
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Nov 18, 2004
Yep, just enjoy each other for the next couple of months.
Besides, worrying is not going to help when it comes to TTCing.
Fingers crossed for a BFP in the next couple of months for you.

Hehe, that''s cute that T knows where her "owie" is.
J was looking and picking at a scab on her leg, and I told her that she has a scratch and not to touch it.
Later when I asked her to show daddy where her scratch is, she went looking for it on her leg and even tried to say "ouch" but came out "ch" w/ lots of spittles of course.


Nov 18, 2004
LOL...that's hilarious. I can just hear her little voice saying "oh man" and then followed by a little head shake.
That's so cute the 4 yo is so in love w/ T.
Isn't it sweet when the older baby treat the "baby" so gently?
When we go out, these little kids would come up and so gently stroke J's hand or touch her cheeks and chin

I'm sure T is absorbing everything she sees and hears.
It's amazing how spongy their mind is at this stage.
They've probably been absorbing and just filing the info away until their mind can process them.
Then one day, something will click and all the info they put away will come out.


Nov 14, 2004
J gets most of her nutritions from food now, right? That''s why she doesn''t need to drink much milk. I would like M to get more solids and less milk if that''s true. I am very worried about her having a dependency on the bottles like our nephew. He was still drinking milk in a bottle a few months ago.

So cute that J does the head banging rock star move.

Had T been to the pool before the water park? Just curious, it''s probably in her nature. I had been in the jacuzzi bath in our bathroom with M, but she was kind of afraid. I am signing her up for a session of parent/infant swim lessons end of June and July. I wonder how she will do.
Awww T is so adorable with her doll.
"Mines" will be her favorite work for a while. Our nephew said "Mines" to everything for a year or so.

M''s sleep is still not fully back on track, but definitely better when a few weeks ago. Some nights she goes down without a fuss; some nights she still pulls up and cries, even though she can sit herself back down now. She just stays standing, hanging onto the crib with her head on her arms. It''s so funny. She usually can fall asleep after we go in to lay her down.
Hopefully M is ready to be weaned by then. DH is excited, but I think we are still shocked.
I want to get the maternity pics done with M. I think it''s adorable with the toddler, so it''s more of a family thing.

Good luck with selling the house on your own.
I am with Puffy; I thought it would take a year to conceive since it took us so long last time. Hope things will work out for you guys.
How did you do on the course? I went ranging with DH a few times before M, and I just couldn''t get the hang of it. I gave up b/c I got so frustrated.

So you just took the girls to the pool and they learned to swim by themselves. That''s awesome. So when will you take Jake to the pool?

If you find a way to get your pre-pg "girls" back, let me know. I seriously told DH that I am getting a lift after we are done having kids.

Thanks to msb, iluvcarats, pave, NF, curly, and Tgal

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Burk, it is funny when they parrot. She is singing more actual words than just humming I have noticed. That is cute Tayva was saying "owie." I bet she learned that one at daycare. Glad you are relaxing about the house.

Lili, she is a funny girl. I had to show off her new phrase when I picked her up at childwatch. They laughed. I love that they all know and remember her. I wonder when my luck will run out and I'll be called out of class. Hasn't happened yet. The little girl just loved playing with Tessa and of course T loved her. Her best friend is 4 years old so she doesn't notice the age difference. Haha.

Q, no it was her first time at the water park. She has been in a pool before but it has been 9 months at least. T has ALWAYS loved water. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact my DH started taking her in the shower when she was only 2 months old. Some kids are scared. Some are fearless. T seems to have *little* fear so far in life which results in lots of fear for me! I will do swim lessons next summer. It was funny that she was just softly saying it to herself. Probably will be annoying ones she does it in context.


Jan 3, 2005
Date: 5/26/2009 9:22:07 PM
Author: qtiekiki


So you just took the girls to the pool and they learned to swim by themselves. That''s awesome. So when will you take Jake to the pool?

qt, they didn''t really learn by themselves. I use to teach swimming lessons and was an aquatic director back in the day so they had a little help from me
But, I did expose them to the pool very young (6 weeks) and had them in the water all the time. I love to swim and be at the pool though so it was easy and natural for me. Jake was in the water all last summer and I''ve taken him a bunch of over the winter. he loves the water too. We are normally at the pool 4 times a week in the summers.

tacori-your new avatar is adorable!!!

lili-how''s the weaning going?


