
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Daisy was an angel last night - woke up twice, fed for 15 minutes and then straight back to sleep for another 3 hours each time... yay!

DH returned from Belgium without chocolate...

Instead he and his boss wrote me this on the train home in order to commiserate with my lovely day:

Little Terrorist Lullaby
(to the tune of Brahms’s Lullaby)
Go to sleep,
Go to sleep,
Go to sleep little terrorist,
No more bombs,
No more guns,
No more W. M. D’s…
Please don’t explode,
On your new clothes,
Please do not make a mess,
Please decommission,
Your emissions…
And in remission,
We can rest…



Jan 3, 2005
nycbkgirl: im not jewish and therefore cannot contribute to the (bris) conversation, but in my religion and culture circumcision is a son had it done in the hospital when he was 2 days old...i opted to do it that soon coz:
a) i wanted it to be done in the hospital under the supervision of his pediatrician (and other medical practitioners)
b) i wanted it to be so soon coz i wanted him (and mostly me) to forget about it and move forward with our life once we were both discharged
c) i wanted it to be done while *i* was still admitted after delivery in the very unlikely event that he got an infection and had to stay in the hospital

i didn't go with them when it was done, but my sister did..she said the whole process took less than 5 minutes and my son cried for about 10 seconds and that was pain during the healing took 7 days (like jas said) for everything to heal and honestly there was no scarring, no left-over skin, no redness nothing..

perhaps if the fact that is making u torn is the 'celebration' part of it, i would talk to ur DH and agree to do it in the hospital if that would make u feel more comfortable..even though ur mom's heart mite be broken not to do this at the house, at the end of the day he IS your son and you should (with ur DH) make a joint decision on this..

good luck!

ETA: i just saw u had some more questions. 1) they used a local cream anesthetic to numb the area 2) it did not hurt to pee (or at least he didnt cry while he was peeing!) 3) i used normal diapers (not cloth) and that didn't add to any discomfort on his end 4) i just would wipe the area lightly and apply some Vaseline to keep the area moist 5)i gave him numerous showers during this healing didnt hurt him at all when water touched the area or when i cleaned him

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Pandora - LOL!
DH had too much time on his hands

NYC - I feel for you. I too wouldn''t want to circumcise (we didn''t), but I understand the importance of tradition and family. My suggestion is to grin and bear it - hide away next door if you need to - but try as best you can not to focus on the scary/gory/uncomfortable parts, and just focus on the overall well being of Jon on a larger scale. Once it''s all over, it will be a small ''blip'' on yours and his memory. Get your DH, mom and sister to help with the aftercare and you focus on thing like his feeding, soothing, and overall happiness. I hope that helps

Butt Pasters - What is the active ingredient(s) in butt paste? I ask because Romy does not have a rash, but he often has a touch of redness around his anus. I''ve been using zinc, which takes away the redness, but I worry that I''m using the zinc on cases that aren''t TRULY a rash and wonder if it will still have the same efficacy when he ACTUALLY does develop a rash.

Can baby''s butts grow immune to zinc? Is there something more gentle that I should be using for ''slight redness'' and saving the zinc for the real rash?

thanks in advance to the BTDT''s


Dec 16, 2007
Mela We just used vaseline jelly when it was a little red. The vaseline keeps the wetness away from the skin and lets it heal, usually within the day. As a preventative measure we also apply a little vaseline around his anus and under his scrotum at most diaper changes.


Nov 18, 2007
Sorry I''ve been MIA, ladies. I had a gf in town and just left yesterday. I enjoyed her company, but boy have things changed now that I have a child and she doesn''t. I wouldn''t have it any other way though!

I love my butt paste! That sounds a little weird.

Pandora, I''m just picturing Daisy in your arms with her eyes wide open. Cute, but frustrating when you''re trying to get her to sleep! Dreamer has the great advice as always. I wish I were motivated for a project like she was! I''m can''t ever stick to anything, which I why I really need to buckle down and get Alila on a schedule and stick to it. She''s almost 7 weeks and we''re all over the place. It could be worse. She''s really pretty easy most nights. Our biggest problem is she hasn''t been falling asleep until 10-11pm. She will lay in her bassinet with her arms flailing. I like to lay in bed and immitate her, but seriously, when I return to work, I want her asleep by 9.

