
Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

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Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Kitten so adorbs! I'm assuming there was a brawl over who got to play with her and feed her!!!!
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

azstonie|1462475866|4027767 said:
Kitten so adorbs! I'm assuming there was a brawl over who got to play with her and feed her!!!!


Fortunately, my boyfriend and I had her pretty much to ourselves from Friday night to Sunday night, and he and I get along great so there were no brawls.

Plus, he has the whole 'tough guy' image to maintain so was not about to ooh and aah over a fluffy little kitten.

But, under the rough, gruff exterior, he's the sweetest man I know and the kitten picked up on that too. She curled up and slept on his chest when he lay on the couch. :))
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

I really had to search for this thread! It always seems to be around, but when I was looking for the appropriate place to post something about two kittens, it was nowhere to be found! I think I had to turn six pages in Hangout to find this thread listed.

I don't have a camera handy, or I would bring it into my kitchen and take a photo of the the two 2 1/2 week old kittens sleeping on top of each other in a small cardboard box there. (When they are awake they sound like birds chirping.) The woman who helps me with my father rescued them a day ago and brought them to work with her today. I gave one a bottle this morning. They were found (by her ex) in a shed on his property. They had been abandoned and were totally covered in fleas. Had they not starved to death, they would have been eaten by the fleas. She bathed them for the fleas and their larvae and started doing bottle feedings every four hours. She knew nothing about cats, just got advice from other people (a pet store and a friend who knew animals).

The kittens are adorable. Feeding one with a miniature (doll sized) bottle reminded me of feeding my daughter as a baby. The kitten fell asleep with the bottle in its (his) mouth and, after closing his eyes, suddenly started to suck again. I remember my daughter doing the same thing.

Deb/AGBF :wavey:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

AGBF|1465407569|4041729 said:
two 2 1/2 week old kittens bottle feedings every four hours.
Deb/AGBF :wavey:
They need to be fed every 2 hrs.
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Matata|1465411927|4041766 said:
AGBF|1465407569|4041729 said:
two 2 1/2 week old kittens bottle feedings every four hours.

They need to be fed every 2 hrs.

Thanks, Matata. I have to tell you that my cleaning woman/helper is not thanking you, however. Her first words were a call upon the deity. (She is a mother of three, two of whom are boys ages 7 and 9 who are, obviously, still at home with her. Night time feedings of kittens had not been on her radar. In fact, given that her eldest child, a daughter, is 25 , married, and in medical school, I don't even know if she had been planning on this second family originally!)

I assure you, those kittens will be fed! She had gotten the four hour instructions "off the can"( of formula).

Deb :wavey:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

The kittens are really tiny and adorable. I did some research on-line and printed out the information. My friend is now burping the kittens and stimulating them to urinate and defecate as well as feeding them at more frequent intervals. She had wondered about the burping and asked about whether she had to help with their excretions, but neither of us knew. They are close to the three week mark when (according to the on-line article) they should be able to urinate and defecate on their own. (I am not sure how she knows their exact age.)
They sleep on each other and I don't know if they are going to be the cat equivalent of a dog "bonded pair" that shouldn't be separated or if this is just litter behavior. Can a cat person tell me? Apparently there were three in the original litter.

Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

We've had so many kitties over the years, and the babies always snuggled like that. They didn't have a problem as they grew up as far as being bonded-I suppose if they were all each other knew for a few years or something, they could be bonded, but just as kittens, they're just kittens snuggling for warmth and comfort.
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

december-fire|1462472134|4027728 said:
You all have the sweetest dogs and cats! :love: :love: :love:

I love checking out this thread for new additions!


All your kitties are so loveable!
I hope your other cats don't mind but every time I read 'Francesca' I think 'What a beautiful name!'
So regal and refined!

december fire, I am just coming back to this thread and seeing your lovely comment about Francesca. Thank you! She is a sweet sweet baby and she certainly is a princess and the lone girl in our fur baby family. HRH Francesca thanks you for your lovely compliments as well. Here is a photo just for you. HRH first thing in the morning. :kiss:

December Fire, your boyfriend's cat is precious! So beautiful. :love: Thank you for sharing.

