
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Nov 2, 2006
Lanie, we've always fed A on demand for the most part and have never had a set in stone schedule. '

When he moved to solids we put them in the standard meal slots for breakfast, lunch and dinner because that's what was easiest, and then just offered bottles when he woke up in the morning, after morning nap, after afternoon nap and before bed. Usually they're 4-8 oz bottles (most often around 6) so he gets 16-36oz total depending on the day. Then we offer finger foods and sippys at meals and he gets an afternoon snack at daycare.

I do find sometimes he's not all that hungry for dinner. I still offer him a well-balanced meal, but he's usually exhausted at that point and ready for bed. If I know he's eaten well during the day then I don't really worry about it, I just offer him his bottle before bed.

I'm heading to Washington DC this weekend with DH and Aidan for a friend's east coast wedding reception. I'm really nervous about getting around the city. I've used the metro a bazillion times before, but never with a baby or a stroller. I'm wondering if we should just take cabs instead? Do I need to bring a car seat? Do cabs have car seats? Our Uppa works as a snap 'n go, and while Aidan still fits in his bucket seat, he's not a fan of being in it for long periods of time. He'd rather be in the regular stroller seat. So I think I'd have to bring both, which could be a PITA.



Mar 13, 2008
HH, Just speaking from experience but cabs do NOT have car seats. Plus it seems crazy that you'd "install" one while the meter's running/cab is waiting in traffic.

I would just go ahead and take the Metro with the stroller. It seems safer than A sitting in a cab with no safety restraints. Rationale: cabs travel on the streets where there's a ton more cars and traffic. More likelihood of an accident. Vs public transportation is on a fixed track with a set number of trains etc. Less likelihood of an accident.

If I were you I'd just AVOID RUSH HOUR! As your friend or anyone from the DC area when the typical rush hour times are. If you're really apprehensive about taking the Metro, then rent a car and install the car seat once and you're done.



Aug 19, 2009
HH-Have fun in DC!

Cabs don't have car seats and at least in NYC it is legal for children to ride in cabs without car seats or seatbelts. You can bring your own, but it is a PITA, especially if you are planning to also have to bring the regular stroller seat and/or if your car seat is not a cinch to install. Moms who live in cities have endless debates about the car seat/cab/subway discussion.

IMO--The easiest way to navigate cities with kids under 2-3 is using a baby carrier (like an Ergo or Boba).

If you want to use a stroller, the Metro is one of the easiest public transit systems to navigate (least crowded and most handicap accessible entrances)--way easier than the T in Boston, the subway in NYC, or the El in Chicago in my experience...I would avoid rush hour and if the train is at all crowded take A out of the stroller and fold it up....the Vista has a big footprint, so it could get awkward if your car is crowded. An alternative might be to borrow a smaller umbrella stroller like the McClaren...

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
On the topic of food, has anyone else tried the yo baby 6+ mos yogurt? We tried it this week. OMG, Samantha loves it! I noticed it has sugar in it. Perhaps that's why she LOVES it so much. Maybe regular greek yogurt with added fruit would be better?

At her 6 month visit, her pedi said she can eat whatever she wants, and we don't have to do purees any longer. :o I've been giving her little bits of regular food here and there, but have mostly been keeping things fairly mushy/puree'y. It's hard to make the transition so young. He said he thinks kids have issues re: not wanting to try different foods because they aren't exposed to textures early enough. Ok, that's not an exact quote, but something like that. I like that idea because I don't want her to be a picky eater, but it is a big difficult in practice!

Kunzite, Has O always taken 20 oz per day, or is that less now that he's eating solids? Is he drinking water too? I thought they were supposed to drink the same amount of breast milk or formula as before solids, but could be wrong on that. Oh, and is he eating regular oatmeal or baby oatmeal? How is baby oatmeal different -- the oats are ground up, I'd guess?


