
The Official TTC Thread!


Mar 28, 2006
Indy- Think positive! Although it does sound to me like you are positive, yet realistic. There''s a difference between being aware of what can happen and actually expecting it to happen to you. Besides, given all of the above, don''t the Probability Gods have to cut you a break SOMETIME??


Dec 16, 2007
Indy are those the odds of issues if they do not follow the typical pattern of interventions, or are those the odds of problems even with all the interventions that we have (e.g., lots of scans, bed rest, early c-section)?

I''m feeling good, tiffany, thanks for asking! In weeks 6 and 7 I had lots of tiredness and upset stomach (like bad acid indigestion), but not puking. I started taking TUMS before bed and that seems to make a huge difference, though I still feel mild nausea if I do not eat on time (I''m in week 8 now). The bloating I had also has gone away mostly, which is FAB, so my pants fit again
. I''ve gained 2 lbs so far, but I think at least half is in by bbs, which tend to be sore! I was a Double D, and now I think I am at least an F or more
. While DH loves it, I think it looks a little ridiculous, though it makes my waist look really small! Crazy.


Oct 19, 2005
Good morn'', ladies.

Not much happening here, I''m currently on CD 24, and about 10dpo (seriously, I wouldn''t know other than the info I enter every day, it''s terrible), just waiting for AF to show up. It''s been very busy at home, trying to help my dad move, organizing the house, having friends over. Then there''s all the month-end stuff I have to do at work (like, NOW, whoops). I hold no expectation last O was the big one, so we''re just waiting for the next cycle to start. So that kind of sucks, but what can you do, right?

Sorry about the BFN, Happy. Hopefully it''s just too soon!

Good luck, Lulu !

Hopefully I''ll be back later- I forgot I had a report to do today!

And now I must get back to doing actual work. BOO.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
DD, I was wondering the same thing. The chance of TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) is 20%. If it happens, I gather bed rest + extra protein helps make it manageable, and there's a laser surgery they can do to cauterize the veins, which sometimes saves one of the twins from brain damage, while the other usually dies. There is not a lot of good information and the only study I've been able to find is really small N and badly designed (I hope! cause it wasn't good!). So it's really hard to tell what the outcomes are with intervention. I am really hoping that close monitoring helps make a difference. I have a call in to the specialist who will likely be looking after me starting next month and I've sent away for an information packet from the TTTS foundation. I gather there's not much you can do in the way of prevention, but I did notice that it's correlated with anemia and low protein. So I guess it wouldn't hurt to be really scrupulous about the iron and the 100 gms (!!!) of protein once we get into it. And I will insist on weekly or at least bi-weekly u/s.

Hopefully, the specialist will have some further, clearer info for me! Also, although I usually hate being addressed as "Dr.", I have to say my paranoia about demeaning medical treatment subsides when a Dr. addresses me as Dr.! which he did, totally unprompted. Of course I'll tell him to call me by my first name, but I'm glad he started out from an angle of mutual respect and equality, if you know what I mean. Usually I don't get Ms. or a Mrs., never mind Dr.!


Aug 7, 2005
ID, are your twins monoamniotic and monochorionic? I have an acquaintance who recently had this type. She was on bedrest for about 8 weeks before giving birth, but her twins are fine!

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Thanks Peony! I am definitely at the stage where I need to hear about lots of happy endings! They can''t tell yet whether they are mono-mono or mono-di, but the chances are very high that they are mono-di, which is WAY less risky than mono-mono, which carries (again, not sure if this adjusted for good care) a 50% mortality risk.

lord I hope those numbers are "minus any intervention" numbers!