Loving all the new additions. I never get tired of seeing PSers and PSers SOs fur babies. :appl:

Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Too bad his ears aren't smaller so he could reach allll the way to the bottom.

Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

I "worked from home" today, which is typically code for "take a million photos of my doggies".

I managed to capture lots of adorable pics today, especially a sequence of our cockapoo yawning :)

Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Matata|1467168762|4049503 said:
Too bad his ears aren't smaller so he could reach allll the way to the bottom.
Ermagherd, I thought this was a baby goat for a hot second :naughty: :shock: then I realized a baby goat wouldn't have "Haagen Dazs" written on the side of its face! :wall: :lickout: :lol: :wacko:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

As some of you know, I belong to a dog forum. There is a section where members post photographs from other sites. I am sometimes tempted to repost photos from that section here, but since I do not have Facebook I never know whether one of those photos was posted again and again on Facebook already (and was, therefore, seen by everybody but me).

This really caught my fancy, however.

Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

I haven't checked out this thread in a while but am glad I stopped by tonight. I'm sitting here laughing out loud at the recent additions!

Unfortunately, the kitten was just visiting my boyfriend for the weekend before heading to another city to go to university. Well, technically, the kitten's owner is the one attending university. Thank you for the adorable photo of HRH Francesca first thing in the morning. So cute! Although that look she's giving is like me before I get my first coffee! :lol:

Your guys get Hagan-Daz?!?! I probably spelled it wrong because its out of my budget! :lol:

A Goat. You're special, Girl. Don't ever change. :lol:

Oh my goodness, you obviously overworked those poor models! :lol:

The 'Dog Kit' is hilarious!!! Thank you for sharing the photo. I'm going to send it off to others. :lol:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

I agree with December fire, so many great posts!! Love seeing all your furbabies in their Haagen Daz, yawning, assembly required glory!
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Great pics everyone. AGBF - nearly spit out my coffee laughing at the "dog kit".
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Lovesdogs and AGBF: :lol: :lol: :lol: Great pics, thank you for posting!!! Lovesdogs, your white dog, also a cockapoo?

Poodles, LOVE your poodlepossee!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

azstonie - Thanks, they're a handful but I love it. We just got the puppy mid June. She's a tiny girl, almost 6 months and not quite 3 lbs. Believe it or not but I'm a cat person at heart :lol: . Darn those allergies!
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

I am very happy that other people also enjoyed the photo labelled "Dog Kit". That dog looks as if he got himself into a unique position that he enjoys very much!

Poodles4me, your little babies look like stuffed the very nicest way. They just look too perfect to be real!

Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Got a few good shots of the kitties recently -


Max in a box!

Max in a bed

My daughter with Minnie (who is on a harness and leash)




Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

AGBF|1469573390|4059636 said:
I am very happy that other people also enjoyed the photo labelled "Dog Kit". That dog looks as if he got himself into a unique position that he enjoys very much!

Poodles4me, your little babies look like stuffed the very nicest way. They just look too perfect to be real!


Thanks AGBF - I wish they were as perfect as they look :lol: . Actually they are good girls. The biggest of the three actually looks like a Siamese cat. She has brown ears, face, tail and socks and her body is a silvery beige. Everyone who sees her comments how beautiful she is.
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

ecf8503|1469739129|4060319 said:
Got a few good shots of the kitties recently -


Max in a box!

Max in a bed

My daughter with Minnie (who is on a harness and leash)

Awww I LOVE these photos ecf8503. Max, Minnie, Greta and especially your DD are beautiful! :love:
Thank you for sharing. :appl:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Juba's face when told he could not stick his entire head in my mouth searching for mint toothpaste residue and Atticus -- ferocious carnivore -- chowing his way through a colander full of bok choy


Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

THANK GOD for pics from Matata, we need furbaby pics!!! Lol to Juba's expression!!!
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies


I didn't know cats ate vegetables. (Except catnip, of course.) Are your cats unusual in liking bok choy? Are they enjoying the produce from your new greenhouse? Great photos!

