
So heartbroken over the Gabby Petito Case


Jul 24, 2003
It appears that his parents knew and helped him escape. I‘ll never understand how they refused to talk to her parents while she was missing. As a mother, his mom had to know their pain.

His parents belong in prison for the part they played in not helping law enforcement find Gabby and bring her home to her parents. They had to know their son did something terribly wrong even if they didn’t know exactly what he did.

The photos and video of her sitting in the back of the police car showed how vulnerable she was. i wish her parents never had see that. I’m sure that will haunt them forever.

I’m sorry for your family’s loss @autumngems.

Thank you Calliecake


Jun 7, 2014
I think Brian Laundrie is alive hiding out somewhere.

Daily Mail is reporting FBI seizes footage of Brian Laundrie buying a burner phone from a Florida AT&T on September 14, the day he disappeared from his parent home and three days after Gabby was reported missing.

I have no idea how his parents can live with themselves. I hope they don’t have a moment of peace for whatever their part in this has been.


Nov 2, 2012
It's heating up. Some of Brian Laundrie's belongings were found in the Florida reserve he was thought to be hiding in and now the coroner's there.


Aug 14, 2018
It's heating up. Some of Brian Laundrie's belongings were found in the Florida reserve he was thought to be hiding in and now the coroner's there.
I just came here to post about this and it’s so peculiar because it seems that the parents contacted the FBI wanting to search there! After months and months of searching and there was nothing. And then some of his stuff was found?! At least based on the articles that say things like this:

“The FBI and NPPD were informed last night of Brian’s parents’ intentions and they met Chris and Roberta there this morning. After a brief search off a trail that Brian frequented some articles belonging to Brian were found. As of now law enforcement is conducting a more thorough investigation of that area.”

So the parents seem to know where he was! And I wonder if they communicated somehow.


Sep 3, 2015
They have called in the medical examiner and put up the tent. His parents have to be eld accountable for all they have done helping him.

This is not a coincidence that the parents come to help and all of the sudden they find Brian's belongings and potentially a body.


Aug 14, 2018
They have called in the medical examiner and put up the tent. His parents have to be eld accountable for all they have done helping him.

This is not a coincidence that the parents come to help and all of the sudden they find Brian's belongings and potentially a body.
Exactly!! I’ve just read that human remains have been found. I bet he committed suicide to avoid prosecution. :x2


May 19, 2020
I just came here to post about this and it’s so peculiar because it seems that the parents contacted the FBI wanting to search there! After months and months of searching and there was nothing. And then some of his stuff was found?! At least based on the articles that say things like this:

“The FBI and NPPD were informed last night of Brian’s parents’ intentions and they met Chris and Roberta there this morning. After a brief search off a trail that Brian frequented some articles belonging to Brian were found. As of now law enforcement is conducting a more thorough investigation of that area.”

So the parents seem to know where he was! And I wonder if they communicated somehow.

Those sons of b*tches knew where he was the whole time and we’re helping him. J hope they get prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It will be interesting if he texted them from a burner phone to say goodbye before he killed himself


Feb 2, 2016
He should have been under surveillance from the time he got back, they should have had eyes on him the whole time.

Those parents are absolutely disgusting, I hope there is a full investigation on them as well and if it’s found that they helped him then they need to be held accountable too.

To raise such a cowardly monster for a son and then act like this….apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


May 19, 2020
He should have been under surveillance from the time he got back, they should have had eyes on him the whole time.

Those parents are absolutely disgusting, I hope there is a full investigation on them as well and if it’s found that they helped him then they need to be held accountable too.

To raise such a cowardly monster for a son and then act like this….apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


I am not a mother (yet). But I can’t IMAGINE someone who IS a mother, acting like that. Knowing her monster son was responsible for taking away another mother’s child. Is there no remorse? No empathy? No sympathy? I just feel like as a mother, she should feel SOMETHING that would have made her act different in reference to Gabby’s mom.


Oct 19, 2013
It’s not fair nor justice if he killed himself, IMO.
I hope he left a full confession of what happened to GP in a suicide note. An honest and truthful one.
And I hope if his parents knew anything or abetted in any way - they are held fully accountable.

What cowards. All three of them.

I think what they are saying is that they found whatever they found in a newly accessible site. A site that’s recently not underwater.


May 23, 2017
So disgusting. It is so disappointing that his parents would be part of this. They should be held responsible.


Sep 10, 2003
There are accounts that Petito and Laundrie both had mental health issues and if that is accurate then the relationship was destined for epic failure, the death of one or both being the worst outcome.

The police didn't appear to follow normal protocols. I found it disturbing that Laundrie was considered only a person of interest in the murder and was never named as a suspect or prime suspect.


