
Ring Box and NYC Proposal Questions

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Jul 13, 2005
Hi All,
I recently bought a Ritani Endless Love engagement ring from Charleston Alexander and I am trying to work out the proposal details. I have some questions that hopefully someone can help me with:
1. I really like the engraved ring box idea. The salesperson said it comes with a box. Is there a standard Ritani ring box, and if so what does it look like and is it engraveable? I don't think she would like a silver box (too flashy for her taste), so does anyone else know a place I can buy a nice dark wooden ring box? Can wood be engraved in this manner or is this only an option for metal boxes?
2. I plan on proposing in NYC on Oct 22 in Central Park. Will the leaves have changed color by then?
3. Any recommendations on where to propose? She is more of a private person, so the carriage ride or a gondola is out of the question. What areas of the park will get less traffic on a Saturday afternoon? I was looking at the Conservatory Garden, Angels of Water Fountain, near the boathouse, or just off one of the several paths. I don't want to be looking for a spot while walking aimlessly through the park. She'd catch on to that.

Thanks in advance.


Dec 23, 2004
I live in NYC so I can answer the Central Park questions for you.
The leaves will most probably have begun to change colors by October 22. It''s beautiful that time of year.
There really aren''t any private places in the park, but the Bethesda Fountain is one of my favorite places. It''s in the middle of the park somewhere in the 70s. It''s near the Boathouse. There''s also the Sheep''s Meadow, which is near Tavern on the Green, so you can go there afterwards for a celebratory drink. It''s on the West side of the park, near 67th Street.

You can PM me if you have any more questions.

Good luck and congratulations!


Jul 13, 2005
Thanks for the information. I actually planned on arriving in the city by train(~12pm), going to Tavern on the Green (~2pm), taking a walk in Central Park and proposing (~4pm), and later in the evening going to a Broadway show (8pm). Would you suggest proposing before Tavern on the Green?


Dec 23, 2004
The timeline you''ve set up seems fine. But you might need to set things up -- getting the tickets to the show (I have lots of suggestions if you need any) or making reservations at the restaurant if you''re planning on eating there.

Also, by the Boathouse you can also rent a rowboat. That way, you can propose while on the pond but you''ll still be alone. Just remember to keep track of the oars!


Apr 14, 2005
Autumn in NY is just beautiful--good choice! (I live in NYC too...)

AmandaPanda, I love the idea of proposing in the rowboat! (assuming you feel comfortable handling the boat & that the rowboat experience wouldn''t put too much pressure on you, wiggum)

There are so many beautiful spots in the park, you couldn''t go wrong with any of them!

I don''t know what kind of ring box will come with your Ritani ring (have you posted ring pics yet? Can''t wait to see it!), but here''s a site that custom makes stunning inlaid wooden ring boxes. They''re a bit pricey ($200+) but amazingly beautiful.

Good luck--let us know if you need any more suggestions/ideas!



Jul 13, 2005
The rowboat is a fantastic idea. I''ll most likely see how crowded it is around the fountain, and if I don''t get the right feeling I''ll head over to the rowboats. She won''t suspect anything since I am outdoorsy and will likely go along with it. I''d be open to suggestions for Broadway plays. I plan on making this a mini 4-day vacation in NYC. Such a wonderful city, and it gives us time to ourselves.

I don''t have the ring yet, it''s being special ordered and won''t be ready till mid August. It''s a round Endless Love ring with a 1 ct center stone and bezel setting (? - tiny diamonds around the stone and band). We''ve been dating for 3.5 years and she''s definitely the one for me.


Dec 23, 2004
I glad you like the idea. I''ve been dating my bf for 3.5 years and am still waiting for him to propose... maybe I should suggest going boating...

There are lots of shows out there... depends on what you like. The big two these days are Wicked, which is awesome, and Avenue Q (but I''m partial to that one since I''m friends with the lead). Avenue Q is quite raunchy though. You need to buy tickets for those now though... they sell out quickly.
I can give you more suggestions if you''d like.


Aug 7, 2005
Is Central Park easy to navigate or is it possible I''ll get lost looking for somewhere to drop down on one knee?


Mar 11, 2005
Of the people who live in NY would know the best places. As a constant visitor, my favorite places in the park are the Bow bridge and the bramble(?) where the bird sanctuary is. Even the castle near the great lawn. I love Strawberry Fields, but that''s definately hopping on a nice Saturday afternoon. Wiggum, you sound like such a great guy putting this much thought into it, she will love it! (I also secretly enjoy someone else having the joy of engagment on my birthday

Side note: Amanda and Brightspot, I may be asking you every question under sun when I finally get reay to move there!


Aug 27, 2005
I just got back from NYC. Avenue Q is raunchy but hilarious! I saw Wicked while I was there it was AMAZING
! It is at the Gershwin Theatre I would definitely recommend the show. I think the whole proposal sounds wonderful, she is a lucky girl


Apr 17, 2002
Central Park was carefully designed to make people get lost in it. I''m not kidding. That''s what the landscape architects said when they designed it 150 years ago. The idea is that you get lost in Nature and forget the hustle & bustle of city life. And it''s pretty big, so if you pick out a spot in advance, you might have a hard time finding it.

Fortunately, the park is chock full of beautiful spots. If the weather is good, thought, it''s also chock full of people on a Saturday afternoon.

