
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Jul 12, 2008
arg! just lost my post! so annoying!

janine, do you not have a lactation room at work? I work for a bank as well (started in Ny like you) and I think my options for nursing will be the supply closet or my car... it stinks. my office has a glass wall so I can''t very well pump there. I might put up a curtain though - perhaps that would work. we''ll see.

thanks for the support re: childcare! I don''t think my work matches for flex spending but I should look into it - good idea!

mela, happy due date hun!! I hope you get another ring of fire later today !!!
S will have had some of her vaccinations when she goes to day care next month but the vaccination schedule here in the US doesn''t have them completed until they are about 2 I think and there''s no way to ensure that other kids in day care are even getting vaccinated since some parents are choosing not to vaccinate their kids...

Mgal, you''re right that I would feel more comfy having S somewhere recommended by a friend but I''ve asked all my friends and co-workers what they do but most of them have or are stay at home wives/moms or have nannies. too bad...

yay for kyle SSTN! I think it''s great that you''re going camping with him. We love camping too so you''ll have to let me know how it goes!

Sorry you were so lopsided when you were bfing! but I''m glad I''m not alone though.

Ladies, I''ve been meaning to tell you ladies about a great bra i discovered by accident. it''s called the yes maternity nursing bra and it''s the most supportive nursing bra I''ve found! I''ve been ordering sleep bras on ebay since I hate spending tons of money on that stuff and I ordered a lot of 3 that had two motherhood bras and one yes bra and it''s so great! You can buy them on ebay new for less than $20 and that includes shipping so if any of you need bras, check it out!


Oct 6, 2004
Date: 5/22/2009 11:43:22 AM
Author: janinegirly

so this is totally random, but was realizing haven't heard from sk8rjen in months..does anyone know what happened to her? Just curious..I tend to notice things later
jen posted on the mommies thread a little while ago (maybe a month ago?) I think she's just really busy being supermom of 5 kids! I hope she's doing well. I miss her updates! I miss our other twin mommy jas too!


Jun 18, 2004
snlee yup they''re back to pre-pregnancy size, sadly. All I have left to remember BF boobs is the lovely stretch marks on the one that was bigger

I''ll make sure to post how camping goes, along with pics of baby in the forest
. My only real worry is cleaning bottles, it''s going to be interesting... I hope Kyle likes it, we have a beach trip planned for July that DH and I are really looking forward to. We both grew up camping (we met on a boy scout/girl scout campout in HS), so we plan to make it a part of Kyle''s life also.


Jul 12, 2008
sbde, I can''t believe J is 4 months old! time flies! Sorry the shots were hard on him!

snlee, I''m glad D is doing so well! sorry about the BFing trouble though!


Nov 20, 2006
snlee glad to hear that D is doing well and sleeping well. sorry you are having BFing issues. he probably is way more interested in food, but i''m sure if you keep at it, he''ll keep BFing. have you tried maybe giving him a sippy? i''m bad, but when B went through his phase of not really being into nursing and just kinda "playing" when he''s latched on, i would just take him off and not nurse him until the next feeding. he quickly learned that it wasn''t play time. but he''s always been way more interested in his real food, which is a good thing also at his age. at least he will eat and enjoys it. have you given him puffs? i''m sure that''s a treat that he would really enjoy!!


May 9, 2008
mustang: don''t worry too much about percentiles, janine is right it''s all about consistent growth. J was also close to 9 lbs @ birth and was 20.5" long, so he''s really stretched out these past 2 mos or so. hope you guys have a blast camping, it''s going to be so much fun for Kyle as he gets older.

janine: yes, he is definitely a big boy, chloe must be so pretty and delicate in real life if she is his size right now. i love that she was fighting off the vaccines haha what spunk!

snlee: omg baby laughs are definitely the best. great to hear he is rolling like a champ now - J has barely rolled as well but I am not too worried, he''ll do it in his own time. you''ve done so well with breastfeeding for 8 mos, congrats! puffy''s tips on how to keep it up seem to make a lot of sense.

attached is a picture of my mommy present, it''s the 3 prong tennis bracelet from WF. i LOVE it, it is so delicate and sparkly!! i''ve been wanting a tennis bracelet for a while and loved the look of the 3 prong and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to get DH to agree



