
Show me your long hair and lets talk care <3


Jan 23, 2008
So I've always loved long hair and I know there are a few PSer with (or had) long locks.

I'd love to hear what you use in your hair (I use argan oil based shampoo and conditioner as well as the oil on my ends every once in a blue moon). I never blow dry it or flat iron it either. I have used henna on my hair since I stopped dying it quite a few years ago (and am thinking of going red red-there is a henna that will give me the look but I despise maintenance).

I'm hoping to get at least another 12-18" of length before my hair decides to stop growing. I've had long hair pretty much my whole life-aside from 2 times in my childhood/teenage years where I didn't want it cut and it was done despite my crying protests (once when I was 5 the babysitter did it per ex step-mothers orders without my fathers knowing) and then again after foster care I was adopted and my adopted mom said it wasn't healthy and bye bye it went again. I began to grow it seriously at age 22-so this is the growth in 3 years with a few trims (and one bad trim that took off about 4-5").

I know circe has some stunning hair as well as AN (if I hadn't put henna in my hair I'd have a teal streak or even tips but alas I hear it's a bi*** to get rid of henna after it's done).

So post whatever you want to-pictures-hair styling (I would LOVE tips on how you put your hair up cuz I can barely braid it let alone get it up out of my way) brands of clips/hair ties that you use/etc.

I have lots of fine hair-its pretty thick too.

I also recently got a Mason Pearson large boar hair brush for a gift last year-it's not a cheap brush (I think it was 250.00) but it's going to last me the rest of my life (hopefully) and it's AMAZING!!

So do you trim your own? Have someone trusted do it for you? How often do you trim it?

ETA: I plan on having stunning long gray hair (if it goes that way) when I'm older. I've always loved the look <3!




Aug 10, 2010
I used to have long beautiful hair :blackeye: but I will start working now and wanted something easier so took of 25 cm in total. Now it long according to most people but feels short to me (down to just under my bra strap).

Regarding the care I wash it usually twice a week (I know I should be aiming for only once a week). The thing I learnt was to skip conditioner and instead use a hair mask as if it were conditioner, leaving it it while I shave my legs etc. Never blowdry or straiten. If I want really nice hair with volume at the roots, Ill wash it just before going to bed Then I pile all the hair upwards and voila wake up with nice volume and some curls.

Any tips on fast up-does for long hair (for working in a conservative professional environment)? Feels like all of the smart hairpins etc are made for people with less hair.


Feb 27, 2010
Those are great pictures - I love your hair! Here is my hair. The color now is less golden blonde and more platinum blonde due to greying. Greying caused it to go from red-blonde to golden blonde to platinum blonde, the natural color change has kind of been fun to experience, the gradual greying started early, when I was even a teenager.

I like Aubrey Organics for dry hair, and any good product made for dry hair works well for me. Shampoos and conditioners formulated for Black people also work great on my hair.



Apr 26, 2007
What a cool thread idea! (And thanks for the shout-out :rodent: ) I know there are long-hair forums out there, too, but it just seems like a lot of EFFORT to join a new board, and while I love my hair ... I don't love it THAT much, y'know? Unlike, say, jewelry. :naughty:

I had short hair as a kid - my mom loved to cut it. I always got compliments from adults, but I never really liked it. Hit maturity, grew it out, dyed it lots of funny colors, got fed up with maintenance ... and then had to chop it all off *again,* because there's not much of a way to get it back to normal after that. And now I've been wearing it long for about ten years. It goes from mid-back to hip-length: right now it's hip length, and I have a cut scheduled for the second of Sept. I know I want to keep it long, but I'm trying to decide if I want to get bangs.

On the one hand, cheaper than Botox for covering the lines I've earned by constantly lifting my eyebrows to express everything from indignation to approval. (Seriously, I have NO poker face. None. Nada.) On the other hand, if they look dreadful ... bangs take *forever* to grow out, and if I'm remembering correctly, they actually need some daily care or they look like a$$. Anybody know if the short kind of bangs are easier? I mean, then I'll need to trim them, but I can find the time once a month, just probably not every day.