May 17, 2009
LV - O has always been a light eater. 20oz is pretty normal for him. One of my baby cook books says that at this age they should get no less than 22oz a day and the other says no less than 18oz a day, so I figure we're right in the middle. It would be impossible for me to get him to take anymore. There's no time in his schedule to add a bottle and he won't take more than 5 oz at a time (sometimes that's pushing it), so 20oz is where we'll stay! When I had more milk lying around I would mix all of his foods with BM to get a little more in him. We're conserving these days so now I mostly mix with water. He does drink water from a sippy cup with every meal but the pedi did mention that he should be getting more so we're going to have to work on that. We just use the Earth's Best oatmeal for ease. It's already time consuming enough making all of his other meals, I rather not have to ground oatmeal too :cheeky:

Here is what Kelly Mom says about BM intake after solids are introduced:

Do you ever look at Wholesome Baby Food? Here is what they say about yogurt (specifically that the sugar in yo baby is fine because it's natural):

We're going to try yogurt soon so I'm excited to hear that S loves it! I haven't done it yet just because I can't quite figure out how I want to do it!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Thanks for the links, Kunzite. I am forever ruined on the topic of proper intake amounts from my experience with the crazy lactation consultants who hounded me at each visit for not feeding S enough!! (I think I couldn't manage to get her to take more than 26 oz at the time.) I really don't keep track (though I used to daily, during the crazy lc days.) It must be 28-30 oz based on the amount I pump and bottles we wind up making each day.

Do you eat mostly organic too? I'm surprised you have Earth's Best oatmeal!! I believe EB makes a baby oatmeal, just like they make baby rice cereal, so I wondered if you had something like that, already ground up when you buy it, but essentially just ground oats!

I haven't been to that baby food site before. I have the super baby foods book, but haven't looked at it too carefully. Now, the author of that book recommends grinding up your own rice cereal. :bigsmile: Haha. I haven't done it. I'm happy with the earth's best rice cereal. I'm feeling ambitious, so maybe I'll try to bake an apple in the am and make her oatmeal with baked apple. Yum!

Does he hold his own sippy cup? When does that happen? I give S water in a bottle, and she LOVES that too, which totally surprised me. I mean, it's not sweet! She really really likes it, though. I feel like I have to take it away from her otherwise she will drink too much!

I bet O will like the yogurt too. It's so fun seeing them try new things, isn't it!?!


Mar 21, 2008
LV - when you introduce solids, the amount of BM/formula should reduce. I haven't tried yoghurt yet because my clinic's recommended feeding schedule sheet says not to introduce before 9 months (as a dessert after dinner) and then it must be very watered down. am waiting til my next appointment to ask why.

and continuing on the topic of food, ever since Skye got her cold, she hasn't been a good eater. at first I understood because I know it's horrible to have to chew and swallow when you can't breathe through your nose, but even after that all cleared up it hasn't changed. the bottles, the fruit and the cookie all go down well. after 2-3 bites of bread or dinner she will just start crying. it is so frustrating because of course I want her to eat well since she is short and not overweight (though not underweight either), and I just want to tear my hair out (the little that I have) once she stops eating and starts crying. but you can't force a baby to eat. hopefully this is just a phase.

no great pics to share this week as her nose was always snotty and one of her eyes was a bit infected. she is going to spend 2 nights at my mom's again this weekend. going to have a little peace and quiet at home again. :))


Nov 2, 2006
Loves Vintage|1313111897|2988977 said:
On the topic of food, has anyone else tried the yo baby 6+ mos yogurt? We tried it this week. OMG, Samantha loves it! I noticed it has sugar in it. Perhaps that's why she LOVES it so much. Maybe regular greek yogurt with added fruit would be better?