NYC, at least your twinkies aren''t up every night! Maybe the bad nights occur so that you can appreciate the good ones.

Re: circumcision, my DH and I will do so when/if we have a son. I''m not looking forward to the procedure of course, but it sounds like it''s pretty painless.

Mela, I hope you''re hanging in there! I love the pictures of Romy and your gorgeous ring!

Vanity moment: I''m so frustrated with my LACK of weight loss!! I lost 20 lbs in those first 2 weeks with no problem. I haven''t lost a single pound in 5 weeks!! I will admit I''m not an angel when it comes to my diet, but I''m not too horrible. I started the Wii Active on Sunday which is fantastic, but I''m still so sore I can barely walk. I know I need to increase my water intake and eat every 3 hours. I will stick to that and see if I make any progress! I''d better!!

We had a family shower here:


Nov 18, 2007
Oops here it is

clean baby and daddy.JPG


Dec 16, 2007
Courtney What a grat pic! Does your DH know you are posting shower pictures of him?! LOL! Getting Alila on a routine is painful for about a week and then it is bliss, so I highly recommend it if you can muster the energy and motivation. BTW I hear you on the weight! I dropped a tonne in the first 6 weeks and have been *basically* plateaued for the last 10 weeks. I think I lost about 4 lbs in that time? Granted I have not been as crazy with diet as I need to be. But I made a change about a week ago and I hope it pays off. They say that BFing has its greates effect on weight loss in the *second* six months, so if you can stick it out that long it apparently helps. That has been my observation with my friends too. I am counting on it! I still have 15 lbs to my pre-preggo weight and I'd like to lose another 20 after that!


Nov 18, 2007
I don''t care if DH''s too cute not to post! Hehe

I really doubt I''ll be BFing for a year....holy smokes. I suppose my body is hanging onto to everything right now since I''m BFing. So frustrating!


Jun 18, 2004
NYC - we had Kyle snipped when he was a week old. I was in the hospital again at that point, so DH did it alone, but here''s how he said it went: The pedi took Kyle to a different room, so DH didn''t have to watch. He used numbing cream, and it only rook a few minutes. When Kyle was brought back to DH, he was crying, but they had told DH to have a bottle ready to feed him. Kyle took the bottle and stopped crying, and never showed any other signs of pain from the procedure. It never looked bad or sore. We used regular diapers and put jelly on it for a week. Kyle never showed pain peeing or from being held, etc. I think he was in more pain from his first immunizations than fron being snipped! Jon will be fine

Since it sounds like your family has to have it done, just stay out of the room, but be ready to take him and feed him as soon as its done. Better Jon have it done when he won''t remember it than at 13 like your DH!


Jun 18, 2004
Courtney, it took a while for the weight to start coming off for me too. I didn''t loose anything the 5 weeks I was bfing, and not much until about 3 months pp. I just started a diet a few weeks ago, and I''ve lost 3 pounds, and only have 4 more to go to my pre-baby weight. I hear it takes your body a while to adjust and re-wire to let go of the fat reserves. I wouldn''t worry too much. If you''re bfing, you just need to concentrate on making good milk for your little one. It''ll probably start coming off on its own soon.


Sep 13, 2008
thanks everyone for the input!

pandora- interesting site i must say..never thought there was such a thing in jewish community...its such a big deal to them. im not religious but we do keep traditions and this like i said is major...i do think if i chose not to ..theyd be on my case for a while then be over it...but my problem is that im torn myself...i wanna do it and then on the other hand i dont. but i feel like i dont wanna do it on my behalf bc im scare but then im doing it for his benefit....hence the "torn" part.

msb- thanks for sharing ur story! i wish i couldve done it in the hospital
but now i would have to wait til 6mos (duno y) and im upset that hes 2 months as it is....thanks for reassuring me that its not painful and its quick....these moehls are very experienced .(they are surgeons as well). i just hear his cry in my head and i start crying...yes of course i wont be there but i literally cant stop hearing it and crying....maybe im taking it way out of proportion but im so emotional. my mom and mil will be there afterwards night n day to take care of the area bc im afraid i just wont be able to see it.

mela- thanks for the support!

court- at least i know u would do it lol!....that pic is priceless!!!....jon also gets red in the anus and i just put extra cream right in there and it goes away (i use desitin creamy) but will try vaseline as DD suggested.

