
spinoff - halo rings - offical poll...

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I see them in all the B&M stores here in San Francisco, but have never seen one on an actual person. And like all of you, I''M LOOKING!!
So far just my own and a couple I''ve seen in B&Ms .... but I''m definitely keeping an eye out! I think my mom might rope my dad into getting her an asscher w/ halo too after she sees mine!!

I haven''t seen any either!
I have one (my pear), my closet female friend in AL has a round black diamond with a square pave halo, and I bought my BFF a pearl with a diamond halo. Other then that I have seen less then a dozen halo style rings, and haven’t heard them called that anywhere other then Pricescope. But to be fair I live on a college campuses which means every third girl has an e-ring and many have other styles of rings like J's black diamond ring
I have not seen any in the real world on regular people (except at the PS get-together in Baltimore and DC

I have started to see them in the jewelry stores more and more in the last year, so I think that I''ll start seeing them on people soon.
None in the burbs of Boston. I was at the Symphony last night downtown and didn''t notice any there either.
I can''t remember seeing any before I got mine in August. Now I am always on the lookout for them, but I think I''ve only seen 2 or 3!

There are so many beautiful ones here on PS, but where are they out in the world?!
Come to think of it, my friend has a sapphire with halo. I''ve never seen one on a diamond (in person) though.
I''ve always been a looker, and here in DFW the rings are astounding. I live in Plano, and every morning at Starbuck''s I''ll see some fabulous ring. All within the same shopping center (@ Park & Preston for those fellow Dallas residents) there is a store clerk at the Gap with a Tiffany Legacy RHR, one employee at S''buck''s with a smaller round halo engagement ring, another employee at Black House, White Market with an EC halo. I see them quite often here, and I have no idea why it would be any different than in NYC and SF? Even my ex b/f''s new fiance has a Ritani halo with an Asscher.
At least a dozen or 2...and I''m on Long Island.

I''m a looker, so maybe that''s saying something, but they seem to be everywhere lately. I like the look, but didn''t want an e-ring like I got a 6mm blue topaz in a diamond halo instead!
Shiny, that sounds delightful! Will you post a picture?
Lauren, I ALWAYS wonder when I see gorgeous (big, expensive) rings on shop clerks - if they are wearing $20,000+ on their fingers, why are they working for $8/hour?
For the discount? For something to do while the investment banker hubby is away? Anyone got any theories?
Just 2 on real people. My best friend has a cushion/halo e-ring and my aunt just got a new ring which is a emerald cut 3-stone and the center stone has a halo.
I''ve seen 3 - 2 on friends who each got engaged well over a year ago, and one on a recently engaged woman at a christmas party the other night. but i see them ALL THE TIME in store windows here in LA, I''m surprised I don''t see more. I probably do see more, but these are the only rings I''ve gotten up close enough to see that there''s a halo. (you can''t really tell from more than a few feet away whether there''s a halo or not, right? just looks like a bigger stone I think)
Date: 12/18/2005 5:44:03 PM
Author: gailrmv
Shiny, that sounds delightful! Will you post a picture?


Aw, thanks! It''s a fun little was very inexpensive, but it has personality. I posted it on SMTR - let me see if I can dig it up! I really bad at finding past posts on here...
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