I suggest strolling along until you find yourself in a relatively private spot, then popping the question. If it were me, I''d look around for a bridge--there''s lots of lovely ones--and propose on top or underneath.

The Ramble is nice and secluded, but that also makes it tempting for other people looking for privacy. You might run into couples (usually men) having sex, which may or may not be your idea of romantic.

I''ve never heard of someone engraving a wooden box. Painting it, maybe. Or what''s that craft called where you burn things into wood?


Jul 13, 2005
Just thought I'd post an update. The ring is in and I have 54 days to go. It is hidden in the back of my desk drawer underneath some file folders, which will be relatively safe. The box the ring came with is purple-ish with Charleston Alexander written on the inside of the lid. I didn't like this at all, and bought and engraved a silver box that I saw suggested in another thread.

So far I have a hotel booked and front row tickets for Blue Man Group (she has brought up seeing them several times, and it should be fun being in the poncho section), 3nd row tickets for Phantom of the Opera (she read the book and wants to see the play), and 2nd row tickets for Chicago (Brooke Shields will be in the cast). I keep looking for Wicked tickets, seems like I need to buy them via Ebay since they are sold out. We will have 4 days in NYC, so hopefully I can add another event. I will pobably will wander through Central Park till I find a good spot, but will start near the fountain and go from there till we reach a private spot.

It seems like there are interesting curve balls thrown at you that you must handle when planning something like this:
1. My girlfriend signed up to take classes at a local community college to prep for the MCAT. She has classes now on Sat, Mon, and Weds. I have told her in advance that she will need to miss the Monday class, but we will get a much later start on Sat since her class finishes at noon. She still has no clue that the event will start on Saturday.
2. I recently went to my 10 year high school reunion and got grilled by a drunken friend in front of my girlfriend about why I haven't proposed yet.
3. We were going through the mall and stopped by Bailey Banks and Biddle where they sell the Endless Love ring. She said several times she liked the .5 carat ring, and with the bezel setting it is a good size. She said that the 1 carat looked too big for her taste, which is the size I went with. Not sure if she is trying to keep the price down, but I hope she changes her mind once I propose.


Apr 14, 2005

That sounds like a wonderful plan! How exciting! I''m sure you just can''t wait! Any chance you''ll show us pics of the ring?

That''s a great idea to just wander around the park until you find a spot that strikes your fancy. There are so many beautiful locations, you won''t have any trouble choosing one to pop the question. Where''d you find the silver ring box? I really wanted one from Fay Cullen (I think I might''ve even suggested it in another thread?), but the FI couldn''t wait to order one in to propose!

How''d your GF do when your friends grilled you at your hs reunion? I hope she wasn''t too upset.

And I''m sure she''ll change her mind about the 1ct size being too big once it''s on her finger...
(it seems likely she was trying to be considerate of your budget)

Anyway, good luck & be sure to tell us all about the proposal & post handshots, etc.!!

nytemist, feel free to bug me w/ questions when you move to NYC!


Mar 11, 2005
I think your GF will be too overwhelmed to be upset about the size... I agreee with Bright that she is probably concerned with price. I usually go to NY for my birthday, so if I''m there I''ll be sending you positive vibes!!

Bright Spot- I just may start doing that soon after school is finished for me- starting with ''how do I avoid taking up residence in a cardboard box in Times Square!!!!!''


Aug 27, 2005
Hello again,
I also agree that she was being considerate of your budget and I think she will love the 1 ct when it is on her finger. I think she will be blown away because you have exceeded her expectations! With the ring and the proposal.

There are a few ways to get tickets to Wicked if the shows are sold out when you are going. The theatre sells day of cancellation tickets at face value of the ticket (50-100$) Around 2-2.5 hours before showtime depending on the number of cancellations that is how many will be available. That is how I got tickets (they are good seats I sat 12th row center). Two hours before each performance they do a lottery for the front row seats. Winners get 2 tickets at $25 per ticket- cash only. I think they give 28 tickets away. And the box office sells day of premiere seats for $300 per ticket but I don''t know much about these. Its a great show I hope you get tickets to see it.

Good luck with everything and I cant wait to see pics of the ring and hand shots when you get back!!


Mar 10, 2005
I also say go with''s a wonderful show with some romantic interludes throughout...good luck on your proposal!!

Any chance we can see the ring in advance?

cellar door

Jul 18, 2005

my FI proposed in CP, and it was amazing!!! I suggest buying this book called New York''s 50+ best places to enjoy Central Park and other great retreats by, Karen Putnam. The book has a map and a blurb about each place. Check it out b/c you will find the best place for you and your girl.


Sep 28, 2005
A really great show on broadway is SWEET CHARITY it can really set the mood, its with christina applegate and she is really wonderful, its about love, and finding true love, its really sweet and the music is really amazing, i have the soundtrack and listen to it often.

Some restaurant ideas I can suggest are, the four seasons restaurant, not the hotel but the actual restaurant. If you call ahead, they will bend over backwards to accomodate ur request and make sure the evening is special, if you worried about the price, dont worry, they have a pre dinner price fixed menu that includes appetizer, dinner, and dessert for 65 a person.

Also another to try is Aureole, this place is very magical, and will handle any requests you can come up with and will have ideas of their own. Both these places are truely wonderful, and you will feel like a king and queen on this special day.


Oct 25, 2005
Well? How''d it go? Pictures?
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