
Some advice from ladies please on public proposals...

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Oct 22, 2003
I am planning what I think will be the perfect proposal at Christmas in New York City...somewhere around the Rockefeller Tree or ice rink....

I have no doubt about what her answer will be, and we both tend to be very outgoing people. What are some thoughts for/against a public venue (other than getting mugged afterwards
) for an engagement?

Did anyone regret having been proposed to in public? We''re going for fun, but I don''t think that the hotel room is the most romantic place....I don''t want to give too many details, but it will be a romantic night


Apr 17, 2002
It really depends on your girlfriend--is she the sort of person who likes to keep her intimite moments private, or would she enjoy the congratulations (and possibly applause) of strangers? You know her better than we do.

It might be pretty chilly for an outdoor proposal in NYC at Xmas. You should be sure to make an indoor back-up plan in case you get stinging sleet. (More likely in February, but it's been known to happen in December.)


Mar 12, 2003
Hmmm...what about a carraige ride around central park? You can take her to the Plaza for a drink in the Oak room afterwards to celebrate.

In front of the tree is a fun idea, but not as public as many would think. With that many people doing their own thing, it's like being lost in a sea of people.

Just thought of something else...does she know the ring is coming or is it going to be a total surprise? There are soooo many things to do in NYC, and so many places to visit that would be ultra-romantic proposal sites. Taking a picture with Santa (while she's on santa's knee, you get on yours...photographer already in place), visit Tiffany's and propose when you come out, go say a prayer at St. Patricks and propose there, the possibilities are ENDLESS!!!


Oct 22, 2003
I'm so sorry for your loss...

This will be a total and complete surprise, so I want it to be as special as possible. I wanted it to be on the actual ice rink, but I'm thinking that's out because we'll be going to dinner at first, and she'll probably be wearing a dress. I'm not too sure that a dress on the ice rink will be a great idea...probably a little drafty. Perhaps I can do that and suggest that she change after dinner?


Jan 26, 2003
On 11/10/2003 1:56:38 PM ksreynolds74 wrote:

I'm so sorry for your loss...

I wanted it to be on the actual ice rink, but I'm thinking that's out because we'll be going to dinner at first, and she'll probably be wearing a dress. I'm not too sure that a dress on the ice rink will be a great idea...probably a little drafty. Perhaps I can do that and suggest that she change after dinner?----------------

Have you planned where you are going to dinner? I went to a big party (business, of course, my social life is with just my family) at The Rainbow Room, which is on top of Rockefeller Plaza, at Christmas time one year. Perhaps I felt the way I did because it was such a lavish party with dinner and dancing, but I found it to be the most beautiful place on the most beautiful night of my life. (The Rainbow Room overlooks the tree and the skating rink :).)


Aug 10, 2003
Hey ksreynolds74.
My boyfriend just proposed in a public place with my family and friends watching. Go to rocky talky and read "the proposal story you've been waiting for" for story and pics.

I always told him I would say no if he proposed in public - I hate when guys propose at baseball games. In my mind, a proposal should be intimate and between two people and there's something wrong if the whole world has to be involved. But then I am not a true romantic. You can take roses and candelight dinners and throw them out the window - romance to me is my guy cooking me dinner or running to the store for my favorite chocolate when I sam sick.

That being said I did not say no when he proposed semi-publicly. Had he displayed a sign I would have killed him. But looking back it was neat that we have pictures, that so many people were touched and that we had such a great experience. He did it cause he knew it would catch me off guard and because the location was something very special to me.
As long as you put thought into it and do it for her you can't go wrong.

I didn't even realize anyone else was there when he got down on one knee. I could have sworn it was us in our bedroom.

Good luck!
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