
Regarding Men''s Suits...

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Jun 27, 2008
How many people here had the men rent their suits, purchase their suits or "other" (and please elaborate if its other!).
I am having a hard time finding a suit i like, and would like to see 4 times over. I finally found something suitable (ha!!) at sears, and wonder how much would the guys object to outright buying a suit.

While normally i am all for just renting one (especially becuase i know these guys will never wear the suit again), the suits are if not the same price, then less than the rentals. And honestly, Men''s Warehouse is not doing it for me on their selection.

What is everyone else''s take on the matter?

linky to the suit @ sears, and the general idea/look i think i want



Mar 8, 2009
We are struggling on the suit end as well. But I love the one you chose! Have you seen it in person to check quality, etc?


Mar 21, 2008
we had a suit custom-made for the groom as he is very tall and lean, and usually you just find tall and wide in a store.

regarding the other men at the wedding, my MIL ended up making the men''s suits and did a fantastic job! we just told them all to wear a dark suit and because we weren''t paying for it, they had the liberty to decide what they wanted. and they all wanted her to make them one.

my belief with bridesmaids and groomsmen is that if you want them to wear something in particular, you should pay for it. if I''m going to shell out money to wear something, then I''d rather pick out something myself than be told what to wear. but I don''t know how your pals feel about this.


Nov 17, 2009
I just told my guys to buy black suits and black button down shirts where ever they found something that fit them and their budgets. My guys range from a 6''6" 350lb former NFL Offensive lineman to a 5''1" 110lb Korean guy...there was no way I was finding anything to look good on all guys in a range like that. We''ve purchased their ties as part of their gift and that will bring in the cohesive look, along with the bouts.


May 20, 2008
We purchased suits. I really wanted a suit, not a tux, and for the life of me I couldn't find anywhere to rent them. I'm not a fan of rented tuxes - all those pleated baggy pants, ick. So, we went to Men's Warehouse during a sale and found grey pinstripe suits for $250 each (on sale by 50% I think). DH needed a new suit anyway, so it worked out. The suits were the same price as our BM dresses and we paid for half of the dresses so we offered the same thing to the two groomsmen. After paying 50% of the cost, I think they ended up paying less than they would have to rent and got new suits out of the deal (though one of the guys had just purchased a grey pinstripe suit, but it just didn't not match ours at all. Haha. I felt kind of bad. We even would've purchased the one he already had, but they weren't making it anymore). If we had more than 2 BM and 2 GM we probably couldn't have afforded to help them out so would've had to think of a cheaper option.


Dec 11, 2008
Our boys just bought the suits this past weekend. We knew we wanted them in grey suits and couldn''t find anywhere to rent them. FI did run the idea by all the guys before we made the final decision.

They got suits at men''s wearhouse during a promo, ended up being first suit for $199, second suit for $99. So the four groomsmen are each paying $150 each. I think this promo is running through the end of the year.

Good luck!


Dec 22, 2008
Our guys will rent tuxes, as we are having a very formal wedding.

Edit: Our bridal party will pay for their own attire, as was part of the deal when they agreed to be apart of our wedding. My FI and I have been in prior weddings and paid for our own attire with no issue because it's someone else's vision of their wedding not ours. Now it's our turn.


Oct 21, 2007
DH''s suit was purchased as well. I like the one you linked.


Jun 27, 2008
thank you all!

to clarify a few issues - Our Bridal party is paying for their outfits, as we (E & I) did for their weddings. of course if someone is hurting and cannot afford it, we will help out (as i bought my sisters dress). I do plan on buying all the ties and bridal jewelry.

Megumic - not yet, but that is kinda the look we were going for. E really wants linen suits, but MW doesnt have any for rent, and they are rather spendy.

Noelwr - gosh, can you send your MIL over to my place??
. I am not sure if it a location thing, but the last few weddings i have been to/in, the bridal party pays for their outfits. I think (and i can be wrong on the men''s side) that the bride & groom pay for any other accessories and for the hair to get done (BM part, of course). If we could pay for it, we definately would.

Pinki - i like the all black look. How did that work with your BM''s? did they have matching dresses?

Elrohwen - I too, do not care for the rented suits at MW. i think they look great on other people, but my E is a string bean and they just look akward on him. Not to mention they have NO spring wear out now
(i know...its early. but a girl''s gotta plan!!).

Stephbolt - Thats not too bad of an idea for them all to him the sale at the same time! Did it come with the pants as well? How did the guys take the news that they were buying, not renting?