Jan 16, 2008
Date: 7/14/2008 11:45:01 AM
Author: Independent Gal
DD, I was wondering the same thing. The chance of TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) is 20%. If it happens, I gather bed rest + extra protein helps make it manageable, and there''s a laser surgery they can do to cauterize the veins, which sometimes saves one of the twins from brain damage, while the other usually dies. There is not a lot of good information and the only study I''ve been able to find is really small N and badly designed (I hope! cause it wasn''t good!). So it''s really hard to tell what the outcomes are with intervention. I am really hoping that close monitoring helps make a difference. I have a call in to the specialist who will likely be looking after me starting next month and I''ve sent away for an information packet from the TTTS foundation. I gather there''s not much you can do in the way of prevention, but I did notice that it''s correlated with anemia and low protein. So I guess it wouldn''t hurt to be really scrupulous about the iron and the 100 gms (!!!) of protein once we get into it. And I will insist on weekly or at least bi-weekly u/s.

Hopefully, the specialist will have some further, clearer info for me! Also, although I usually hate being addressed as ''Dr.'', I have to say my paranoia about demeaning medical treatment subsides when a Dr. addresses me as Dr.! which he did, totally unprompted. Of course I''ll tell him to call me by my first name, but I''m glad he started out from an angle of mutual respect and equality, if you know what I mean. Usually I don''t get Ms. or a Mrs., never mind Dr.!
Hi Indy!

This is a drive-by post as my mind is actually short-circuiting today from the Whoremones!

I put the can of whipcream in the cupboard yest. We found only 1 lonely follicle yest. measuring 14mm
and I''m self-inj. more meds than RX to jump start some more! I''ve got about 4-5 more days or follicle recruitment but WTF???? Last month we had 4-5 major contenders.......

Anywhoo had to respond to TTTS - I''ve worked w/ a lot of these pt.s and the outcomes scenarios vary quite a bit.

Likely not to be of concern but Peri can detect it early. I saw everything on the spectrum and the laser ablation can go extremely well if this is the case.

From what I saw there were no demises but certainly disparities between the fetuses depending on when it was caught or treated.

Now I worked level 3 NICU and the hardest core cases went to level 4 but that was rare.

So don''t worry, easy for me to say huh?

Really you will get great care as u are so informed and aware - most of those mom''s had no clue and started care late anyway.

More later guys I promise, I''m in a chemical fog today so when it clears I''ll write some more.


Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
Aw, Lisa you''re awesome! I want more info! Whenever you''re able. Even if the info is "In the overwhelming majority of cases, everything turns out great!"

I need nice happy phrases like that to repeat to myself!

Go follicles go! Grow follicles grow! We need more Lisa-cubs!


Jul 6, 2005
radiant girl: good plan with the BD
better safe than sorry! ha.

HIL: i agree with RG - test in a couple of days (or tomorrow). glad to hear the wedding was fun!

tiffany: we are right around the same time -- good luck this go around! hope you can avoid the Drs office.

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
I was away for the weekend and just got back. Looks like I missed the big TWINS news! Anyway, thanks for asking about me, Tiffany. I just finished week 8, had a mini-u/s last Thursday that revealed a teeny tiny speck with a fast heartbeat (yay!). I was in D.C. in the wretched heat and humidity, and boy, it really did a number on my nausea. This week has started off pretty well. I was able to get up pretty quickly this morning, which was so amazing after crawling out of bed 20 minutes after waking up all last week.

As far as physical changes go, I''m still wearing the same bra (not quite AA), clothing, etc. My weigh-in was 2 pounds less than my weight 10 months ago. We don''t have a scale at home, so who knows how much weight I''ve gained so far. Maybe 1 pound? I guess all that jogging really paid off!

I am crossing my fingers for all you ladies! HIL, I''ll probably miss any test results because I''m off on vacation again for a week, but I hope that you some sort of definitive news either way soon.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
hi gals. lovin'' all the banter on this thread! I have nothing to report. I''m may-jah into my PMS and having a Debbie Downer / Feel sorry for myself day, as (it seems) so many people are getting BFP, twins, healthy heartbeats etc., and I just get to float between bloated and gluttonous; sweet and savoury. sigh. AND my DH is going to the Bahamas with his friend for 4 days - which he planned while I was preggo and not really in the mood I''m just venting a litte because I''m "whoremonal" as Lisa hilariously called it, and feeling down.

