
Ring made wrong

Are you ok with the square vs cushion-shaped halo like it was supposed to be? The square would be a big No for me
but its not my ring.

I am actually OK with a square shape because I have another ring that is a sapphire that is in a cushion shaped halo. I call this ring my postage stamp ring. It does look and feel like a postage stamp when you wear it because it's totally flat on the top. But I kind of like that about it.
I don't think you should try to re-work it in this way; keeping half of it and trying to get them to fix it. As others have said, it's so wrong that it should be a refund and you take it somewhere else. Have you broached the topic with them yet?

Good question! So my jeweler is out of town with family currently. He will return tomorrow. I am saving up all the things I want to say when I go in to see him in the morning. He did text me today and apologize that he had not called me back on Friday but that he was out of town. I said it was OK, that it gave me time to calm down. Lol. I also told him he needed to have an on-call crisis counselor when he is going to be out of town for four days. But anyway, he said he does not want me to be upset and wants me to be happy. So we'll see what happens tomorrow. But I appreciate everybody's help here. I do agree it looks like a stock setting and I am going to tell him that. I will also tell him I am actually surprised that the bench was not ashamed to send that ring out to a customer.
I clipped a picture of a beautiful cup made by DK I believe. I did not keep a picture of the top though (darn it). I'll
post anyway.

Edit ...tried to google search it and found it here but no top photo

Looks like Mark Broumand (google him) does lots of yellow cups where you can see top as well as bottom. Nicely
done yellow cups (with straight bezels) and nice prongs.

yellow cup.png

Here are a few Mark Broumand ring links

Coincidentally, that second Mark Broumand picture was my inspiration for this ring. Not the engraved detail on the cup, and not the diamonds that run up the cup, but the rest. You can see it looks like my CAD.
I'll second @Mreader . I would not let them "re-work" this ring. You have no idea what its going to look like after they
take the bezel off. There must be a lot of metal in the corners of the bezel making the stone look square. You're going
to end up with a cushion-shaped stone in a square halo that doesn't look like it was made for it. If that is what you want
then I suggest you start over and let someone else design a square halo for your cushion so it actually looks like it is made
for your stone (custom like you thought you were getting).

This stone was part of a beautiful 3 stone ring and deserves to be put back in a lovely setting. Not a Frankensteined together
setting! That sounds a little too dramatic but you get my drift! (Not to mention the good money you have put out for this
setting.) Just dont settle because you'll end up regretting it later.
I'll second @Mreader . I would not let them "re-work" this ring. You have no idea what its going to look like after they
take the bezel off. There must be a lot of metal in the corners of the bezel making the stone look square. You're going
to end up with a cushion-shaped stone in a square halo that doesn't look like it was made for it. If that is what you want
then I suggest you start over and let someone else design a square halo for your cushion so it actually looks like it is made
for your stone (custom like you thought you were getting).

This stone was part of a beautiful 3 stone ring and deserves to be put back in a lovely setting. Not a Frankensteined together
setting! That sounds a little too dramatic but you get my drift! (Not to mention the good money you have put out for this
setting.) Just dont settle because you'll end up regretting it later.

Thank you! I am gathering up all my courage in order to say what I need to say tomorrow.
please let us know how your jeweler responds. If you are a repeat customer, then he should welcome giving you a refund since the ring is such a departure from what you asked for, along with the bad workmanship.
please let us know how your jeweler responds. If you are a repeat customer, then he should welcome giving you a refund since the ring is such a departure from what you asked for, along with the bad workmanship.

So I just left the jeweler. We are going to remake it WITHOUT that horrible cup. He did blame himself and said it's his fault that he didn't send me the new CAD to approve beforehand. Well I should say the cup will not run next to the girdle anymore. It will be underneath. I asked that the halo be tight next to the yellow stone. I asked for shared prongs. I asked for single claw prongs in the corners of the yellow stone. Like I said, he has made two of my other rings, and they are perfect. I joked that I must've gotten the intern working on mine. I did say that he should be ashamed of himself for ever letting that ring go out the door. I probably shouldn't have said that part, but I was mad. Thanks to all my price scopers for giving me strength to go back and assertively tell him what I want. He apologized and said they will make it right. As for the prongs, he said they should have been attached to underneath the cup and he thinks maybe something happened to them, which is why they attached new prongs onto the yellow cup?!?! He said it's not a stock setting.
So I just left the jeweler. We are going to remake it WITHOUT that horrible cup. He did blame himself and said it's his fault that he didn't send me the new CAD to approve beforehand. Well I should say the cup will not run next to the girdle anymore. It will be underneath. I asked that the halo be tight next to the yellow stone. I asked for shared prongs. I asked for single claw prongs in the corners of the yellow stone. Like I said, he has made two of my other rings, and they are perfect. I joked that I must've gotten the intern working on mine. I did say that he should be ashamed of himself for ever letting that ring go out the door. I probably shouldn't have said that part, but I was mad. Thanks to all my price scopers for giving me strength to go back and assertively tell him what I want. He apologized and said they will make it right. As for the prongs, he said they should have been attached to underneath the cup and he thinks maybe something happened to them, which is why they attached new prongs onto the yellow cup?!?! He said it's not a stock setting.

