
Random talk thread!

How's everything going, TP? It's been quiet on the boards this week!

Things are SOOOO crazy with us right now, I'm ready for a break! *We* are fantastic, but work (for both of us) and other things are so stressful right now. We're having PITA maintenance problems with our current rental. We're sick of the problems here so we're finally mentally there are ready to do some apartment hunting for a new place. Our lease is up 6/30 and we'd have to give notice by 4/30 if we aren't renewing here so we only have a few weeks to figure something out. We're ready for a lifestyle upgrade (just a little one, we can't swing a super huge increase in rent), but the issues with our place (maintenance and otherwise) have started outweighing the cost savings to me in the last year and I'm not sure I'm up for another year (or more) of living here because of them.

The looking is fun, theoretically, but for me (at least right now) it's just stressful. Coordinating is the worst part since most places require you to give 60 days notice and many new places won't let you sign that far out since they don't want things sitting vacant for that long and many don't know their June availability yet since people who's leasing are coming up haven't actually given their notices yet. It's rough because i'm not totally comfortable giving notice here until we've secured something else because all things considered, we've got a killer deal here. Quality is lacking, but we can't beat the price for the great neighborhood we're in and the square footage we have. If we couldn't get an actual upgrade in quality for our budget (200-350/mo more than we're paying now), we'd just assume stay put. Sigh -- we're in a private rental too (not a complex) and month-to-month is not an option.

The other stressors come from location. We live in the Central part of the city right now which (for me) is super great because I'm only 2 miles from work but Andrew has a 19 mile (1ish hour each way) commute all the way out to the West part of the city. I'd love to make his commute better and split the difference, but rentals in that area are way out of budget (looking at closer to double what we pay now), but even aside from the cost, he's looking to switch jobs and I'd hate to move out to the West part of town for him to end up any where not in/near the West part of town putting us back in the same commuting situation. Right now, from where we are centrally he could get to just about anywhere in the city in a 1 hour commute so staying central seems to make the most sense for our budget and for his commute until he finds/settles into something more permanent. We found what seems to be a great opportunity he got his application in for over the weekend, I'd love to see that pan out because it'll half his commute from our current neighborhood and the mileage would be North/South instead of East/West. There are plenty of routes to travel North/South here, but East/West is all surface streets with insane traffic. His commute would half, if not quarter with that position.

There is a complex I lived in from 09-11 that is AMAZING and we're very interested in moving back there but we can't sign for them this far out and have no idea what the June availability or pricing will be just yet. We'll be going back mid-April to see if we can secure a June opening. I hate all the logistics.
Sorry it is so crazy for you right now!

I HATED the moving process! Looking. Finding. Notice at the right time. GAH!!!!
For us, it was buying a house and giving notice 60 days prior to the closing date of the house. We actually waited for 30 days and had a month of overlap to do some painting and stuff in the house but those 30 days were horrible. I couldn't get past all the "What if....?!?!" questions. If the signing hadn't happened. If the sellers had backed out. If the loan hadn't been approved (that came down to the last 20 MINUTES before signing!!!)...

Good luck!

Are there other options that have month to month available? If so, maybe you could give notice and get into a month to month (if you even had to) until the nice apartments had an opening.

Either way, I hope Andrew gets the awesome job and you hear back quickly! At least knowing where he'll be working should take a huge stress off!
Just a little more to go!

Two homework assignments due Wednesday.
One quiz Wednesday.
Two major exams Wednesday.
Project & presentation Thursday.
Project (different one) & homework due Friday.
Homework due Saturday.

THREE ( :eek: :eek: :eek: ) final exams Monday.
One final exam Wednesday.

Then two weeks to RELAX!!!
(okay... and clean the house and pull the weeds and all that -- but I love playing in the garden so that isn't too bad!)
TooPatient|1394427471|3630856 said:
DH's father died. (70+ years old with Alzheimer's (or Dementia?) and Parkinson's but somewhat unexpected)

DH's parents are divorced but his mother did keep in contact with his father even after all their kids were grown. DH was notified by his mother via voicemail... (Who does this!?!?)

He says he's okay. His father was a very abusive (physically and emotionally) man and they hadn't seen each other in a couple of decades. This is a man who actually tried to shoot his own son :nono:

But he looks hurt. He won't admit it and I don't know if he even has realized himself yet (he just found out about 20 minutes ago). I'm not going to push him, but he's got some tough feelings to work through. I think that the loss of a parent is painful even when you don't actually view them as family.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of his father's passing! I agree with you that the loss of any parent is painful, so I hope he can find a source of strength through this grief.
TooPatient|1395111614|3636201 said:
Sorry it is so crazy for you right now!