Oh, and for the last month I've been having Fun With Colors: knowing I'm going to lose an inch or three in the near future, I've been dying the tips with abandon. First they were purple, and now they're blue. :) Below, shots of it straightened ... and with the purple as I'm lazing on the grass with a good book ... and just flowing down my back with the blue tips, prior to heading out. I don't bother to straighten it too often ... this is reminding me that I should!

P.S. - Natascha, I put mine up with Edwardian combs. Twist it into a knot at the back of the head, boom!, done. One big one or three smaller ones do the trick for me ... will try to snap some shots of the back of my head later to demonstrate. :)





Jun 18, 2010
I've got pretty long hair. It's super fine but I have a lot of it, which means it gets tangled very easily. I don't do much with it on a day-to-day basis. I only blow dry it if I happened to shower right before I need to be somewhere nice. Otherwise, I let it air dry. I've even gotten so lazy to where after showering at night I don't comb it out, I just let it do its thing, then comb out in the morning. It's stick straight so I don't really do anything at all. I do use a flat iron for the front where I have cowlicks.

I read a blog from someone with hair like mine who went from daily to every other day washing. I would love to do that. She said it took a good month for her hair to adjust to the less frequent washings. I'm not sure if I want greasy hair for a month, though.

Oh, and my hair has absolutely no body. Stylists have tried, and failed. But it is pretty shiny so that makes up for it I suppose.


Feb 27, 2010
Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!

I often tie my hair back a lot with a ponytail or a braid or use a hair clip. In the summer, I like mimicking the cool feeling of short hair, so I tie my hair back or up to get that good feeling. I use a scrunchie, a claw clip or clips like these which don't have a French clip which tears my hair, rather they have a simple Goody-style clip.

These are two that I made, one of my hobbies is making hand-sewn beaded hair clips with glass and gemstone beads, including real pearls. It is a way I control my hair and dress up my look. My hair tends to be a wild mop.




May 11, 2012
WOW - you have totally amazing hair!!!!


May 11, 2009
I've had varying lengths of "long" hair my entire life. Until very recently, my super strict regimen for care was wash AND condition. :lol: Now I get highlights (my head was virginal for 28 years!), I really should start giving it proper treatments. Does anyone have recommendations? I remember my mother doing hot oil treatments - is that something people still do?

I still don't ever touch it with a hair dryer, straightening iron, or curlers, so it's healthy enough I suppose.


Mar 13, 2004
I have genetically blessed hair (if I do say so myself). I just shampoo and condition with regular 'ol pantene. I don't color, and never blowdry. I just airdry on my way to work. at the ripe age of 40, it's still thick and silky and shiny. I trim my hair once or twice a year. You can see my hair in my avatar. I usually wear it loose, but occasionally I twist the 2 sides, and pull back half my hair kinda hippy-chick style. I used to get asked to be a hair model all the time, but NO THANKS, that would me somebody using my hair as an experiment! Editing to add recent picture (2 weekends ago) for current length. I have an appointment for a trim on Sat though.



Apr 28, 2008
Wow, gorgeous hair ladies! :o :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Laila619|1377214981|3508307 said:
Wow, gorgeous hair ladies! :o :appl:

I totally agree- loving all this gorgeous long hair!!! :love:
Ladies, your hair looks so healthy and shiny. :appl:

Sky, I love your handmade hair clips- really beautiful!

Circe re bangs. I used to have really short bangs and I kept them straight. Loved them. I found maintenance easy as I just cut them myself every few weeks and because they were short they were easy to blow straight. I still miss them but it was time to move on for me. I actually had grown them out for a few years but then missed them and cut them in again for a few more years. I was due for a change anyway because I had the same short bangs for probably well over 15 plus years.

It wasn't that bad growing them out because I just changed my hairstyle as they were growing. First I pushed them off to the side...side swept bangs. I liked this look best but it was too much of a pain to keep as it got longer. So then I pinned them back when they got a bit longer.

