
The Official TTC Thread!


Oct 19, 2005
AF is due for me somewhere the 18th I think (I have no memory these days), and FF said to test on that day? That''s so weird it said to wait a week for you!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Amber (and HIL if this cycle didn''t take) - I''m going to be O''ing right along with you gals (if my cycles truly are back to normal). HEE~! Knitting buddies!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/8/2008 12:57:06 PM
Author: AmberWaves
AF is due for me somewhere the 18th I think (I have no memory these days), and FF said to test on that day? That's so weird it said to wait a week for you!
Amber and Happy, FF gives you a test day based on your typical LP length, so since Amber has a fw cycles charted FF can estimate her normal LP length. For happy, since she doesn't have enough cycles charted to accurately guess the LP length, then FF defaults and says to wait until 18 DPO to test! Yeh right indeed

Implantation occurrs anywhere from 5 DPO to 12 DPO (give or take). It takes 2 - 4 days for the hormones to build up enough to be measurable on the test, so you could get an accurate test as early as 7 DPO but as late as 16 DPO! I think it partly depends on how long your typical LP is, since implantation tends to occurr in the middle of your LP
Happy do you have any guess about how long you LP usually is? Mine was around 10 days, so I tested on 11 DPO and got my BFP. I suspect implantation happened around 5 DPO.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
seriously Dreamer - you are a fertility PRO!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/8/2008 1:39:46 PM
Author: mela lu
seriously Dreamer - you are a fertility PRO!
Haha... I have a freakish memory so if I read something once I pretty much remember it. Came in useful in school


Oct 19, 2005
Ahhh, that makes sense. Thanks, DD!


Dec 8, 2005
Hello All.

I''ve been around. I''m CD 6, so no knitting for me!

My sister is coming up for a visit this week - she currently looking for an apartment when she moves here for nursing school. So I''ll be busy for sure. Then, this weekend we are going to out of town to visit some friends of ours for a long weekend. I guess we''ll be f-statistic-ing at our friends'' place? Yikes! But hey...gotta do what we gotta do, I guess?

Indy - I am still suffering from the horrid-osity of my lack of sushi. We went out for a nice dinner and I had some wine, so it was still enjoyable. But still. Darn lack of stupid sushi. But to be honest, I''d be pretty darn happy if I couldn''t have it again for quite a while!!!! And I know I haven''t posted on the thread, but I hope things improve for your poor family. That is a lot to go through, and I hope you get some good news soon!

Amber - I am so sorry about the painful sunburn. That just stinks. Stupid dumb thing. I hope you are feeling good soon. And I have to tell you, as much as DH has gotten into the baby thing, I think he like the trying this just about as much, if not more!

Mela - Yay for EWCM! This past cycle I didn''t do as much charting of my CM as I could have. I''m excited to really keep track and see what is what! I hope your sushi was WONDERFUL.

Radiant - Hope all is well!

HIL - I''m glad Tahoe was nice! Yay! I''ll be thinking good thoughts for you! As for testing, I''m a chronic over-tester. All part of my charm. Anyway, I bought some cheapie tests online, they ended up being like 1.50 each for POAS type tests. I just want to know ASAP. So I don''t think I''m too helpful on that account.

DD - Glad to see you are still hanging around with us folkals! Your thoughts are so appreciated!

Good thoughts to all you future Jerkstores out there!!!!


Oct 19, 2005
LL, I think DH is weird, as he''d much rather have a baby, and just pshaw all the trying!
Me thinks I''m overdoing it a bit, though, with the "Come ON, it''s TIME!"


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/8/2008 2:43:51 PM
Author: AmberWaves
LL, I think DH is weird, as he''d much rather have a baby, and just pshaw all the trying!
Me thinks I''m overdoing it a bit, though, with the ''Come ON, it''s TIME!''
LOL!! Tell him he has to do the trying to even get the baby!


Oct 19, 2005
DD, seriously. I hate being the man in this relationship.


Aug 7, 2005
Hey girls! I think my question may have gotten lost in the mix, so I hope it''s okay to repost.

"I''m on my second cycle now, and all of a sudden I''m getting open circles (denoting the fact that my data might not be accurate) if I''m temping 55-30 mins apart instead of 0-30 mins apart on different days. Last month, I temped anywhere from 7-8am, but now it doesn''t like the fact that I temped at 7:55am yesterday and 7:20am today. Why this sudden need for ultra-consistency? Thanks!"


