
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Dust & prayers outgoing, Bright!!!!
Bright, dust and prayers to you, my dear. Hang in there. One more day till your ultrasound. I will be refreshing this thread like a maniac tomorrow looking for a good news update from you. What time is your appointment?
Bright, sending you dust and anxiously awaiting your update after your US. :)

Thinking of all you ladies here

Bright, I just saw your note about dealing with anxiety. For me, before my first u/s was the worst in terms of the waiting anxiety, due to the fact that my 6 losses were all so early. However, when my betas finally doubled nicely I had a good feeling deep inside. But I have to tell you that as soon as I went into that first u/s and saw the heartbeat, my worries dissolved. My losses were all so early that I never got to the point of seeing a heartbeat. I completely lost it in the u/s. It was just a gush of pure relief and raw emotion, it had finally happened. I am praying and wishing this for you tomorrow. With every day that passes positively, with every doubled HCG, seeing a heartbeat, every u/s, feeling the morning sickness, your worries will dissolve. Best wishes Bright.

MP, hang in there lady. Feel confident knowing that you have gotten pregnant before. That is a good thing to remind yourself. When I was trying with my second and having issues I just kept reminding myself that my body has done this before so it can happen again. Have you considered IVF at all? I don't remember if your insurance covered that or not. By weeding out the lower quality eggs, and just fertilizing the best of the best would certainly give you a leg up. What did your RE say about the HSG? It's interesting that it was the opposite tube this go round.

For all of the other ladies in here, I wish you all my best. I have been in your shoes (6 miscarriages, and two healthy boys!) and not many people can understand your feelings and struggles sometimes in the outside world. Stay positive, distract yourself as much as possible, know that you are doing all you can, and eventually it will all fall into place.
Thanks, LC. And congrats on your pregnancy!

Dani, thanks for the dust & prayers.

You too, Jgator! My appointment is at 11:30am ET tomorrow. I'll definitely let you guys know what happened ASAP.

Lizzy, thanks so much for cheering me on. Thanks, as well, for sharing your experience. My betas this time around were reassuring but I've had a hard time shaking that first u/s anxiety since I haven't seen a heartbeat at one of those yet either.
Hoping & praying that changes tomorrow. Your strength throughout your journey has been such an inspiration to me, dear lady.

MP, I'm glad your hsg went ok & that both of your tubes were clear by the end. That is odd that the same thing happened as last time. Worth asking your NP/RE what might be going on?
Also, how long after your hsg did you conceive Ev? Thinking wonderful thoughts for you this cycle.

Thinking of all of you lovely ladies.
Bright, hoping and praying for a wonderful update tomorrow!! If they let you hear it, be sure to grab a recording on your phone. We got one of Hannah's and I still tear up when I hear it. I'm so excited for you!!!
Just popping to say I'll be thinking of you Bright! Hoping for fantastic news tomorrow!
Bright, lots and lots of good thoughts headed your way tonight and tomorrow. Nothing will make me happier than for you to get good news tomorrow.

Lizzy, thanks for the good thoughts. I know ivf has better odds, but for a variety of reasons it's not a good option for us. No insurance coverage for one thing, and it's msinly because I struggle with the idea of making extra embryos or embryos that would be discarded. I hope my saying that doesn't offend anyone who chooses that option. I just have an internal struggle with it, and I don't know that we can overcome that aspect. I don't judge anyone who has done ivf or is considering it. I wish there was a way I could be guaranteed there wouldn't be any unused embryos, but I don't think it works that way. I hope that makes sense and didn't offend anyone. We all have our personal limits a far as intervention.

Afm, I'm stuck in the Atlanta airport tonight due to bad weather. I had a hotel reserved once I found out my flight read cancelled but no way to get there because there are no taxis or shuttles. I'm especially bummed because I was hoping DH and I could BD before my appointment tomorrow for purposes of timing iui, but now I'm not even sure I'll be able to get an appointment. Darn weather. This winter and all the work travel is kicking my butt. Can I whine about one more thing? I have a cold and sinus infection, and not sleeping tonight won't help. Thanks for letting me vent!

I'll leave with a little more dust for Bright!
Bright, sending you tons of positive energy today. I hope you see that little flickering heartbeat!

Monkey, oh man. I hate when things pile up like that. Makes me wanna have a toddler hissy fit! I hope things start looking up!
I hope to post more later today, but wanted to pop in to send DUST DUST DUST AND WELL WISHES AND HOPE HOPE HOPE to Bright for your ultrasound today! I have so much hope in my heart for you today.
Bright it's almost 11:30 and I'm sending you all the magic dust I can muster! :appl:
Bright, thinking of you and sending love and peace to you and your bean.
Thinking of you bright and praying for great news!

Thinking of you, bright!
Thank you guys so much for all of the luck, prayers & good wishes.

We just got out of our appointment. We saw a pregnancy in the uterus, a little bean measuring 6w2d with a heartbeat!
(114 bpm).
DH & I both cried tears of joy.

(Also, Tammy, thanks for the tip on recording the hb. I think I got it!)

Gotta run (celebratory lunch with dh) but I didn't want to make you guys wait.
Yay!!!!!!!! Oh I'm crying happy tears!!! So ridiculously happy for you!!!!!
Congratulations Bright!!!!!

I am so happy for you!!!!!
There aren't adequate words for how happy I am for you and your family bright.
What a miracle! Best news ever for a most deserving person! You just made my day!

So happy for you, Bright, this is amazing news! And a heartbeat! Thank the Lord!
Yay Bright!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Enjoy your celebratory lunch!
Tons of continued sticky dust to you for the next 8 or so months!!!
Such wonderful news :appl:

Could not be happier for you, bright!!
Amazing news! I'm so over the moon for you guys!
Yay Bright!! I am thrilled for you and your DH!! You made my day!!! Hooray for Heartbeats :love: !!!! Enjoy your lunch celebration and keep on baking away a healthy, baby!
Woohoo Bright! Most excellent (and real, true good) news!
Bright, I wish I had the words to articulate how absolutely thrilled I am for you and your DH. Congratulations!
Exhale and enjoy!
Oh Bright, I'm so so thrilled for you!!!!!best news ever!!!!!
Congrats Bright and your DH! I'm so happy you got to see your sweet little baby's HB :)
YES!! Congrats Bright, such awesome news!