
Solitaire suggestions

ame|1413939506|3770711 said:
I picked up my setting and diamond tonight and I am REALLY upset that somehow my inscription--clearly shown HERE in one of the photos that GOG took of my stone for the diamond's "listing" and for my appraisal--is completely gone from the girdle. Totally gone. The stone inclusions look to be right, the cut is right, everything looks right, but it's GONE. I am 99.9% sure it's my stone, so that's not really my concern, but the fact that my inscription is gone is really bothersome. I knew it was not easily visible when we got the last setting back, but I hoped it was under a prong. Two jewelers have inspected this under high magnification (one used 100x) and the latter with the highest magnification said they saw something that might have been an inscription but it was so hardly visible that they weren't sure. HOW would slash could this be removed from a diamond!? I don't get it.

I am awaiting word from Jon at GOG on getting this inscription redone since it's loose now.

800+ views and so few posts?!

Curious. Were they looking with loupes, or under a gemological microscope?

It is entirely possible for the ink that is in the inscription to have been removed during cleaning or polishing, but even so, the inscription should be visible under a microscope. The only way to completely remove it would be on a diamond polishing wheel, so that would have to be intentional.

I am guessing that it is still there and can be seen under a well focused microscope.

ame|1413945796|3770763 said:
Thanks! We kinda want to know what happened as well. I know it was there when we originally sent the stone there for the original setting.
The black graphite will eventually come off after so many cleanings. I'm sure it is still there on the girdle but hard to locate it unless you tilt the stone at certain angle while using a 30X loupe.
Wink|1413951519|3770796 said:
ame|1413939506|3770711 said:
I picked up my setting and diamond tonight and I am REALLY upset that somehow my inscription--clearly shown HERE in one of the photos that GOG took of my stone for the diamond's "listing" and for my appraisal--is completely gone from the girdle. Totally gone. The stone inclusions look to be right, the cut is right, everything looks right, but it's GONE. I am 99.9% sure it's my stone, so that's not really my concern, but the fact that my inscription is gone is really bothersome. I knew it was not easily visible when we got the last setting back, but I hoped it was under a prong. Two jewelers have inspected this under high magnification (one used 100x) and the latter with the highest magnification said they saw something that might have been an inscription but it was so hardly visible that they weren't sure. HOW would slash could this be removed from a diamond!? I don't get it.

I am awaiting word from Jon at GOG on getting this inscription redone since it's loose now.

800+ views and so few posts?!

Curious. Were they looking with loupes, or under a gemological microscope?

It is entirely possible for the ink that is in the inscription to have been removed during cleaning or polishing, but even so, the inscription should be visible under a microscope. The only way to completely remove it would be on a diamond polishing wheel, so that would have to be intentional.

I am guessing that it is still there and can be seen under a well focused microscope.

It's been inspected under microscopes. The original jeweler did so under 10 and 20x and saw nothing, and the latter jeweler uses 60, 100 and 200x to do their work, and I believe they both used the 100x to try to find it. They found what could've been a "remnant" of something but neither could find an actual inscription. I told them what we're looking for, and that I used to be able to see it clearly with my 30x. It was small but very clear. I cannot see it AT ALL. Last night I spent a half hour holding it up to my computer screen on a blank white browser window with my 30x and couldn't find it at all. It's loose now, so no prongs to contend with. I would think even if the black carbon was gone, it would still be SOMEWHAT visible. I should be home tonight in daylight so I am going to try again tonight after work against daylight and see if I have luck then. But I'd think if 100x couldn't spot it under a scope, that's probably an indication something happened.
Ame, I SO feel for you, I used to think these kind of things only happened to me, multiple things going wrong, total disaster, you wear your rings out only once in a month and then you have an accident, I just hope you are fine now but this is a major headache. I wanted to read your entire thread before replying but now my mind is also blown about your inscription disappearing, are you absolutely sure your own stone was returned to you? It sounds like this but how on Earth? I mean this is way weird. Yes the ink can disappear but something should still remain that should be visible at least under 100 X. Your stone was not recut or repolished, no? I cannot imagine how many things went wrong in your case. Hope that others chime in and you can perhaps have GOG help you find out what happened?