Did he explain why it was square?
Did he explain why it was square?

No. I mean he said the cup had to be remade because of how thick my stone was. I think that made a difference as to how the shape was constructed? But I really don't know.
It shouldn't matter how thick your stone is because they were supposed to create a custom setting for it.
After reviewing the CAD design and the actual setting, it's clear that there are several discrepancies. The halo shape doesn't match up either.

My guess is that they didn't actually make a custom setting based on the CAD for you. Instead, it seems like they used a pre-made setting and tried to adjust it to fit your stone, which is why it looks off. I would recommend asking for a refund because this doesn't seem like the custom job you paid for.
Good job @lizz !

Not sure why he would have had to change the shape of the halo because your stone is thick???

So he is going to present you with another CAD? Please do post.
Good job @lizz !

Not sure why he would have had to change the shape of the halo because your stone is thick???

So he is going to present you with another CAD? Please do post.

Yes ma'am, he's doing a new CAD. I think he got a little nervous because I was so angry. I will post it when it's done. I told them they had that stone for a month and the product I got was shameful.
Yes ma'am, he's doing a new CAD. I think he got a little nervous because I was so angry. I will post it when it's done. I told them they had that stone for a month and the product I got was shameful.

I haven't commented because I'm a newbie but I just wanted to say that I've been following along and am proud of you for confronting him. It's something I would personally really struggle with doing. If the new CAD or ring isn't exactly what you want, you should definitely just go elsewhere. Your stone is too lovely to not have in a beautiful home! And you were right when you said that the jeweler should have been ashamed to let the ring leave his store like this. I hope this one works out well!
I haven't commented because I'm a newbie but I just wanted to say that I've been following along and am proud of you for confronting him. It's something I would personally really struggle with doing. If the new CAD or ring isn't exactly what you want, you should definitely just go elsewhere. Your stone is too lovely to not have in a beautiful home! And you were right when you said that the jeweler should have been ashamed to let the ring leave his store like this. I hope this one works out well!

Thank you and please never feel bad about posting! I was so nervous! I am not good with being assertive like this. It made me feel sick to my stomach. I dreaded going there today. My voice was shaking because I was so scared. I brought my notes on my iPad so I wouldn't forget and to his credit, the jeweler asked me to send them to him so he would have my criticism in writing.
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I'm starting to like your jeweler. Sounds like he takes full responsibility and wants it to be right for you. If he does, he's a keeper, you two have a bond.
I'm starting to like your jeweler. Sounds like he takes full responsibility and wants it to be right for you. If he does, he's a keeper, you two have a bond.

Thank you, yes, he is a good guy and I know everybody tells me to go somewhere else. But I think he deserves a second chance, especially after he completed two perfect projects.
Good for you standing up for yourself. But I'm still concerned. Your previous CAD wasn't the problem, it was the execution in creating the ring and the fact that it didn't match the CAD, at all. So I'm still concerned that no matter how good the new CAD is, that the execution could still be a problem. I sure hope I'm wrong. I hope you made it clear to him that if the next iteration doesn't match whatever CAD you approve, you will be expecting a refund. And good luck!
That's great that you stood up for yourself. I feel like you never know about a company for sure until there's a problem and you see how they handle it. Fingers crossed that it's corrected to your satisfaction. :)
Good for you standing up for yourself. But I'm still concerned. Your previous CAD wasn't the problem, it was the execution in creating the ring and the fact that it didn't match the CAD, at all. So I'm still concerned that no matter how good the new CAD is, that the execution could still be a problem. I sure hope I'm wrong. I hope you made it clear to him that if the next iteration doesn't match whatever CAD you approve, you will be expecting a refund. And good luck!