Sep 3, 2015
FBI holding press conference at 4:30pm ET, it has to be him. They wouldn't talk otherwise. Dangit!
Does anyone know if the parents can be legally prosecuted for aiding him in his escape? I read somewhere there is a loop hole that may let them off.


Feb 16, 2009
FBI holding press conference at 4:30pm ET, it has to be him. They wouldn't talk otherwise. Dangit!
Does anyone know if the parents can be legally prosecuted for aiding him in his escape? I read somewhere there is a loop hole that may let them off.

Probably because he hadn't been declared a suspect in the murder, just a person of interest?

I'm actually fine with this ending, if he's dead. Doesn't bring Gabby back, and he doesn't go to jail, but.....her parents don't have to sit through a trial where there's a chance he could get off, and he's not living out the rest of his life.


Nov 2, 2012
I just came here to post about this and it’s so peculiar because it seems that the parents contacted the FBI wanting to search there! After months and months of searching and there was nothing. And then some of his stuff was found?! At least based on the articles that say things like this:

“The FBI and NPPD were informed last night of Brian’s parents’ intentions and they met Chris and Roberta there this morning. After a brief search off a trail that Brian frequented some articles belonging to Brian were found. As of now law enforcement is conducting a more thorough investigation of that area.”

So the parents seem to know where he was! And I wonder if they communicated somehow.
I saw some weirdness earlier today on the Daily Mail (I realize it's not a respected news source but they do seem to get tidbits before anyone else sometimes). It shows Brian Laundrie's parents going to Walmart first thing this morning and coming out with a box marked "Meal Kit." Then they made a couple more stops before heading over to Fedex. I have no idea how to put the pieces together here but I bet they're in big trouble.



May 1, 2007
Something is fishy with this latest development. His parents have been acting in Brian's best interest, and his alone, from the get-go, with zero regard for Gabby or her family and zero basic human decency. It certainly appears that they favor helping Brian get away with murder over doing anything helpful, or kind, or honorable, or humane.

I can't help but think that this may turn out to be another installment of 'the get-away-with-it plan'. Setting aside the remains for a moment, this reeks of the parents planting Brian's things or of planning for him to leave them behind, with the intention of them directing LE to them at a pre-determined time (ensuring he is long-gone when they do so). The idea being to make it look like he's dead, or buy him more time by tying up the efforts on a false-ish lead.

I mean, it's usually not this complex. In all likelihood, he killed himself or met an untimely death. And his parent's sudden involvement is due to them not hearing from him, or missing a meet-up or drop-off, and actually caring because it's now *him* and that directly affects *them*.

But... I read in one article that the remains were just a small bit. That allowed my thoughts to go back to this being part of the ruse to help him get away. Leave behind a few personal items and an expendable body part or two and maybe LE will consider him dead.... or it throws everyone off of his real trail for a decent chunk of time as they vet this discovery out. Maybe it's a diversion - LE is watching his parents expecting them to drop goods or get in touch with them, so they send a sympathetic to help him out while they draw attention to this development.

I dunno. That's all awfully complex. They certainly gave themselves time to work this all out, but could they have? There's a point where it's all too exhausting, and what a person has done catches up with them, which points back to Brian taking the coward's way out. Time will tell, hopefully.

Regardless, this is all so sad for Gabby and her family. How heartbreaking that she got tangled up with such sick people.


Jun 30, 2014
If he is dead, it is not clear to me what holding his parent's accountable will gain. While I am appalled/angered at their actions, I think it is more important for them to come forward with all they know to give Gabby's family the answers they deserve without fear of self-incrimination. Without that, I agree they should be punished to the full extent for aiding and abetting.


Jun 8, 2008
His parents have been acting in Brian's best interest, and his alone, from the get-go, with zero regard for Gabby or her family and zero basic human decency. It certainly appears that they favor helping Brian get away with murder over doing anything helpful, or kind, or honorable, or humane.

It gives us an understanding into how he became the way he is. Parents without a conscience raised a child who is now a man without a conscience. I don't know the accurate psychiatric term but I am not surprised the apple didn't fall far from the tree so to speak. They raised him and he is who he is in (large?) part due to them. And their behavior supports that.


May 1, 2007
It gives us an understanding into how he became the way he is. Parents without a conscience raised a child who is now a man without a conscience. I don't know the accurate psychiatric term but I am not surprised the apple didn't fall far from the tree so to speak. They raised him and he is who he is in (large?) part due to them. And their behavior supports that.

I agree. There are so many men (and women, but to a lesser degree I believe) who are abusive partners and who take it murder. I am very curious about the influences in their upbringing, along with genetic predispositions, and how they did or did not contribute to this problem.