I HATED the moving process! Looking. Finding. Notice at the right time. GAH!!!!
For us, it was buying a house and giving notice 60 days prior to the closing date of the house. We actually waited for 30 days and had a month of overlap to do some painting and stuff in the house but those 30 days were horrible. I couldn't get past all the "What if....?!?!" questions. If the signing hadn't happened. If the sellers had backed out. If the loan hadn't been approved (that came down to the last 20 MINUTES before signing!!!)...

Good luck!

Are there other options that have month to month available? If so, maybe you could give notice and get into a month to month (if you even had to) until the nice apartments had an opening.

Either way, I hope Andrew gets the awesome job and you hear back quickly! At least knowing where he'll be working should take a huge stress off!
Yeah, the actual moving into a new place part is fun, it's all the stress and anxiety of the logistics that is AWFUL!

I don't want to move twice and month to month options aren't readily available here anyway. Thanks for the well wishes!
TooPatient|1395111843|3636205 said:
Just a little more to go!

Two homework assignments due Wednesday.
One quiz Wednesday.
Two major exams Wednesday.
Project & presentation Thursday.
Project (different one) & homework due Friday.
Homework due Saturday.

THREE ( :eek: :eek: :eek: ) final exams Monday.
One final exam Wednesday.

Then two weeks to RELAX!!!
(okay... and clean the house and pull the weeds and all that -- but I love playing in the garden so that isn't too bad!)
That's a lot! Best of luck wrapping everything up and getting a break!

One week from tomorrow and it will all be over. (or at least this quarter...)

I am SOOOOooo ready to go play in the dirt with my flowers and veggie sprouts :appl:
TooPatient|1395207653|3637063 said:

One week from tomorrow and it will all be over. (or at least this quarter...)

I am SOOOOooo ready to go play in the dirt with my flowers and veggie sprouts :appl:
You can do it!!
My sprouts!!!

Pretty much everything has sprouted. Some growing very well. A couple of the veggies are just barely popping out of the dirt, but they should come around once the sun comes back out.

I've got pots ready to go for some and a hanging basket for a few others then the gardens around the yard for the rest. Probably going to put some on the rockery as the rabbit didn't go there last year...
Yay! Glad to hear everything is sprouting nicely!

DH got an interview for the job he applied for...he's so nervous! Fingers crossed everything is a good fit! :))
audball|1395344577|3638124 said:
Yay! Glad to hear everything is sprouting nicely!

DH got an interview for the job he applied for...he's so nervous! Fingers crossed everything is a good fit! :))

Exciting! I hope he gets the job (and loves it!) :appl:

How long does the interview process take?
TooPatient|1395375985|3638528 said:
Exciting! I hope he gets the job (and loves it!) :appl:

How long does the interview process take?
We'll see! Everywhere seems to be different. This is the first interview (they didn't do a preliminary phone interview). He was told he'd be taking a candidate assessment exam and then have his interview. Expected to be there ~2 hours. Hopefully they'll give him some indicator of a timeline.
Three of my final exams are tomorrow (Monday) :eek:

At least they will be done and out of the way!

9:30-11:20 (statics)
11:30-1:20 (differential equations)
1:30-3:20 (engineering graphics -- manual drafting)

Oh... but that "10 minute break" between each exam is only theoretical as each instructor has already announced they'll start 5 minutes early and run 5 minutes long -- plus I still have to get to a different room for each.

Taking a thermos of hot tea with me so I can have something to drink during the day. Studying hard and hoping to finish early on at least a couple so I can take a bathroom break at some point. (not allowed to leave the room for any reason during the exams)

After that I just have the one last final exam on Wednesday.

With having been so very sick this quarter, my overall grades will come down to mostly my final exams. As in I have the ability to finish each class with something like a B (or better) if I do really well on the final but could also fail each class if I do really poorly.

I hate when there is so much riding on a single exam :knockout:

Okay.... Back to my studying!
I'm going to ask one of my instructors if I can do the exam tomorrow or Wednesday. There is an obscure school policy that I had forgotten about that says if you have more than two exams in a single day, you can have an exam shifted. Last minute given that the exams are today but it never hurts to ask! I'd love another night to study for one of the exams.

Was up until 1am doing practice problems. Alarm went off at 5am so I can do more. I've been eating a banana and yogurt while sitting here watching the recorded demonstrations from class.
Good luck today, TP!
audball|1395671849|3640391 said:
Good luck today, TP!


I think I did great on both of the exams I took but I have to wait for final grades to be released. The one math instructor allowed me to join his evening class for the exam tomorrow so I only had the two to deal with today.