Mgal- thanks for sharing...another hospital story...wish thats what i did
but alas here i am having to grin and bear this event!

on another note....both kiddos were up from 8 til 1am and then out til 730/8!! it was devastating when they were up but a miracle they basically slept thru the nite


Jun 18, 2004
nyc, he actually wasn''t in the hospital, it was done at the doctor''s office. Our pedi didn''t want to do them in the hospital so that they would know the baby was stabalized first. He was a week old when it was done. And I think our pedi is Jewish, don''t know if that makes a difference. Just have whoever is there at the ceremony offer Jon a bottle right after, that really seems to take their mind off the pain. Then they''re just focused on eating and it doesn''t hurt anymore by the time they''re done with the bottle.

Sorry they were up so late, but they did get a long sleep in there!


Sep 13, 2008
? u wake ur baby to feed (to keep them on a schedule) or do u feed whenever they wake up on their own???...are day vs night tactics different?


Jul 12, 2008

hi mamas!

Pandora, I''m so glad Daisy slept well last night! your DH is a funny guy with the lullaby - I can''t believe he didn''t bring you chocolate though! arg! (FYI: Butt paste is indeed diaper rash cream)

nyc, sorry to hear you''re struggling with the circumcision. good luck! re: eating and sleep, I always let S sleep as much as she wants/needs (day and night) and feed her whenever she wakes (assuming it''s been 2 or 3 hours since she last ate).

mela, We use zinc when S has a rash and sometimes when she has redness as well and it works great. Other times we just use A&D ointment on red areas. I don''t think you need to fear that R will grow immune to the zinc but if you wanted you could try A&D or petroleum jelly.

Courtney, that pic is soooo cute! I LOVE it! I''m so glad you had fun with your GF. Did you two end up going out like you wanted to? How did DH deal with that? okay I hope! Sorry you''re frustrated with the weight thing. I still have 3 lbs left but my body is still totally different - lots of looseness around the middle. I think what helped me with the weight was LOTS of walking since S doesn''t like sleeping in her crib but does like sleeping in her stroller. Perhaps Daisy would enjoy that as well and you can take her out for an hour or two each day until you go back to work?

Mgal, have you started your new job yet? I hope it''s going well if you have!

DD, you are such an inspiration the way you''ve sleep trained H! Like Courtney, I am all over the place... when S gets upset at night when we''re putting her down, even if I *know* she''s not hungry, I''ll often give her the breast since I know it''ll calm her down. Not smart since she needs to learn how to soothe herself in other ways... I need to get better about that. ug. can you come and help me!?!??

Blen, congrats on the mini push-up!

jas, yay for butt paste!

cdt, are you lurking here? how you holding up, mama?? We hope you''re doing great!

All''s well here. S did great in day care yesterday. She only napped for an hour and a half total but they said she was not a crazy crier like I feared she might be! She was screaming when I dropped her off this morning but when DH went to check in on her at lunch, she was calm. He rocked her in the rocker and gave her a bottle. He said she''s calmer there than she is at home which I noticed too when I went to get her yesterday afternoon. She almost seemed somewhat zoned out. Perhaps there''s always so much going on there that she has to zone out in order not to feel over stimulated? In any case I was glad she was so relaxed but I was a little sad that she didn''t do a baby version of jumping for joy when I came to get her. I would have loved it if she had spit out her paci and given me a big toothless grin... too bad. She just sucked away on her paci and kinda looked at me like, " oh, you again..." I''m telling myself she''s just too young to be able to make the connection and appear happy to see me. Hopefully when she''s older... Anyway, what do you think I should make of her calmness there? A part of me worries that they''re doing something right that I just haven''t figured out yet and that makes me feel like a bad mom... I guess I''ll ask when I pick her up today.

hope you''re all well!