It really still is a work in progress as they have not reached the length of the rest of my hair but it doesn't need to be pinned back anymore if I don't want to. I like the variation in styles now. But it is something to think about because your hair is very long and growing them back to the length of your hair will take time. I still love bangs.


Feb 27, 2010
Thank you! What is funny is that after all these years, my husband no longer has short hair. Two years ago, he started growing it, and it is now almost as long as mine! He is 55 and it is very thick and beautiful - wavy brown with a few grey strands. He's so funny, he now likes to talk about the merits of different hair products and hair ties - he likes Goody better than Scunci for his ponytail. It's like he's turned into a "girlfriend" who discusses hair stuff with me. :lol:


May 9, 2012
I have waist length hair. :wavey:

I just bought myself a pair of 'spin pins' to try out. I usually wear my hair in a bun on top of my head secured by a claw clip, but the extra weight was starting to hurt.

I blow dry mine, and I've washed it with TRESemme shampoo (clarifying) and conditioner (24 hour body) every other day for years and years. At the moment I'm thinking about getting a couple inches off and a perm!


Apr 28, 2010
Thank you Vintage!

I actually JUST cut my hair about two weeks ago. Most people can't tell but I really did cut off about a good 5 inches. I wear my hair up at work and I just wasn't able to do anything with it anymore so I decide to let some of it go. I thought I'd regret it but I'm so glad I did it. There is much more to do with this length of hair for me.

As for my hair care, I do blow dry my hair. Not all of the time but I like the way it looks when its blow dried a lot better than if I'm air drying it. I like to put some moroccan oil in it to smooth it out before I blow dry. Lately, I have been using Wella for shampooing and conditioning. I love the way it smells and it works well on my hair. One thing I do often is switch up shampoos and conditioners. I never ever continuously use the same product for extended periods of time. Another thing that I'm really big with is not washing your hair every single day. It takes out the natural oils. If you want to prevent it from looking oily in between washes, use hair spray at the roots. A good amount too and brush it out. It takes some practice but when you get it right, it works wonders for keeping your hair looking fresh. Since I put my hair up at work (not by choice), I either put it up in a pony tail which I like because of my layers, put it in a bun, or I braid it. I like to french braid or do just a regular low braid. Besides that, I do not spend any time on my hair during the week. Sleep is more important in the morning :)

Here are some shots of my current hair:






Apr 28, 2010
My bun! I wear a high one or a low one...depending on my mood :bigsmile: I wasn't able to achieve this kind of bun before when my hair was down to my waist...too much to wrap!!!



Dec 16, 2007
Question: What do you do with your hair when you sleep?

My hair is not as long as most of yours, but its long for me! I have had short hair most of my life because I like to color my hair and play around. But I grew it out from laziness mostly and now its about 6 inches below my shoulders. I have bangs and its layered and the color is a bit of an hombre with some highlights.

My hair is fine but I have a lot of it. And it has a bit of wave but can go a little bushy in humid weather. I never really knew what to do with it when I was younger. I can't use a flat iron because my hair breaks. And I can't blow dry it because it takes too long -- I can only spend about 5 minutes on it realistically! So I discovered that if I wash it at night then put it up in a pony tail but only pull it half way through the band on the last "wrap" with the elastic it creates a sort of bunny-thing... and when I take it out in the morning it has a wave. I scrunch with some crème and hair spray in the morning. Voila, 5 minute hair. It lasts about 3 days if I don't work out and sweat have to shower. I will put it up and wash only my bangs if needed. Less washing - better hair in my world.

Here is a photo I just took. I biked to work this morning so it doesn't look its greatest, but overall I am happy with my hair right now!



Apr 28, 2008
Great hair, Dreamer!

I have your exact hair type: fine hair, wavy, and LOTS of it. Prone to frizziness in humidity. Layers work best for me too. I always put my hair up at night.