May 9, 2006
lili~We got preggo with T with an "oops" so I think if we can just have no pressure, have fun it''ll happen. The timing would be great if it happened in the next few months, too!
Isn''t it funny how they pick this stuff up? T showed her owie to everyone at daycare today.

QT~Thanks! We''re really hoping it sells while for sale by owner. We''re in the opposite camp-it didn''t take us long the first time so I''m worried it will the second. I''ve golfed since I was really little-my parents both played so we routinely went out as a family. I hope we are able to do that with our family. We are members at a country club and so pool, tennis and golf will be regular family activities for us.

Tacori~Love the new avatar!!
Looks like T was having a good time with the hose! Funny about singing....they asked me at daycare if T tries to sing her ABC''s. She does. She hums most of it but they said they think she''s getting the "ghi" part..I think that''s wishful thinking.
Please weigh in on the house a new question (not a stresser just a design thing

mrss~Are you ready to move?


Nov 20, 2006
bobo if you can watch B for the day, i will come pack for you. it''s so fun when they learn new things everyday. B was actually putting words together awhile ago, but now he is putting more and more words together. i''ll ask him 1 simple question, and he''ll tell me a whole story for the answer.

taocri LOVE the new AV!! B says everything is "mine." it''s a stage that ALL Kids will go through. i admit, it was kinda funny in the beginning, but it''s so annoying now esp when we are out with friends and he refuses to share. but most of the time, he will give in and share. the preggo fatigue is hitting me HARD!! when B takes a nap, i do too which means the house work is WAY behind, and i''ve been so bad about doing stuff when i have time. oh well.

burk awww how cute that she was pointing to her scratch and saying owie. B does that also, but not the owie, he will point to his scratch, bruise, or whatever and say to me, "kiss me here mommy." so cute!! it''s pretty funny esp when the bruise has been there for a few days and he''s still telling me to kiss it. i''ll be waiting to hear the good news in the next few cycles. i remember i was telling DH before i knew i was preggo that since my cycles were a hot mess, we would BD every other day and he was like for 1 week? haha, nope for the entire time buddy!!! haha, but thank god that was not necessary!!

qt sorry to hear that the sleep is not fully back on track, but slow progress is still progress! we have a few of the maternity pics we had done when i was preggo with B hanging and i absolutely love them. i really can''t wait to get them done this time around esp since B will be in the pics also. how are you feeling?

lili i do rest when B naps and sometimes he will even wake up before me and come looking for me. he is in his toddler bed and not crib anymore and he knows how to get down from it. i think he''s going through a phase where he just doesn''t want to eat and it''s pretty frustrating. i can finally relate to all the mommies who have kids who don''t like to eat...what a PITA!! it''s honestly amazing seeing B put so many words together...i just kinda think like huh??? when did this happen? he seems so grown up already. how is J doing? 100% cold-free?


May 9, 2006
puffy~So cute that B tells you to kiss his owies. T has been trying to kiss her own lately....which is interesting since her latest owies are on her ankles!
DH is pretty excited about all this BDing and I am too.


May 16, 2006
QT--i don''t think i said it yet, but a BIG congrats to you! So exciting!!!

Burk--glad u had a good date day with DH. Ahh, how cute that T is saying "owie", that''s adorable. I know what you mean about needing to relax with house stuff. For me, i know we won''t be in it for long so that helps me ''let things go'' and just concentrate on building a good quality, average home (as a general rule my community is not really ''style concious'' so i don''t have to worry too much about that) but if this were our long-term home i would be going nutty!!!

Tacori--that avi is so ''summer fun'' adorable!!! I keep fearing i''ll get called out of a class at the gym some day too! Great that your gym has an outdoor play zone. Ours doesn''t.
so good that T likes the water--it''ll make learning to swim so much easier. And when she learns that skill, it''llmake water activities much less stressful i am sure.

Lili--i don''t think i mentioned it, but the beach pics are amazing and making me jealous. Looks like it was a wonderful afternoon! J''s bathing suit is so cute.

