later than usual (right??). It shouldn't affect your ovulation day to have yesterdays temp low, since that is just a fall-back rise pattern.

Anyhoo, if the CF is gone then I think you can safely stop getting in on!

ETA I just noticed you still have EW marked today... to be safe I wouldn't stop the BD until that is totally gone. When do you usually ovulate, peak day (last day of fertile CF) or the day before or after peak? Also, were you a mouth breather the rest of the cycle? If so then just be consistent, but if these last couple days were unusual then maybe it is worth doing what I suggest above.


Dec 8, 2005
Thanks for the thoughts, ladies. I''m just so annoyed. Particularly if this was all for nothing and I haven''t even freaking O''d yet. I thought I had a good handle on my body, and my O signs, but I just don''t know.

DD - I haven''t filled in today''s stuff (i think you were looking at monday, maybe?), but I did have a bit EWCM yesterday. And I checked today and I have some EWCM today. I even did the water test. Went right to the bottom. I usually have EWCM a couple days after I O, if the past cycles are any indication. And it is just a bit. Much much less than I had on Sat or Sun.

There will be no DTD tonight, I just can''t do it. I am not an every day kind of girl.

I''ll be back for shout outs and stuff later. I''m just so freaking frustrated. I need to go exercise to work out some of my annoyance.



Dec 16, 2007
Date: 11/18/2008 10:31:29 AM
Author: littlelysser
DD - I haven''t filled in today''s stuff (i think you were looking at monday, maybe?), but I did have a bit EWCM yesterday. And I checked today and I have some EWCM today. I even did the water test. Went right to the bottom. I usually have EWCM a couple days after I O, if the past cycles are any indication. And it is just a bit. Much much less than I had on Sat or Sun.

There will be no DTD tonight, I just can''t do it. I am not an every day kind of girl.

I''ll be back for shout outs and stuff later. I''m just so freaking frustrated. I need to go exercise to work out some of my annoyance.

Lysser, yes I was looking at monday. Don''t worry, you know it will happen, and in fact it probably already did! Go burn off some evergy... I feel for you though, I spent a week waiting for O one month, delaying a trip while waiting, and it seemed to never come! Then it did!

I think you may have ovlated today or yesterday. Temps for the next few days will tell.


Oct 6, 2008
Amber, great story! Hey, you should be a writer. I''m glad you and DH were able to put the fun back in DTD. I sometimes fear I have the opposite problem...I seem to enjoy it sooo much more when there is a purpose behind it. I''m going to have to get over that.

Hey Fisher, I don''t know about the cell phone thing, but I do avoid putting the laptop on my lower abdomen...that thing gets really hot and I somehow feel like I''m going to cook all my eggs!

LL - FWIW, I also think you O''d. Between the sore nips and the CM, it seems likely. But what a major chafe. I really feel for you. Now I''m dreading the day I get a cold. I had no idea mouth breathing could affect temps so much!

BB - it sounds like you''re in good shape!

So many people with crazy high temps this cycle, mine were a bit lower. My coverline is around .3 degrees lower than last time. Weird. And I know I can''t count myself out so soon but... I feel like I would feel PG at this point. I feel *everything* that goes on. A friend of mine told me she started feeling heart burny at 3 DPO...kinda bums me out.

CD 17, 4 DPO
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