
Thank a Veteran today

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Apr 14, 2006
Hey everyone,

I wanted to thank any of you out there who may be a Veteran, or the spouse of a Veteran. And if you''re still serving, thanks for that, too!

My dad is a Vet, and he says that it really touches his heart when someone makes the effort to thank him for his service to the country, not because he wants the gratitude, but because he likes knowing that other Vets like him are getting praised for their efforts, too.

Happy Veterans Day!!
Thanks for writing this. I am actually on my way to get things for a starbucks theme gift basket for my uncle who is a vet. I know he will appreciate it:)
Thank you for your service!!!
Thank you to all the brave men and ladies who served or are serving. I''m truly humbled by your selflessness.
Great reminder; my dad too is a Vet. I think he will be touched when I call him. Thank you very much men and women.
Thank you to all the past and present veterans. Just wanted to let you know that if it wasn''t for all of you, I would not have the opportunity to be in this great country and to have the life that I have.

I also want to thank the families that have loved ones in the service or have lost loved ones that was serving our country. Many wonderful young men/women have lost their lives defending our country and also helping other countries. My thoughts are with you always.
Thank you to all the veterans today for your service in the past and present.

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and the weather is particularly overcast as it usually is on November 11. My husband lost a much older brother in WW2, and today we will honour him in particular.

Karl, don''t you usually post a very touching poem/verse/letter on this occasion? Would you please post it today especially for our new members?
Where would we be without them? Thanks so much for the reminder! I need to get in touch w. my dad today!
my father is 84 and a WWII vet. i always call him on veteran''s day. to each and everyone of the vets here at pricescope and to all vets anywhere: thank you.

movie zombie
Date: 11/11/2008 8:49:50 AM
Hey everyone,

I wanted to thank any of you out there who may be a Veteran, or the spouse of a Veteran. And if you''re still serving, thanks for that, too!

My dad is a Vet, and he says that it really touches his heart when someone makes the effort to thank him for his service to the country, not because he wants the gratitude, but because he likes knowing that other Vets like him are getting praised for their efforts, too.

Happy Veterans Day!!
You''re welcome, and you Dad is absolutely right.

I wanted to thank those of you who sent me emails today, it does mean a lot!

I came across this article on cnn.
Thank you Anthony Acevedo and all other veterans and current soldiers for protecting our country and my freedom.
Anthony Acevedo WW2 Veteran
Thank you to all who have so bravely served our country in the past or present!

Thank you to all who have lost a loved one while they were serving. Their sacrifice is so greatly appreiciated!

Thank you to all spouses of service men/women. Your dedication often goes unnoticed and as far as I''m concerned, you bravely serve our country as well!
Thank you to all who have served and who are serving!!!

Happy Veterans'' Day!
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