
Temp Check

sarahb|1420598780|3812799 said:
I love weather, but this cold is for the birds.

Come on Sarah ;)

I'll take cold and light snow over 27 and lake effect a million times over.
Zoe|1420626606|3812912 said:
I'm not sure what the temperature is right now (maybe 12 degrees?), but it's only supposed to get to 20 today. 13 tomorrow, and low-mid twenties for the rest of the week. The nights are supposed to be in the single digits, maybe below 0.

I often compare where I am to where you are, Zoe. As usual, where I am is a bit warmer. Not only am I farther south, I am on the coast. It is supposedly now 20 degrees F. here as we head towards the warm middle of the day. It's supposed to go down to 5 degrees F. tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be much colder than today, however. I am not expecting real drama. For me, extreme cold was last year when we saw negative temperatures here. We are not Canada or Minnesota. We are not used to that. As soon as I went outside on the day it was -2 degrees F here, I knew something was different. 5 degrees or 10 degrees is cold here. -2 degrees is really unusual.

2 oF with a windchill of -22

Tomorrow is supposed to warm up to 9 (windchill -8).

Yay. :nono:
One of my Iowan friends posted a picture on FB holding his digital thermometer outside and it was 35.6 below. ARGH.
packrat|1420647296|3812990 said:
One of my Iowan friends posted a picture on FB holding his digital thermometer outside and it was 35.6 below. ARGH.
7th circle of hell right there.
Finally dropped to 65F here in FL today. It's been a muggy 80 for the past few weeks.
-10C (14F), overcast.

Should get up to 0C today (32F).
azstonie|1420591397|3812726 said:
63, sunny and blue skies here in AZ! This is the time of year we have accidents at every intersection from confused snowbirds! If they make it to Costco they drive the car right in, thru/around the concrete barriers :cheeky:

Those of us under the age of 90 exercise extreme care on the roads now.
Ha! Watch out for my neighbors, they just left (again) today for their winter home!

Dee*Jay|1420588047|3812696 said:
kenny|1420585611|3812683 said:
Dee*Jay|1420585128|3812680 said:
kenny|1420585044|3812678 said:
Dee*Jay|1420584754|3812677 said:
It is currently 10 in downtown Chicago.

Tomorrow the HIGH will be 1. ONE. And the low will be NEGATIVE EIGHT. -8. As in, Freezing Minutes Another Forty Degrees.


I'm afraid to look at the windchill...

Yeah, me too.
The wind chill here brings it down to 81 F.

Kenny, it's a good think I lurve you...

You Too Snookums ... :love: ... BTW I LOVE those hand-knotted Bokhara rugs with the elephant hoof prints!
The wool they use in Bokharas is so soft!
I think it comes only from the throats of a certain mountain goat or something.
We have a red one under one of our pianos.

I'd get the darker one.
Nothing's yuckier than a dirty light rug.

Not to hijack your thread, but thanks for the feedback on the rug. I also think the dark one is the way to go. I have four other oriental-style rugs down (plus three more rolled up in a big closet... ), but no Bokhara, so I was kind of drawn to those since they were different that what I've got. Plus, no matter whether the base color leans toward the grey or the blue it will still be fine in that hallway. Maybe some day, now that the renovation is over, I should do a thread on my place and get some more decorating advice!

So, more than one piano? Why?

And I was just thinking about this last night: can we still call them oriental rugs? And why do we do that, when they never really were made in the "Orient"? Or were they . . . ? We call people Asians, and Oriental is bad, so . . . ?

And why do I waste time thinking about this? :confused:
69° here. :sun: :sun:

And sunny.

And it's sunny here 9 out of 10 days.

And it doesn't get dark until 6.

packrat|1420647296|3812990 said:
One of my Iowan friends posted a picture on FB holding his digital thermometer outside and it was 35.6 below. ARGH.

That's the trade you make for living amongst all that glorious corn the rest of the year.

hahaha 7th circle of hell is about right! You either gasp like a fish b/c the cold takes your breath away and it hurts your lungs, or your nostrils slam shut and won't open, so either way you have to walk w/your head turned down/back or cover your mouth/nose. Fun times.

Mmmmm yeah sweet corn is pretty worth it, I gotta say. And the green yard wouldn't look like this anywhere else so I guess I gotta buckle down and wait for Spring...

It's supposed to get colder tonight so maybe we'll have a late start again tomorrow. We had an early out Monday, our first day back from break, for a blizzard, and then late start b/c of the roads yesterday and late start today b/c of the frigid temps. Makes for a pretty good transition back haha.
This 80 degree weather in Los Angeles is killing my lemon and orange trees, and it's confusing the heck out of my guava tree. They're flowering and budding AGAIN when they're supposed to be resting! We had a heat wave last January and my lemon tree got so confused it ripened super fast, sprouted all brand new flowers when the lemons were still supposed to be green, then we had a cold snap and it never recovered... which threw off the entire rest of the year. My guavas are supposed to be getting a big trim soon but there are so many flowers and baby guavas on there I can't do it anymore, and it looks like a giant mess. :angryfire:
currently 8 with a -7 wind chill, we have wind chill advisory here tonight low will be -7 with wind chills of -20 :errrr:
packrat|1420661703|3813096 said:
hahaha 7th circle of hell is about right! You either gasp like a fish b/c the cold takes your breath away and it hurts your lungs, or your nostrils slam shut and won't open, so either way you have to walk w/your head turned down/back or cover your mouth/nose. Fun times.