Feb 27, 2010
I have my hair in a side braid when I sleep. It also helps it looks good the next day because when I take it out of the braid, the locks look flat, separated and wavy. My hair is actually easy-care. I shampoo and condition it, comb it out with one of these, and let it air dry. It dries very fast, surprisingly as it is thick and very long. It is so dry that I only wash it about twice a week. The odd thing is that my facial skin is oily but my hair never is greasy. I can not use any comb except the one pictured, and done only when wet. A regular comb would not go through and just rip it out. I brush it with a boar bristle brush every night before I braid it before bedtime.



Jan 9, 2006
This pic was taken about two years ago before I was pregnant with my son. During my pregnancy it grew even longer and was crazy thick! It's thinned out a bit now, to about how it was in the pic, although it is typically pretty thick. Like many of the other ladies I shampoo and condition every second day, and comb it with a wide tooth comb, and let it dry naturally. I occasionally blow dry it, maybe once a week or so. I never colour it either, due to laziness more than anything ;)) I do like the colour of it though. I never use a straightener on it, but it's dead straight for the most part anyway, just a couple of very soft waves underneath.

I wear it up in a butterfly clip a lot, and the only way I can plait/braid it is to bring it to one side and braid it over my shoulder. I'm hopeless at braiding my own hair!



Jun 8, 2008
Love your hair and bangs Dreamer and Autumn and Dandi-gorgeous locks!
I used to blow my hair straight but stopped that over 10 years ago and let it dry naturally now. Curly some days wavy others. I never get the same hair day twice lol. Hair pics from this July (2nd pic shows how much shorter it is) where I got a few inches off so it is shorter than it has been and then the last one is from 2000 when I was still blowing it straight. I stopped right after then and stopped torturing it.

I do wash it almost 5 times a week now because I work out every day and my hair is very fine so it really needs to be washed despite the ends being dry. So I deep condition before I wash usually to help counteract any drying effect and I avoid any harsh chemicals in my shampoos/conditioners. I will say it is very difficult growing my curlyish hair and shrinkage is a b***h. And I am sure you curlies know what I mean. :cheeky:






Jan 23, 2008
natascha|1377196657|3508144 said:
I used to have long beautiful hair :blackeye: but I will start working now and wanted something easier so took of 25 cm in total. Now it long according to most people but feels short to me (down to just under my bra strap).

Regarding the care I wash it usually twice a week (I know I should be aiming for only once a week). The thing I learnt was to skip conditioner and instead use a hair mask as if it were conditioner, leaving it it while I shave my legs etc. Never blowdry or straiten. If I want really nice hair with volume at the roots, Ill wash it just before going to bed Then I pile all the hair upwards and voila wake up with nice volume and some curls.

Any tips on fast up-does for long hair (for working in a conservative professional environment)? Feels like all of the smart hairpins etc are made for people with less hair.

Wow natascha 25cm is a LOT of hair! They recently had a hair donation drive at the fair-I know a few people who took off a couple of feet at a time too. I can't do it :(

I only wash mine once a week. Some people think its gross but your body over produces oils (why do you think hair looks healthy when it shines people lol) so it takes some time to adjust. I tried no pooing (baking soda and apple cider vinegar) but with my long locks I need *something* to help get a comb though the ends.

No tips for hair do's. I can barely do anything with mine. Recently I've opted for a partial braid and and then a tie. Another thing I do is multiple hair bands. One at the base-one half way down. I think I'm moving up to 3 now.

Sky: Your hair is beautiful! I always wanted long blong hair with curls. Now that I'm older and my hair is long I think curls would drive me nuts. I've even permed my hair and I regretted it right away. I did it at a local beauty school and they burnt my hair and I had breakage 2" from the top of my head right at the crown. I looked like a goof!

I hope my color changes as nicely as yours did :)


Your hair is stunning! Looks nice and thick too!