Otherwise, I too think that a six-prong is a good idea, I like your last idea the best but a three-stone would be gorgeous too with other stars but yeah definitely not cheap. It is very hard to find the perfect setting, have you thought of having something completely custom made? I am sure that would be very high cost though if made by hand, etc.

Just wanted to hope to offer support and solutions but I do not have one right now for this inscription problem, there is always one though and GOG should be able to inspect to stone for you.
OVincze|1413989778|3770979 said:
Ame, I SO feel for you, I used to think these kind of things only happened to me, multiple things going wrong, total disaster, you wear your rings out only once in a month and then you have an accident, I just hope you are fine now but this is a major headache. I wanted to read your entire thread before replying but now my mind is also blown about your inscription disappearing, are you absolutely sure your own stone was returned to you? It sounds like this but how on Earth? I mean this is way weird. Yes the ink can disappear but something should still remain that should be visible at least under 100 X. Your stone was not recut or repolished, no? I cannot imagine how many things went wrong in your case. Hope that others chime in and you can perhaps have GOG help you find out what happened?

Otherwise, I too think that a six-prong is a good idea, I like your last idea the best but a three-stone would be gorgeous too with other stars but yeah definitely not cheap. It is very hard to find the perfect setting, have you thought of having something completely custom made? I am sure that would be very high cost though if made by hand, etc.

Just wanted to hope to offer support and solutions but I do not have one right now for this inscription problem, there is always one though and GOG should be able to inspect to stone for you.
I have had such horrible luck with custom that I've kind of eliminated that plan as a possibility. I am at the point now where if it's going to go wrong it will. Other people will buy from or order from any of these places and it will go perfectly fine and look fabulous. When it's mine, somehow it's never right.

I am almost positive it's my stone, the pattern looks right, and the plot does too. I am going to keep examining it to confirm, and I am right now thinking I need to overnight to GOG for further confirmation. But whether the girdle was polished, that I can't say. Considering NO ONE can find it, that's concerning to me. THAT is where my mind went when I couldn't find it.
Ame, I hear you on that but believe me I have also had cases of where something can go wrong it will. You are not alone not that it should make you feel any better. Also, considering that you are not even in the trade, the likelihood of things going wrong is much lesser, I am just very sorry that it has happened to you and it always happens to the best people.

Now I totally agree that you should send the stone to GOG for confirmation, it will be well worth it. In fact, I think you need to do that even if you think everything else looks right. I am quite sure that you are right if you checked the patterns, the dimensions of the stone and most importantly the clarity plot but better be safe than sorry.

One good though is that insurance is covering your replacement of the setting so that will hopefully be at least a big chunk of the money you put towards buying a new setting. Think about it in a positive way, maybe it will come out even better than the first one and then you will forget a lot of the negative stuff. Ok, I know that somehow when so many things go wrong, you may never feel the same way about something but if your stone is still the same, maybe this time the setting process will be uneventful, we can only hope right? You may just get your dream ring at the end.

I am almost positive it's my stone, the pattern looks right, and the plot does too. I am going to keep examining it to confirm, and I am right now thinking I need to overnight to GOG for further confirmation. But whether the girdle was polished, that I can't say. Considering NO ONE can find it, that's concerning to me. THAT is where my mind went when I couldn't find it.[/quote]

and upgrade?.. :naughty:
Not in the budget...Unless you just want to trade me evensies for your new Octavia. :naughty:
I just spoke with Marie at GOG, I am sending it in to get reinscribed and Ill have them confirm it all matches up. The cut is pretty hard to copy and so is this clarity. So once they confirm all is right and reinscribe it, I will then figure out from there WHAT to do. Right now, I am, like, so panicked and upset I am shaking. I think my husband is going to need to help me pack this up.
Yea not exactly a comforting end to this! Not at all. But I must have "JINX" stamped across my forehead. I think when the diamond stuff is worked out I might need a break.