Sep 21, 2006
snlee: sounds like D is doing great. C rolls around like crazy too, I can't get her to stay on her back long, which is very annoying when it comes to diaper changes. I see more of her bare bottom than anything else during diaper changes! (hehe). I think she's trying to figure out crawling, she gets on her hands and knees and bounces, but then ends up going backwards so gives up and rolls. I can't believe D likes standing so much, I need to work on that! I bought the itzy ritzy from itzy ritzy! LOL, I searched all the discount sites and they all had high shipping which is a scam in my opinion. So I just bought the one they have on sale (paisley and lilac). The paisley side is a bit much for me, but looks better in person. Plus I can always reverse it, and the lilac is very pretty! Just got it yesterday so haven't used it. I hate the car seat in cart approach (she gets sweaty), but not sure if she's strong enough for the cart seat yet which was why I was asking if you'd tried it. Sorry about the latching issues, seems like D is just learning and exploring so much he can't keep still. How's the solids going..what are his favorites?

mrs: oh we most definitely do not have a lactation room--even maternity leave policy wasn't that great until recently (and in time for me thank goodness). I sadly was not able to BF long so it wasn't an issue at that point, but I think it does say something about a company's views on working mothers.


May 9, 2006
sbde~GORGEOUS bracelet! Lucky lady!


Sep 13, 2008
Sbde- wowZa...beautiful!

So I did end up going for my niece''s surgery and my mom survived her 2 nights with the kids! She said it was rough but she had ppl there at diff times...she''ll get over it lol...the surgery was rough in terms of dealing with a 4yo pre and post surgery but we got thru it and she is just fine! Thanks for the support!

Took the kiddos outside for the first time..granted on the balcony but still. Once we get a regular stroller we can go for walks.

Blen- I had the same BRU experience so I hear ya...I thought if there''s a tag on the item they can just scan it and give u credit policy have to have receipt! Urgh!


Nov 14, 2004
The Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier does the job. The one complaint I do have is that there is no locking mechanic or cover that prevent the water from leaking out if the humidifier gets tipped over or tilted. We had spilled water from moving/lifting the humidifier when there is still water inside.
Glad you were able to be there for your niece''s surgery and that it went well.

Sorry researching daycare/childcare had been so frustrating for you. But sound like you guys are getting closer to making a choice. We are trying to start researching daycare/preschool type for when M turns 2, so I am hoping it''s not so hard.
Glad your DH is more helpful.
So cute that Sage is a girly girl. M isn''t so much.
It''s pretty common for one breast to produce more milk.
Yay for Sage STTN.
I am going to keep Yes Maternity nursing bra in mind for the next baby. Thanks.

What''s the stroller you are using now? Hope you find a good umbrella stroller this weekend.
Have fun next weekend. Hope it goes smoothly with Kyle.

I don''t usually put anything on M''s feet. Not even in winter b/c she keeps losing her socks. she doesn''t wear anything when she is "walking" assisted or using her jumperoo. I don''t know what''s the norm, but she just seems comfortable sock-less.

Glad your first day back was ok.
Sorry about the rough BFing night. I think the paci is ok if he was just comfort nursing. Babies'' suck differently when comfort nursing and "actual" nursing, so the comfort nursing does not necessary help with your supply.

How''s your back?
Yay for James STTN. Hope it continues.

Tyler is so adorable. Look at all his hair. M is so jealous of all the PS boys with lovely hair.

Wow J is a tall boy. I think the shots get worse as the baby gets older.
Love your mommy gift. Lucky lady. Just gorgeous.

Sounds like D is doing great. I bet he''s going to start crawling soon.
Sorry you are having BFing issues. It could be a phase. M did that for a little bit, and it''s b/c she would get distract with the surrounding. Maybe it''s the same for D. Just keep offering the breasts.

We took M to the Dermatologist today. He prescribed an ointment and told us to put lotion on M five times a day. Then he says go back in 2-3 weeks to see if it gets better. We didn''t really like the dermatologist, so we might not go back to him. The referral was supposed to be for the allergy test (don''t know the technical term for it), but he didn''t even talk about it. Plus M''s skin is pretty much cleared up, and only has occasional flare-ups.


Sep 13, 2008
Thanks for the info qt! That sucks that it spills..hmm..I think I will buy it and check it out. Saline is helping her nose and helping sleep better.
Sorry about the derm...u def need to like ur docs so hopefully u will find a better one. I def want to do an allergy test when the time comes..I always wondered how u know what kids are allergic to right away.
Does M have eczema? I didn''t know what the lotions and clear up were about?...I started washing the babies in camomile and I think it helps the skin...I even use the tea bag that soaks the water to rub their faces. And room temp milk is also grreat for the skin.


Nov 14, 2004
yeah she basically has eczema or some kind of dermatitis. The rash on her chin and cheeks got really bad when she started teething at 4.5 months b/c of all the drools. It was pretty persistent, and it got better after her 9 months well visit b/c we used the prescribed ointment for 5 continuous days. It still flares up now and then, but nothing like it was before.

Try the Vicks. If you don''t like it, then you can return it. But like I said, it does what it''s supposed to do and it did help M with her congestion.