Jun 18, 2004
nyc - I never woke Kyle to feed him, but he was much bigger than your two, so they might need to be woken up during the day if it''s been too long between feedings. I wouldn''t worry about it at night as much. Has your doc said what he recommends?

Mrs - I start training for the new position tomorrow! They put my new pay rate in effective yesterday, the director didn''t want me to have to wait
. It''ll be a few weeks until I''m completely transitioned, but I''m excited for a challenge! It''s good to hear that Sage did better at daycare. How are you holding up with the transition back to work? Kyle doesn''t seem to notice that I was missing, but DH is the one that picks him up, I''ll have to ask him if he gets any response when he goes to get him. Kyle''s usually down for a nap when I get home

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Courtney - that photo is gorgeous, she's so incredibly cute! However it makes me feel nervous as hell at the thought of holding a slippery baby in a shower... weren't you scared of dropping her? Sorry my very anxious paranoia here!

I can't believe that Alila is already 7 weeks - and Daisy was 4 weeks old last Sunday. Time just goes so quickly, it seems like yesterday that you were posting your last bump photo!

Right after she wakes and eats, is she calm and pleasant for a little while at least? If so, then when she is still pleasant and happy watch for any signs -- yawning, staring into space, laying very still after a period of activity. When these things happen, which could be after only 30 minutes to an hour -- then try taking her into a quiet room and doing the put down routine. Be persistent and don't give up! If she has eating within the last 1.5 hours (which she should have because such young babies shouldn't be awake for more than 1.5hours), then she is probably not hungry and her crying is probably just her trying to fall asleep! Keep it up, and maybe it will work! It may take an hour or so though...

DD - Have had another wide-awake day again... up at 10am and went to sleep for 45 minutes at 6.30pm and then has now been asleep for last 15 minutes (now 10.45pm).

I spoke to my parents who just laughed and said welcome to our world 37 years ago. My father said he used to give me a double dose of Chloral - looked the stuff up... it's used as horse anaesthetic
- as I NEVER slept and that was the only thing that knocked me out. I'm sure it explains a lot in my life!

Anyway... she's always calm and pleasant as long as I am holding her and talking to her. It's when I put her down that the tears and the crying start. I've tried the put down routine and she's having none of it - it's more tiring and upsetting than I imagined.

Is it a bad idea to stick with AESY instead of EASY as eating is the only thing that ever knocks her out. If I sit and rock her long enough she'll drift off, but it's not a deep sleep and she'll be wide awake as soon as I stand up. I can't remember why it's a bad idea to feed them to sleep? I've got the whole 52 week maternity leave so it's not that I have to leave her with other people who won't have that option of getting her to sleep. Otherwise I keep trying the put down thing.

The midwives came to see me today and said that she's definitely getting enough food (her weight was up 0.2lbs) and so she's not staying awake because she's starving hungry. They suggested swaddling her to get her to sleep - I offered them a swaddling cloth and it took both of them to get her into it and then she screamed like crazy till she'd worked her arms free again. I must admit to feeling slightly happy that they had got the same result as me...

Does anyone elses baby scream in their sleep? D seems to have very vivid dreams - normally she's silent and then suddenly will let out these huge screams, and then go straight back to silence all without opening her eyes. Four weeks old and already having nightmares - the guilt starts now!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/16/2009 6:01:41 PM
Is it a bad idea to stick with AESY instead of EASY as eating is the only thing that ever knocks her out. If I sit and rock her long enough she''ll drift off, but it''s not a deep sleep and she''ll be wide awake as soon as I stand up. I can''t remember why it''s a bad idea to feed them to sleep? I''ve got the whole 52 week maternity leave so it''s not that I have to leave her with other people who won''t have that option of getting her to sleep. Otherwise I keep trying the put down thing.
IMHO, it''s fine. In fact, that''s what I did in the beginning. I haven''t read the baby whisperer, but the only thing I didn''t like what I heard about it is the sequence sounded set. I do believe Jas12 did say you didn''t have to stick with that order. I found doing it EASY and AESY made it easier to transition to longer wake up times and hours between feedings. Sometimes I flip flopped EASY and AESY in the same day. No problems here.