I went to Simons last night just to try to see that setting--they don't have it or anything remotely similar to look at. I really was not impressed with anything they had, quite honestly. I tried on a three stone with 40 pt sides and a center just a hair smaller than mine so I know how the sizes look on my hand and didn't mind the dimensions but the setting didn't appeal. I didn't mind the one with tapered baguettes either, again was not impressed with the setting.

I have come to realize that most jewelers don't know what to make of me and most find that I am way too educated for their liking. They don't like someone they cannot manipulate, that knows things, and notices details. They could not get me out of there fast enough yesterday.

But if I hadn't left when I did, I wouldn't have run in to Brett Hull walking to the car! My husband is infinitely envious. I met Bernie Federko at my sister in law's Bridal Luncheon and he was freaking out. My mom was excited too, by my SIL was like "I don't know hockey people."

I got the email my Tiffany band is also back, I am going to try to retrieve that tomorrow.
I wanna be clear here that I am not making an accusation. It could very well be there and IMPOSSIBLE to find. But you'd think under HIGH magnification it would be there. I am going to be much more relieved when it's back and confirmed and reinscribed.
ame|1414007221|3771135 said:
Yea not exactly a comforting end to this! Not at all. But I must have "JINX" stamped across my forehead. I think when the diamond stuff is worked out I might need a break.

I went to Simons last night just to try to see that setting--they don't have it or anything remotely similar to look at. I really was not impressed with anything they had, quite honestly. I tried on a three stone with 40 pt sides and a center just a hair smaller than mine so I know how the sizes look on my hand and didn't mind the dimensions but the setting didn't appeal. I didn't mind the one with tapered baguettes either, again was not impressed with the setting.

I have come to realize that most jewelers don't know what to make of me and most find that I am way too educated for their liking. They don't like someone they cannot manipulate, that knows things, and notices details. They could not get me out of there fast enough yesterday.

But if I hadn't left when I did, I wouldn't have run in to Brett Hull walking to the car! My husband is infinitely envious. I met Bernie Federko at my sister in law's Bridal Luncheon and he was freaking out. My mom was excited too, by my SIL was like "I don't know hockey people."

I got the email my Tiffany band is also back, I am going to try to retrieve that tomorrow.

I run across the same sentiment when I am in jewelry stores especially when I pull out my 30x loupe to look at their items and they just don't know what they are talking about at all most of the time! They just want me out too, especially before any of the other customers hear our conversations.

OMG, Brett Hull! Did you get his autograph? How fun is that!
Throughout the years, there have been a few times when I've been stumped by a stone which I knew to be inscribed, but which I just couldn't seem to find the inscription on; in most instances, it was a matter of the black carbon dust which is initially created by the inscription process being steamed out of the inscription during cleaning; and what is left behind is clear lettering which is pretty much completely translucent and it can be a nightmare to locate the inscription under those circumstances.

In most cases, I use a 30x diamond grading loupe to locate and read an inscription on a diamond, but I've also used 60x and 70x magnification at times; what is surprising is that sometimes the higher magnification actually makes it more difficult to locate the inscription, I can't explain why this is, but imagine that it has to do with how the higher magnification affects focal depth / perception.

And then there is of course the possibility that Wink has raised, that the girdle edge of the diamond was polished for some reason, perhaps the diamond was damaged during the course of being dismounted / mounted, and the damage was minimal, and thus all that might have been required to repair the damage was a quick spin of the girdle edge of the diamond on the diamond polishing wheel.

This type of "repair" usually leaves traces that can be discovered by comparing the proportions analysis of the diamond now, to the proportions analysis provided when the diamond was first purchased, however expect some minor differences, simply because there is always a slight variance between machines, and even on the same machine when picking up and setting down the same stone to measure it over and over again.

Reflector scope images might be of assistance, but there might not be much that changed if the girdle edge was polished only slightly.

