
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


May 9, 2008
back from our 6 month visit to the ped. little guy handled his shots like a champ, but i know he''ll have a fever for the next day or so. on to the stats:

height: 28" (95th %ile)
weight: 19 lb 2 oz (75th %ile)

the measurements are pretty much consistent with the rate he''s been growing at since day 1, so that''s good to see, still tall with chub. we''re going to increase his solids intake over the next few weeks which will be fun because DH loves being able to feed him and has taken over that part of J''s schedule.

pandora - glad to hear things are coming to a resolution and you will hopefully avoid a lengthy court case!

courtney - soo sorry to hear about your neck. hope you''re getting rest and taking care of yourself!


Jun 18, 2004
sbde - I''m glad he did well with the shots! He''s a big boy too!

I finally got the pics from the beach dowloaded last night, and I''ll try to post a few. We didn''t get any good ones near the water, so this is the best I have:

With my mom



Jun 18, 2004
Playing in the tent trailer:



Jun 18, 2004
And the best way to hide stretch marks while in a bikini, wear the baby that put them there in the first place:



Sep 13, 2008
thread movin fast for this twin baby momma

MELA- we use the baby nail clipper and do it while they are feeding...someone holds bottle and i clip...havent tried the file yet

COURT- urgh soo sorry ...lots of healthy dust ur way!

MGAL- hehehehe was waitin for those pics
...cant wait to bring my munchkins to the far its on boardwalk but the air from the ocean is nice!

AFM- jon got sleepy to early last nite and had to put him down at 7 and he woke at 1am and dh couldnt put him back to sleep til he came into the bedroom at 3 frustrated and said i cant put him down u go deal with ur son (lol)...(dh had to get up at 7 to go to work today so i understood the anger lol) i went in patted his butt and he was out til 6 he could only eat half his bottle bc he was so sleepy so he fell asleep at 630 til 9...we have to try to find a way to keep them up til at least 10


Dec 16, 2007
If anyone is interested in our progress, last night Hunter didn''t wake at all at 10pm (something he has been doing for a few weeks now) and woke at 12am and cried for 7 minutes, then sucked his fingers to fall asleep -- so cute I could hear it in the next room. Then he woke at 4am and I fed him! That was it!

But for some reason he also woke at 6am and I fed him again... I only really want to tackle one cry session per night right now! I woder if he just wants to wake at 6am?? This has been a periodic issue for us over the months with the 6am wake up. I can usually get him to go back down for another 1.5 hours, but it is annoying.

Still, if he will sleep from 7pm until 4am most night, I dont care what he does after that right now!
That means if I go to bed at 9:30 I can get 6.5 hours in a row!!

At nap time he only cried for 5 minutes and it wasn''t very hysterical or anything, then found his fingers and fell asleep. Perhaps some progress?

MGal great pictures! LOL! at the bikini, won''t catch me in one this year

NYC I think you are making progress with their sleeping. They are only a little over two months with their adjusted age, so they are doing great.

Pandora forgot to say congrats on the almost-settlement! Wonderful news.


Jun 18, 2004
for the CIO debate, we kinda do this, but in a modified way. Kyle usually goes down pretty well on his own, but once in a while he''s either overtired or just grumpy. After a few tries of putting the paci back, pat the baby and walk away, we''ll let him cry for about 2-5 minutes, then go back in, put the paci back and he''s out. It seemes for him at least that a few quick minutes of frustration is all it takes.


May 9, 2008
great pics mustang - kyle is too darn cute and you look fab in your baby-kini
you're right, we have a big boy on our hands but the most important thing to me is that he's gaining height/weight proportionally and in line with his growth curve. it's fun to see the results of my hard work BF and feeding solids show at each dr's appt!


Jun 18, 2004
sbde - how much/often do you feed solids? We started cereal at 4 months and a few veggies, but I don''t kow if we''re feeding enough. He''s doing about 2 tablespoons of oatmeal at the sitter''s in the morning, and I do 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal and half a container of veggie in the evening.