At her 6 month visit, her pedi said she can eat whatever she wants, and we don't have to do purees any longer. :o I've been giving her little bits of regular food here and there, but have mostly been keeping things fairly mushy/puree'y. It's hard to make the transition so young. He said he thinks kids have issues re: not wanting to try different foods because they aren't exposed to textures early enough. Ok, that's not an exact quote, but something like that. I like that idea because I don't want her to be a picky eater, but it is a big difficult in practice!

Kunzite, Has O always taken 20 oz per day, or is that less now that he's eating solids? Is he drinking water too? I thought they were supposed to drink the same amount of breast milk or formula as before solids, but could be wrong on that. Oh, and is he eating regular oatmeal or baby oatmeal? How is baby oatmeal different -- the oats are ground up, I'd guess?

LV-no offense to your doctor, I'm sure he's brilliant and means well, but I call B.S. on his thoughts about early introduction of food. Aidan has been on purees since he was 4 mo old and table foods since he was 6 months old. He has SERIOUS issues with texture and self feeding. I gave him hamburger and he didn't know what to do with it once it was in his mouth because of the texture. He hates saucy things like spaghetti because he doesn't like to get the mushy sauce on his hands. It's such a challenge! I wouldn't call him picky because for the most part, with the exception of meat, if you can get it into his mouth he will like it and eat it. But getting it into his mouth is a challenge. We're still struggling with this at almost 12 months.

We started doing yogurt around 6 months (or maybe 8, I can't remember). We started with yobaby and then moved to chobani champions or plain with fruit or vanilla. He loves it all, but especially the greek yogurt.


Nov 2, 2006
We're taking a mini family vaca this weekend. We're heading down to DC for Vcum10's east coast wedding reception and I can't wait! Not only to introduce Aidan to that crew, but also because I just need to get away from home for a bit. I never knew having an 18 year old, an 11 month old, a 36 year old, a dog and two cats in the house could be so draining, but it is. So we're leaving super early tomorrow morning and coming back late on Sunday night. I think we're going to try and take Aidan to the zoo on Saturday if it's not too hot and if it is, maybe the natural history museum. There's also the pool at the hotel which is heated and would be so much fun with the baby. Then on Sunday we're having brunch with VC and her husband and then we're all going to the building museum to see the lego exhibit.


Jul 22, 2007
HH~ I took JT to see a lego exhibit last summer. It was pretty cool. Amazing sculptures made entirely of legos and some of them were sort of disturbing (like a decapitated head!) Hope you get some relief from the craziness!!

RE: baby foods. JT started purees at 2 mo. He was a big boy and he was starving all the time. He would eat anything but meat, started spoon feeding himself by 9-10 months. At 5 yrs old, he is sooo picky! He won't eat half the stuff he used to. Lily started purees around 6 months (we tried earlier but she really didn't have interest in it) and will often have days when she doesn't want me to put anything in her mouth. She'll only eat finger foods on those days since she doesn't have spoon control yet. She prefers stuff like lasagna, spaghetti, chicken casserole, etc. Last night we had ham, baked potatoes, sweet corn and carrots. I cut up everything but the ham and put it on her plate. She took the corn and put it in the potatoes to eat it. Kids do weird things and I think it's more in their personality than in what kind of introduction they had to food.


Jul 5, 2010
Holy cow, Cayden will be 12 months old before I find any time to post in here! He just turned 3 months old :) Things are good with him, moved on to bigger bottles and is almost rolling over. Lots of smiles and giggles. He especially laughs when we are wiping his face off which we find very strange and am curious if anyone else's lo does this? AFM I've been working everyday and then doing graphic design work after I'm done with my 9-5 work. It's not everyday so it's not too bad but it does suck not being able to put Cayden down to sleep. We are mainly using the extra money to save on the side for Christmas :) Here's the latest photo and I hope everyone is doing well!


Nov 24, 2006
My Friday pics of my sweet Babies :love: :love: :love: :cheeky: We took off Evans tubing for his skin to breath a little before putting it back on.

I promise to catch up soon!! Hope everyone has a beautiful Friday!!! :wavey: :love:

Kunzite we are planning to do Synagis.




