
Removal of Threads

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Dec 21, 2008
I have already suggested this to Ali but I''m posting it in case others want to comment.

I suggest that when a thread is for whatever reason removed, the thread topic remains with a brief Moderators explanation outlining the reason for the removal. The explanation, which would be a last word and not an invitation to further comment, might help to avoid topics or posts that cause threads to be removed. Sometimes I''m surprised to see a thread vanish and I wonder what happened.


Jun 12, 2008
I know what happened if it vanishes...but I totally agree with your suggestion.


May 14, 2008
Date: 8/20/2009 1:20:51 AM
I have already suggested this to Ali but I''m posting it in case others want to comment.

I suggest that when a thread is for whatever reason removed, the thread topic remains with a brief Moderators explanation outlining the reason for the removal. The explanation, which would be a last word and not an invitation to further comment, might help to avoid topics or posts that cause threads to be removed. Sometimes I''m surprised to see a thread vanish and I wonder what happened.
I agree, although I think it''s safe to say that when a post or thread vanishes or gets shut down it''s becuse rules and policies have been breached.

However, mods briefly explaining that they have decided to sanction someone might negate the need for endless speculation about why someone has dropped off the face of PS.

You know, all this being said, it must be really difficult to be a moderator at times, and I do think they do a sterling job for us all.


Nov 1, 2003
Interesting idea to consider.
I post at forums where they do that.
I think it can give a negative look to the forum sometimes.
For example after a spammer attack the front page will be 1/2 deleted threads.
That presents a negative impression with new visitors.


Jan 26, 2003

8/20/2009 1:20:51 AM

I have already suggested this to Ali but I''m posting it in case others want to comment.

I suggest that when a thread is for whatever reason removed, the thread topic remains with a brief Moderators explanation outlining the reason for the removal. The explanation, which would be a last word and not an invitation to further comment, might help to avoid topics or posts that cause threads to be removed. Sometimes I''m surprised to see a thread vanish and I wonder what happened.

I couldn''t agree more.



Jan 26, 2003

8/20/2009 10:49:02 AM
Author: strmrdr

Interesting idea to consider.
I post at forums where they do that.
I think it can give a negative look to the forum sometimes.
For example after a spammer attack the front page will be 1/2 deleted threads.
That presents a negative impression with new visitors.
This isn't my experience with closed threads. I wouldn't mind if a thread started by a spammer with no comments by others were closed and removed, but once other people get involved I would rather see it closed and saved.

(I hate censorship. I was just reading in the newspaper today about how the New York Public Library has locked up the original version of Tintin in the Belgian Congo because of complaints on how it portrays black people. At least it hasn't been burned. Thank goodness. It has historical significance. For those of you who don't know, I am an erstwhile historian, having dropped out of a Ph.D. program in history many years ago.)



Jun 12, 2008
To be quite honest, I almost left PS and still kind of feel that I might after my nudeness thread was pulled. I don''t think I said anything horrible and was really bringing something up that I felt was needed to be shared and I was passionate about it. I didn''t say anything wrong. Anyways, I don''t want to go on and on, but I do agree that leaving it there and ending it is the right way to go. I know the MOD chimes in and warns first before pulling it, but my thread was 2 pages long I think and was up for a few days and just got pulled. I wondered if the posts within the thread could get pulled out, but yeah, it is a lot of work. I was depressed for a few days after it got pulled.


Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Date: 8/20/2009 2:13:02 PM
Author: AGBF

8/20/2009 10:49:02 AM
Author: strmrdr

Interesting idea to consider.
I post at forums where they do that.
I think it can give a negative look to the forum sometimes.
For example after a spammer attack the front page will be 1/2 deleted threads.
That presents a negative impression with new visitors.
This isn't my experience with closed threads. I wouldn't mind if a thread started by a spammer with no comments by others were closed and removed, but once other people get involved I would rather see it closed and saved.

(I hate censorship. I was just reading in the newspaper today about how the New York Public Library has locked up the original version of Tintin in the Belgian Congo because of complaints on how it portrays black people. At least it hasn't been burned. Thank goodness. It has historical significance. For those of you who don't know, I am an erstwhile historian, having dropped out of a Ph.D. program in history many years ago.)