May 9, 2008
Date: 7/21/2009 2:36:00 PM
Author: MustangGal
sbde - how much/often do you feed solids? We started cereal at 4 months and a few veggies, but I don't kow if we're feeding enough. He's doing about 2 tablespoons of oatmeal at the sitter's in the morning, and I do 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal and half a container of veggie in the evening.
MG i was wondering the same thing and brought it up with my pedi today. uptil now we were giving 1/2 tub of veggies or fruit during the day and enough cereal to get the right consistency in 1.5 oz of breast milk in the evenings.

The pedi recommended giving oatmeal cereal 2 times a day now and giving some veggies/fruit with it. once he gets used to that for a few wks she recommended giving another veggie/fruit in the afternoon as well. She also said to wait until he is 8-9 mos before starting any meats.

Sounds like you're following this schedule loosely already, so maybe just go with his cues to see if he could eat more at each feeding? J is pretty good at turning away or not opening his mouth when he's had enough, does Kyle do the same? For example, yesterday I didn't stop the veggies at 1/2 the tub (of the 1st stage foods) and he ate the whole thing which makes me think that after having 1/2 a tub for a month he was ready to start eating more.

Btw, all solid meals are giving after he gets breastfed, because that really should be their main source of food for now.

Hope that helps!


Jun 18, 2004
Thanks! Sounds like we''re doing OK with the solids then. We''ve been doing the solids inbetween bottle feedings, about an hour or so after, then doing a bottle 2 hours or so after that, so it''s more just to try new things than for any nutritional value. We haven''t done any fruits yet, and I still have to add sweet potatoes to finish up the vegetable round. I think we''ll try all the veggies again, and offer him more if he wants it.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Mela - I used to cut them with baby scissors (the same pair my mother used for me
) when she was asleep. Now I can do it when she''s awake and she just sits and watches...
I would recommend the sleeping approach.

MGAL - LOVE the photos. LOL on the bikini comment!

DD - Great news on the sleeping - keep those updates coming please!

I''ve noticed that lots of you seem to put your babies down at 7pm or so for the night. How long will they sleep till at that point? I try to put Daisy down at 7pm in the hope of DH and I eating at the same time, but then she''s up at 10pm and goes to bed again at midnight with me. She just won''t go more than 3 hours without food!

Update on the legal stuff... they sent me an email this afternoon laying out the offer and telling me that they have asked the court for a postponement of Friday''s pre-trial hearing. I have to accept the offer in principle by Thursday morning and then the lawyers will draw up the agreements for signing. I''m happy with everything except the reference (we have to agree a Press Statement, a Reference, and a Compromise Agreement - where I promise not to sell my story to the papers
) so I''ve written a new one and passed everything to my lawyer for checking.

It looks like we will be all sorted by the beginning of August. My brother says that I need to keep in ''battle mode'' until the cheque is in the bank so that if things go pear-shaped I''m not in a compromising mindset. So, I''m not opening the champagne or choosing the kitchen tiles till then - I actually have a jar of white truffles waiting in the kitchen for nearly a year now for this moment... Mmmmmmm
, I do hope Daisy likes truffle flavoured breast-milk!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Pandora - you're taste buds are hilarious! Truffles!
Well, let's cross all of our loose bits that this goes quick and in your favor.

Mgal - toooo cute! Love babies on the beach.

I'll pipe up on the sleep talk. I've been hesitant to, for fear of the sleep gods coming down and bopping me on the head.

We put Romeo down every night at 7pm.
We eat, bathe, and then sleep.
He sleeps until 2am for a feed.
He sleeps until 5 or 6 am for a feed (which I'm going to eventually stretch to 7am)
He sleeps until 8 or 9 am for a feed and then Activity.

Technically, I'm waking up twice during the night, because I still consider 5 am "middle of the night"

Now, I'm not pushing any books on anyone, BUT, if anyone is interested, the book "The Baby Sleep Solution" talks about which feeds to eliminate, and in which order. It also gives you strategies when things go south. I really like it.
Basically, her position is, if you are waking up 3 times a night, eliminate the SECOND feeding first (by slowly reducing the amount of food given, until there is none given at all - just a paci and pat-pat), then the FIRST feeding, then the THIRD.

