
Ring sizes, need some help!!!

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Aug 14, 2007
So.......we''re 90% there in getting the ring of her dreams except....

She plans on loosing some weight, and her current finger size is a 7 (to be comfortable). I''ve bought her a ring years ago, and when I measure it with a caliper I get a 6.5 in size. She really should be a 6.75 but I''m afraid the ring she wants can''t be resized due to a lot of delicate work on the ring (pave/milgrain etc..)

If I were to buy a ring tomorrow it''d have to be a size 7 in order for her to wear it comfortably, but when it comes time to "wedding day" I think she''d want a 6.75. It''s a precision set setting.

Just curious what you guys recommend. We have been to many different ring shops, all with different measurements. Some it comes out a 6.5 but a 7 is looser, and others it''s just a 7. If precision makes a size 6.75 then I''m all over it. But if not what options do I have?


Apr 22, 2004
Yes, settings do come in quarter sizes. I''ve a couple rings that are 4.25 so it shouldn''t be an issue.


Jun 18, 2007
I'm always a proponent of "dress the body you have" not the "I plan to lose weight" body. I had planned to lose weight for years. As many women can tell you. She might lose the weight for the wedding but gain (some of) it back. I'd go for the looser fit myself. Some rings can be sized more easily, depends on the setting. My E- ring is size 5.5 but when it came time to make my wedding band we decided to go up a quarter size b/c resizing it too much (if I ever needed to go up in size) would affect the look of the 7-stone shared prong setting. I can change my e-ring if I ever need to, no problem,since it's a solitaire.

This coming from a woman who actually did lose weight last year. 35 lbs. But I know some of it could come back on. I hope not, but that's life.

I'd get the 7.


Mar 6, 2006
fancy settings can get messed up when sized. What about focusing your budget right now on the nicest stone you can get in a simple solitaire? Solitaires can be sized really easily no issues at all. Then when she is at her goal weight reset the stone? Just a thought.


Mar 31, 2007
I would go with the size she is going to wear at the time you give it to her. I have had the same ring size since high school...and that was 40lbs ago. Don't assume weight loss is going to effect her finger size any more than it could effect her shoe size, unless she happens to have very little muscle tone presently and you can guaranty she is going to drop a bunch of weight and gain a bunch of muscle.


Sep 3, 2000
Buy what fits now. Worry about sizing it later, if it happens. Try real hard not to fall in love with a design that can''t be sized becuase when it no longer fits it serves as a constant reminder of what was versus what is. A loved ring which can be sized remains a treasured item and one that won''t fit anymore becomes part of the millstone..


Aug 14, 2007
Tonight we are going to go see what a 6.75 fits like. I was told by the company that makes the ring that it can be resized fairly easy but would rather just get the right size to begin with. When I met her 7 years ago I had given her a "friendship" ring that was a 6.5. She still fits into it although it''s snug now. I figured a 7 would be perfect for right now, but if she does drop the weight for a wedding she would go down in size. I figured a 6.75 would be a good compromise.

She doesn''t have a lot muscle tone, never has as long as I''ve known her. But she can drop weight when given a goal pretty easy. I also thought about that as well.....loosing weight and gaining muscle vs. just loosing the weight I assume would affect how things fit.

If it can be resized that''d be great, and maybe that''s one way to look at it. I''ll find out more tonight when we go to a higher end place that should know more about sizing a ring.

Thanks guys!

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
Buy the size she is..plan to go back and have sizer balls inserted. This way if she is successful in weight loss that is apparent in her fingers...the balls will compensate for that . They are not too invasive that if she eats a lot of salt one day and goes back to a 7, she will still be able to get the ring on.

Also...I just saw a new design posted by a was a halo but the shank was only 90 % closed. The top 10 % of the shank was open and then it went straight up to the halo top. I thought EUREKA!! What a great design for those with weight issues. The fleshy part of the finger would have an expansion space to "fill".

As a woman...and I have been one for many years...I have never been successful in adjusting weight in any particular area. If surveyed many women would more than likely agree. Especially PSers. We want our diamonds or settings to give us the largest impact...and finger coverage on a smaller finger can do that. It there were some magic secret to make our fingers deflate...we would know it. Yes, for weight loss: exercise, no carbs and no salt will make you loose weight/girth...but as soon as you inhale whatever you omitted will return...unless you change your lifestyle. So even if the finger looses a little may return...and then again weather season can effect it as well. 1/4 to 1/2 size can be compensated with sizers.



Aug 16, 2006
I think you should go with the size that fits her perfectly right now. Even if she loses weight for the wedding, chances are that her engagement ring will still fit. A lot of woman have to resize their rings a quarter to half a size up when they stack a wedding band next to their engagement ring. The added width of a band means the rings feel tighter on the finger.

Chances are even if she goes down a size, the extra room will compensate for the snugness of wearing two rings.


Jul 11, 2005
Many, many women lose weight for their wedding. Most gain at least some of it back. Plus, as we age and have babies, our fingers to tend to get a little bigger, and stay that way. I would get the 7.


Feb 15, 2007
Another vote for buying the size she is right now. Also, maybe it isn''t weight gain or loss that is affecting the size difference, but temperature and hydration level. Does your GF drink a lot of caffeinated beverages? Maybe she''s dehydrated and her hands are swollen. I only drink coffee about six times a year, and I just had one last night and my hands really swelled up because the coffee dehydrated me. My ring is a quarter size too big, and it was a bit tight after that coffee.

It''s crazy how much variables other than weight affect ring size.

Regardless, she''ll want the ring to fit her RIGHT NOW--it''s never a good idea to purchase something that will only be right "some day" anyway, in my opinion. Live it up for the now, you''ll cope with the changes when you have to.
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