I agree with your metaphor regarding public library, but with Pricescope I look at it as a diamond educational section in the library (like a reference section), not the whole library. Just like the librarians throughout the day organize the topics (so one can find what they are looking for and not end up in areas they do not want to be), we also try to keep the relevant threads and remove stuff that does not belong here and make it look cluttered. There is no perfect method as some things are gray lined and we make judgment calls, but some are easy like spam.

We are always tweaking but this is the general approach that we currently use:

Spam, Self Promotion, Shill or Troll thread – Get Removed
OP – requested (usually because of private matter) thread removal– Get Removed
Violation threads – Judgment calls based on whether it promotes the Pricescope ideals such as education, usefulness.

If we remove the thread we contact the OP and let them know the reason.
If we close it we are now trying to explain the reason for it.

Some threads automatically get closed due to 2 month inactivity and we are happy to open them on requests.

We appreciate everyone suggestion and are considering all of them.

Thank you,



Sep 4, 2007
Date: 8/20/2009 5:47:56 PM
Author: Elegant
To be quite honest, I almost left PS and still kind of feel that I might after my nudeness thread was pulled. I don''t think I said anything horrible and was really bringing something up that I felt was needed to be shared and I was passionate about it. I didn''t say anything wrong. Anyways, I don''t want to go on and on, but I do agree that leaving it there and ending it is the right way to go. I know the MOD chimes in and warns first before pulling it, but my thread was 2 pages long I think and was up for a few days and just got pulled. I wondered if the posts within the thread could get pulled out, but yeah, it is a lot of work. I was depressed for a few days after it got pulled.
Elegant, I''m sorry to hear that you were depressed because your thread was removed.
I would suggest that if you are that passionate about the subject that you find a forum that is dedicated to such issues. As Andrey mentioned previously, we are a diamond education forum. We want to stay focused in that area.
As I stated in the email I sent to you, the reason it was removed is because it contained words and subject matter that we do not want to be associated with in google searches. The title itself would not be allowed to stay even if we implemented the practice of leaving thread titles and removing content.


Jun 12, 2008
Date: 8/22/2009 8:43:22 PM
Author: Ali
Date: 8/20/2009 5:47:56 PM

Author: Elegant

To be quite honest, I almost left PS and still kind of feel that I might after my nudeness thread was pulled. I don''t think I said anything horrible and was really bringing something up that I felt was needed to be shared and I was passionate about it. I didn''t say anything wrong. Anyways, I don''t want to go on and on, but I do agree that leaving it there and ending it is the right way to go. I know the MOD chimes in and warns first before pulling it, but my thread was 2 pages long I think and was up for a few days and just got pulled. I wondered if the posts within the thread could get pulled out, but yeah, it is a lot of work. I was depressed for a few days after it got pulled.
Elegant, I''m sorry to hear that you were depressed because your thread was removed.

I would suggest that if you are that passionate about the subject that you find a forum that is dedicated to such issues. As Andrey mentioned previously, we are a diamond education forum. We want to stay focused in that area.

As I stated in the email I sent to you, the reason it was removed is because it contained words and subject matter that we do not want to be associated with in google searches. The title itself would not be allowed to stay even if we implemented the practice of leaving thread titles and removing content.

In the email that was sent to me, there were no specific reasons like the ones you posted. I think I was so mad I threw it away. I know it is a diamond education forum, but I posted it in the Hangout section which is any subject matter.

I understand. I''ve been contemplating leaving anyways because I don''t feel like I am a part of this community. I didn''t think what I posted was offensive, but it obviously must have been. We used code names for things, etc. doesn''t really matter in the scheme of things. Subject matter associated with google searches? Interesting.

No biggie. Whatever!


Jan 26, 2003
There is currently a thread in Hangout to which you posted, Ali. In it people had speculated about the whereabouts of a Pricescope poster. I wanted to say that I, personally, loved the way that you handled that particular thread. It was educational, reminding us of exactly what Pricescope policies had been violated in that thread and also what behavior posters had engaged in (in that thread) that was OK according to Pricescope policy. I will live what whatever you and Andrey decide to do with thread closure and do so cheerfully, but I wanted to give you some feedback. I felt that what you did in the aforementioned thread was very well done indeed.



Jul 12, 2005
OT and probably something I should know the answer to - what does OP stand for?


Apr 2, 2006
Date: 8/23/2009 1:07:47 PM
Author: DiamanteBlu
OT and probably something I should know the answer to - what does OP stand for?

