
SO TalkTime


Sep 23, 2011
How often do you talk to your SO? Daily? Hourly? A few times a day? A few times a week?


Jun 8, 2008
While we were dating we spoke a few hours every day on the phone if we weren't physically in the same place. We would call each other in the morning to say good morning and then during the day to check in and see how each other's day was going and then in the evening where we would chat for a few hours. We were very chatty. LOL.

Now that we are married we still talk a lot to each other but not for hours on the phone. Much better in person. :appl:
Though we always speak briefly on the phone while at work to check in with each other still a couple of times a day.
I miss him when we are at work. (And he says he misses me too. :kiss: )


Mar 26, 2012
We live together, but work opposite schedules. So when we aren't together we text, on weekends we catch up! I can't even remember the last time we spoke on a phone. We just don't do that lol.


Dec 23, 2010
We live together, so we do a good amount of talking. I have a rat-race 8-5, while he has a varying schedule; sometimes done at 5, or else 9 p.m.

We text each other at least once during the day, just checking to see how each other's day is going. If there's more to talk about, then we'll text a bit more, but generally not. We have demanding jobs and need to stay focused. Neither of us are big phone talkers, so we very rarely call each other.


Sep 30, 2010
Texting and speaking multiple times/day. Unless either of us is REALLY busy, which does happen quite often due to our careers. But, we still aim to find time to speak and text.


Jan 10, 2008
We live together, so once we both get home from work, we talk during dinner and afterwards while we relax.

When we weren't cohabitating, we would text throughout the day once I was off work and every night we'd talk on the phone at 10PM. On the weekends, I slept over.

star sparkle

Jan 2, 2008
Every few hours, either on the phone or via text. We both can get super extremely busy, him especially, but when that happens we still find time to talk even if it's just for a few minutes. He travels a lot for work and when he's gone he's got a lot going on, and even then he'll find time to call me!


Sep 23, 2011
Wow, I feel like the odd one out. I barely talk to SO. We don't text much at all, maybe a bit extra on his slow days at work, when he's on AIM. And they're not conversations with sustenance. They're very surface conversations like, "What're you doing?", to which I always respond, "I'm at school." Eventually, the "conversation" dissipates after a few exchanges. I call him on my way home after school, but that's a 5-10 minute car ride, and I'm usually distracted.

I usually don't have much to say. My days are so boring, there's nothing to share with him at all. And his days are pretty much the same story everyday, as well. Wow, we're so boring. lol.


Oct 2, 2008
We live together so we talk every day. We have to be ready at about the same time every morning so we get up and get ready together. Walk Mimi together, fix and eat breakfast together. And since we're sharing a car, we ride in together also.

We usually have lunch together M-F unless he has a school project that he has to do over lunch or if I have a work thing to do instead of being able to go home with him. So we have time to catch up midday most of the time.

Andrew works nights Friday through Monday. So we do dinner together Tuesday through Thursday. He gets off around 9pm or so and we usually also have an hour or so together before we head to bed on the nights he does work.

So all in all, we spend a lot of time talking, mostly in person. We do text each other throughout the day, we don't normally speak on the phone.


Jul 13, 2008
madelise|1353876260|3315182 said:
Wow, I feel like the odd one out. I barely talk to SO. We don't text much at all, maybe a bit extra on his slow days at work, when he's on AIM. And they're not conversations with sustenance. They're very surface conversations like, "What're you doing?", to which I always respond, "I'm at school." Eventually, the "conversation" dissipates after a few exchanges. I call him on my way home after school, but that's a 5-10 minute car ride, and I'm usually distracted.

I usually don't have much to say. My days are so boring, there's nothing to share with him at all. And his days are pretty much the same story everyday, as well. Wow, we're so boring. lol.

Don't feel bad lol, we aren't big "talkers" either at all. We are married (and therefore live together), but because of our schedules there is no guarantee that we will even see each other during the day let alone talk to each other. He is also out of town quite frequently so it's not uncommon to go a few days without hearing from him, and honestly, like you, I don't have much to say even if he can call. My days are so mundane...I can maybe muster a 5 minute phone call but sometimes on the days he can't call, I don't feel disappointed because I know it would have been a lame convo anyway. We just aren't good on the phone to be honest! He is much better on email, so if we are apart for a long time (i.e. months), then email is our go-to.


