
Sat 9.3 Daily Workout Thread

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Mar 6, 2005
Uppy Uppy Rise and Shine...and all that good stuff. Not being able to sleep last night I got up and went walking again. Normally I would have gotten myself a little snack and either read for class or watched some TV. I am going to try and go walking everytime instead.
How is everyone else doing?


Oct 30, 2002
good for you for walking rather than doing something else or putting it off!

i''m a bit bored with my route, have to find a new walking area...maybe around the other neighborhoods. i did 3/4m last nite but that''s it this week, still recuperating from our trip so have been tired most of the week. i have been eating extremely well all week except for last nite (weekends are my free nights) and also have started lifting weights for more arm toning, happy with results so far.


Mar 6, 2005
I dont know if you like books on tape but Craker Barrel rents them for 3.50 a week. You can put the cd ones on your Ipod or any mp3 player. I have found that this really enables me to look forward to my workouts since I love to books so much. I think alot of public libraries have audiobooks as well so you may want to check there as well. It is great that you are doing so well with your eating habits and adding strength training just bumps things up another notch!

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
My sis and I ran 7 miles this morning. It was a good run since the hot spell has broken here (at least for a little while). I think I''m getting the dreaded runner''s black toe though- might lose the toenail


Nov 18, 2004
7 miles, good lord Logan, good for you!!!! What is the runners black toe???


Oct 30, 2002
i have never been a big long-distance runner, and i guess that's good because i read that it's bad for women to run long-term, because our organs are more 'loosely' held into our bodies than mens thanks to all our extra reproductive piping...doctors note they see women runners as they get older start to have more problems with tendons loosening and not being so elastic, which then mean that some of your reproductive organs can 'drop' and start to cause problems as you age. that's a problem i seriously don't need. also i read recently that running is bad for your facial muscles and that it will add age to your face, going against anti-aging routines!

i did run sprints for track for 3 years in HS and my dad is a huge long-distance runner and i know it's a great way to slim down with less time, but i just don't have the lungs for it and since i have read all these negative things about it, i convinced myself it's BAD for you even if it is good.
but i do secretly wish i COULD run ... i just never have been a good one ... even when i am in the best of shape, i huff and puff and don't know how to breathe and it becomes embarrasing. Greg is a runner though, does about 3-5 miles a week added to his 3x a week rowing and feels like he needs it to stretch out his muscles. he does 5k and 10k runs with my dad. i'm the walker!

oh matatora, eta that i think i need to dig out my mp3 player and start taking that with me. i think it will help to have something to listen to. just gotta actually do it. oh and i hope you are taking pepper spray or something with you if you are walking at night and listening to audio books, you may not hear someone coming up behind you! be careful out there.


Jan 18, 2004
Date: 9/3/2005 2:56:58 PM
Author: kaleigh
7 miles, good lord Logan, good for you!!!! What is the runners black toe???

I think she means that the toenail gets bruised from the force with which the foot slides forward into the shoe while running. I had this happen to me last year and, indeed, the toenail did fall off. It took months and months for it to grow back normally. Now, I just try to buy my running shoes a half size bigger so that there''s less contact between toe and shoe.

Logan Sapphire

Sep 5, 2003
Date: 9/3/2005 4:22:58 PM
Author: Demelza
Date: 9/3/2005 2:56:58 PM

Author: kaleigh

7 miles, good lord Logan, good for you!!!! What is the runners black toe???

I think she means that the toenail gets bruised from the force with which the foot slides forward into the shoe while running. I had this happen to me last year and, indeed, the toenail did fall off. It took months and months for it to grow back normally. Now, I just try to buy my running shoes a half size bigger so that there''s less contact between toe and shoe.

Exactly! Here is a blurb from cool running about it. Don''t think I''ll be lancing it myself though

Likely causes:
Repeated pressure and impact on your toenail. It could be from running downhill, when your shoe stops short and your toe keeps slamming into the end of the shoe. Or the toebox of your shoe could be too large, and your toe keeps banging against the top (over long distances the cumulative effect of this can be miserable on the nail). Whatever the specific cause, the result is bleeding under the nail, thus the blackness.

The blood must be released to relieve the pressure. Some people will tell you that you can do this yourself with a razor blade or a hot needle, which you poke through the skin. That takes guts; you''re probably better off seeing a doctor to take care of it. If you don''t take care of it in the first couple of weeks, the nail will probably start to come off, and several weeks later it will ultimately drop off. Not to worry, while this is not a particularly attractive process, it''s not painful or unhealthy either.


May 1, 2005
I obvioulsy dont run enough to worry about black toe, ouch! sounds painful.

I went to the gym this morning. 20 minutes of squats and lunges (and a few weights) then a half hour on precor, I went early enough so i could lay out on the sun deck before getting ready for work. It is good incentive when you have to go to work on a holiday weekend, at least you can look like you enjoyed the outdoors!

putting books on my ipod is a good idea, but i''m having fun with my playlists for now. but i had never thought of that before.


Mar 6, 2005
Mara- I know I keep trying to find one small enough to carry. I used to have on that was on a wrist cord but lost it almost two years ago. I worked at project ReNeWal for my first year and half of school...and have become decidely paranoid becuase of that. I stay to a well lit path and I see campus police and the city and county ones about every three to five minutes. I keep my iPod down low enough so I can hear others coming around and I dont talk on my cell phone while I am out.

Logan Sapphire- I am awfully jealous of your 7miles, wow! Even when I did cross country I never got up my lung capacity to that level. That is fantastic, minus the toe thing.


Aug 8, 2005
well unfortunately, i haven''t gone to the gym all week. i have evacuees at my home, and it''s hard to wake up at 5:00 to go work out when they are still sleeping. i know, where''s my will power. plus i haven''t been sleeping much as it is, so 5 am comes way too early. maybe i''ll get back on it next week...


Mar 6, 2005
jcrow- it sounds like you have much bigger things going on in your life then exercise habits.

I went and did another 5.25 miles was just beyond crowded all day due to the game. Hopefully enough people clear out tonight to make things a little quicker in the morning.
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