However, if you can (and you are brave enough) before you put her down, gently see if you can awaken her but not to the point of alertness, then put her down so she can figure out how to doze off again. If this sounds too scary, don''t worry about it.

Keep trying with the EASY though...I do think it will make it easier to teach her how to fall asleep on her own in the long run.


Feb 27, 2006
NYC - Hmm. I was at a natural birth meeting about a year ago and somebody asked a panel of midwives and OBs how you get the baby circed if you have a homebirth. One of the midwives said that she didn''t recommend circ, but that if you really wanted to get it done she''d recommend getting a - what are they called? - moehl? to do it rather than using a pedi, since she thinks that they''re kinder about it. Or something. Do they strap them down to those boards during a bris like they do in the hospital? Maybe that''s what she was talking about. I didn''t look into it further since we''re not getting George snipped. But a hospital may not necessarily be better here. If I have time - ha! - I can try to see if I can find anything on this. Because this is just a remembrance from like a year ago, so it may not be accurate.

I think that sometimes people have a bris ceremony with only a minimal nick instead of a full circ if they want the ceremonial aspect of it but not the circumcision... I might be making that up though.

Since this is probably just about the least helpful post ever, I''ll try to answer your other question too. You''re supposed to wake babies to eat if they don''t want to eat enough for the first few days, but we''re both past that and we''ve been feeding George on demand since then. Although sometimes I''ll randomly wake up on my own in the middle of the night and he''ll still be sleeping and I''ll try to get him latched on in his sleep to prevent him from becoming hungry soon and waking me up again.

Courtney- Awwww, so cute! Family showers are my fav. I don''t think that George has had a bath in about a month and a half, since he loves the shower so much. I love the hand munch going on there too.

Mrs - It''s funny how we feel like bad moms all of the time. You could try to do the opposite and congratulate yourself for choosing a daycare that''s doing well with her so far.

DD - that makes me feel better about my body holding onto extra weight. Hopefully BFing will start to do its job by the second 6 months.


Sep 13, 2008
Mrs- S is adjusting to the daycare i think and that may be why all the changes...i know its hard to not know what goes on all day but we just have to be confident in the daycare we choose...sounds like they are doing a good job...i will be looking into that in maybe a year or so...soooo dreading that.

Mgal- doc says to feed whenever and how much they wants to have a regime and says thats what they need so we started off every 3 hrs and now they are doing 3 1/2 to 4 hrs and at nite its whenever... i think she probably wants to have that bc she is alone with the 2 of them all day and doesnt want 2 babies waking and hungry at the same time...
they are already over 8 lbs...we are 2 months today

pandora- i had an --->
moment with the chloral ...LOL my goodness u must have been some troublemaker
....dont have advice on the still trying to figure it out lol.

blen- i dont think they hold them down on a board,....i think its just a pillow and my dad holds him a certain way....i heard that its better with moehl''s bc they do them a lot more than pedi''s and they are very experienced and are kinder about it. urgh im still in depression but i must accept the inevitable

i dont think jews do the nick bc the jewish bible says specifically that the skin needs to be cut off...
...and it was not the least helpful post
...thanks for thinkin of me!


Nov 9, 2005
aw Mrs - thanks for asking about me! I try to check the thread once a day, but haven''t posted because I''m too tired..hhehee....Lex is having MAJOR gas issues. Poor guy just can''t sleep soundly because his gas bothers him so much. I''m not breastfeeding, so we changed the formula today to see if that helps. We''ll know in about a week or so since his body needs to adjust to the new formula. We hate seeing him in pain so I hope the new formula works better for him.