Glad you all are here and that I can take small pleasures from y''all. Lisa - you always make me laugh. Come say something funny and slap me back into a better mood woud''ja?

I know I''ll be FINE one''s AF comes. If my cycle magically returns to 28 days, then I''m looking at this Wed. the 16th of July. I just don''t know if I can count this post m/c cycle as ''typical''. Time will tell. Time, and perhaps another bag of chips. and then perhaps a Toblerone bar. mmm.


Dec 16, 2007
mela are you charting this cycle? I can''t recall if you even do that... did you O this month? That is something good to remember. And I know it is bitter words from a jerkstore like me, but your time will come soon, don''t worry! And then you will look back on this whole TTC ride as being so much less stressful that it felt at the time, and as so much shorter than it felt at the time...


Oct 19, 2005
I hear ya, Mela. MY AF is due in a few days, and I''m hating her and also like, HURRY UP, you SKANK. DH is planning a trip to Oakland to see the Raiders (shudder) with his buddy in December, and I was like, what if I''m pregnant then? And he counts on his fingers just HOW pregnant I could be at the most, and he was like, naaah, it''s fine. I really wanted to say "What if I''m NOT pregnant yet?".

I totally hear you, Mela. Stupid AFF. Can you tell I''m cursey today?


Jul 6, 2005
erica k: sorry to hear about the humidity-induced nausea - as a resident of DC I can fully attest that the weather is STICKY. before moving to DC, I was living in New Orleans and N. Carolina before that, so I figured that DC would be nothing in terms of the heat and humidity. I was right for the most part, but there are some days when you just need to move as little as possible and preferably in AC. Hope your feeling better and enjoy the vacation.

mela: i guess i was sort of in denial about my hormonal mood swings pre-AF for a while. Until my husband kindly pointed out that, on a very predictable schedule, i can get more than a little bit gloomy, nevermind irritated
hang in there as things will be a whole lot brighter in a few days.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 7/14/2008 4:31:13 PM
Author: AmberWaves
I hear ya, Mela. MY AF is due in a few days, and I'm hating her and also like, HURRY UP, you SKANK. DH is planning a trip to Oakland to see the Raiders (shudder) with his buddy in December, and I was like, what if I'm pregnant then? And he counts on his fingers just HOW pregnant I could be at the most, and he was like, naaah, it's fine. I really wanted to say 'What if I'm NOT pregnant yet?'.

I totally hear you, Mela. Stupid AFF. Can you tell I'm cursey today?

OMG, Quote of the day "HURRY UP, you SKANK." HAHAHAHAHA OMG Amber you killed me. LOL. Just what I needed! thanks.

"AFF". priceless.

Thanks Dreamer and Lulu. I know everything will be better...once I get through this sh!tstorm of emotions. To answer your question DD, I do chart CM/Cervix position but I don't temp. I will if i don't get knocked back up again in the next 4-6 months.

ETA: My DH started calling me "Hormona" this weekend. LOL. Similar to 'Ramona the Brave', but no....HORMONA! hahaha


Oct 19, 2005
Aaaah, Love me some Ramona books. I almost want to buy them all over again. Today I had an insane craving- to change a diaper. How weird is that? I actually thought, "I wish I had a baby to change". Something is wrong with me.


Aug 17, 2005
Date: 7/14/2008 4:31:13 PM
Author: AmberWaves
I hear ya, Mela. MY AF is due in a few days, and I'm hating her and also like, HURRY UP, you SKANK. DH is planning a trip to Oakland to see the Raiders (shudder) with his buddy in December, and I was like, what if I'm pregnant then? And he counts on his fingers just HOW pregnant I could be at the most, and he was like, naaah, it's fine. I really wanted to say 'What if I'm NOT pregnant yet?'.

I totally hear you, Mela. Stupid AFF. Can you tell I'm cursey today?

Amber, your post made my day!