Feb 29, 2012
We are boring as well. Occasionally we will text back and forth, but we hardly ever talk on the phone, except for when I have a longer story than can be conveyed over text. Last month when I was away, we would facetime every morning (night for him). This month I am out of town, but come back on the weekends so we usually say hi and check in at the end of the night and we'll text each other good night. It is a little sad though, because yesterday he texted me "hi" and I knew he either wanted something or he was drunk. I figured it was the latter, because we just finished our football season with a pretty awesome record :praise:


Jul 13, 2008
The good thing about having a husband that almost never calls, and whom I almost never call, is that we have learned that if the other IS calling, it's important so pick up. We don't make any "just calling to see what you were up to" calls lol. It's more like "my car is broken down" or "my flight's cancelled I won't be home until tomorrow".


Dec 13, 2009
We are pretty boring too. We live together now so we primarily talk to each other at home. We are both also constantly busy at work. So, we don't have time for phone calls or even text conversations during work. We might send short texts to each other if we need to let the other person know something, but it's very rare that it's for conversation. Like sonnyjane said, I've come to know that if he is calling me, it's usually for something important or one of us is driving and can't text.

When we first started dating, we talked on the phone all the time, at least 2-3 hours per day depending on how busy we were. When BF goes out of town for work, he tries to text me whenever possible during the day and always calls me or facetimes with me during the evening. We try to talk and catch up at least once per day when he's gone.


Dec 23, 2010
sonnyjane|1353890437|3315346 said:
The good thing about having a husband that almost never calls, and whom I almost never call, is that we have learned that if the other IS calling, it's important so pick up. We don't make any "just calling to see what you were up to" calls lol. It's more like "my car is broken down" or "my flight's cancelled I won't be home until tomorrow".

Yes, same here.

I think that all the technology, and the ability to have so much information at your fingertips is why calling each other has dwindled. At least, that's what it seems like to me. I mean, I can see that he's "liking" things on FB and commenting on statuses. It doesn't bother me.
I do have to answer phones at work, and so he knows the less I have to be on the phone, the better.

[warning- change of subject]
The one time we did talk to each other on the phone, I was dog-sitting for my sister, and so I was at her house for a few days. He'd get off work, and call me to catch up. It was strange at first, as like I said, we hardly ever use phones for talking. But I think it brought us closer. We both missed each other terribly, and at the end of the day, just hearing his voice made me feel so much better.
And I just about melted when I came home from being away, and not only had he done my laundry, but he folded everything and put it away. The house was clean, and he had left a note saying "I wanted to make sure that after dog sitting for three dogs by yourself, you could come home and relax." :love: Yep, I've gotta keeper!

[/change of subject]


May 9, 2012
I live with SO, and our schedules are fairly aligned. We still talk briefly on the phone most work days (when he is already at home).

When we lived separately it varied. We did communicate at least once a day, text, email or phone call. When we briefly lived in different countries we would send morning and night texts, and one email a day.


Mar 18, 2007
FB chat every day, try to video chat most days each week, but it ends up being something like 5 times one week and twice the next (I work an alternating 7-4 and 8-5 schedule, and when I work 8-5 he's usually asleep before I get home). When I'm someplace where I can't chat with him as much he gets all pouty, and then "bans" me from leaving again. "This week was so hard! I missed you. You're not allowed to go away again." Yeah, honey, because I don't live on a different continent and me being 8 hours away from my house but still in the same time zone definitely means I'm farther away from you. Silly boy. (Pretty entertaining, though, considering he apparently used to go a week without talking to his ex before he'd even notice they hadn't spoken.)


Sep 23, 2011
Haha. Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only "boring" one.. but SO wouldn't pick up the phone even if I did call! He never has his darn phone on him.

Seriously, I'm so boring, there are only 2 topics between us:
- complaining about school/grad apps/choices of grad school
- "….so… do you love me? yes? then Y HAVENT U PROPOSED?!" or some other types of wedding/future talk.


Jun 21, 2011
We send a text or an email here or there most work days. We both work basically 8-5 M-F. Although on some work days we don't send anything. That really all depends on how busy we are at work. We spend the majority of nights and weekends together. At home if I am watching one of my TV shows then he knows he is not allowed to talk to me. Haha! If we are watching sports we are probably chatting about the game or something else. There are one or two shows that we watch together, which we don't talk during unless it's commercial. If one or both of us are out doing things without the other chances are we will call on our way home or text once or twice during the separation. If we are driving somewhere there are times when we are silent, but a lot of times we are chatting. I dunno... I guess we talk all the time. We talk about anything and everything. Maybe we are obsessed! :cheeky:
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