NYC - we chose to circ Lex. I''m not going to lie, it looked REALLY painful once it was done, but he wasn''t crying at all when the doc brought him back to me. I wasn''t there when it was done, but the doc said he did just fine. My DH and I kind of regretted doing it once we saw it, but it never seemed to bother Lex. It''s all healed now though and what''s done is done. I still have mixed feelings about it, but in our family/friends circing is the norm, so my DH and I just went ahead w/ it and never really discussed it which was dumb on our part looking back, but like i said what''s done is done.

Courtney - LOVE the pic!! So cute! I too have lost 20 lbs 2 weeks pp. I''m worried it''s going to be SUPER hard to loose the additional 15/20 I have to go!!

Hope everyone else is going great!! I hope to feel more up to posting soon!!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/16/2009 6:12:52 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 6/16/2009 6:01:41 PM
Is it a bad idea to stick with AESY instead of EASY as eating is the only thing that ever knocks her out. If I sit and rock her long enough she''ll drift off, but it''s not a deep sleep and she''ll be wide awake as soon as I stand up. I can''t remember why it''s a bad idea to feed them to sleep? I''ve got the whole 52 week maternity leave so it''s not that I have to leave her with other people who won''t have that option of getting her to sleep. Otherwise I keep trying the put down thing.
IMHO, it''s fine. In fact, that''s what I did in the beginning. I haven''t read the baby whisperer, but the only thing I didn''t like what I heard about it is the sequence sounded set. I do believe Jas12 did say you didn''t have to stick with that order. I found doing it EASY and AESY made it easier to transition to longer wake up times and hours between feedings. Sometimes I flip flopped EASY and AESY in the same day. No problems here.

However, if you can (and you are brave enough) before you put her down, gently see if you can awaken her but not to the point of alertness, then put her down so she can figure out how to doze off again. If this sounds too scary, don''t worry about it.

Keep trying with the EASY though...I do think it will make it easier to teach her how to fall asleep on her own in the long run.
Ditto, sometimes I feed him before a nap if its been a while in the hopes that he will sleep longer. Sometimes the "A" is just a diaper change.

I think the main problem with BFing to sleep is that when baby wakes at night she can''t go to sleep without you coming in an nursing her. So in that case you may wind up like my two friends who have a 9 month old and an 11 month old who wake to be fed 3-5 times a night still because they cannot sall to sleep on their own! For example, babies that "sleep" for 6 hours still rouse very often in that time, and if they know how to fall asleep they will do so on their own. If they don''t, and rely on BFing or being rocked, then they will be awake and cry so you can come help them fall asleep.

I think that TGAls suggestion is a good one of just trying sometimes to rouse her a little, maybe putting her on your shoulder to burp before putting her down, just so she gets used to it. But on the whole, she is only 4 weeks old and really do what works. Have you tried just carrying her all day in a sling and letting her doze in and out of sleep as she likes?

If I were you I would do what works for now because she is still so little, but I would just keep my eye on her for sleepy signs and keep trying to put her down when she was a little awake. One day it may work! Then, when she was about 8-10 weeks I would take a deep breath and say to myself "ok, I am doing the pick up put down until it works!" even if it took a couple of hours of crying and soothing and crying and soothing. But that''s me and I am loopy
Like you, I am on mat leave for 10 months so I figure what else have I got to do?? LOL. But honestly, most people just do what works until their child is 2-3 and everyone comes out fine.


Feb 27, 2006
NYC glad to hear that it wasn''t the least helpful post ever.
i felt like I was just rambling. yay for 8 lbs!

cdt - i hate how it takes 1-2 weeks to see any improvement from diet change. hope the new formula does better.

we have a realtor coming by on thurs, just to talk to.