In unrelated news, I do in fact have Thrush. Romeo does not. I'm treating it with Jack Newman's recipe for All Purpose Nipple Ointment, which my Pharmacist mixed for me. Wish me luck.

Also, Romy got his shots today. He took them quite well, I thought.

He's now 10 lbs 13 oz
I can't find the sheet, but he's roughly in the 50%ile except in length he's 70%ile.

C'est tout!

Oh, I was thinking, it may be fun and helpful to sign out with our babies age in weeks.

Like this:
Romeo 7wks


Dec 16, 2007
Mela Sounds like Romy is the same size as Hunter was at that age almost exactly! He was also 50th percentile for weight and 70th for length but he weighted a little more because he was 8 weeks -- 12lbs I think. Hunter was also on a similar feeding & sleeping schedule at that age. So don`t worry, the sleep Gods will get you later

Pandora Good news about the settlement! Hunter goes down at 7pm, wakes at 3-4am for a feeding and then wakes at 7am for the day (this is when all the extra wakes are eliminated of course). When does Daisy wake for the dayÉ

SBDE and MGal Good to hear about solids stuff, I am going to start them when HUnter is 6 months so that`s pretty soon!

Hunter: 5 months today! (I stopped counting in weeks at 12
no idea how many weeks! LOL! But I like this idea, I always forget)

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 7/21/2009 6:29:56 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Mela Hunter was also on a similar feeding & sleeping schedule at that age. So don`t worry, the sleep Gods will get you later

This is what I''m worried about


Feb 27, 2006
mgal - love the pics!!


Jul 12, 2008
pandora, my fingers are crossed that the settlement goes through as expected! What a relief it will be for you to have that behind you!

Diva, I''m glad COI has worked some with James. How are you guys otherwise? I hope your health is much improved since that scary blood clot incident!

cdt, it''s really hard when you feel like your baby is more difficult than most. I have felt that way on many occasions. If it''s any consolation, Sage is not nearly as cranky now as she was when she was Lex''s age. Perhaps he too will relax a little with time.

blen, I''m glad ou enjoyed Harry Potter! thanks for the info about BFing and pregnancy. I''m thinking we wont start trying until S is a little older since I plan to BF until she''s 6 mos at least. Now that I''m home, I may try for a year. We''ll see. My pelvic floor wasn''t affected by my L&D since I had a scheduled C-section and my abs seem fine though not quite as strong as they used to be.... but those are still important things to consider. How are G''s night diapers now. I hope you found a solution to keep him from getting you both wet at night!

kennedy, thanks for chiming in on the COI discussion! I''m sorry your experience was so bad.

sbde, glad your 6 mo visit went well!

DD, I love the pic comparison! You two look so alike - it''s great! thanks for keeping us in the know regrading Hunter''s sleep progress. it sounds like you''re doing great! I''m jealous that he laughs for you since Sage doesn''t do that yet. She''s very smily but I''ve only ever heard a laugh once and even then, I''m not even sure it was a laugh...

Mgal, great pics! I''m so glad you had fun in SD!

nyc, how''s the tat healing? we wanna see pics! And how are the twins?

Mela, I''m so glad you finally know what''s ailing you and that you''re already treating it. I hope it clears up soon! re: fingernails, I cut them with the baby clippers when Im feeding her usually. We have problems with night time explosions too. Have you tried the huggies little snugglers brand? They''re designed to prevent the up the back blow outs.

Courtney, we''ve missed you here! So sorry to hear about your neck! How''s work going so far? we''re thinking of you!

TDM, I''m glad your sleep log is helping! how did the naps go today? we''re still struggling with napping in the crib now too... very frustrating. Re: going a bit crazy at home, I am totally there with you and I''ve only been back at home for a few days... I find that I need to get out at least once a day or I get really antsy which is hard now that I''m trying to be better ale staying home for her to nap well (even though she''s still able to sleep in her stroller and car seat very well). It also helps when I have a project to do when she''s napping. Today I cleaned our closet...

gotta go make dinner - more later...