Mar 13, 2008
Skippy, :love: SO PRECIOUS!!!!! :love:

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Skippy - Your boys are adorable!! So sweet to see them together! Evan's eyes are gorgeous!! :love:

SS - Wow, purees at 2 mos! I thought most babies couldn't even swallow purees that early. How is your sister? Are you an aunt now? Sorry if you updated already. I need to read back a bunch.

HH - I thought everyone was going to say it's too early for little bites of food!!! So, will A eat stuff w/sauce if fed by spoon? Re: not liking beef, too early to try tofu, right? Sounds like you have fun weekend planned. Enjoy!

Noel - Sorry to hear that Skye has been sick. I'd be interested to hear what the theory is re: watering down the yogurt. Enjoy your break this weekend!


Jul 22, 2007
LV~ Yes I am an aunt now! lol. Aug 5, Corbin Matthew finally arrived. 8lbs 2oz 20". Induced labor, epidural, cord around the neck, blue baby, thank God everything is fine now!! JT actually started on cereal at 10 days. (from a spoon). I didn't feed him every day, just when he would hit a growth spurt, but by 3 months he was on 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. Besides being colicky for a while, he was the best and easiest baby ever. Baby T, that I babysit, is nearly 5 months and still hasn't quite figured out the spoon yet so now when I think of JT eating so young it's really nuts!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
SS - Yikes, she really had a tough pregnancy the whole way through, huh? Thank goodness for what must have been very good doctors taking care of her! And, yay, I love his name!! That's awesome that you're finally an aunt, lol!

And, all babies really are different, huh? Helps me feel a little better about not knowing what I'm doing, haha. There really is no right way on so much stuff it seems.


Jan 22, 2007
RE Food: Charlie didn't get interested in food until he was closer to 8 months, but even from 5+ months when I would offer him food he was never a fan of runny purees. We did ticker textures from early on, like mashed sweet potatoes, stuff mixed with chunks of meat. He now loves chicken (light and dark meat), meat balls, chili, pulled beef, pork, and tofu. I still cut meat into small pieces and he just gums them apart. He started eating 3 meals at 8 months. So today he had Oatmeal with apple sauce and brown sugar for breakfast, mashed potatoes, beets and chicken for lunch, cheese ravioli and peas for dinner and he had a cheese stick for snack.



May 17, 2009
LV - I wish we ate organic too. Heck, I just wish we ate healthy too! We're giant hypocrits in that area, we eat awful. We're hoping that once O is eating the same foods as us and we're all sitting down to eat at the table together things will turn around. That's the hope! It's really important to us that he becomes a healthy eater because it's not the way we were raised at all. I was raised with fast food and mac 'n' cheese every night (complete with soda!). O's favorite mix at the moment is apple/pear/peach. You just cook two of each fruit together (I steam them) and then throw it all in the blender. His teacher asked us today what it was, since we just write "fruit" on the container, because she'd never seen him so excited to eat something before. Must have been a hit! We do use the EB baby oatmeal and also the EB baby rice cereal. We'll make a lot of things, but grains are on my list of not worth the time! O can mostly hold his sippy cup. He's getting better. His problem is just that he doesn't tip it up far enough to get the water so he just sits and sucks air. We just got him a new cup from Green to Grow that is a transition between bottle and sippy so I'm excited to try it out this weekend to see if he does better with it. I really think textures are one of those things that they just learn to be okay with in time. I would think that rejecting flavors would make them more of a picky eater. We need more pictures of S!!! :love:

Skippy - Holy cow mama, they are ADORABLE!!! :love: :love:

Allie - C is a doll!! :love: :love:

How many heart eyes can I use today? :love: :love:

Oliver had his 9 month well baby on Wednesday. He's a tiny 17 pounds, hehe :cheeky: I think that's like 6% for his birth age. On the preemie growth chart I believe that places him around 75%.