I don''t have any idea how much over my pre-preg weight I am. The last time I weighed myself was at about 6-8 weeks pregnant, and I didn''t like what I saw, so I just stopped. And I''m not sure that weighing myself now is a good idea. I''m in a size 16 pants though, and I''m usually 8-10. Knowing a weight on top of it will probably just make me:


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/16/2009 8:11:06 PM
Author: Blenheim
I don''t have any idea how much over my pre-preg weight I am. The last time I weighed myself was at about 6-8 weeks pregnant, and I didn''t like what I saw, so I just stopped. And I''m not sure that weighing myself now is a good idea. I''m in a size 16 pants though, and I''m usually 8-10. Knowing a weight on top of it will probably just make me:
Blen it will happen! All my friends who BFed for 12 mo or more ended up below their pre-preggo weight and many had similar changes in their clothing size. I am presently about 1.5 pant sized larger than I was, but I really gain weight evenly all over my body so if you gain in your hips more it may not be more than 15lbs or so! Cold comfort I know, but that isn''t much really.


Sep 13, 2008
Date: 6/16/2009 7:51:39 PM
Author: cdt1101
aw Mrs - thanks for asking about me! I try to check the thread once a day, but haven''t posted because I''m too tired..hhehee....Lex is having MAJOR gas issues. Poor guy just can''t sleep soundly because his gas bothers him so much. I''m not breastfeeding, so we changed the formula today to see if that helps. We''ll know in about a week or so since his body needs to adjust to the new formula. We hate seeing him in pain so I hope the new formula works better for him.

NYC - we chose to circ Lex. I''m not going to lie, it looked REALLY painful once it was done, but he wasn''t crying at all when the doc brought him back to me. I wasn''t there when it was done, but the doc said he did just fine. My DH and I kind of regretted doing it once we saw it, but it never seemed to bother Lex. It''s all healed now though and what''s done is done. I still have mixed feelings about it, but in our family/friends circing is the norm, so my DH and I just went ahead w/ it and never really discussed it which was dumb on our part looking back, but like i said what''s done is done.

Courtney - LOVE the pic!! So cute! I too have lost 20 lbs 2 weeks pp. I''m worried it''s going to be SUPER hard to loose the additional 15/20 I have to go!!

Hope everyone else is going great!! I hope to feel more up to posting soon!!
CDT- sooo glad to hear from u! jon is realllly gassy too...can u tell me what formula u changed to and what u are using to help gas?? i switched from similac neosure to enfamil nutramigen and i give mylicon after almost every feeding...
wow after ur post about the circ even more scared lol...did it take long to look normal again? do u regret it bc it looked bad or bc it was painful?

so i may have found smthg that soothes jon....the sound of water running...anyone know where i can get smthg to mimic the white noise>?

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Super quick post - Romy''s rousing...
Blen - I feel you on the weight gain. I didn''t notice while Pg, but it''s pretty obvie now! I have a soild 20lbs more to lose...I lost 15lbs after the delivery. Gak. If its any consolation, you look GREAT! The extra poundage is not dampening your beauty

NYC - My pottery barn sheep makes white noises: rain, a babbling stream, ocean, whale (that sound terrible). Its not that loud though (drawback) but it''s portable (a positive) so you can tote it around with Jon. There are some online that you can download, but I don''t know where.....sorry! Hope you find something!

Romy put himself to sleep twice now. YIPEE! I rock him a bit, get him dozey, then do the pick-up-put-down a couple times, and PAAN! Asleep. I think he just needs to get out those last few whimpers/cries during the pick-up-put-down, in order to sleep.
Also, I *think* I''m already sleep training him. LOL. Every book would tell me NOT to, but its working for both of us (me because I''m desperate for the sleep) and him because during the day I have him feeding every 2.5 hrs, and most of that is spent trying to burp him. He takes a long time to burp, so often he is sleeping less than an hour before I wake him up again to feed. He''s probably just as sleep deprived as me by the time 8pm rolls around! hahhahahaha. From 8pm - 8 pm I let him wake on his own, which is typically every 4 hrs (but sometimes 5)
. (running and hiding now). Like I said, works for me!

Mrs - So sorry you''re back at work
but at least S seems to be adjusting well to her daycare. Any more pics of that little beauty????

Missing tons of you, but will try to catch up better later. bye!

Oh, a pic for the road.




