
Texas agriculture department's new dress code is based on 'biological gender'


Apr 30, 2005
What happened to freedom to be, and express, yourself?
What's this got to do with Agriculture?
There's that saying ... "Don't mess with Texas", but apparently Texas is free to mess with you.

Snip of first paragraph:
"The Texas Department of Agriculture is ordering its employees to comply with a new dress code, mandating they abide by it in a "manner consistent with their biological gender." An ACLU attorney says it violates federal law that bans employment discrimination based on one's sexual orientation or gender identity."

What's next?
Will all employees be required to chew tobacco, drive a Ford pickup truck with two shotguns in the rear window gun rack, sport a Jesus bumper sticker, and fly a huge Confederate flag. :knockout:

Why are they so afraid of diversity?
Me says they suffer from "Belikemeitis".

Hey Texas, people vary.
Get over it.
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Feb 14, 2014
So men get to wear pants? Large armhole tank tops? Hats inside buildings? And women must wear what? Dresses? Bikinis? Pants? Jeans? Full makeup?

Who decides what is gender appropriate? Oh yah, men!

And let’s also remember the new TX law to display— in a large enough font — (to be decided by men) the Ten Commandments and have random bibles laying about in public schools.


Jun 8, 2008
The way this country is heading this absolutely does not surprise me. It is a slippery slope taking away our rights slowly but surely, Mark my words if we don't do something to stop this madness life here as we know it will never be the same



Apr 30, 2005
Fire all the pigs, aka men.



Jun 27, 2020
And just how are they planning to check biological gender? (Shudders, SMH).

Since our state is going the "biological gender route" for public bathroom use, I was wondering the same thing about both the Texas dress code and about who can use what bathroom. Will women now need to carry a birth certificate that someone else will then check before you're allowed into a public bathroom to pee?

And if you don't have the right credentials, then what happens?

Obviously not everyone using a public bathroom is going to be local & automatically known to be male, female, transgender, or whatever. So then, how would the "bathroom police" know what is or isn't on a birth certificate unless you have to produce it?

I really don't understand this unnatural obsession with how others chose to dress (if it's tasteful) on any given day. Who - in their right mind - really cares what is on a birth certificate when it comes to fashion? Plus, again, who is going to research or check out these birth certificates? Our state (ultra conservative) legislature has a dress code, but it only applies to women. Now, I guess those women will have to also prove that they're really biological women. And if they're not (on their birth certificate), I guess they will be banned from the legislature floor - no matter how they dress - like has happened in Oklahoma.

For the record, I am 100% female via birth certificate, marriage, and most actions. But in a desperate situation (ladies room closed), I (along with some of my female friends) have used a public men's room with men present. Although the guys kind of looked shocked when we first rushed in, no one of either sex was harmed. The men also kind of shrugged and then quickly ignored our presence. We went into stalls and didn't give them a second glance at the urinals. We washed our hands alongside of them.

I have also used a public bathroom (in an emergency) while it was closed for cleaning, and the individual doing the cleaning was obviously male. I'm 99% sure a birth certificate check would have verified his sex. But he continued what he was doing and ignored me.

Okay, those "emergencies" may not represent everyday life for everyone. Still, I don't understand barring an individual (who truly considers themself as "other" than what is on their birth certificate) from living as the sex they identify with. Why shouldn't they be allowed to dress or behave as whatever sex they honestly identify with. Isn't that what they really are?

Although I prefer frilly and girly, I have worn a business suit that could be considered a "male" look. So, I guess my actions - even though the outfit was tasteful - might have gotten me in trouble with the birth certificate, fashion police.

Indeed, Americans (excluding straight, white males) are having their rights and value as human beings being slowly chipped away.

Will the conservative states potentially now require birth certificate checks for everything and anything? Will all individuals (who don't look or act like what someone else expects) have to now kowtow to the whim of a few bigots just to be allowed to live a reasonably normal life? Will a reasonably normal life even be allowed for anyone other than straight, white males???

After Row vs Wade was overturned, nothing would surprise me anymore.


Jan 22, 2014
Is this to stop men from wearing dresses and skirts?
news flash - Indian men and Middle Eastern men wear dresses, they call them Kurta or Andura. Scottish men wear skirts, they call them kilts. Fijian men wear skirts, they call them lava lava.
Is this to stop women wearing trousers ?
Or work boots?
People should dress however they like with reference to their type of employment, the weather and normal social norms ie a bikini is for the beach not the office.


Jun 26, 2007
I can't believe how some white guys have their panties in a twist over gender issues and clothing!
In the 20's, those hussy flappers wore short dresses! Then later, some awful women wore trousers!
Remember how the Beatles upset everyone with their "long" hair?
And those horrible hippies with their long hair and free love?
Gee, changes are painful!
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Mar 13, 2004
As a mother of a gender non-conforming child, it makes me really angry and scared hearing about more and more of these states and institutions implementing these hateful discriminatory laws and regulations. My kiddo has not dressed in accordance to their birth gender for 5+ years) and also uses the restrooms that they identify with and NOT in accordance to the sex indicated on their birth certificate. Has it hindered their success? No, straight A student....has it hindered their ability to be an excellent worker, or leader? Nope. Who gives a *bleep* what they're dressed in or which bathroom they use, as long as they perform their job well. For the record, my kiddo looks great in overalls!


May 13, 2018
As a mother of a gender non-conforming child, it makes me really angry and scared hearing about more and more of these states and institutions implementing these hateful discriminatory laws and regulations. My kiddo has not dressed in accordance to their birth gender for 5+ years) and also uses the restrooms that they identify with and NOT in accordance to the sex indicated on their birth certificate.

My youngest daughter was gender non-conforming (haircut, clothes) between 5 and about 11, and both my ex-wife and current wife are as well, although all are cis women. They’ve taken crap from people for looking like men in the past, and the heightened scrutiny makes me scared for their safety despite the fact that they actually DO use the facilities that go with their assigned gender as birth. They are not the most vulnerable (and my daughter has now shifted her preferences to be quite typically girly) so I worry about my trans friends and their kids even more, but I am furious about the trans panic (reminds me of the gay panic in the 80s that kept friends - especially teacher friends - closeted then) and the ramifications for us all. Wondering when we’ll all be told no pants for women.


Apr 30, 2005
The Christian Right has lost their ugly fight over gay marriage.

Marriage is no longer only for 'us superior straight folks'.
So now they have flaunt their imaginary superiority to, and persecute, the next group.


Eventually equality will win.

When we've embraced equality for trans (in a generation or so) what other group will they try to sh!t on and feel superior to, left handed people, the poor, the physically and mentally challenged? :nono:


Mar 2, 2012
The country would be a much nicer place if it wasn't for Republicans and the brain dead, bigoted and misogynistic folks that vote for them. And I don't want to hear any platitudes about how both parties are terrible. It's simply not true.
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