Oct 19, 2005
Peony, hopefully DD will pop in here with an answer, as I have no idea.
I take my temp every single day at 6:10am (which totally sucks now, since that was during the school year, and now that it''s summer, it''s too early!!), but I do know FF needs the consistency of taking the temp at about the same time every day to really be sure of the cycles. So that you''ll start to see a pattern easier, and faster. My guess, at least!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Thanks for the info DD! My last LP was 12 days, but it was my first cycle off BC, and this cycle I ovulated 1 or 2 days later than last month. I can''t be sure what my LP will be this month. I think I am doing a little hopefull "reading between the lines" and might be seeing an implantation dip with today''s temp. I think I will post my chart tomorrow if I am still unsure what I''m looking at.

LL- I think I am going to go buy a few $ store tests- I like the motto "test early, test often" at least for this first cycle of trying. I don''t know how many BFN''s it will take to change my view!

Mela- I''m so glad that you seem to be gearing up to have a regular cycle again. It will be nice to have a few knitters to keep me company next month.

Amber- You''ll just have to romance that hubby of yours

Peony- I wish I knew how to answer your question, but I am no help!


Feb 27, 2006
CD 6, so nothing really going on here.

Peony, I''m not sure why FF would change between the two cycle if your charting behavior is the same. However, I can answer why it needs the ultra-consistency. On average, body temperatures rise by 0.1 degrees F for every half hour that you sleep in. That means that a 55 minute difference in recording times could lead to a 0.2 difference in temperatures. Since you''re looking for subtle changes in temperature - namely shifts of 0.2 degrees or more - this can throw off being able to interpret the data.

However, if you have large temperature shifts, temping at different times may throw off your temps while still giving you an obvious shift at ovulation. A 0.2 degrees difference really matters if your shifts are 0.2 degrees but probably won''t if they''re 1.0 degrees. So someone with small shifts may need to be really consistent to get meaningful data out of temping while someone with larger shifts could handle being more lax.

Also, some women are more sensitive to changes in times. If you notice that your temps are pretty sensitive to when they''re taken, you probably need to be really consistent with temping in order to get meaningful data from it. If you''re not sensitive to when your temp is taken, it may not matter.

Amber, you can always switch your time at the beginning of next cycle (if there is a next cycle, of course). You just want to temp at a consistent time during each cycle.

HIL - Good luck! I hope this it it for you!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Peony, ditto what Blenheim said. I experimented a little and my temps really didn''t change if I temped 30 or 40 minutes this way or that, so it was OK for me to be a bit more slack. Chances are, it''s not a big deal for you either, if you have a big temperature shift at ovulation. But if you want to be on the safe side...


Aug 31, 2005
Hey girls! Thanks for the warm welcomes. :)

I'm officially on CD 2. AF came 29 days after the m/c, which was nice- some women aren't as lucky. We've decided we WILL try this cycle due to my OBGYN saying it was perfectly safe.

I start Clomid (for egg health, not ovulation) on CD 5, and Prometrium (in case progesterone levels are the cause of the m/cs) after ovulation. Oh, yeah, and I've already started taking baby asprin. These are all preventative measures as my tests came back normal. Nothing wrong that my OBGYN can see.

I'm a bit freaked out being on all of this medication, but it's for the best, I guess.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/8/2008 8:41:46 PM
Author: EBree
Hey girls! Thanks for the warm welcomes. :)

I''m officially on CD 2. AF came 29 days after the m/c, which was nice- some women aren''t as lucky. We''ve decided we WILL try this cycle due to my OBGYN saying it was perfectly safe.

I start Clomid (for egg health, not ovulation) on CD 5, and Prometrium (in case progesterone levels are the cause of the m/cs) after ovulation. Oh, yeah, and I''ve already started taking baby asprin. These are all preventative measures as my tests came back normal. Nothing wrong that my OBGYN can see.

I''m a bit freaked out being on all of this medication, but it''s for the best, I guess.
EBree, I''m glad that your body got back on track so quickly, that is really good news. I''m also really happy to hear that all your tests came back fine! Yippee!