Co is standing on his own much more now and wants to climb everything but still not looking like he wants to step away anytime soon. He''s added some more words to his vocab. He''s so proud of himself when he gets a new word out-claps and spins himself around on this bum--funniest thing to see. He''s definetly learning "no" now.I have been really stern lately and not backing down on my ''nos'' and he''s HATING it. I''ve made him cry so many times lately and it breaks my heart--but it''s gotta be done
"a stitch in time saves nine" right?


May 9, 2006
Jas12~Yay for Co standing more often!! T has gotten into a phase where she cries when she gets in trouble (I think she''s going to be a "pleaser" in many ways and she doesn''t like getting in trouble) so I can totally relate. How long are you guys planning to stay in the house? We were originally thinking 5 years or so but we shall see. We''ve put a lot of time and effort into a house that isn''t even the end-all house. We decided yesterday we''re going to finish the basement before we move in which I''m super excited about-more square footage (and more shopping for new furniture!
) I may have asked before, but when do you expect to be in?


May 16, 2006
I need help with father''s day gift ideas. I really want to do something special for DH since he''s been working so hard lately and he''s a super-daddy in my eyes...i just can''t seem to think of anything good. What do u guys have planned?


May 9, 2006
Puffy~Meant to comment earlier about B already being in a toddler bed..did you buy a new toddler bed or did you just take the rails off his crib? T is nowhere near ready for that...she is such a squirm worm when she sleeps I can hear her bouncing off the rails in the monitor but am trying to plan ahead for when we move into the new house.

Jas12~I haven''t even started to think about Father''s Day gifts!


Jan 3, 2005
Jas12-yay for Cohen standing!! I have no idea what we''ll do for Father''s day yet. You could always let Cohen pick out a tie and make it a yearly would be funny to see what a one year old would pick...hehe...

Burk-I''m packing...kinda..I should be doing some now b/c Jake is asleep but i just don''t feel like it. my hubby and Lily left this morning for TN. My FIL is coming on friday to start loading the truck and I''m going to cincinnati sat. morning to see my dad and a close friend who''s mom had open heart surgery last week. my oldest goes to school until next tuesday and when she''s done we will be hitting the road! I think I''m going to start packing up the kitchen soon. I plan on easy non-mess meals since it''s just me and 2 of the anyone?


Nov 20, 2006
burk that is so darn cute that T tries to kiss her owies. oh i can only imagine how entertaining it must be to watch her kiss her ankles. we got B a toddler bed cause i was so tired of getting up in the middle of the night to take him to the potty. one side is against the wall and the other side has a bed rail on it. he does move around a lot when he sleeps, but he also knows how to get out. it''s only a tiny space at the top of the bed, next to the bed rail where he will slide down and he can climb back up by himself as well. but sometimes i know he is bad and he actually goes to play with his toys after using the potty so i have to get up and put him in bed. if you''re going to be doing all this BDing, you might as well enjoy it!!

jas12 that''s wonderful that Co is standing on his own. B is the same way, when i tell him no or have to yell at him, he just throws a fit and screams at the top of his lungs, the funny part is he will say, "but mommy...." and i''ll have to tell him "no buts!" then he just keeps screaming. and when he does something he knows he isn''t supposed to do and i don''t catch him right away, he will go and hide for a long while. haha. kids!!

mrsS good luck on the packing!!


May 1, 2005
Thanks Tacori, the mental image of T practicing "mine" in the corner
just cracks me up. the new AV. She is so cute!

QT, that is what I told my DH too. can''t stand the sagging "old ladies"

puff, I will love to watch B for a day. He and little B can play.
I can''t wait until little B start talking, I mean have a real conversation with me.

Jas12, how cute of Co claps and spins himself. I hear ya on the
"a stitch in time saves nine" It''s breaks my heart when he cried because
I took him to go time out but I can''t just let him keep hitting me.
Father''s day gift huh...I haven''t even thought about it. need to go get some ideas.

MrsS, have fun packing! I will need to start packing soon too.