Nov 18, 2004
I just let J go barefooted for most of the year except for winter.
She'd always pulled off the socks and put them in her mouth.
It really depends on your baby if she needs feet covering or not.
J's feet would be hot and sweaty every time I put socks on, whereas my cousin's kid needed socks even in the summer.

Childcare decisions are always hard. I feel for you.
I was considering nanny or daycare. In the end, I'm happy w/ my decision w/ daycare since I think daycare environment is more suited for J (minus the germs of course).
We did look at 2 daycare initially. One is definitely more expensive than the other, but I think you do pay for the quality of the care.
I hope you find something that works for you and Sage.
My left side produces more too. If I force it, the right side would produce more. By forcing, I mean putting J on that side more.
But it does seem that the left is generally produces more if I nurse regularly (same length of time on each side).

Unlatching is pretty common when babies are at that stage where they are more alert of their surroundings.
They just want to play and interact. Like QT said, just keep offering and he'll be back to himself.
Oh, they like to unlatch while nursing if they are teething too.
Sounds like D is doing very well and is a very happy boy.
Like I said over in the other thread, it seems like it's ages since we saw your cutie pie.

Have you tried just applying vaseline jelly on M's face.
Just on the spots that feel rough?

OOo......beautiful bracelet


Jun 7, 2007
Just popping in to say hi to all my mommy friends. My upgrade pics are in SMTR for those interested.

The STTN was a fluke but he''s still only waking once per night which is a vast improvement for James.
My back is getting better but I must have slept weird last night because it hurts pretty bad today. James face-planted into the slats on his crib today trying to pull himself up (we lowered the mattress) and now he has a mark on his eye
He cried for a few minutes but I''m sure he''ll be fine.

MUSTANG - you are brave taking a baby camping! You win the award for that one
I soooo wish we lived near a real beach so we could take James.

SBDE - Congrats on the new bling! I love tennis bracelets, but I don''t think I''d wear one often so I usually stick with rings and earrings. Very pretty!

JANINE - Haha I know how you feel with C''s diaper changes - James does the same thing! It sounds like she''s trying to figure out crawling too - that''s how James started. Get ready to be really busy within the next couple of weeks because once she starts you''ll never be able to take your eyes off of her

Q - I hope M''s skin gets better soon!


Oct 6, 2004
PUFFY, we tried a sippy a few weeks ago and he didn''t get it. We''re going to try again soon. I haven''t given him puffs yet. I''m trying to hold off until he starts crawling but maybe I don''t need to wait that long. We may give him some puffs soon. I''m sure he''ll love them!

MUSTANG, I have lovely stretch marks too, on both. Not sure why when they didn''t get much bigger at all!

SBDE, love your mommy present! It''s beautiful! Are you going to start a thread in SMTR? I wasn''t in any hurry for D to roll over either!

JANINE, those diaper changes are a lot more challenging now! C sounds so cute! Sounds like she''s going to start crawling soon! Solids are going well. He gets two meals a day. Love it! Favorites? The boy will eat anything!!! Are you giving C puffs yet?

NYC, glad your niece''s surgery went well.

QT, so no allergy test for M? Glad her rash has gotten better.

LILI, thanks for stopping by and for the BFing advice. I wish there was a way to share pictures that was more private.


Nov 18, 2007
So I haven''t had the time or hands to update here as much as I''d like, but I do read the thread everyday! I think my little one is going through a growth spurt and my milk supply isn''t keeping up. I''ve gotten a lot of advice already: Mother''s Milk Tea (which I just got today), drink more water (I think that''s definitely part of my problem), increase feedings, pump after feeding, etc. I''m on day 2 of trying this stuff and it''s very tiring. For some feedings, she''ll start crying while on the breast and then pulls off. When I put her back on she stops crying but then it happens again a minute or 2 later. Does anyone know of a website where I can find a good meal plan for breastfeeding mothers? Or do any of you have a good plan?

sbde, beautiful bracelet! Stunning!

That stinks about BRU, but I''m glad I read that here so I can save my receipts!

Re stretch marks on the boobs: If I''m going to get them, would I have already noticed them? I haven''t yet, but I''m also not doing anything to prevent them. Should I be?

Janine, we didn''t have a lactation room at our old building. Just an empty office that could be used. But get this: we just spents millions on a brand new building and the lactation room is a tiny room that''s also used as a storage room. I was disgusted by it and I''m in the HR department. I plan on complaining to my boss about it, but I know nothing will be done to change it. And as far as using an empty office, the entire building is made up of GLASS offices. It''s like a giant fishbowl. Our maternity policy (not even called that) really stinks too. I''m only being paid 70% for 4 weeks.