The carat weight of the diamond might have changed, but maybe only by a fraction...

And these differences might not mean much when considered individually, but might add up to something cumulatively, or at least serve to put your mind at rest, which I imagine would be a blessing right about now. But I'd start out by taking the diamond to an independent gemologist for an in-depth evaluation, perhaps they can find the inscription and that will be that.
It would be pretty bad if her diamond was repolished by who knows who without Ame even knowing about it, hence was my question whether her diamond was repolished or recut, I was thinking well how could it be without her knowing about it. Of course you are right that it may have been slightly damaged during taking it out but then if done well, it should not have happened and if it did it should not have been repolished but we know that people may potentially do this to cover up and we may only accidentally find out. I know that if it happened to me as a customer, I would be very upset. Repolishing was my only idea besides the jewelers just somehow missing the inscription, which can indeed be very hard to locate in certain cases but I would think that an expert could still find it. We will know soon enough, please keep us posted Ame, I know you are not feeling very calm right now but do try to relax, I am sure that there will be a solution. Hey, it can only get better now.
who was the last jeweler to work on your ring?
Todd Gray|1414018647|3771267 said:
Throughout the years, there have been a few times when I've been stumped by a stone which I knew to be inscribed, but which I just couldn't seem to find the inscription on; in most instances, it was a matter of the black carbon dust which is initially created by the inscription process being steamed out of the inscription during cleaning; and what is left behind is clear lettering which is pretty much completely translucent and it can be a nightmare to locate the inscription under those circumstances.

In most cases, I use a 30x diamond grading loupe to locate and read an inscription on a diamond, but I've also used 60x and 70x magnification at times; what is surprising is that sometimes the higher magnification actually makes it more difficult to locate the inscription, I can't explain why this is, but imagine that it has to do with how the higher magnification affects focal depth / perception.

And then there is of course the possibility that Wink has raised, that the girdle edge of the diamond was polished for some reason, perhaps the diamond was damaged during the course of being dismounted / mounted, and the damage was minimal, and thus all that might have been required to repair the damage was a quick spin of the girdle edge of the diamond on the diamond polishing wheel.

This type of "repair" usually leaves traces that can be discovered by comparing the proportions analysis of the diamond now, to the proportions analysis provided when the diamond was first purchased, however expect some minor differences, simply because there is always a slight variance between machines, and even on the same machine when picking up and setting down the same stone to measure it over and over again.

Reflector scope images might be of assistance, but there might not be much that changed if the girdle edge was polished only slightly.

The carat weight of the diamond might have changed, but maybe only by a fraction...

And these differences might not mean much when considered individually, but might add up to something cumulatively, or at least serve to put your mind at rest, which I imagine would be a blessing right about now. But I'd start out by taking the diamond to an independent gemologist for an in-depth evaluation, perhaps they can find the inscription and that will be that.
Thank you for your input! MUCH appreciated. I am trying my best to not overreact. I am also trying to make sure that I am not accusing anyone of anything because like I said, it could be there, and no one can see it. I know it was there before, but it is totally not visible now and when a collection of people can't see it...that got me absolutely overwhelmed with panic.

I am hoping that when it arrives at GOG tomorrow morning they can confirm all is correct, and confirm whether or not it's just invisible from missing carbon dust or if it's just faded, or actually completely gone for some other reason, hopefully not from a polishing situation we were not included on the process of. GOG has all of the data on this diamond in house, so they will know if something is amiss when they receive it. The cutting style is not something easily replicated, and sourcing a VS1 that clean to cut in that style that...well...that would not be quick. No way. It's a needle in a haystack, this stone.

kathley|1414012883|3771198 said:
I run across the same sentiment when I am in jewelry stores especially when I pull out my 30x loupe to look at their items and they just don't know what they are talking about at all most of the time! They just want me out too, especially before any of the other customers hear our conversations.

