
SAHM Thread?

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Nov 8, 2005
Date: 9/7/2009 2:55:36 PM
Author: MC
Any update on whether this will become a bolded thread at the top?

I haven't heard anything back, but I suspect it is as Tacori said - needs to be a thread with a lot of action first.
Feel free to msg the admin to ask!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday weekend. We had lots of family time and it was great.


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 9/2/2009 11:34:04 AM
Author: steph72276
Count me in as another planning on going back to school. I had started my master's in education when I got pregnant with my first son, so when this baby is around 2 or so, I plan to go back and be finished right about the time when the youngest will start school full time. That is the plan right now, but we will see what happens down the road!

I finished my masters shortly before TTC. I always knew I wanted to get more education. At the time I was thinking it would be better to have it done before having kids. Now, though, I wonder - might have been better to do it when my kid(s) are older, to help transition back to work after being a SAHM. I already feel my skills are getting out of date. If I had waited, I could then take advantage of all the career development and recruiting that you can get through grad school. Seems like it would be a good thing to do before re-entering the job market. Oh well, timing is NEVER perfect. I'll always be proud to have earned my degree!

I got an email from a good friend and classmate of mine today who is not a mom, and she mentioned promotions that she and her DH have gotten recently. Their careers are going beyond great and I'm so happy for them, but it reminds me of how differently my life turned out from what I had thought it would. Even before kids, I made some career decisions in order to have more time for DH and for work/life balance, and to support him in his (very busy) career. When I think of my classmates and what they have accomplished, sometimes I feel a little wistful about where I could be. However, I feel really confident that for now being a SAHM is the best for our particular family. I'm really happy to be with my son every day!

I expect I will want to go back to work someday, and I just hope I'll be able to find fulfilling, family-friendly opportunties when I am ready. But I'm just taking it one day at a time!


Jan 29, 2007
Well, you guys, I have to admit that I''m a little sad, because today is going to be DS''s first day of preschool. He''s going to be attending for 3 hours in the afternoon Mondays and Wednesdays.

DS will be 3 in November, but he is so excited for school - his new clothes, his new shoes, his teacher, the playground, and all the toys in the classroom (we went for orientation last week and I couldn''t get him to leave - he loved it).

I know that he''s ready to start school (his great disappointment will be that he''s still too little to take a school bus - he keeps talking about wanting to ride it) but I am feeling kind of sad. I am a SAHM who doesn''t have family nearby & my DH is always working, so it''s basically been me & the kiddo 24/7 for the past 3 years. I thought that I would be ecstatic to have the alone time, and I''m sure I''ll enjoy my outdoor runs and shopping solo, but I didn''t anticipate feeling so sad that he''s growing up

I am pregnant, so I guess I''m just going to blame my weepiness on the hormones. Anyway, I just wanted to share my first-day-of-school nostalgia with the other SAHMs ...


Mar 16, 2005
Vesper, I know how you feel. Andrew''s first day was last week. He goes 4 days a week for a few hours this year. I was sad to drop him off, but I have to tell you the alone time is invaluable...I''ve gotten so much done for the baby''s room. Enjoy your time, it''s only a few hours
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