Feb 27, 2006
Mrs, that''s basically the decision that we made as well only with a slightly different timeline.
G''s night diapers have been ok the past two nights (I''ve been a different matter - I''ve started leaking all over the place again), although evidently we had a poo blowout in bed this morning after I left for work. I''m not impressed with pocket diapers'' ability to hold poo in, and would go exclusively with prefolds except for it''s easier to pack a pocket with a ton of absorbant stuff for nighttime and he so rarely poos then. I may play around with different options yet again tonight. That reminds me - I don''t know if DH ever got the sheets out of the dryer. Off to make the bed...


Feb 27, 2006
By the way - this was one of my weekend projects. It''s for a coworker''s shower next week and it''s HUGE. I managed to get about 175 size 1 diapers into it, in addition to some bottles, bottle liners, bibs, pacifiers. I''m quite proud of it.



Jul 12, 2008
pandora, re: sleeping at 7PM. Sage is always changing up her schedule on me but for the last few days she has been up around 1:30AM and again at 5. I feed her both times and she sleeps until 6:30AM which is certainly earlier than I would like...

mela, I''m glad the shots went well and thanks for the info about the Baby Sleep Solution. I like your idea about signing off with our baby''s age!

Blen, sorry you''re still dealing with the blowouts. I hope you find the right diaper solution soon! I''m so impressed that your DH is staying home with G AND he changed the sheets. I don''t think my DH has changed the sheets once since we''ve been together. He would struggle so much if he were home with Sage AND he had to change the sheets! I seriously think he would leave the poopy mess for me to deal with later.... I''m glad your DH is better equipped even if he didn''t have the bed made when you came home from work.

re: solids. Our pedi said we could start rice cereal soon but I''m going to wait until S gets to 6 mos to introduce solids. I''m glad to hear how it''s going with those of you who have started them though!

So all''s well with us here. Sage seemed in good spirits today and slept relatively well. She was up at 6:30 and I took her for a walk at 7:30. She slept while we were walking for about 30 minutes and then played a bunch on her play mat when we got home. She did NOT want to go down for a nap later though and got really mad when I tried to get her to sleep in her crib. I moved her to the swing and she passed out pretty fast. I always turn off the swing once she sleeps and sometimes she wakes up again since she likes the movement but today she slept for 2 1/2 hours with no movement. It was great! I think she likes the swing since it kind of envelopes her and prevents her from flailing her arms around which she does in her crib during the day - that gets her riled up which prevents her from sleeping. I took her to run some errands later in the day and she was content in her car seat and fell asleep for another hour in the late afternoon.

She finished the second course of antibiotics today and she still coughing a fair amount and has congestion in her chest so I''m going to call the pedi tomorrow to see what we should do.... She said something about a chest x-ray and possible nebulizer treatments...

I''m still undecided about what I''m going to do about work but I''m going to try not to think about it for another week or so since I need a break.

ANyway, I hope you''re all well!!


Jul 12, 2008
Date: 7/21/2009 10:23:21 PM
Author: Blenheim
By the way - this was one of my weekend projects. It''s for a coworker''s shower next week and it''s HUGE. I managed to get about 175 size 1 diapers into it, in addition to some bottles, bottle liners, bibs, pacifiers. I''m quite proud of it.

wow Blen! That''s great!


Dec 16, 2007
More later but... Hunter only woke once last night at 2am!

He went to bed a little earlier than usual -- asleep by 7pm -- I wonder if that made a difference?


Jul 23, 2006
hi everyone!! i''m new to this thread. my dd is 3 1/2 weeks old and has developed acne on her face. what can i do about it?


Sep 13, 2008

DD- CONGRATS on the sleeping!!!

BLEN- reallly cool!

NYCSPARK- has the pedi said anything about it and what to do?

AFM- woooooohoooo! (sleeping gods gave me an early bday present
)....JON slept from 1030pm til 630am!!!! thats 8 HRS! ooo happy day

jackie still wants to eat ...she ate at 1 but falls asleep bc she self-feeds and dozes off...but she is smaller than jon so im hoping she will catch up sooon!