May 9, 2006
mrss~Packing is no fun. Sounds like you guys will be busy through the next few weeks. I say pizza and anything microwavable is perfect!

puffy~Are you sure that B isn''t 3 or 4 years old? Seriously...even if T could sleep without falling out of a toddler bed I assure you should would not just wake up and go potty and head back to bed!
That''s awesome that he''s doing so well with it!


Nov 18, 2004
J doesn''t eat nearly as much solid as she should.
But I do noticed that she''ll take in a total of 16 oz of solid and milk at daycare.
Some days she''ll drink 4 oz of milk only and other days she''ll drink 8 oz.
Yesterday was a fluke though because she drank a total of 15 oz.
Usually, she doesn''t finish more than 2 oz each offering, but this time she just guzzled down 4oz and ask the caretaker for more.
We''ll see how she does today.
I''m not too concern about her intake though since her BM and wet diapers are abundant.
I don''t think you''ll have to worry about M being dependent on the bottle since she''s showing interesting in sippy/straw cups no?

You should try putting M in the jacuzzi tub again, she may like it this time.

Re: maternity pictures.....I agree. It''ll be adorable w/ M in the belly shots.

Speaking of maternity pictures, ahem puffy....where are yours when you had B?

I agree w/ Burk, are you sure B is not 3-4 yo? Wow, talking in sentences, potty trained, and already in his toddler bed?
He is a funny character that boy -- so funny he tells you to kiss is ouchie.

Eeee....cute "summer fun" picture of T.
You know the rule girl -- bigger version please.
She is a fearless one. J loves it when hubby spray her w/ his spray bottle....but don''t know if she''ll take a hose spray


Nov 18, 2004
T is practicing it until she can say it loud and clear so that there is no mistake about it

Wow, you put your LOs in the pool pretty early.
DH has been trying to put J in last summer, but I stopped him because of her eczema.
Hehe, Jake may be swimming before he walks huh?
Weaning is going slow
I still looking at having her weaned before her 15months.

That''s what everyone tells me.
That''s great that DH and you are excited about all the BDing

It doesn''t hurt to enjoy and be relaxed about it. cute is that T tries to kiss her ankles :D

for Co standing on his own.
That''s just stinking cute he celebrates when he gets a word.
Do you find that he gets most words that starts w/ the same alphabet?
Most of J''s words start w/ B -- baby, book, ball, box, bottle, baa, back (of course they don''t come out as clear as that :razz:)
Hey, I noticed that you are hanging out in the preggo thread more lately....
don''t tell me you''ve got some news to share

Re: sorry, can''t help w/ father''s day gift since I wasn''t planning on doing anything -- just go out to dinner.

Hehe, too funny that B runs and hides when he does something that he''s not supposed to do.
J loves to play w/ the buttons on the TV. When the screen went snowy, she''d walked away from the TV so fast like she was no where near it.


Dec 29, 2004
Hey gals, OK, I still owe you a nekkid diaper shot. Sometime this year, I promise. I''m horrible with taking pics. I think if I have a second kid, it''s really going to be a sad situation with no pics to ever prove s/he was in existence!

lili, J sounds so cute with all her hand motions. She''s a little smartie too! I love the pic of you guys on the beach . She actually does look pretty tall to me!

Burk, sorry I took so long to answer your question. The middle of the day nap is a little problematic as far as eating schedule, but this is what we do: she wakes up sometime around 6:30-7. I go in at 7:15-7:30 and she gets a bottle. Breakfast is at 8:30. Nap is at 11:30 and she gets a full bottle right before that. When she wakes up, which could be anywhere from 1pm-2:30 pm, she gets lunch. We used to give her a bottle at 3:30ish, but now we are skipping that one and going straight to dinner at 4:30-5. She will still take a full bottle before bed, which is at about 6:15 by the time she is all washed up. Once she gets better at eating, I think I will give her lunch at 11:30 and move the nap a little later...about 12:15-12:30. But right now, by 11:30, she is SO tired. Obviously I am still trying to wean her off the bottle and think we are getting there, but more on that later.

MrsS, lol, your dinner out with the kids story cracked me up. Didn''t even think about what happens when one has to go to the bathroom! That''s a lot of work!

Ack, gotta go get the kid and make lunch...brb...