Mar 21, 2008
just came home from my brother's 3.5 hr birthday lunch at a fancy restaurant, and I got so many compliments from the other customers on how well Skye was behaved! she didn't cry or complain once and ate lots of bread. of course I'd like to attribute this to my wonderful parenting skills, but we just got lucky that she was in a good mood today and getting a lot of attention from everyone.

love all the great pics, mommies!

Allie - C looks a lot different in this photo.

Kunzite - love the mohawk... I try to do that with S in the bath, too, but she hasn't got much hair yet. she also weighs just a little over 17 lbs!

random - Cayden's so cute. yay for Christmas savings... I am totally in the mood already for Christmas this year and have already started buying presents. consider yourself lucky... Skye hates having her face wiped, especially her nose and eyes. when I wipe her mouth, she sticks her tongue out so she can taste the wipe.

Skippy - the boys are cute. they really look different. do you think so, too, or can you tell that they are brothers?

shiny - congrats, Auntie!


Jul 5, 2010
noelwr|1313251005|2990041 said:
random - Cayden's so cute. yay for Christmas savings... I am totally in the mood already for Christmas this year and have already started buying presents. consider yourself lucky... Skye hates having her face wiped, especially her nose and eyes. when I wipe her mouth, she sticks her tongue out so she can taste the wipe.

Isn't it funny when they taste something they don't like. I know I shouldn't laugh but the faces he gets sometimes are too funny. Last night for instance I was washing his face in the tub and he got a bubble or two in his mouth! Wow, he did NOT like that at all!


May 17, 2009
Noel - Seriously long lost siblings!! We finally got brave enough to take O out to eat last weekend and he was an angel! Crisis averted :cheeky:

RT - O LOVES to eat the bubbles in his bath. So much that I had to stop making any bubbles!


Nov 24, 2006
KUNZITE, awww, I love that picture of O!!! He has such beautiful eyes! doll baby for sure. love the hair!!! thanks about M&E! So the 20 oz's was it before food was introduced?

LV, we need pictures of Samatha please!!! Yay for her starting foods! Thanks about the boys!!!

LLIANG, thanks, can't wait to see you in this thread!!

NOEL, well I have dark hair and dark eyes and hubby has light brown hair and hazel eyes (his mom was from England) and I have Hispanic and German in me so if people looked at us (dh and I) then they could totally tell they are our sons. I think E looks like me and M looks exactly like my husband. I think it is cool it turned out that way. I have a friend whose mom is Asian and he does not look one bit Asian and his brother looks Asian but the dad is Anglo Saxon so he looks like his dad and his brother looks like his mother! I thought it was cool that that happened. :)) So to answer your question; I do think there is one feature that make them look like they might be related but overall, one looks like me and one like hubby. :D

RT and KUNZITE, aww, that is fun about the bubbles!!! K, lol about having to stop them! I can just imagine him trying to eat them. hehe too cute!

SHINY!!! yay, I didn't know she had her baby!!! Congrats!!!

ALLIE, I love his blue eyes! what a doll baby!

TAO!!! How is Violet? We need some more pics!! It got cool some nights but then hit the 100's so I am glad it didn't stay cool!

HH, have an awesome trip!!!



The Nurse told us when we start food that to do one food a week so we can discover if they have an allergy to it. I have a food allergy but it is only to celery and hubby doesn't have any so I might try it and see how it goes but one food a week sounds boring!!! We have awhile to go though.

Anyone making their own food for your little one?? If so is it easy to do? I think Kunzite does it?

the Luxury of the day is hubby took over feeds for the boys while I napped!!! Wow, a nap feels so good!!!! :bigsmile: Thanks Mommas for your SWEET words on my baby boys!!! :bigsmile: :halo: Hope everyone has an AWESOME weekend!! Great pics Mommas!