Jul 12, 2008
Date: 7/22/2009 8:31:17 AM
Author: NYCsparkle
hi everyone!! i''m new to this thread. my dd is 3 1/2 weeks old and has developed acne on her face. what can i do about it?

Welcome NYCsparkle! Congrats on your LO! Re: Infant acne. I understand it has something to do with your hormones. Dr''s believe that the mom''s hormones are passed through to the baby in the late stages of pregnancy which can later cause infant acne. Fortunately, it isn''t a serious problem and requires no medical treatment or intervention - it will clear up on it''s own. If you google "infant acne" you''ll find lots of information (and pictures if that''s helpful) since it is very common.

I hope everything is going well with you and you sweet new baby! Congrats again and let us know if we can help with anything else!



Jul 12, 2008
congrats on the sleep nycb! An 8 hour stretch is sooo nice!

DD, only one wake up is great!! I hope it lasts!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/22/2009 10:10:35 AM
Author: Mrs

Date: 7/22/2009 8:31:17 AM
Author: NYCsparkle
hi everyone!! i''m new to this thread. my dd is 3 1/2 weeks old and has developed acne on her face. what can i do about it?

Welcome NYCsparkle! Congrats on your LO! Re: Infant acne. I understand it has something to do with your hormones. Dr''s believe that the mom''s hormones are passed through to the baby in the late stages of pregnancy which can later cause infant acne. Fortunately, it isn''t a serious problem and requires no medical treatment or intervention - it will clear up on it''s own. If you google ''infant acne'' you''ll find lots of information (and pictures if that''s helpful) since it is very common.

I hope everything is going well with you and you sweet new baby! Congrats again and let us know if we can help with anything else!

Ditto! Newborn skin goes through a bunch of phases as it adapts to being outside the womb. Don''t be surprised if it becomes very dry shortly as well. It is a normal part of development and will go away soon! I personally didn''t treat Hunter''s skin when it was dry or when it was a little bumpy because I wanted it to adjust itself naturally and I thought that creams etc might just irritate his sensitive skin.


Jun 18, 2004
Woohoo for sleeping babies! We had a good night too, 7:45pm to 6am with just one "bad dream" that went away with a paci.

blen - love the daiper cake! My SIL made one about that size for my shower, my BIL complained about rolling all the diapers

welcome nycsparkles!

And... we''re putting an offer on a house today! We went to 2 more last night, and DH LOVED the first one. It''s a regular sale, not a short sale or lender owned like most we''ve seen. So they''re going to decide by 4pm today which offer to accept!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/22/2009 7:36:20 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
More later but... Hunter only woke once last night at 2am!

He went to bed a little earlier than usual -- asleep by 7pm -- I wonder if that made a difference?
DD, I thought you were putting him down by 7 already? It may have something to do with it. HSHHC says the earlier you put them down, the longer they sleep although that may be counter intuitive. I notice to this day that if I put Amelia down earlier by 15-30 minutes, she sleeps better. If I don''t, she tosses and turns and has a harder time getting to bed, and will wake up here and there (but conks back out.)

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 7/22/2009 10:10:35 AM
Author: Mrs

Date: 7/22/2009 8:31:17 AM
Author: NYCsparkle
hi everyone!! i''m new to this thread. my dd is 3 1/2 weeks old and has developed acne on her face. what can i do about it?

Welcome NYCsparkle! Congrats on your LO! Re: Infant acne. I understand it has something to do with your hormones. Dr''s believe that the mom''s hormones are passed through to the baby in the late stages of pregnancy which can later cause infant acne. Fortunately, it isn''t a serious problem and requires no medical treatment or intervention - it will clear up on it''s own. If you google ''infant acne'' you''ll find lots of information (and pictures if that''s helpful) since it is very common.

I hope everything is going well with you and you sweet new baby! Congrats again and let us know if we can help with anything else!


Daisy also had very dry skin - now I always put Burt''s Bees Baby Bee Lotion on her after her bath and her skin is really nice again.

If the spots get sore looking then put a bit of breastmilk on them - seems to work well (also good if they get sore eyes apparently).
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