In this case, original poster -- the person who initiated the thread.

In other cases... Ocean Pacific


Jul 12, 2005
Thank you - I should have been able to figure that one out! LOL! [blush]


Sep 4, 2007
Date: 8/23/2009 12:59:34 PM
Author: AGBF

There is currently a thread in Hangout to which you posted, Ali. In it people had speculated about the whereabouts of a Pricescope poster. I wanted to say that I, personally, loved the way that you handled that particular thread. It was educational, reminding us of exactly what Pricescope policies had been violated in that thread and also what behavior posters had engaged in (in that thread) that was OK according to Pricescope policy. I will live what whatever you and Andrey decide to do with thread closure and do so cheerfully, but I wanted to give you some feedback. I felt that what you did in the aforementioned thread was very well done indeed.

Thank you for your feedback AGBF.
Andrey and I believe that for people to really be able to follow the policies, they need to fully understand why they are in place. We know that not everyone will agree with the policies but if they have an understanding of why they are there or what we expect, hopefully they will be more cooperative with what we want Pricescope to be.
We go out of our way to always send a message to the Original Poster (OP) if their thread was removed and tell them why. This only reaches one person out of many who might have posted though, so we are left with a handful of people that may have not received the explanation and had a chance of understanding. We want to find a way, that fits within our system and ideals, to reach more people with an explanation and ultimately, understanding. With every one''s help and feedback, we should be able to find something that works. I''m looking forward to it!

Together, we can make Pricescope a great place for everyone.


May 14, 2008
Date: 8/23/2009 1:54:52 PM
Author: Ali

Date: 8/23/2009 12:59:34 PM
Author: AGBF

There is currently a thread in Hangout to which you posted, Ali. In it people had speculated about the whereabouts of a Pricescope poster. I wanted to say that I, personally, loved the way that you handled that particular thread. It was educational, reminding us of exactly what Pricescope policies had been violated in that thread and also what behavior posters had engaged in (in that thread) that was OK according to Pricescope policy. I will live what whatever you and Andrey decide to do with thread closure and do so cheerfully, but I wanted to give you some feedback. I felt that what you did in the aforementioned thread was very well done indeed.

Thank you for your feedback AGBF.
Andrey and I believe that for people to really be able to follow the policies, they need to fully understand why they are in place. We know that not everyone will agree with the policies but if they have an understanding of why they are there or what we expect, hopefully they will be more cooperative with what we want Pricescope to be.
We go out of our way to always send a message to the Original Poster (OP) if their thread was removed and tell them why. This only reaches one person out of many who might have posted though, so we are left with a handful of people that may have not received the explanation and had a chance of understanding. We want to find a way, that fits within our system and ideals, to reach more people with an explanation and ultimately, understanding. With every one''s help and feedback, we should be able to find something that works. I''m looking forward to it!

Together, we can make Pricescope a great place for everyone.
I think you need to revise this thread Ali and remove "can". It''s already a great place to be

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
...Some threads automatically get closed due to 2 month inactivity and we are happy to open them on requests.


I have a question, please, about this!

Re: "some" threads... is there some kind of criteria for threads to stay open even after 2 months of activity? I thought ALL threads closed after so long without activity?

Which brings me to my next humble suggestion
. Why do threads HAVE to "close"? Is there a reason for this?

I for one would LOVE IT if threads never closed. I know you guys are great about opening them back up again upon request, but most newbies don''t know that, PLUS I hate the thoughts of bothering you guys.

If threads didn''t close, we could really begin to eliminate duplicate types of threads. Especially with an enhanced search function! For example, someone may want to start a thread on "Show me your SI stones!". If they search first and find that there already is one... then instead of starting a new thread - they could just post to the old one. I think that would make our threads that much richer and helpful.



Feb 17, 2007
Date: 8/23/2009 3:46:53 PM
Author: Lynn B
...Some threads automatically get closed due to 2 month inactivity and we are happy to open them on requests.


I have a question, please, about this!

Re: ''some'' threads... is there some kind of criteria for threads to stay open even after 2 months of activity? I thought ALL threads closed after so long without activity?

Which brings me to my next humble suggestion
. Why do threads HAVE to ''close''? Is there a reason for this?