Only a couple more hours until quitting time. Then I think a cocktail is in order!


Oct 19, 2005
Oh Charger, our relationship suffers at the hands of Oakland Raiders and USC. I''m a UCLA fan, and love ANYONE other than the raiders. It''s kind of funny.

Anyone else care to join me with my cheese fries and a drink?
One good thing about no PG.


Dec 8, 2005
Hey there ladies!

I''m working verrrrry verrrry hard to get out of my family funk. Just stinks. I suppose I''ll vent a bit...long story short, I have a younger sister who is challenging to say the least. She was stunningly beautiful as a teenager. Super popular type. By way of background, we have never been particularly close. Anyway, in 2001, when sister was 21 she became very mentally ill. She was diagnosed with clinical depression and she had a psychotic break. It was one of the toughest times of my life - and it darn near destroyed my parents. Over the past seven years she has said some horrible things to me, usually when she''s been drinking. Yeah, I know, not a good idea for her to drink...but try telling her that. She can be incredibly cruel and insanely selfish and self-centered. She''s almost 30. She is an adult. She is doing better, but has become manipulative and entitled, and we just can''t really say no to her or call her on her bad behavior...because we are afraid she''ll get sick again. And, sad to say, she just doesn''t really take care of herself and it stinks. She came up last tuesday, wednesday and thursday to look for an apartment. And went out with her friend both nights, coming home after 2:30a.m., despite the fact that we would not be able to go to bed until she got home...It just stinks...There are about a million other things which come into play...lots of resentment and jealousy...and well, lets just say that ours is not an ideal sibling relationship.

The visit just brought up a bunch of blergh-tastic feelings...and I''m working on getting out of it. Okay. Vent over.

I''m on CD 13. We''ve been f-statistic-ing every other day. Yesterday and today had we''ll see what happens! Not quite knitting yet...but soon!

I must say that I am super glad Indy, Erica, and DD are hanging around! It is good to see you jerkstores still around. I''ve been lurking on the pregnancy thread, and keeping an eye on y''all. I''m still in shock about your twins, Indy. I told DH and he got a scared look on his face - of course, that may because his friend and his brother are both expecting twins!

HIL - Sorry about the BFN - but it is still early. Don''t give up hope yet!

Amber - AFF - I''m totally using it. Love it! And also, EWWWW Raiders! We are HUGE Steeler fans over here...thus, we must hate the Raiders. And the Cowboys. And the Ravens. And of course, the stupid dumb stupid hate stupid dumb dumb Patriots. hate hate hate hate the patriots.

Blen - It is exceedingly clear to me that I''ve got to set some boundaries with my sis...I''m just not sure how. I''m thinking of seeing a counselor about it...blergh!

Tiffany - There ought to be a law against sushi places closing unexpectedly! It isn''t fair to those of us TTC! Just mean, really. Hopefully AFF (TM Amber) will not show again...and their neither of us can have sushi for quite a while!

Radiant - Good luck!

Mela - Well, while you DH is in the Bahamas, guess maybe try to enjoy the time you have to yourself, ya know? Watch bad movies, girls'' nights, etc. I''m also not temping, but checking CM and CP...and PMS is the worst for me too...just get such a gloom and doom perspective. Stinks link a mink. And I''ve found it is even worst when you combine it with the fact that I don''t want AFF (TM Amber) to come anyway. Feh.

Lulu - Good luck! It is super exciting stuff...and the waiting is such a pain! And share is definitely a strange least it is for me!

Lisa - I''m sorry about only one follicle...but really, you only need one, right?

Hope everyone continues to do well!!!!! Especially those jerkstores! Although with twins, Indy, aren''t you more of a Jerksupermart or something?

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006

ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

also, new term is AFF™ - Thanks Amber for the highlarious new term!


Oct 19, 2005
LL, Jerksupermart is perfect. Indy is now the costco of the TTC thread. Which, I should mention, is like my favorite place EVER. Costco pizza is TDF!

Mela, how the heck did you get that TM?