I'd love to see the combs you use. I do have a question for both you (since I know you make jewelery) and sky (love the hand made hair pieces) since I have a glass blowing buddy who has some "cast offs" that I bought from him I'd love to turn into hair band accessories or barrettes. Any ideas? I'm attaching pictures of 2 of them but I have access to more. I'm thinking of making them and selling them to friends but I'm not sure just how to use them and attach them. I thought about wire but I've gotten that stuff caught in my hair and as I'm sure you've done before-it's not fun :(

arkieb1 said:
WOW - you have totally amazing hair!!!!

Thanks so much arkieb1-I'm just starting to be happy with the health and length :)

justginger said:
I've had varying lengths of "long" hair my entire life. Until very recently, my super strict regimen for care was wash AND condition. :lol: Now I get highlights (my head was virginal for 28 years!), I really should start giving it proper treatments. Does anyone have recommendations? I remember my mother doing hot oil treatments - is that something people still do?

I still don't ever touch it with a hair dryer, straightening iron, or curlers, so it's healthy enough I suppose.

Justginger-get some argan oil-put a crap ton of it in your hair-put a shower cap on and leave it in over night. Or coconut oil if you have access to that easier. You will be super amazed at the change. You won't think your hair was unhealthy before until you do this and after you feel how healthy and soft it is you'll be like why did I wait so long to do this? LOL.

jaysonsmom: Your hair is beautiful! I regretfully allowed people to use my hair (see above) but no longer! I love my long locks and hopefully will have them forever <3!

Laila619 said:
Wow, gorgeous hair ladies! :o :appl:

Thanks so much-hopefully we can inspire some ladies to sport long locks again. It always comes back in style but its hard to be "in style" (not that I care) when it takes years of growth to get there. It's a bit of work but I love it!

Missy: I love your hair. It looks very healthy and its quite long too :)

Sky: We need pictures of your husbands hair. My ex step dad has as long of hair as I do-it's a beautiful silver gray color and its amazing on him. My glass blowing buddy (the one who made the pictures below) also has long hair and it's beautiful too!
I have a son and he's 10.5 months-he doesn't have much hair now but I have no plans to cut it any time soon either :p

Chewbacca: I'd love to see your hair-it sounds beautiful! I used to use that shampoo too but have since switched. It wasn't bad but I prefer this stuff. But at 13.99 a bottle (for each) and it's pretty small like 12oz or so-it's expensive. But once a week washing it lasts a good while :)

AN: Your hair is still super long. The layers make give it a fuller look (although it looks super thick) I'm not sure with your job I would have kept it as long as you had it either. It gets heavy and your on your feet all day long and I can imagine how hard it is on your neck!

You have beautiful hair-I bet your husband loves it!

Dreamer: Your hair is beautiful. Keep growing it :)

As far as sleep goes I usually have a half braid and a few hair bands. But I've recently visited some long hair forums and seen silk head covering/bag things. They are expensive but I think I can have one made for cheaper. It's so it doesn't get all tangled. I'm thinking that's the next step for me. I just have to pull the trigger yet cuz my hair is super annoying since we have a family bed and I switch my son from side to side based on which side I'm nursing on and I have to remember to drag my hair along with me lol.

Lalia: I want to see pictures of your hair pretty lady!

Dani (btw I just sent you a message on DB-so HI on here lol) I LOVE your hair. You and circe have STUNNING beautiful blond locks!! I'm glad I'm not the only one hopeless at braiding their own hair. I was at a yard sale and found an 80s braid book that I bought for my husband. He was a boy scout and if he can tie knots in rope and since he loves my hair-he can start to braid it. He has yet to do it though :(

Missy: Beautiful hair!

I also have this sterling silver rose hair piece that slides on to hair bands that I got at the ren fest one year. I wish I had more like it!

I want to post more but my son is freaking out and needs to go down for a nap. Pictures are getting posted and then I've got to get him down and then I have a play date :)






Apr 26, 2007
I only just realized looking over this thread, while I was internally marveling at how pretty some of your hair is - I didn't SAY it! And I should have, 'cause Vintage, your hair looks so *shiny!* I wish I could get mine to do that. I actually *have* argan oil, but I've been using it like my Aveda no-frizz stuff, just swiping a little through after I towel-dry. I'm going to give that tip a shot tonight!