Oh he knows!!! But thanks for your input!
That's great that you stood up for yourself. I feel like you never know about a company for sure until there's a problem and you see how they handle it. Fingers crossed that it's corrected to your satisfaction. :)

True! I look at how does the company or vendor handle a complaint? That will tell you a lot about whether you want to do business with this vendor again.
Well here it is. The new CAD. Please give me your honest opinions please. I realize there is an empty space around the stone, should they make it more square?

ETA: I like the square shape and wouldn't mind it more square to get rid of that space.

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Here is a ring of a friend of mine. She has a space around her stone between the stone and the halo and I like it. She also doesn't have the yellow cup running alongside her stone at the girdle, just underneath. That is what I plan to have also.

Here is my stone outside of a setting.

I'm no CAD expert, but to me it doesn't look like the halo follows the outline of the stone so it doesn't look 'custom' and I think doesn't do justice to your beautiful diamond. This completed ring from DiamondsByLauren has a cup and a similar shape of center stone to yours and seems more harmonious to my eyes. It also allows you to clean under the pavilion which I think your CAD design would not.


I'm no CAD expert, but to me it doesn't look like the halo follows the outline of the stone so it doesn't look 'custom' and I think doesn't do justice to your beautiful diamond. This completed ring from DiamondsByLauren has a cup and a similar shape of center stone to yours and seems more harmonious to my eyes. It also allows you to clean under the pavilion which I think your CAD design would not.



Hi again! Thank you for your feedback. Yes, this ring you posted of David's is one of my inspiration rings. There actually is a small hole in the bottom of the cup to clean the pavilion on my design. Yes, I did tell the jeweler just now that I would like the halo to follow the shape of the stone, exactly what you said. He said they left the gaps around the stone because the yellow cup would be underneath the stone so that you could see the 18K cup underneath. I said I didn't want that gap. He said they are going to make some adjustments to the CAD.
He just sent me this. Better I think. Any thoughts?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I apologize if I upset you- that's not my intent. I'm trying to look out for you. I want you to be over the moon happy.

So, no.
Don't do it.

We see this from time to time. It ends in mild disappointment. This last CAD looks remarkably like the setting they already made and not even like the first CAD they made.
There is a reason so many of us are telling you to cut bait and go somewhere else.
These last CADs just prove it.
In the end, if you stay with this jeweler, you will have to settle.

The ring hinges on the softened halo of the inspiration given by the pave style along with the cup. There is no reason a custom ring can't fit your stone exactly with no airline. That's the point of custom.
New CAD:
It's too square, the diamonds too small and the halo is flat with metal on the outside because the pave style is wrong.

There are many different types of pave. The pave isn't French cut like the inspiration- it's a type of surface bead set. That is what you loved about those rings, you just didn't register that's what you were looking at.
It's not even the same as your friend's ring which is fully prong set.
Details matter.

Please reach out to other jewelers before you move forward.

DBL, DK and other jewelers can make this ring for you exactly the way you envision.
DBL specializes in cupping colored diamonds and DK can do just about anything. They do this level work all the time. It's what they do.
Let them.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I apologize if I upset you- that's not my intent. I'm trying to look out for you. I want you to be over the moon happy.

So, no.
Don't do it.

We see this from time to time. It ends in mild disappointment. This last CAD looks remarkably like the setting they already made and not even like the first CAD they made.
There is a reason so many of us are telling you to cut bait and go somewhere else.
These last CADs just prove it.
In the end, if you stay with this jeweler, you will have to settle.

The ring hinges on the softened halo of the inspiration given by the pave style along with the cup. There is no reason a custom ring can't fit your stone exactly with no airline. That's the point of custom.
New CAD:
It's too square, the diamonds too small and the halo is flat with metal on the outside because the pave style is wrong.

There are many different types of pave. The pave isn't French cut like the inspiration- it's a type of surface bead set. That is what you loved about those rings, you just didn't register that's what you were looking at.
It's not even the same as your friend's ring which is fully prong set.
Details matter.

Please reach out to other jewelers before you move forward.

DBL, DK and other jewelers can make this ring for you exactly the way you envision.
DBL specializes in cupping colored diamonds and DK can do just about anything. They do this level work all the time. It's what they do.
Let them.

You did not upset me. I am thankful for your input. I have asked for honest feedback. I mentioned those things to my jeweler today minutes ago which is why he said they are going back to the drawing board.

ETA: I have asked that they have the wax sent from Chicago out of state to where I am. Whenever I can finally approve of a CAD....
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