Jan 16, 2008
Firstly, INDY from my exp. the overwhelming majority of TTTS have good outcomes.

There are many proceedures available and actually a lot of awareness in the OB community about this.

AND you are more than a Jerksuperstore (LITTLE awesome idea) - more like a high-end B&M say, Saks, Neiman Marcus - the cadillac of pregnancies IDENTICAL TWINS!!!!! RIGHT?

TIFFANY - Thx for the lovely comment on my ring, ironic that I'd hock it to pay for more infertility TX. I guess your priorities can shift most definitely.

LOVELY - CD 11 today?? Hope the bada binging goes well and we get that BFP in a couple of weeks!

MELA - fabulous Mela, AFF ......... and the Whoremones - Hormona!!! I'm pretty much on the same pg. as you lately. Aggrevated and pissed-off. Then weepy and uber-sensitive.
I have been loathing my hair lately and feeling not so attractive - no reason why. Oh and I have terrible road-rage and kid rage (at others' big oversized teens playing in the mall play area where you have to be smaller than 42"). I was like the playground police telling these behemoths (sp) and their sloth parents to back-off and get the @#$@ out of the play area before several almost beheaded Olivia. I'm officially totally out of control.

Then DH tells me yest. that he thinks he has a UTI!!!!! He goes to urgent care and yep has a UTI.

Apparently it won't effect his counts as long as he doesn't have a fever. But JEEESH!

The doc. even implied that it was my fault. Ha, to think of all the UTI's I've had over the yrs. from men!!!

I like the idea of payback but the timing sucks. So he's got a burning, fire-crotch
and we're supposed to be BD tonight and this week a lot!

Could this IUI cycle get any worse???? First I have 1 follie, now DH has UTI and it all comes crashing down at the end of this week w/ a sperm room and a catheter x 2 and a "thank you very much for the $600, ma'am."


On the plus side - I guess we're not in OK anymore.

Here's hoping for saner days...........



Jul 6, 2005
whoa! lisa, things are sounding hectic over there...sorry that everything is feeling crumby right now. and seriously, i was just asking my DH last night if men *even* got UTIs. it''s good that he caught it early, hopefully avoiding a fever, you''ll BD the next few days away and that one SUPER follie of yours will be be in the right spot at the right time and voila! i''ll be thinking good thoughts for you.

amber: i know that you are feeling like PMS, but if AFF
hasn''t arrived how do you know that it will? isn''t there a chance that this could be a successful cycle?

LL: man, tough goings with your sister. it sounds like she takes advantage of a bad situation. i''m sorry that you always have to be the one to take her *crap* so to speak - do you find that when she''s in a healthier place, in terms of mental health, that the relationship improves?

has there been any consensus on this thread in terms of the everyday vs. every other day BD method? Just curious how long this love fest is going to last
. i certainly don''t mind this go around, but i can see that it might become a bit belabored if we have to be so *consistent* for the next 6 months to a year...

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Lisa- sorry to hear about all your stress! Geez, things sound kinda hectic in your world.
Amber, Mela, and anyone else PMSing... send some chips, candy, cake, ice cream, etc. over my way!

I feel like I am going crazy, one minute I have myself convinced I could be preggo, and the next I know its just AFF lurking around the corner.
I am having my typical AF symptoms, but am also absolutely exhausted, and my nipples are crazy sore. Now, being that I am not too far off BCP I realize that maybe I forgot how nasty real PMS can be, but the hopeful part of me is still holding out for a BFP.
I''m quite upset with myself today, I am usually so on top of eating well and working out but I have been indulging in a few too many treats these days and my scale is slowly creeping up. AND, I let myself skip the gym today (eventhough I had plenty of time) because I am soo tired and keep getting light headed. I am disappointed in myself for my excused and my slacking!
Whew, vent over.

Good luck to all who are dancing away

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Lulu- I don''t know about the feelings of all around here, but a girlfriend of mine said her dr. suggested every-other for optimal sperm quality. Thats what we tried this go ''round, but I feel like maybe because of that we missed the "best day"? I don''t know, I am curious what others think too.