OMG, Brett Hull! Did you get his autograph? How fun is that!
NO I didn't, it was just passing, he was going into a business on that block. I did however become a TOTAL creep and snap a photo from my car for my husband. So I guess that's worse...haha!

I love it when I say its a 30x and they look at me like I just said something like I kick babies or something equally horrible.

Dancing Fire|1414020365|3771280 said:
who was the last jeweler to work on your ring?
Vatche. The only thing my local jeweler did was take it out of the setting literally before I came over to retrieve it. There's no way they would've had time to polish a diamond. It hasn't been polished in a long time..probably since it last came back from Vatche...I rarely wear my rings as is sadly evidenced by the lack of any wear on them. The people at Tiffany's were like "do you wear it? Did you just buy it? There's no wear on this at all." But again, nothing may be wrong, it just looks awfully scary when you can't see something you know should be there.
I like BGD Royal Truth setting as well. You could easily have the band made without the pave.
Ame, I did not recommend any jeweler or setting to you because I'm not really sure anyone is going to be able to meet your standards.

Among picky PSers my dear, you are quite possibly the pickiest-- the good thing is you are aware of it. 8)

If you do decide to go to BGD, I highly recommend you ONLY work with Leslie, and request that you speak directly to Brian and explain that you will be using a 30x loupe on it. And that you redefine OCD when it comes to perfection.

And expect an upcharge. Because if you were my customer I would upcharge you.

Okay... well, actually if I were them, I'd turn you down, honestly. Because it just wouldn't be worth it to me, to sell you something and then risk exposure on PS when it doesn't meet your standards.

I am not in anyway attacking you, and if my bluntness comes across that way, please understand that is not at all my intent. I'm just telling you that as a vendor, you are a huge potential liability and the risk FOR ME, would outweigh the reward because you have pretty much been unhappy with every jeweler you have worked with, except one, I think. And that's GOG.

And GOG does custom work. So I recommend that you work with them to come up with a setting. They know you, know what to expect and have your trust. They would be the best people, I think to work with for a new setting.



Here's an old thread with a lot of solitaires in it. Maybe one of them will inspire you.
Just for inspiration. This is my favorite 3 stone: I am sure it would be gorgeous made for a round.

AND Victor may be a good fit, in terms of quality, for you. Again, you would need to tell him about the 30x loupe and the OCD of it all and deal with any upcharge for that level of perfection.

But that setting is to die for.
Gypsy|1414042535|3771432 said:
Ame, I did not recommend any jeweler or setting to you because I'm not really sure anyone is going to be able to meet your standards.

I am not in anyway attacking you, and if my bluntness comes across that way, please understand that is not at all my intent. I'm just telling you that as a vendor, you are a huge potential liability and the risk FOR ME, would outweigh the reward because you have pretty much been unhappy with every jeweler you have worked with, except one, I think. And that's GOG.
Jon have plenty of aspirins on hand.. :lol:
Yes I do trust GOG inherently, otherwise they wouldn't be who I called immediately about my stone. They are more expensive for most settings though. So I have to weigh that. They were who I immediately thought of for my brother's stone for my sister in law, my brother just had different requirements than what I was looking for, which is fine. I still want an Octavia so bad I cannot stand it, but then I'd have to either come up with lots of money or trade in mine, and unless something is wrong with it, or I come into tons of money from the lotto, that's not likely anytime soon. I am very happy that Wink found us a fantastic stone and it is a stunner. He rocks. I tried a local jeweler for the Vatche and think that while my local jeweler did a great job with this roller coaster, it might have gone smoother had I gone through GOG or Wink. Both have long term relationships with the brand, and I think that if I was doing it again, I would do it through either of them. I think my local jeweler probably would understand that sentiment looking back as well. It was mightily frustrating.