One tomorrow. One Wednesday. And then I'm done for a couple of weeks :appl:

Sad watching the mudslide news though. I don't know anyone personally, but it is so sad to read about as many as 180 still missing and so many dead already. DH's co-worker has an uncle who is among the missing. I'm sure there are more that we'll hear of. Right now people are just focused on trying to save anyone who may be still alive and recover bodies of those who died.
(we're about an hour and a half drive from the area this happened)
TooPatient|1395717696|3640809 said:

I think I did great on both of the exams I took but I have to wait for final grades to be released. The one math instructor allowed me to join his evening class for the exam tomorrow so I only had the two to deal with today.

One tomorrow. One Wednesday. And then I'm done for a couple of weeks :appl:
Woot! Almost done!

TooPatient|1395717696|3640809 said:
Sad watching the mudslide news though. I don't know anyone personally, but it is so sad to read about as many as 180 still missing and so many dead already. DH's co-worker has an uncle who is among the missing. I'm sure there are more that we'll hear of. Right now people are just focused on trying to save anyone who may be still alive and recover bodies of those who died.
(we're about an hour and a half drive from the area this happened)
Sad. I hadn't heard about it.
Just one more to go! My quarter is officially over tomorrow at 11:20am!!!

Hoping the rain goes away. The rescue crews don't need any more water up there to deal with. There is still concern that more of the hill may collapse and there have been flash flood warnings due to the river being dammed up behind the mudslide.
Up to 16 confirmed dead with another 8 bodies located (not counted as dead until actually recovered). Still close to 200 missing.
I'm done!!!!!!!!!

Okay... At least for a couple of weeks.
Yay! Freedom!
Just posted my Week 13 photo for Favorite Wedding Day Scenery...that was hard to choose! I had so many different ones I loved from in front of the fountain at Forsyth Park, to lots of great ivy covered stairs/walls, the beautiful sunset shots over the River with the sailboats...but I chose the one in front of the house where we were married!
audball|1396028915|3642977 said:
Just posted my Week 13 photo for Favorite Wedding Day Scenery...that was hard to choose! I had so many different ones I loved from in front of the fountain at Forsyth Park, to lots of great ivy covered stairs/walls, the beautiful sunset shots over the River with the sailboats...but I chose the one in front of the house where we were married!

That house is gorgeous!
I've seen movies with houses like that and have always wanted to go visit one.

Scenery was one of the hardest to pick! My grandfather took a lot of beautiful scenery pictures and we've got a fair number from the pro photographer too. I finally picked one that shows the gorge and river. The restaurant looks out over a very similar view and it is just spectacular to watch the sun rise & set. We ended up watching the sunrise from our room out over the river and then later sitting on our patio with chocolates & wine watching it go down.
Thanks! Everything in Savannah was just so beautiful to look at. The winery was gorgeous too! We don't have anything like that in FL!
It is beautiful out today!

I love sunny and warm but not so warm it is unpleasant to do yard work!!

I've got a bit to finish inside and then I'll be back out to enjoy some more sun :appl:
It's 75 and humid here. Bleh. This week has been insane with weather. It was hot but not humid last weekend (22nd/23rd), then it got freezing (40s) for Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, back to hot, humid, and threats of rain Thursday/Friday, humid grossness Saturday morning followed by torrential downpours. Literally the second the rain was gone it was no longer humid but chilly and gorgeous out despite everything being soaked. Then Sunday was GORGEOUS. Today is back to hot and humid. I hate the weather here. It's no wonder people get sick all the time. Mother nature needs to make up her mind!
Ick! I hate humid :knockout:

You've got to move here! Lots of moderate days and less icky humid ones.

We did get a new dehumidifier yesterday. The house gets damp with all the rain outside and lots of cooking/showers inside. It is so nice to have the house drier again (our old one died after 8+ years of use) and the new unit doesn't make the house super hot :appl:
You and me both. I hate the humidity and weather here. Unfortunately I doubt we'll ever move since both of our immediate families are within 2 hours of where we live now and we're close to them. I'd be sad to move so far away.
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. It is currently so long it is past the top of my pants. Not sure what I'll do with the cut. The stylist who did A's hair said she loves just finding the cut that wants to come out. She did amazing with "A" so I told her she can do anything she wants so long as it is longer than a pixie cut. Going in tomorrow 10am!

Sick of shutting my hair in car doors and having people in class set books on it... Also gets in the way during snuggly time...

Donating to Pantene's cancer charity so it will go to make a wig for a woman or kid going through cancer treatments.
TooPatient|1396584373|3647115 said:
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. It is currently so long it is past the top of my pants. Not sure what I'll do with the cut. The stylist who did A's hair said she loves just finding the cut that wants to come out. She did amazing with "A" so I told her she can do anything she wants so long as it is longer than a pixie cut. Going in tomorrow 10am!

Sick of shutting my hair in car doors and having people in class set books on it... Also gets in the way during snuggly time...

Donating to Pantene's cancer charity so it will go to make a wig for a woman or kid going through cancer treatments.
Good luck! Pics when you're done!!