Jan 22, 2007
Skippy, we kind of did that a new food every 3 days very lax. I did things veggies, fruits and meats that are low allergens sometimes a new thing every 2 days, sometimes every other day. When we introduced yolks and whole eggs we definitely waited. Yes it did get mundane but at that early they are really only eating one meal a day so giving them peaches 3 days in a row doesn't seem like that bad.

Skippy your boys are ADORABLE!

Noel...Sky is perfect!

Kunzite - Oliver just gets more handsome every day :) swoon!


Jan 22, 2007
Noel - How about in this one?

I swear he seriously changed over last week!



Mar 21, 2008
random - wait til you start solids. the first week they just cringe at every first bite, but still they will try a second spoon. make sure you get the first bites on camera!

Kunzite - how tall is O? we think S is about 27 inches.

Skippy - I'm part Asian, but my daughter has zero Asian looking features, I think. I never did the one week allergy test thing. I thought it must be extremely boring to eat the same thing every day, so very quickly I moved to different foods daily. I think most of the mommies here make their own baby food. it is not difficult, but I find it time consuming, so I try as much as possible just to feed her what we're having. like out of the meat/fish, veggies, pasta/rice/potato we're having, I'll cook some separately for her and then blend it together, and usually I try to make enough for 2 days, so I don't have to cook for her every day. and when possible, I try to cook for 4 days and add a different veggie. fruit is easier because you don't have to boil it. just peel and blend.

Allie - l :love: ve his eyes! but yes, he does look changed. is his face getting longer?

- - -

here we are on the changing table, after putting on our dress and sneakers.

and a close-up




Nov 17, 2004
Ok, Kunzite has guilted me into a post! I never feel like there is quite enough time for a "proper" post and update, so I just skip the whole thing lately. Will try harder 8)

First, on the food commentary- despite my already ridiculous schedule, we are making Jumper's solids. He generally eats steel cut oatmeal, fruit, and yogurt for breakfast. Lunch and dinner usually include veggie, fruit, yogurt and/or some other protein. The kid LOVES to eat. It is absolutely hilarious. Making the food is a bit of a time commitment, but really not that bad. And it makes me feel good knowing exactly what he is eating and that it is a nutritious addition to his diet. We are mostly sticking to organic for him, except for foods where it really does not matter. Every couple weeks I do an afternoon where I cook up tons for him, and then freeze in these little cubes

He loves plain yogurt (we buy plain organic whole milk yogurt), so I see no need to do the yobaby yogurt that does have sugar added. Sometimes I mix his fruit in. OH, and he love love loves the plum organics puffs. That is really his only source of a (little) bit of sugar thus far.

We also did not adhere strictly to the "wait and see if there is an allergy rule." It just does not make sense to me. A true allergy will be apparent very quickly. An intolerance, aka gives the kid diarrhea, while annoying, is not a serious issue most of the time. So we did not always wait. Hubby accidentally gave jumper strawberries a couple days ago and it is recommended to wait much longer. Ooops.. no problems, though. He liked them ha.

On the food topic, when is the baby supposed to eat less breast milk/formula?? Jumper is 8.5 months and as above, is eating a decent amount of solids now. Over time, he seemed to decrease from 30 ounces of breast milk per day to around 20 and it is making me kind of anxious. It does not seem enough?? We are going to see the ped in a couple weeks, but I know the older mamas definitely have experience with this issue! What do you think? Is this enough?

And also still along those lines- for reasons unclear to me, my milk supply took a huge hit seemingly overnight about a week ago (no AF around, either.) I am super happy to have made it this far with breastfeeding, but would prefer to stop when I am ready and on my own terms. Therefore, we've started the herbal supplements now and am considering domperidone too if it comes to that. Sigh. Hope it picks up. Mentally making it close to 12 months would be wonderful.