And since lots more ladies have responded since - wow, you all have gorgeous hair! Dreamer, what you're describing sounds a lot like mine: either I just embrace the wave and do two braids overnight, one on each side, or I straighten, if I want it to look "nice" the next day; in its natural state, it can't quite seem to make up its mind! The half-loop thing intrigues me ....

Missy, I know I've said it before, but you have my dream hair. So pretty! Tips about bangs appreciated. I wish I knew how to photoshop, so I could tell if it would look okay on me: the last time I mentioned it to my hairdresser, she looked dubious. I remember when I was a kid, I had this cheesy hairstyle program where you would upload a photo and then put different hair on, like a personalized paper doll - something like that has to be on the internet today, right?

I just re-dyed the tips last night with the purple over laying the blue, and I'm quite pleased with the results, enough that I bothered to straighten it! Wasn't going to post shots, but if I'm doing the comb collection, too ... :rodent: Will post these quickly, as technology is being a pain and refusing to upload my photos to my computer ....




May 16, 2011
The only photo I had that shows my hair length that I could find is below. I'm on the right, with the darker hair. I now have more than that, and it's almost to the small of my back. I have very thick, coarse texture hair and a LOT of it - something every stylist or friend who has ever put their hands in it comments on. When it's been flat ironed it looks like I have a more normal amount. My oldest daughter, shown in the pic with me, has the same amount of hair I do, and her texture is more fine than mine but still somewhat coarse, which is apparently unusual for many blondes.

I wash once or twice a week and use L'Oreal's EverPure Sleek Line shampoo/conditioner mostly. I've been fortunate that my hair is quite healthy and doesn't really care what I use to wash/condition with. My hair stylist knows which products I can use for highlights, as one product she used for highlights really dried it out. Using Neutrogena's deep conditioners and Nexxus Humectress helped to put some moisture back in. I also use Paul Mitchell Super Skinny after washing to help smooth it down and prepare it for blow drying or flat ironing, which I do maybe a couple of times a week. I use a regular paddle brush designed for thick hair with the plasticky bristles. I have tried natural bristles and can't get it to brush all the way through my hair unless I section it out and I don't have the patience.

I sleep with it loose but I have a ritual of twirling it around and then spinning the twirl into a bun before I then lie on my pillow. My DH looks at me like I'm nuts. I often think I should just braid it or go the Ma Ingalls route of a bonnet, but I love being able to later wake up with my face in my hair, so long as I don't go to sleep that way - I feel like I'm gonna strangle :oops:

Pinterest has a TON of amazing updo ideas, and quick and easy braids or other ways to cope with long hair, that's one of my go to places to look when I need something new!

ETA: I also meant to say that you all have AMAZING hair! I love, love, love seeing other ladies long hair! It inspires me to keep mine long on the days when I sometimes feel like giving in. That's rare since I've decided to keep mine long for as many years as I want to, but I do occasionally have those days! I also love reading how others care for theirs. I also have Argan Oil but have never known what to DO with it!



Apr 26, 2007
FINALLY managed to get it working properly!

So, I should give a shout-out to my friend Rachel for teaching me this ten years ago this: she's the one who initially taught me that I could put my hair up using a pair of pens, or chopsticks, or whatever, as circumstances required (both of these being thick on the ground in grad school). Basically, you just collect your hair into a pony-tail-like configuration and twist: as it coils, first wrap it in a circle, and then, depending on how long it is, either literally tie a big knot with it and tuck the ends around and in, or keep wrapping and weaving as length requires. I've got hair down to my hips and only manage the former most of the time. This works for a low ballerina-style bun, and looks really cool piled way on top of the head with one of the crown-like combs stuck in to face front. I'm probably being grossly historically inaccurate, but to my eye it looks almost Gibson Girl. I wonder if there are any guides to how Edwardian ladies did it?