Carib - we are on the same page re: who pays for what.

CDN - Thank you!

As a note, i did run this by a coworker and asked his honest opinion. At first he said no, he would rather spend the extra money and not have a suit... then paused... and realized it would be near 80 bucks cheaper to buy a suit. he said in the long run, he would just go with what the Bride & Groom wanted, as long as he wasnt spending more than $100 on something that he would probably never wear again.

Thanks again everyone!


Dec 11, 2008
Date: 12/18/2009 9:50:46 AM
Author: jcarlylew
thank you all!

to clarify a few issues - Our Bridal party is paying for their outfits, as we (E & I) did for their weddings. of course if someone is hurting and cannot afford it, we will help out (as i bought my sisters dress). I do plan on buying all the ties and bridal jewelry.

Megumic - not yet, but that is kinda the look we were going for. E really wants linen suits, but MW doesnt have any for rent, and they are rather spendy.

Noelwr - gosh, can you send your MIL over to my place??
. I am not sure if it a location thing, but the last few weddings i have been to/in, the bridal party pays for their outfits. I think (and i can be wrong on the men''s side) that the bride & groom pay for any other accessories and for the hair to get done (BM part, of course). If we could pay for it, we definately would.

Pinki - i like the all black look. How did that work with your BM''s? did they have matching dresses?

Elrohwen - I too, do not care for the rented suits at MW. i think they look great on other people, but my E is a string bean and they just look akward on him. Not to mention they have NO spring wear out now
(i know...its early. but a girl''s gotta plan!!).

Stephbolt - Thats not too bad of an idea for them all to him the sale at the same time! Did it come with the pants as well? How did the guys take the news that they were buying, not renting?

Carib - we are on the same page re: who pays for what.

CDN - Thank you!

As a note, i did run this by a coworker and asked his honest opinion. At first he said no, he would rather spend the extra money and not have a suit... then paused... and realized it would be near 80 bucks cheaper to buy a suit. he said in the long run, he would just go with what the Bride & Groom wanted, as long as he wasnt spending more than $100 on something that he would probably never wear again.

Thanks again everyone!
The suits did come with pants - this is the suit they got: SUIT Not sure why it''s $299 on the website and $199 in stores.

They were all definitely OK with buying. Although none of them wear suits day-to-day for their jobs, they are all in their early 30s and recognize that they could wear the suit to a wedding, funeral, job interview, etc, and since a tux rental would have been around $120, it''s not that much of a difference. FI did have to pick up the tab for the BM''s suit for now, but BM swears he will have the money in a month or so.


Nov 17, 2009
Date: 12/18/2009 9:50:46 AM
Author: jcarlylew

Pinki - i like the all black look. How did that work with your BM''s? did they have matching dresses?

BM''s do not have matching dresses. I sent them links to dresses I liked, very vintage 1940''s pin-up looks and told them just to find something similar in black. Again, these girls are so different in looks, heights and styles that I just couldn''t imagine making them all wear something they wouldn''t be comfortable in or spend money on something they wouldn''t wear again. So they guys'' ties and bouts will match the girls flowers. I think it will look so neat!


Oct 21, 2007
Date: 12/18/2009 9:50:46 AM
Author: jcarlylew
Megumic - not yet, but that is kinda the look we were going for. E really wants linen suits, but MW doesnt have any for rent, and they are rather spendy.

jcarlylew, I don''t know if you''ve thought of this but linen wrinkles really easily and could look messy/unkept in photos. Some bridal couples don''t care, but I thought I''d mention it in case you and E do.


Jun 27, 2008
Date: 12/19/2009 12:39:46 PM
Author: CDNinNYC

Date: 12/18/2009 9:50:46 AM
Author: jcarlylew
Megumic - not yet, but that is kinda the look we were going for. E really wants linen suits, but MW doesnt have any for rent, and they are rather spendy.

jcarlylew, I don''t know if you''ve thought of this but linen wrinkles really easily and could look messy/unkept in photos. Some bridal couples don''t care, but I thought I''d mention it in case you and E do.

good thought!! i wonder if the "looks like linen" suits will do the same?



Oct 21, 2007
Date: 12/19/2009 9:09:12 PM
Author: jcarlylew

good thought!! i wonder if the ''looks like linen'' suits will do the same?

Oh, hopefully suits that look like they''re made of linen but aren''t will hold up better. Good idea!
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