Mmmmm yeah sweet corn is pretty worth it, I gotta say. And the green yard wouldn't look like this anywhere else so I guess I gotta buckle down and wait for Spring...

It's supposed to get colder tonight so maybe we'll have a late start again tomorrow. We had an early out Monday, our first day back from break, for a blizzard, and then late start b/c of the roads yesterday and late start today b/c of the frigid temps. Makes for a pretty good transition back haha.

I think that where ever you live, there's about 4-5 months of the year that are better spent inside.

Up north it's because of the cold, and down south it's because of the heat.

Not sure I've ever had my nostrils close up though . . . :shock: That sounds kinda scary. . .
AGBF|1420646445|3812982 said:
Zoe|1420626606|3812912 said:
I'm not sure what the temperature is right now (maybe 12 degrees?), but it's only supposed to get to 20 today. 13 tomorrow, and low-mid twenties for the rest of the week. The nights are supposed to be in the single digits, maybe below 0.

I often compare where I am to where you are, Zoe. As usual, where I am is a bit warmer. Not only am I farther south, I am on the coast. It is supposedly now 20 degrees F. here as we head towards the warm middle of the day. It's supposed to go down to 5 degrees F. tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be much colder than today, however. I am not expecting real drama. For me, extreme cold was last year when we saw negative temperatures here. We are not Canada or Minnesota. We are not used to that. As soon as I went outside on the day it was -2 degrees F here, I knew something was different. 5 degrees or 10 degrees is cold here. -2 degrees is really unusual.


I wonder how many hours away we are from each other, but overall, our forecasts must be pretty similar since we're in the same region.

It was only 8 when I left for work early this morning, and by the time I reached work, the temp had dropped to -3. It's 18 now. Over 100 school districts in my state have called for a 2 hour delay for tomorrow already due to the bitter cold. I've never had that happen before.
ame|1420648992|3812996 said:
packrat|1420647296|3812990 said:
One of my Iowan friends posted a picture on FB holding his digital thermometer outside and it was 35.6 below. ARGH.
7th circle of hell right there.
:lol: Yep.
iLander, it's an odd feeling for sure..they don't actually *freeze* shut, they just slam shut your first un protected inhalation and you're like gah gah gah what is going on no no no!

FK, we've had winters like that too (not 80's of course), where it gets unseasonably warm and stays that way for so long, the plants get all screwed up. JD came in once in early February and he's like um...did you know the daffodils are up and blooming in the back? It was horrible. All my hostas coming up. it was pretty b/c of the green against the white snow but man...they had quite a bit of burn on them by the time spring actually deigned to grace us. I hope your trees realize what season it is and go back to sleep!
No school tomorrow, it's suppose to be -25 with the wind chill.

It was in the low 30's all day and now it is 25, plus there is a wind chill but I don't know what it is. I moved to get away from the cold but it followed me :nono: !!
First floor of house is too cold for all of us. We have all moved to the upper story! I am glad we have a two story house. It doesn't matter how high the thermostat is set. The furniture is cold. All surfaces are cold on the lower floor. ;))

Temperatures fell to 8F overnight so I had to put space heaters in the bedroom and bathroom. Heating system can't keep up.
baby monster|1420733534|3813486 said:
Temperatures fell to 8F overnight so I had to put space heaters in the bedroom and bathroom. Heating system can't keep up.

When I went out to the grocery store my Jeep said it was 12 degrees F. yesterday evening. I wanted to buy a few things since I knew it was only going to get colder later. I'm not sure how much colder it got. It was supposed to go down to 5 degrees. I don't usually factor in wind chills, though. ;))

stay safe! those low temps are dangerous!
20 F with windchill to 8 F. Very cold for where I live, but not complaining because it's a heatwave compared to some other posters in this thread!
We just made it up to 0 degrees. Yay!!! All the schools have been closed the past two days. I'm really just thankful it's not as bad as last year was.
AGBF|1420735725|3813509 said:
baby monster|1420733534|3813486 said:
Temperatures fell to 8F overnight so I had to put space heaters in the bedroom and bathroom. Heating system can't keep up.

When I went out to the grocery store my Jeep said it was 12 degrees F. yesterday evening. I wanted to buy a few things since I knew it was only going to get colder later. I'm not sure how much colder it got. It was supposed to go down to 5 degrees. I don't usually factor in wind chills, though. ;))

My car showed 11F this morning but put the windchill temp at -7F. I'm still not fully convinced about the wind chill modeling. Everyone perceives temperature differently, just like diamond color :naughty:
baby monster|1420743803|3813602 said:
AGBF|1420735725|3813509 said:
baby monster|1420733534|3813486 said:
Temperatures fell to 8F overnight so I had to put space heaters in the bedroom and bathroom. Heating system can't keep up.

When I went out to the grocery store my Jeep said it was 12 degrees F. yesterday evening. I wanted to buy a few things since I knew it was only going to get colder later. I'm not sure how much colder it got. It was supposed to go down to 5 degrees. I don't usually factor in wind chills, though. ;))

My car showed 11F this morning but put the windchill temp at -7F. I'm still not fully convinced about the wind chill modeling. Everyone perceives temperature differently, just like diamond color :naughty:
While it's true that everyone perceives temperature differently, flesh will still get frostbite the same no matter who you are. Which is really what windchill describes. How fast will you get frost bite with the temperature and wind combination. (it's very valuable in Canada where it can be -45 WITHOUT windchill haha.)
Canadian checking in...*sigh*. It's been -30C with wind chill this past week. But life continues just the same. Schools still open, people still walking outside. A touch of snow, but the sun has been out for the most part (rare, for this time of the year).