I don''t remember who it was that asked about the clogged tear ducts, but Alila had that for about a week and a half and her doc prescribed some drops. We would massage the corners of her eyes before applying the drops and it''s all cleared up now after a week of doing that.


Nov 18, 2007
Oh and here''s a teaser pro pic we received!

PS pro pic.jpg


Nov 18, 2007
And one of my favorites from after a feeding

PS arms folded.jpg


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 5/23/2009 9:52:03 PM
Author: Courtneylub
So I haven''t had the time or hands to update here as much as I''d like, but I do read the thread everyday! I think my little one is going through a growth spurt and my milk supply isn''t keeping up. I''ve gotten a lot of advice already: Mother''s Milk Tea (which I just got today), drink more water (I think that''s definitely part of my problem), increase feedings, pump after feeding, etc. I''m on day 2 of trying this stuff and it''s very tiring. For some feedings, she''ll start crying while on the breast and then pulls off. When I put her back on she stops crying but then it happens again a minute or 2 later. Does anyone know of a website where I can find a good meal plan for breastfeeding mothers? Or do any of you have a good plan?

Courtney this is VERY NORMAL. Don''t freak out-as your LO goes through growth spurts it takes a day or two for your milk supply to catch up. It''s frustrating watching them suck and not getting anything-but it''s what you need to do to get your supply up for her. It''ll catch up!

Drinking water really does help for me though-I honestly think that''s one of the biggest things that helped me.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Oh Court - Alila is just so beautiful! (Just like her mommy). What a bundle of joy. So sorry to hear about the BF. From everyone I talk to...BF is the hardest part (even harder than labour in many cases). Hang in there. I''m going to be in your shoes so soon (ggrrrrrrrrr) and I really appreciate reading what''s working and not working for you BTDT moms.

Um, when is my baby coming?


Sep 13, 2008
Court- omg she''s beautiful!sorry can''t help with bf''in advice
but it sounds so hard and u guys that do it are amazin mamas!

Mela....where is HIMER! :)


Nov 14, 2004
Sorry that you are having BFing issues.
I don''t have a website with meal plan for nursing moms, but is a resource site for BFing.
Oatmeal is helpful with supply, so maybe you can add it to your breakfast if you''re not eating it already.
When I feel a dip in my supply (usually before AF), I usually add a protein shake in my day and take fenugreek.
Breastmilk is make up of fat, protein and water. So you basically need to pack on more calories.
Good Luck.


Dec 16, 2007
Hey everyone! Sorry for being MIA but I have been away visiting family on the beautiful west coast for the last week and haven''t had lots of time on the internet, but I have been lurking!

I wanted to pop in to tell Courtney that I have also found that eating regularly is a MUST to keep up my supply! No special diet, but 3 meals and 3 snack every day and lots of fluids. I find if I eat like that I have a good supply. Still, there are says like you describe. Don''t worry, eat and drink and you will catch up! Remember, 6 wet diapers and about 1 to 4 poopy per day means she is getting enough to drink!

I''ll update when I get home next week!


Feb 17, 2007
Just wanted to tell my mommy friends-our offer was accepted on a house! We are moving to the Bay Area (barring anything ridiculous of course)!

Let's hope inspections and closing run smoothly!

Now that all my time isn't consumed by the house search I'll try to post more. But I have to get my prelim paper it's a busy summer!


May 9, 2006
Courtney~What a cutie!!

Neat~Commented in the other thread but congrats on the house and your move!!


Nov 14, 2004
Yay for closing the house. Congratulations.


Nov 20, 2006
courtney she is so precious!!!

neat YAY, congrats on the house!!! i hope we''ll be able to meet one of these days!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Congrats Neat!!! That is fantastic news


Oct 6, 2004
Courtney, lovely pictures!

Congrats NF! Hope we can see each other again - this time with the boys!


May 9, 2008
thanks for the compliments burk, nycbk, qtiekiki, lili, diva, snlee, courtney

qtiekiki - have you been using the ointment the derm recommended? good to hear that M''s skin has cleared up for the most part.

courtney - i think the most you can do to prevent stretchmarks on the boobs is to not let yourself get too engorged and maybe rub cream/oil on them? i ended up getting a few little ones but i guess it''s not too bad. ADORABLE pics of alila btw, she is such a cutie!

neatfreak - congrats on the house and the move and all the exciting things happening with you right now!! i agree, drinking water is what really helps me with milk supply.

dreamer - hope you''re enjoying your time on the west coast!

snlee - hi!! not sure if i''ll start a SMTR thread, but maybe i should for any folks who might be interested in purchasing the bracelet.

diva - poor little james, i hope his bruise is better now! i don''t really wear tennis bracelets on a daily basis either, but i wanted to get something that i could wear when "dressing up" even if dressing up these days is just for going out to dinner
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