I love hearing about all of the milestones and seeing the gorgeous photos! Jumper seems to be on track with the other 8 month-ish PS babes. He is crawling all over and getting into everything he can find. It's adorable- he crawls, finds what he wants, does this little push up, sits on his bottom for 30 seconds, then crawls onto the next enticing find, repeat. He is pretty good at pulling up now (mommy is his favorite toy for this) and is cruising a bit, but sometimes forgets to move his feet. I am pretty sure he says MAMA directed at me.. swooooooooon. And he has a little mommy preference over daddy at the moment :love: My husband is totally offended, of course! Haha.

Ok, here are some recent photos of my little love.






May 17, 2009
noel - O is just over 27 inches too.

Skippy - Like noel said, I think most of the mamas here make their own food. Jar food just has so much less nutrition than fresh food. That said, it's very easy but also time consuming. I think all of the sites and books about making your own food really play up how little time it takes, but we haven't found that to be the case. Maybe we're just really slow! For instance, I made 36 containers of food today which is about 12 days of food, and it took about three hours to peel, dice, puree, and portion everything. That doesn't include clean up because I haven't found the energy to do that part yet! I took pictures along the way for you... :bigsmile: (Yes, I have pictures of everything!) The 20oz he eats now is after we started solids, but he didn't eat much more than that before either. Usually between 20-24oz unless he was having a growth spurt.

ice - So happy to see you pop in and look at little jumper!! What a doll. We all know you have a crazy schedule so please don't always feel obligated to do a full proper post. I think 20oz at his age should be fine. The handout our pedi office gave us at O's 9 month visit said to not give over 24oz in order to increase intrest in solids. It sounds like jumper is eating a ton of solids so I wouldn't worry. My milk supply drops every cycle around O. So if you have a LP over a week then AF might be around the corner for you. That was the first sign that AF was on her way for me. I had a sudden large drop in my supply. Now it happens every cycle. I've also been pretty sick the last two days and it's done a number on my supply, like cut it in half! I feel like the end is near any day now ;( You put into words exactly how i feel, it's not that I'm against formula or anything, it's more that I'm upset that my body is telling me when it's going to stop making enough milk instead of slowing things down on my terms. I'm just so sad over this turn of events.

The last picture is of O trying a puff for the first time. They were not a hit. He wasn't quite sure what to do with it!






Aug 15, 2008
Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I look forward to joining you this week. Ms Sophia Grace was born on Thursday, August 11 at 9:35 am. I have attached a pic, with birthstory to come soon.

Sleepy_Baby sg.JPG


Nov 24, 2006
ALLIE!!! gorgeous little guy!!! :love:

NOEL, she is beautiful!!!! :love:

KUNZITE, yay for all the homemade food; you are awesome!!! I love like O; he is a doll!!! :love:

DCGATOR, Yaaaaaaay, so glad to see you in this thread!!! She is GORGEOUS, congrats momma :appl: :love: :appl: :love:

ICEKID, precious guy :love:

thanks for the info on the food KUNZITE, NOEL and ICEKID!! :wavey:


Nov 16, 2008
Ok, BTDT moms, I need either a suggestion or a smack in the head:
We need a bouncy chair/swing/rock'n'play/something im not aware exists. We have a pnp to use as a bassinet where the baby will sleep for the first weeks as I transition her to the crib and we all adjust to one another. But that then leaves me without a resting place for baby when we are on the first floor, when I need to set her down to pee, pull something out of the fridge, or ya know, feed the dogs. And I mean, I can set her on the couch and she probably wont make it too far...but even once we move the pnp back down to our family room when she starts sleeping in the crib, I don't want her to be banished to the pnp, and think something she can actually sit in and see out of would be best.
Space isn't a concern, but I don't want to get a big swing thing if no one thinks they really are worth the money or effort. But, I probably don't want something that can't be lifted off the ground bc I know my dogs are going to love giving her, she wont be left alone with the dogs, but I already imagine tails smacking baby in the face. :cheeky:
So, wise ones...what is a smart choice?
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