Dec 16, 2007
Date: 6/17/2009 8:02:58 AM
Author: mela lu
Also, I *think* I''m already sleep training him. LOL. Every book would tell me NOT to, but its working for both of us (me because I''m desperate for the sleep) and him because during the day I have him feeding every 2.5 hrs, and most of that is spent trying to burp him. He takes a long time to burp, so often he is sleeping less than an hour before I wake him up again to feed. He''s probably just as sleep deprived as me by the time 8pm rolls around! hahhahahaha. From 8pm - 8 pm I let him wake on his own, which is typically every 4 hrs (but sometimes 5)
. (running and hiding now). Like I said, works for me!
Mela that sounds ust great! Hunter was doing this too at 4 weeks, I don''t think it is a bad routine for a young baby at all! Too cut picture. And Whale noises? I bet it does sound terrible! LOL!

NYC Tacori has posted a thread where you can buy different noises, try asking her in the other thread or else troll back in this one a bit...


Jun 18, 2004
Mela, Romy is just too cute!

nyc - Kyle was gassey until we switched him to similac sensitive. It took about 5 days or so to see the change, but it helped a ton! Are the twinks doing better on the new formula? And horray for 8 pounds!

For those with a bit older babies, did you notice a difference in bowl movements when you started foods? Kyle has only had a small amount of rice cereal the last 3 nights, and he woke up crying at 4am and pooped rocks. Then he didn''t want to go back to sleep
I put him in bed with me, but he just kept squirming and grabbing the sheet and kicking. He must have dozed off some, since I know I fell asleep for a little bit. I fed him a bottle at 5:30, then changed his diaper again at 6 and he had a bit more poop, another rock plus some normal looking stuff.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 6/17/2009 8:43:03 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 6/17/2009 8:02:58 AM
Author: mela lu
Also, I *think* I''m already sleep training him. LOL. Every book would tell me NOT to, but its working for both of us (me because I''m desperate for the sleep) and him because during the day I have him feeding every 2.5 hrs, and most of that is spent trying to burp him. He takes a long time to burp, so often he is sleeping less than an hour before I wake him up again to feed. He''s probably just as sleep deprived as me by the time 8pm rolls around! hahhahahaha. From 8pm - 8 pm I let him wake on his own, which is typically every 4 hrs (but sometimes 5)
. (running and hiding now). Like I said, works for me!
Mela that sounds ust great! Hunter was doing this too at 4 weeks, I don''t think it is a bad routine for a young baby at all! Too cut picture. And Whale noises? I bet it does sound terrible! LOL!

NYC Tacori has posted a thread where you can buy different noises, try asking her in the other thread or else troll back in this one a bit...
Mela, this is good - I had Amelia on a similar "schedule" when she was about 4 weeks (Hunter and Amelia seemed to follow the same pattern). Day time was "EASY" in 3 hour blocks. Nighttime was feed at will. Her sleep started to organize and at night she started sleeping from 10-2am, with a feed, then down again until 6 am. At 6 weeks, I began marching that bedtime back, and it didn''t affect the 2 am wake. By 8 weeks, she had a 7 pm bedtime with one wake at 2, then back down until 6.

Yes, many books and most mothers will tell you that sleep training isn''t possible that Romy''s age. IMHO, sleep "conditioning", is. Part of it as you said, is to keep day times active and routine, and pooping out the little sucker by nighttime!


Nov 18, 2007
Mela, just as I was going to comment on that ADORABLE picture, this song was playing on tv "what if I were Romeo in black jeans?". Do you know that song?


Sep 13, 2008
mela- will look into the pottery barn..hope they sell it online bc we dont have one close by...Romey is sooooo handsome!!!..yay for sleep!!

DD- thanks...will be asking Tac now.

Mgal- interesting about the similac..i always hear that enfamil is better but then again i also hear that every kid is so different and u have to try a ton of different formulas before finding the right one....they seem ok with the formula..but he still cries and is still gassy....maybe i should try the similac sensitive

it takes jon a while to fall asleep..maybe about hr and half but then he sleeps well....but its such a pain that time hes not sleeping bc hes sooo fussy...what can i do...just deal with it and hope it gets better
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