In this case it certainly appears as though his parents, at the very least, laid the foundation for Brian's ability to abuse and murder another human being.


Nov 2, 2012
I don't think these parents have a chance in hell of fooling the FBI, if that's what they're up to. With unusual events like the parents and authorities going to the reserve together, I wonder if the FBI was laying some kind of trap for them.
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Oct 19, 2013
nothing I said make sense.
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Oct 2, 2014
Like all murders, this is a terrible shame. I'm not heartbroken, never having met her - for me, my definition of heartbreak would be when my mother died - but I do think it's tragic. I think I'm going to have to stop reading about murders, because there always seems to be some whenever you look at the news, and it's not only depressing but creates a false impression of how much danger there is out there. Murder is pretty rare, thankfully.

I also don't like how some murders are given so much more media attention than others. In the two days before Sarah Everard of the UK was killed, a woman a few years younger than her was stabbed to death in the streets of the UK, but nobody seemed to care one iota about her. She was of Indian heritage. I was appalled the way that Boris Johnson put a candle on the doorstep of Number 10 for Sarah but not the other poor lady. He should put candles out for all murder victims of a given week or none.

Anyway, I try not to read too much about these things. It's needlessly upsetting and depressing, and my own life has enough trouble to keep me occupied. I don't need to borrow more! JMO.


Jul 24, 2003
They have called in the medical examiner and put up the tent. His parents have to be eld accountable for all they have done helping him.

This is not a coincidence that the parents come to help and all of the sudden they find Brian's belongings and potentially a body.

I agree completely


Jul 24, 2003
I saw some weirdness earlier today on the Daily Mail (I realize it's not a respected news source but they do seem to get tidbits before anyone else sometimes). It shows Brian Laundrie's parents going to Walmart first thing this morning and coming out with a box marked "Meal Kit." Then they made a couple more stops before heading over to Fedex. I have no idea how to put the pieces together here but I bet they're in big trouble.

Something is fishy, weird how the one day they seem to want to help the FBI, they find his stuff and remains? I hope it's enough to determine for sure it IS him.


Nov 2, 2012
Something is fishy, weird how the one day they seem to want to help the FBI, they find his stuff and remains? I hope it's enough to determine for sure it IS him.

Yep. Maybe the FBI had already caught the parents aiding and abetting, and convinced them to start cooperating, with the threat of long prison sentences themselves otherwise.


Feb 16, 2009
Something is fishy, weird how the one day they seem to want to help the FBI, they find his stuff and remains? I hope it's enough to determine for sure it IS him.

I think so too. In my cynical mind, Laundrie found remains there (there's already been one body found) and either left some of his stuff or had his parents plant it, giving him more time to disappear.

They tell their attorney they want to search and do so the next day. His dad was apparently walking with 2 cops and the dad found the bad with some of Brian's stuff? And his mom was walking with 2 cops a little ways away and they found the backpack?

I do hope it is Brian, but I'm not believing it till the DNA results.


Feb 16, 2009
Something is fishy with this latest development. His parents have been acting in Brian's best interest, and his alone, from the get-go, with zero regard for Gabby or her family and zero basic human decency. It certainly appears that they favor helping Brian get away with murder over doing anything helpful, or kind, or honorable, or humane.

I can't help but think that this may turn out to be another installment of 'the get-away-with-it plan'. Setting aside the remains for a moment, this reeks of the parents planting Brian's things or of planning for him to leave them behind, with the intention of them directing LE to them at a pre-determined time (ensuring he is long-gone when they do so). The idea being to make it look like he's dead, or buy him more time by tying up the efforts on a false-ish lead.

I mean, it's usually not this complex. In all likelihood, he killed himself or met an untimely death. And his parent's sudden involvement is due to them not hearing from him, or missing a meet-up or drop-off, and actually caring because it's now *him* and that directly affects *them*.

But... I read in one article that the remains were just a small bit. That allowed my thoughts to go back to this being part of the ruse to help him get away. Leave behind a few personal items and an expendable body part or two and maybe LE will consider him dead.... or it throws everyone off of his real trail for a decent chunk of time as they vet this discovery out. Maybe it's a diversion - LE is watching his parents expecting them to drop goods or get in touch with them, so they send a sympathetic to help him out while they draw attention to this development.

I dunno. That's all awfully complex. They certainly gave themselves time to work this all out, but could they have? There's a point where it's all too exhausting, and what a person has done catches up with them, which points back to Brian taking the coward's way out. Time will tell, hopefully.

Regardless, this is all so sad for Gabby and her family. How heartbreaking that she got tangled up with such sick people.

Yes! I just posted something similar, and was reading back up through the thread!


May 19, 2020
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