I can understand why you feel a little aprehensive about taking all these meds, since there is no proof positive that either of these meds will be addressig the cause of your m/cs (if there even was a cause beyond pure bad luck!). In your shoes I would be wondering if there are any possible negative effects of the drugs that could outweight the potential benefits, since it is not clear than either drug is actually necessary? For example, if your prgesteron is normal, then could taking prometrium have any ill effects? Or, could clomid cause issues that your otherwise wouldn''t have to deal with? I''m sure you talked about all these issues and have looked into the pros and cons in great detail, I just hate to see you have any problems because of preventative measures that may not be required!

Like you seem to be, I guess am just surprised that the doc gave you so many meds when your tests came out normal... if it bothers you, can you wait one cycle before starting meds so that you can measure your progesterone etc etc or other hormones to get a better idea about what is going on? But then I guess since you got preggo your first cycle both other times that would mean waiting another month... Sighhh such difficult choices! In the end I can totally understand why you want to do whatever it takes this time to be safe! Anyways, just wanted to share my thoughts and let you know that I am supporting you 100% in whatever you do! Good luck and extra baby dust, you deserve it!


Aug 31, 2005

Thank you for your support! And for your concerns, too. I've thought about them non-stop since OBGYN told me she was writing the 'scripts, and I'll continue to research them until I feel I've learned all I can. I've done some research on Clomid, but very little on Prometrium, and since I don't take it until after I ovulate, I have time.

I asked OBGYN if the Prometrium would do any damage to my body if my progesterone levels were normal, and she said "not at all." As for the Clomid, there can side effects, but she was insistent about using it to create a stronger, healthier egg at a more balanced time in my cycle. She seems to think that may be the problem, even though I ovulated on CD 12 the second time I got pregnant (CD 20 the first time). Since I clearly have no problem ovulating (or getting pregnant, for that matter), she's putting me on a low dose so I don't pop out six eggs and become the next Jon & Kate Plus 8!

As for the baby aspirin, it's also a very low dose- 81 mg. I've read that many unexplained m/cs are due to clotting disorders, and that baby aspirin can resolve this.

I'm nervous, but hoping a) I just had two cases of bad luck or b) one of these is a simple fix. Since the basic tests came back normal, next would be the chromosomal tests, and the doctor doesn't think there's any need for those.

Crossing my fingers for a sticky bean.


Aug 7, 2005
Thanks guys, what you''re saying makes sense! I have done test-retest reliability experiments, and my temp seems to be stable over an hour long period if I stay in bed.

EBree, good luck to you! I remember you back from the wedding boards (I think we got married at a similar time).


Apr 12, 2006
Littlelysser - I'm currently on CD 11, so now that far ahead of you. Hopefully this month will be the one for you!

Peonygirl - This is the first month for me charting, but I temp at 5:15 a.m. everyday even if it's on the weekend. It was a pain at first, but now I actually look forward to waking up to taking my temperature even that early in the morning. I'm not sure about the need for consistency, since this is my first time. My guess is that FF needs the consistency to see a clearer pattern?

Happy in Love - Hope you will see your implantation dip today. Lots of baby dust to you!

Blenheim - Looks like we're pretty close in our cycle right now. Hope this month is your month! Good luck and keep us posted!

Ebree - So glad that AF came for you so quickly after your m/c. I was one of the unlucky ones, but it's okay because she finally came and went and now I am able to move on. That's good that your doctor is taking all of the precautions for you. I have actually called and left a message for my doctor to see if there is anything I should be doing to lessen my chances of another repeat. She hasn't called me back, but last I talked to her, she didn't seem that concerned yet since it was my first loss. I did read about baby aspirin helping with clotting issues and progesterone helping with your levels in order for the pregnancy to be stronger. That's great that all your tests came back normal. I'm praying for you that the next one will stick for you! Good luck!!!


Dec 16, 2007
EBree I''m glad to hear you have looked into those things, and I think a lot of women have had really great success on the meds you are describing and hopefully you will too!

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Radiantgirl, good lord, you wake up at 5.15 every morning to temp?!?! I tried to be as consistent as possible, which meant I often fell asleep with a thermometer in my mouth at 7.35 am. The first month that I haphazardly charted, my temps were all over the map even though there was no more than a 15-30 minute difference. The second month I was much more consistent, and well, look what happened to me.