Anyway, pics: apologies in advance for the crap quality; as it turns out, getting good shots of the back of my own head is *hard!*

First up, most of my comb collection - lots of paste, lots of tortiseshell, faux or otherwise (I genuinely don't know how to tell). I made the biggest crown like one myself using a modern plastic french-twist comb and a broken tiara I bought at a flea market. Next, a close-up of the crown (I used red silk thread to stitch it securely, and quite like the effect - btw, VL, I think it depends on how heavy your glass is: I have a barrette made of a think rectangle of diochoric glass that's securely glued that's lasted for ten years, so maybe that would be the way to go?), and then a somewhat blurry shot of it in my hair.





Jun 8, 2008
Duplicate post


Jun 8, 2008
Circe, thank you. You have my dream hair lol. Such thick gorgeous blonde hair. Perfection IMO. And I love your updo.

I haven't tried this app but perhaps this might be helpful to see how you would look with bangs?

One of the characteristics I love about bangs is that they can be edgy but they can be sweet too. Depending on how you wear them on any particular day. I love bangs. Anybody can look good in them but the length and style needs to be right for the face shape/bone structure etc. They can be a very nice face framer.

Steelmagnolia, beautiful thick hair-both you and your daughter!


Feb 27, 2010
The only way that my curls don't drive me nuts is to have my hair so long that the weight flattens them out into long s-waves. Though my hair is thick, it does not feel heavy, so that it good.

If you work with glass, it has got to be a bead to make hair ornaments of the style I do. I attach each bead, even the tiniest seed bead with a beading needle and thread 4 times over or more to keep it sturdily attached. I use reading glasses to magnify when I work.

Here is a picture of my husband's hair earlier this year. It's much longer now as it grows very fast, but you get the idea. He's looking at whales in the Pacific Ocean, hair blowing in the wind. The whales were near the coast and we got a good view. He looks really young for 55, people think he is in his 40's.

Here is another picture of a hair clip I made.




Oct 5, 2010
Circe|1377284997|3508771 said:
FINALLY managed to get it working properly!

So, I should give a shout-out to my friend Rachel for teaching me this ten years ago this: she's the one who initially taught me that I could put my hair up using a pair of pens, or chopsticks, or whatever, as circumstances required (both of these being thick on the ground in grad school). Basically, you just collect your hair into a pony-tail-like configuration and twist: as it coils, first wrap it in a circle, and then, depending on how long it is, either literally tie a big knot with it and tuck the ends around and in, or keep wrapping and weaving as length requires. I've got hair down to my hips and only manage the former most of the time. This works for a low ballerina-style bun, and looks really cool piled way on top of the head with one of the crown-like combs stuck in to face front. I'm probably being grossly historically inaccurate, but to my eye it looks almost Gibson Girl. I wonder if there are any guides to how Edwardian ladies did it?

Rats. Teasing and fake hair, plus not washing very often. I've read about the little hair catchers you could keep on your vanity to collect the hairs in your hairbrush so you could make your own rat that matched perfectly. It's my understanding (but of course right now I can't find any hard sources) that they did cut their hair in order to maintain this look, too. Hip length is an awful lot of hair to stuff into some of those updos. Of course the ladies of the French Court and the like often went straight to wigs, and they certainly weren't keeping feet of hair under them.

But that certainly hasn't stopped me from attempting to recreate them with my waist length hair!


This was a Marie Antionette themed party I attended a few months ago; my hair is a few inches shorter now, post trim. I wash every other/two days, never blow dry or style with heat. It's very straight and needs little beyond a brush every day, although the trade off is that it doesn't really do body or curls very well.

Fun thread!


Feb 27, 2010
Thanks for posting all the pics! All of you have beautiful hair. :appl:


Apr 26, 2007
Missy - that's exactly what I need! Now I just need to manage to take a decent face-on photo: it's like whenever the camera is on me, I am *physically incapable* of just ... looking like a person. :twirl:

Sky - I love the barrettes you make! Absolutely luscious beadwork.

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