I for one would LOVE IT if threads never closed. I know you guys are great about opening them back up again upon request, but most newbies don''t know that, PLUS I hate the thoughts of bothering you guys.

If threads didn''t close, we could really begin to eliminate duplicate types of threads. Especially with an enhanced search function! For example, someone may want to start a thread on ''Show me your SI stones!''. If they search first and find that there already is one... then instead of starting a new thread - they could just post to the old one. I think that would make our threads that much richer and helpful.



Have you been on a forum where threads never close? It''s really confusing IMO because threads are constantly being brought back to life YEARS after a person''s problems are solved. It can be really confusing.

Or people talking about sales, pricing, links to diamonds that are long sold, etc.


Jul 12, 2005
I get confused when I look for a thread I swore I had posted on and then can''t find it. I begin tom wonder whether my age is impacting my memory! Now I know that maybe the thread had been there and that now it may be gone - or maybe it''s me . . . sigh . . .

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 8/23/2009 4:32:20 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 8/23/2009 3:46:53 PM

Author: Lynn B

...Some threads automatically get closed due to 2 month inactivity and we are happy to open them on requests.


I have a question, please, about this!

Re: ''some'' threads... is there some kind of criteria for threads to stay open even after 2 months of activity? I thought ALL threads closed after so long without activity?

Which brings me to my next humble suggestion
. Why do threads HAVE to ''close''? Is there a reason for this?

I for one would LOVE IT if threads never closed. I know you guys are great about opening them back up again upon request, but most newbies don''t know that, PLUS I hate the thoughts of bothering you guys.

If threads didn''t close, we could really begin to eliminate duplicate types of threads. Especially with an enhanced search function! For example, someone may want to start a thread on ''Show me your SI stones!''. If they search first and find that there already is one... then instead of starting a new thread - they could just post to the old one. I think that would make our threads that much richer and helpful.



Have you been on a forum where threads never close? It''s really confusing IMO because threads are constantly being brought back to life YEARS after a person''s problems are solved. It can be really confusing.

Or people talking about sales, pricing, links to diamonds that are long sold, etc.

Well, actually, yes, on one of the only other two forums I really post on, threads never close. And I''ve been hanging out there about 2 years now and old threads do come back sometimes (but it''s almost always quite relevant and for a good reason). They certainly aren''t "constantly" being resurrected and I have honestly never seen it be confusing or a problem. But admittedly it''s not a diamond forum, with prices, etc., that do obviously become outdated/obsolete. So I see what you mean.

But nevertheless, I still think it''s an idea worth considering. Maybe the 2 month window could be lengthened, at least? With as busy as the boards are these days, a still-very-relevant-and-timely thread can easily get buried FAST and next thing you know, two months have flown by, and now it''s locked.

As I said, just my humble opinion! And as my tagline says, "That''s my story and I''m sticking to it!"


Jan 26, 2003

I respect your point of view, but is there a way that we could work around the two problems you mentioned? What it, for instance, in the new version of Pricescope it was posted that anyone could request that a thread be re-opened. That would address the problem of newbies not knowing that they could request that threads be re-opened.

I, apparently, have a whole lot of nerve because I constantly think I have the right to e-mail Andrey to ask him to re-open threads for me. (I know this reflects badly on me; I must have a huge sense of entitlement!)

The new Pricescope might offer a less personal means of requesting that a thread be re-opened, however (for the more sensitive among us). ;-) Perhaps there could be a button next to closed threads that one could push or some such thing. That would address the problem of shy people hesitating to ask "bother" Andrey to re-open a thread for them.


Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 8/23/2009 7:26:31 PM
Author: AGBF


I respect your point of view, but is there a way that we could work around the two problems you mentioned? What it, for instance, in the new version of Pricescope it was posted that anyone could request that a thread be re-opened. That would address the problem of newbies not knowing that they could request that threads be re-opened.

I, apparently, have a whole lot of nerve because I constantly think I have the right to e-mail Andrey to ask him to re-open threads for me. (I know this reflects badly on me; I must have a huge sense of entitlement!)

The new Pricescope might offer a less personal means of requesting that a thread be re-opened, however (for the more sensitive among us). ;-) Perhaps there could be a button next to closed threads that one could push or some such thing. That would address the problem of shy people hesitating to ask 'bother' Andrey to re-open a thread for them.