Nov 18, 2004
Haha, me too...."sagging girls" and the phillsbury dough around the midriff.
I need to find a way to get rid of that one inch of belly fat


Nov 18, 2004
haha, she''s not tall...I''m just short


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 5/27/2009 4:43:12 PM
Author: lili
haha, she''s not tall...I''m just short
Ha well, you both look PERFECT, how''s that?


Dec 29, 2004
Tacori, I love the new av of Tessa. She is such a little gutsy one! Hehehe, "mine" eh? The fun begins!!

Puffy, that is amazing he is speaking in full sentences! I do remember my friend''s daughter being like that at his age and I still can''t get over it. It''s weird seeing an under 2 year old verbalize what they are thinking, and doing it well!

Jas, good thing to teach them the no''s now. I''ve been at it for months, and Amelia gets it. I don''t even have to say it anymore - as I have always done the finger wag with the "no" and that suffices now for the most part. We were at a friend''s house on memorial day and Amelia was crawling around and about to touch the candles in front of the fireplace and I just said, "Amelia!" and did the finger wag. She looked at me, then the candles and then moved on. My friend was impressed. I told her if dogs can be trained, so can babies.
And yeah, it took a lot of tears and sad faces, but I never gave in. I pick my battles, but no means NO.


Dec 29, 2004
That''s awesome all the April babies are talking so much! Maybe I should threaten Amelia with speech therapy. Hehehe. She actually babbles a lot and words do come out: mine, me, uhma, dada, dodo (must be talking about dada there), ball, bye bye, etc, but I don''t think she knows what ANY of them mean! So as far as I''m concerned, my girl hasn''t said her first real word yet.

Anyhoo, therapy is good. Funny thing...I have ALL these sippy cups, but none of them worked. The therapist recommended the cheapo take and toss sippy and go figure, she loves them and drinks them on her own. Then yesterday I gave her the straw (which I had been trying forever, if you recall) and she took to it within a minute or so. Now she loves holding her straw cups and drinking. The problem is, so far she only loves WATER. Trying to get her to enjoy milk, but so far, a couple of sips and it gets tossed aside. Ah well. I''m just happy she likes the straw now! I want to get her off the bottle sometime in June/July.

Any good meal ideas? I''ve gotten her on orzo and marinara sauce and am slowly throwing stuff in to hide it hoping she will eat it. Today I threw in cooked carrots. That went over fine.


Nov 14, 2004
For mommies with DSLR camera:

Do you think 18mm-200mm would be a good all purpose lense? or 35mm-105mm?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
So I got quite the compliment today. The lady at childwatch was explaining the new rooms they will have (they are doing renos) and she mentioned the 0-6 months room and I joked "oh, I won''t have to deal with that for awhile" and she said with such a good girl (Tessa) I shouldn''t wait and should have lots of babies. Obviously it always feels awesome to have other people love your kids too.

MrsS, thanks. She is a funny girl. I figured I would take her to classes next summer when she can "understand" more but do expose her (obviously) to water all the time. Plus she has the fearless personality.

Burk, isn''t it funny when she sings and it sounds like she knows the words?

Puffy, I agree it is a normal stage. She hasn''t said it since we have been home so maybe she is not quite there yet. Sorry you are so tired! I had a lot of fatigue too with T. I can ONLY imagine how hard it is b/c you have B to worry about too. Don''t worry about the house work. You are doing something FAR more important and difficult
I can''t believe B is in a toddler bed! What a big boy!

Jas12, it has rained here for weeks so she hasn''t gotten to go out and play but it is nice that they do when the weather is nice. Everything is very low plus there are a bunch of adults supervising (since it is the toddler and preschool class out there). My gym also limits the kids. I think it is 5 or 6 to 1 in the preschool class and 4 to 1 in the baby room. I am stressed a bit about the pool b/c she runs off and I know it is only a matter of time before she realizes she can jump into the pool herself. Oh well. I was a late walker. I think Co is in no rush which is actually kinda nice for you. Tessa runs so fast it is crazy. Her legs are short so I have no idea how she can move so quick. I long for the days where she was easier to "control." Tessa is starting temper tantrums. It is so hard to stay strong and not give into her every whim but it is important like you said. I don''t know what I will do about father''s day. I will be in CA and DH will be on a jet ski trip (MIL is watching T). Guess we aren''t that sentimental but I do want to get him something thoughtful. Maybe frame (and engrave) and picture of him and T. Not sure yet.