Hang in there, ladies! I am rooting for all of you.

Is Lisa back yet?


Jan 16, 2008


AF came w/ a vengence in Arizona Mon. - 100 degree heat and no tampons
oh and bleeding like a stuck pig!

Back on the IUI treadmill today - US #1, prob. starting shots tonight.

Unbelievable really! 4 poss. - 5 targets!!!!

So totally bummed.......but 20% chance per cycle, we just didn''t "hit it."

And to think I thought we were going to have our own reality TV show - HA.

I have to read up on you ladies..........Ebree sorry to see you''re back! Sounds like we have a lot in common r u on the suppositories?

Erica & everyone else more personals later.


mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
oh lisa. my heart just broke reading your post. oh lady luck - where art thou? I am in shock about you BFN. I kinda sorta expected to see a ''differnt'' post. oh Lisa. I...I...(hug) I just cannot image how frustrating this must be. My heart goes out to you. Does your specialist guy have any guesses as to why it was a "miss"? Oh man.
I''m so sorry.

Ebree - hi girl! Good luck on this first cycle back on the trying wagon. I support whatever you decide to do...There are so many pro''s and cons to both sides. Best of luck this go around!

Nothing else to report here....


Apr 12, 2006
erica k - Actually, it's not as bad as it sounds doing it so early. I'm at work by 7 a.m. everyday and leaver earlier (which I prefer). I lay back down to sleep for a little bit longer after the thermometer beeps. There's something wrong with my BBT though because it doesn't keep in memory the last temp. The same temp (97.70) keeps showing up after I turn it off. I actually turn on the night stand light, pull out my little memo sheet and pen and write down the temp before laying back down. Maybe I should just get another thermometer since mine doesn't seem to remember the last temps anymore. I'm really anal, so this routine doesn't bother me at all. I actually look forward to it every morning! Hope to join you in the pregnancy thread soon! Have you had your first appointment yet? I forgot how far along you are again...

Lisa - I'm so sorry to here about your bfn. So sorry to hear you have to go through IUI again. I can't imagine how devastated you are. Hopefully the next time around will be the charm.


Dec 16, 2007
Lisa, that SUCKS! But it is only a 20% chance, so I guess that is how the cookie crumbles. Was your LP long enough this cycle to have supported a pregnancy? I can''t recall when you O''d but Monday seemed a little early for AF?

Anyways, please stay strong! And remember, you have one beautiful child already and she needs a happy healthy momma no matter what else goes on over the next few months.


May 6, 2007
Aww shucks LIsa. I am sorry to hear that it was a no-go this time around. We are here pulling for you. Did you say you start the injectables again already?
You didn''t mention your vacay. Did you get to relax at all? I bet your l.o. had a great time with her grandma(that''s who you visited, right?). We missed you on here- were you in the boonies with no internet or just busy? I hate to be away from the internet for too long. Pathetic I know.
Hope you are feeling better soon (((LISA)))).


Oct 19, 2005
I have a migraine right now (at work, which sucks), so I''m blindly typing as I try to relieve the stupid migraine spots from appearing in front of my eyes- so forgive me any typos!

Lisa: SO SO sorry to hear about the BFN.
I hope the next cycle works out better for you.

Ebree: sorry to see you back, but I hope the meds will help you!

Radiant girl: My thermometer keeps showing the 97.70, too! For awhile I thought I was just really consistent.

Okay guys, I''ll be back with more later- I have to try to get my work done with these stupid spots floating around.

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Lisa- I am soooo sorry! (((hugs))) I wish I knew what else to say... I hope this next round has a better outcome.

Radiant- Have you tried holding the button on the therm. down for a few seconds? I know that when I just turn mine on it shows 97.7, but if I press and hold it shows my last 5 temps.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Awww, Lisa, PHOOEY! All that and being in OK too.
I was rooting for you soooo hard. It''ll happen next time, girl! Then we''ll all be "Who''s the jerkstore NOW?! Mwahahahaa!"

Ebree, so glad to see you''re ready to try again! Hopefully, one of that assortment of things will do the trick. I think if I were you, and there was no research saying it was really dangerous, I would probably want to try everything I could just to see what happened. But I also understand the anxiety about taking stuff.

Everyone else come on and finish those sweaters already! We need more Jerkstores!
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