
The cheesecake in the fridge.


Feb 18, 2016
The very particular space of time after one is certain that a ring exists, but before the proposal happens, was THE WORST WAIT, for me. I was on pins and needles. Any perceived deviation from our norm might potentially be THE TIME. I'll be real with you, I'm not a particularly patient person anyway. But, I tried. It started wearing on me, making me a bit anxious and overly analyzing EVERYthing he did/said. :wall:

One night after getting my hopes up and having nothing happen, my partner could tell I was feeling off/upset, and asked what was wrong. I tried to think of a way to explain it so he could understand.

Now, my partner loves cheesecake. LOVES. His absolute favorite treat in the world. So, I told him:

"I know how much you love cheesecake. Imagine I decided that for a very special, once-in-a-lifetime treat, I'm going to give you a super amazing cheesecake. Like, research and figure out who makes it the best, have it mounded high with the most delicious toppings and drizzled with sauce, all your favorite flavors. The perfect cheesecake made just for you. You'll take a bite and cry with happiness, that's how special this cheesecake is. And, guess what...

It's in the fridge! Yes, this fridge in your house. Right now! It is!

But you can't open the fridge.

That's right, you can't open the fridge. I know you know it's in there, all delicious and ready to be eaten. You will love it. When will I let you have some? You'll see! It's going to be so awesome! It's really the best cheesecake you'll ever have eaten in your life! I'm going to figure out just the right way to serve it... eventually! You will love it!

But, don't open the fridge, because you can't have it yet. In fact, I don't want to talk about it anymore, so you're not allowed to say anything about it. Just pretend it isn't there. Don't you want it to be a surprise? Wait patiently, and quietly, until I decide we can eat it. You're not allowed to know when that is."


I told him I wasn't trying to pressure him, I'd do my best to stay patient until he felt the time was right. But that I just wanted him to have a little understanding about what it's like being the person waiting on pins and needles for something amazing...

Him: "Oooo, yeah... that would be terrible!"

Good luck to anyone waiting!


Jan 29, 2016
OMG Elizabethess! :clap: :appl: :clap: :appl: :clap: :appl:

I can't wait until we get home tonight so that I can read this to him! Not only is it hysterical (My FI LOVES cheesecake too) but it's the most PERFECT analogy for waiting for a proposal that I've ever read! I love it and probably had a big dopey grin on my face the whole time I read it :razz:

Anyway, Hope all is well with you :) Did your little one go trick or treating last night?


Feb 18, 2016
Glad you liked that, lmcriss!

"Honey, I've got the cheesecake but you can't have it yet. I need to wait and find just the right plate to put it on first. Ooooh, I want to get a special napkin, too... "

You know after a while he'd be, like, "WOMAN, JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN DELICIOUS CHEESECAKE I DON'T CARE WHAT PLATE YOU PUT IT ON." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Halloween was great! The little guy went trick-or-treating in the office building where his daycare is located, followed by a classroom party. He got quite a haul for a toddler! No door-to-door yet, he was pretty tapped out after the school celebration :)

How's engaged life? Any consensus on budget or plans yet?


Jan 15, 2014
I love it! I may just read it to my bf tonight. I can't believe it's November.


Feb 18, 2016
Ariadne_Theia|1478108634|4092976 said:
I love it! I may just read it to my bf tonight. I can't believe it's November.

Good luck!!!! I'm crossing fingers for you :) :) :)
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