Hmmmm, you know, Deb, I think you have a great idea there!

Now, I have no idea if it's possible or not, of course... but think about this...

Say after 2 months, threads get locked as usual. BUT, once that happens, a special message appears; something like, "Please note: this thread has been inactive for at least 2 months. To reopen the thread for posting, please click here."

Wouldn't that just be the coolest thing ever?! A newbie (or anyone who found the thread in a search, or just ran across it randomly) would be flagged to notice that this is not a new thread. The diamond is likely sold, the baby is likely already born, or the dog has already been named!
BUT, if you still want to post on this thread, you may still do so easily, and without "bothering"
the moderators.

(The girl with 1,000 ideas!) haha!


Sep 4, 2007
Asking to have a thread reopened is never a bother.

Lynn, you have some interesting ideas! Keep them coming everyone, you never know what could work.

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 8/23/2009 9:41:41 PM
Author: Ali
Asking to have a thread reopened is never a bother.

Lynn, you have some interesting ideas! Keep them coming everyone, you never know what could work.
Awww, thanks for the post, Ali!

It''s good to know that it''s not a bother to reopen threads. I really didn''t know that.

And oh yeah, I''m just full of ideas! You''ll probably be sick of me before this whole renovation is over!


Jan 26, 2003

8/23/2009 9:35:21 PM
Author: Lynn B

Now, I have no idea if it''s possible or not, of course... but think about this...

Say after 2 months, threads get locked as usual. BUT, once that happens, a special message appears; something like, ''Please note: this thread has been inactive for at least 2 months. To reopen the thread for posting, please click here.''
Lynn, I think that that is a fabulous idea!



Feb 17, 2007
Date: 8/24/2009 1:08:13 PM
Author: AGBF

8/23/2009 9:35:21 PM

Author: Lynn B

Now, I have no idea if it''s possible or not, of course... but think about this...

Say after 2 months, threads get locked as usual. BUT, once that happens, a special message appears; something like, ''Please note: this thread has been inactive for at least 2 months. To reopen the thread for posting, please click here.''

Lynn, I think that that is a fabulous idea!



Ditto. That''s a great solution.

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Date: 8/24/2009 1:16:09 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/24/2009 1:08:13 PM
Author: AGBF

8/23/2009 9:35:21 PM

Author: Lynn B

Now, I have no idea if it''s possible or not, of course... but think about this...

Say after 2 months, threads get locked as usual. BUT, once that happens, a special message appears; something like, ''Please note: this thread has been inactive for at least 2 months. To reopen the thread for posting, please click here.''

Lynn, I think that that is a fabulous idea!



Ditto. That''s a great solution.

Hey, thanks!!!



Dec 30, 2006
Date: 8/22/2009 9:26:00 PM
Author: Elegant


In the email that was sent to me, there were no specific reasons like the ones you posted. I think I was so mad I threw it away. I know it is a diamond education forum, but I posted it in the Hangout section which is any subject matter.

I understand. I''ve been contemplating leaving anyways because I don''t feel like I am a part of this community. I didn''t think what I posted was offensive, but it obviously must have been. We used code names for things, etc. doesn''t really matter in the scheme of things. Subject matter associated with google searches? Interesting.

No biggie. Whatever!
I wonder if we are stopped from using certain words or topics because someone googling for ''naughty stuff'' might come across posts here and start using PS for that type of stuff. You know, starting threads about subjects that might be offensive or not in the spirit of PS.

Just a thought.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Date: 8/20/2009 1:20:51 AM
I have already suggested this to Ali but I''m posting it in case others want to comment.

I suggest that when a thread is for whatever reason removed, the thread topic remains with a brief Moderators explanation outlining the reason for the removal. The explanation, which would be a last word and not an invitation to further comment, might help to avoid topics or posts that cause threads to be removed. Sometimes I''m surprised to see a thread vanish and I wonder what happened.
yes,it would be better for the Moderator to lock the thread instead of deleting the whole thread.


Aug 8, 2005
on a similar note...

i wish there was a way for a post to be removed at the request of the post writer, but instead of it completely vanishing, it remaining viewable only to the moderators and the original poster.

often times i''ve thought about asking a personal thread of mine to be removed due to personal info, but i''m hesitate to do so because i enjoyed the comments so much. sounds silly i know....but it''s true.
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