Deb :wavey:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Omg Matata! I love your sweet kitties!!! :love: :love: :love:
Juba and Atticus. Sooooo beautiful!!!!

Please can I babysit? I am in love with your sweet babies. :love:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

missy|1479384274|4099669 said:
Omg Matata! I love your sweet kitties!!! :love: :love: :love:
Juba and Atticus. Sooooo beautiful!!!!

Please can I babysit? I am in love with your sweet babies. :love:

Oh please please come catsit. I would love to be sipping fruity drinks on a beach under a warm sun while you are: running around the house turning off the lights because he keeps turning them on; reloading every drawer and cupboard in the house as he empties them at least 3x per day; mopping up the flooded laundry room and kitchen because he turns on the faucets to play in the water; pulling him out of the microwave, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer if you attempt to use those appliances and that's not even half of it. And remember I have 4 of these brats and it's monkey-see monkey-do around here.
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

AGBF|1479361946|4099603 said:

I didn't know cats ate vegetables. (Except catnip, of course.) Are your cats unusual in liking bok choy? Are they enjoying the produce from your new greenhouse? Great photos!

Deb :wavey:

The other 3 will occasionally nibble on greens. Atticus is a veggie addict. He loves kale, spinach, bok choy, zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, radishes, asparagus and I learned this summer that we can't eat corn on the cob unmolested unless we give him one of his own. This is the first cat I've had that loves veggies to this extent. A friend of mine has 2 of Atticus's brothers and they are also veggie addicts.

The bok choy in the picture is from the greenhouse.
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

OMG this is the best thread! Love everyone's pictures of their babies.

Matata, a cat after my own heart. He loves ice cream too!

Poodles, Your babies look to perfect to be real, Deb is right, they DK t look real. So precious!

ecf, Your daughter is even cuter than our fur babies! What great pictures.
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

Matata|1479401238|4099804 said:
missy|1479384274|4099669 said:
Omg Matata! I love your sweet kitties!!! :love: :love: :love:
Juba and Atticus. Sooooo beautiful!!!!

Please can I babysit? I am in love with your sweet babies. :love:

Oh please please come catsit. I would love to be sipping fruity drinks on a beach under a warm sun while you are: running around the house turning off the lights because he keeps turning them on; reloading every drawer and cupboard in the house as he empties them at least 3x per day; mopping up the flooded laundry room and kitchen because he turns on the faucets to play in the water; pulling him out of the microwave, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer if you attempt to use those appliances and that's not even half of it. And remember I have 4 of these brats and it's monkey-see monkey-do around here.

Awww please don't tease me Matata because I would LOVE to come and babysit your sweet precious kitties. :love: All 4 of them! I just don't know how far away you live from us but if it is within driving distance (as in not thousands of miles away) I can be there!!!! 8) :wavey:
Re: Random pictures/stories of our furbabies

missy|1479471269|4100100 said:
Matata|1479401238|4099804 said:
missy|1479384274|4099669 said:
Omg Matata! I love your sweet kitties!!! :love: :love: :love:
Juba and Atticus. Sooooo beautiful!!!!

Please can I babysit? I am in love with your sweet babies. :love:

Oh please please come catsit. I would love to be sipping fruity drinks on a beach under a warm sun while you are: running around the house turning off the lights because he keeps turning them on; reloading every drawer and cupboard in the house as he empties them at least 3x per day; mopping up the flooded laundry room and kitchen because he turns on the faucets to play in the water; pulling him out of the microwave, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer if you attempt to use those appliances and that's not even half of it. And remember I have 4 of these brats and it's monkey-see monkey-do around here.

Awww please don't tease me Matata because I would LOVE to come and babysit your sweet precious kitties. :love: All 4 of them! I just don't know how far away you live from us but if it is within driving distance (as in not thousands of miles away) I can be there!!!! 8) :wavey:

I didn't know cats could be that much fun! That is actually quite amazing! They are smart :-) (I have a dog... :lol: )