I actually bought studs from BGD earlier this year and it went very well. I gave them a chance, we buried the hatchet a while back and it's been a good working relationship. I do only work with Lesley, and we get along great. The studs were 30x perfect, I even posted macro shots on my blog and a glowing review, and they were prepared for the scrutiny. Most recently, my brand new sister in law and my brother got her wedding bands from them, as they had exactly what she wanted in their catalog (the baby bezel bands) and the only other place they saw anything similar was locally and that jeweler couldn't promise 2 months prior to their wedding to even come close to meeting their wedding date (seriously, 8 weeks is not enough lead time?!!!).

The bands turned out perfectly from what I can see, though I haven't been able to loupe them or anything. I saw them on her hand the day of the wedding and they seem very happy with them only because we didn't have the ability to get together with the rings prior to the wedding due to logistics (not cool to loupe the bands the day of the bridal luncheon...not that there was time.) My brother has no idea how to use my "atomic monocle" so he wouldn't be able to inspect them anyway. In fact my brother has given strict (jokingly) orders that I am forbidden from further involvement of any future jewelry endeavors til their 20th anniversary because I just cost him money.
ame|1414070593|3771501 said:
Yes I do trust GOG inherently, otherwise they wouldn't be who I called immediately about my stone. They are more expensive for most settings though. So I have to weigh that. They were who I immediately thought of for my brother's stone for my sister in law, my brother just had different requirements than what I was looking for, which is fine. I still want an Octavia so bad I cannot stand it, but then I'd have to either come up with lots of money or trade in mine, and unless something is wrong with it, or I come into tons of money from the lotto, that's not likely anytime soon.

Just do it! :naughty: since you have no luck with this stone. How about this one?
I just found this thread. I am glad that Jonathan will soon have your stone, ame. It should only be a matter of time before the mystery is solved. Any lingering doubt that the stone is yours (which seemed like under 1%) will be resolved and I am sure with all his fancy instruments he will be able to find how the inscription was "removed" (perhaps only removed from visibility). I am sorry for your angst!

Deb :wavey:
The eagle has landed at GOG. I trust that they will confirm it's whereabouts and confirm all is correct. It will be reinscribed and Ill have it back next week. Ill lock er up!

I don't believe so much the stone is jinxed (I hope not...) I think I am. I think JINX is stamped on my forehead. Because it's not been just the erings I've had issues with. Wedding bands too.

While that Octavia is lovely, it's significantly smaller in spread than my current stone (a hair smaller than 7mm...)
Boy do I love GOG. Love is not a strong enough word.

I just got word from the lovely Marie at GOG that it's 100% my diamond and there is NO damage whatsoever. They found the faintest hint of an inscription under their microscope. They are going to reinscribe it for me. They did a SARIN and it matches perfectly. All inclusions match. It is florescent as expected. I will have it back in my hands Wednesday. :clap: :clap: :clap: Air is returning to my body.
Yeepee! Great news Ame, you must be sooo relieved. I must look for the thread on your studs if you had one, I am a big stud earring fan. Want to see those macros.:)))
ame|1414079113|3771554 said:
Boy do I love GOG. Love is not a strong enough word.

I just got word from the lovely Marie at GOG that it's 100% my diamond and there is NO damage whatsoever. They found the faintest hint of an inscription under their microscope. They are going to reinscribe it for me. They did a SARIN and it matches perfectly. All inclusions match. It is florescent as expected. I will have it back in my hands Wednesday. :clap: :clap: :clap: Air is returning to my body.
can GOG do it in-house or would they needed to send it to the grading lab?
ame|1414079113|3771554 said:
Boy do I love GOG. Love is not a strong enough word.

I just got word from the lovely Marie at GOG that it's 100% my diamond and there is NO damage whatsoever. They found the faintest hint of an inscription under their microscope. They are going to reinscribe it for me. They did a SARIN and it matches perfectly. All inclusions match. It is florescent as expected. I will have it back in my hands Wednesday. :clap: :clap: :clap: Air is returning to my body.

I am so happy, ame. Jonathan has always been great for me, too.

Mine actually has the serial from Star only, not the lab numbers. They can actually do it in house, since it is the old Star Diamond Group serial, not the current star company's current serial data. The labs have it identified.