Oct 19, 2005
lulu, there IS a slim slim slim chance of getting pg, but this cycle I was all askew with the temping and EWCM and time change with the traveling. Not to mention my sunburn, of which caused little to no action during the cycle. It was just excruciating.

I''m dying for some fried foods (hint #1 AF is appearing), and DH is taking me out to dinner tonight, my choice. Don''t know what sounds good!


Feb 27, 2006
Lovelylulu, I think that the consensus many many pages back was that every day carries a slight edge over every other day assuming that sperm counts are normal, but that the difference is slight enough that you shouldn''t feel guilty if you only feel up to it every other day! We weren''t sure about sample sizes and such that studies were done on, so the difference may not even be statistically significant.

If there are known sperm count problems, every other day gives more resting and replenishing time.

I''m sorry about your sister.

HIL, I hope this is it for you!

Lisa, what rotten luck. Hopefully he doesn''t get a fever and your one egg is a super egg.

I''m something like CD 13 and really trying to push the fluids, and my CM is much better quality this cycle than last cycle. Great tip, whoever mentioned it! I think that I''m at least a couple of days from ovulation at this point, though.

I haven''t called my dad yet since he left here and it''s been over two weeks. I''m not even sure what to say to him when we do talk.


Jul 6, 2005
thanks blen! I''m at CD 12 and have had EW for the last two days. i don''t temp, so i don''t know for certain, but this pattern is typical of my last few cycles so i think that i tend to ovulate pretty early...we''ve been opting for the everyday approach, but might cut it back in a day or two...

and i know that it''s confusing around here with the multiple LL posters, but it was littlelysser that was having some problems with her sister...

i wish it was friday

amber did you find a way to satisfy that fried food craving - i love some good fried chicken myself...though it''s a little early to be talking chicken.

i also did a little research into caffeine and coffee or rather decaf coffee. apparently, the place that i was going to decaffeinates their beans using a chemical process
, so i''ve found another place that only uses a water process. i''d like to kick the habit completely, but i figure this is a nice way to transistion.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
hi girls! I''m going to jump straight into our ''shout-outs''!

HIL - I swear, all of your symptoms sound more like PG than PMS, IMO. GL girl! I have a feelin''! (maybe I should go to the casino?! LOL)

Lisa - how are you doing? Hope thing are a little ''saner'' for you.

AMber - re: ™ I made that one on my MAC at work. I just opened the window for ''show character pallet'' and clicked the TM. I think for PC, there are shortcut (keystrokes) but I''m not sure what it is....!

Good luck Littlelyser and Lulu!!!

Blein. So sorry you''re going thru such a tough time. I have no advice, but can offer my ear if you want to vent
. Hang in there. Maybe some good news in the baby-front will brighten things up for you

I finally saw Knocked up last night (i know i know, LATE!)...and it made me want my own lickle one so badly!!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/16/2008 9:17:02 AM
Author: lovelylulu
I''m at CD 12 and have had EW for the last two days. i don''t temp, so i don''t know for certain, but this pattern is typical of my last few cycles so i think that i tend to ovulate pretty early...we''ve been opting for the everyday approach, but might cut it back in a day or two...
Hey Lulu, since you aren''t temping, you can still "guess" when you O based on CF alone... after O, you CF will dry up to become either creamy or sticky, or dry, depending on what your typical CF is like when you are in your infertile phase. For some people, this switch will happen THE DAY they O, for some others the switch will happen the day AFTER they O.You are safest to assume that you O''d on the LAST DAY of watery or EWCF. So to be "safe", if you can keep on BDing up to an including your first day on infertile CF (e.g., dry or sticky) then you will be covered! That way you are sure to hit the day before O and the day of O, which are prime days for conception!

Everyone else, hang it there! It is so great there is such a large group TTC right now, the support and friendship is invaluable!
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