MrsS, I hope your friend''s mom surgery goes well. Sorry again. I don''t blame you for having no motivation. You will get it done and the easy dinners sounds like a perfect plan!

Bobo, Tessa is a funny girl for sure. How is the house coming along? So excited for the Bobo family!

Lili, I''ll put up a bigger version when she is in bed. If you use some creative thinking you could find a place with endless pictures...hint hint
I will probably stop posting them on *here* after my sister''s wedding (since I know you will drive down to NC and kill me if you don''t get to see T as a flower girl). I bet J would love the hose. She sounds crazy like T.

Tgal, she is a tough girl. She hasn''t said it since we came home so I guess she was just practicing. Tessa still doesn''t know how to use the straw but that is my fault since I never really give her one. That is awesome A is doing so well with it. My Pedi''s son will NOT drink milk. He said you can get your daily calcium with cheese, yogurt, it is fine if she really just doesn''t like it.

Q, I would get the 18-200. I actually use my short lens MUCH more than my long but that''s probably b/c she is always running towards me to grab the camera. I am sure once she is older the long will be more useful in sports and such.


Nov 18, 2004
You are too nice, but thanks.
That''s great that A is taking the sippy and straw cup.
We use the take-n-toss ones for J as well. She didn''t seem to care for all the other expensive cups.
So are you still working on whole milk w/ A?
I''m not making much headway on that front either.
J will drink at most 2 oz of whole milk.

You give A so little credit
I think she knows what those words are.
Hehe, J used to call her dad baba, but now she calls him dada. And sometimes when she''s in a playful mood, she''ll call him dadee

Haha, you bet your a$$ I''ll drive down to NC for those flowergirl pictures

Are you referring to facebook for the endless source of sweet sassy T?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Lili...all the cool kids are on it!


May 16, 2006
Tacori--aww, that is a nice compliment! A framed photo/engraved is a good idea. Dad''s are hard to shop for--can''t wait till its the kids'' responsibility

Lili--ya, why aren''t you on FB ?? Search me if you like. I haven''t ''asked'' ppl in case they don''t want/feel pressured to be my ''friend'' but i accept all

- nope, just hanging out in the preggie thread for fun--no news yet, but when it does happen y''all be the first to know!

Tgal--i am always trying to come up with meal ideas too. Lunch is the hardest for me. An easy lunch is just a can of reduced-salt vegtable soup (i heat, then strain the veg/noodles out from the broth and Co gobbles it up). Peanut or almond butter sandwhich with banana is also quick and easy-cut in strips.
I find that as long as the food has a ''sauce'' or something co will eat all his veggies. Last night i made a big curry and since there was spice etc. he had no problem eating the onion, chickpeas, lentils and such mixed with the rice. Does amelia just eat what you guys eat normally?
Co has finally got the hang of all cups/straws now--took a while for sure. I think it''s good that amelia likes water. I think it is more important than milk. She can get her calcium other ways, but i know lots of moms have trouble getting their kids to get hydrated with something other than milk or juice.
i think of you often when i am enforcing the ''nos''. So far Co is listening well. I am thinking a few weeks of this and (fingers crossed) he''ll get it. He''s still testing me cause i was inconsistent in the past couple of months but no more-ha.

Puffy--i am *really* hoping the fit-throwing will come to an end. Co just started hiding too!!! I told him "NO" for trying to go upstairs by himself (he usually knows he has to be with one of us before crawling up and and will yell "maaaa uppppp") but he tried to sneak away and i took him off the stairs. He HID under the table for 20 mins--pouting
B is quite the talker--i am sure he will be forming arguments with you soon

MrsS.--pizza and packing = good plan. Keep it simple. Wish i could help you--packing is such a PITA.


Apr 9, 2005
Just a quick drive by to say:

lili, you''re missing out. And Tacori''s right--all the cool kids are there!! Come join us!
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