
Plastic surgery?

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Aug 22, 2007
How do you feel about it?

Have you had any? Would you or have you considered it? What''chure thoughts?


Dec 9, 2007
Nope, not into it.

I don''t care if other people want to have it, but I don''t care to, myself.

I''d only go under the knife if my health was in jeopardy.


Nov 16, 2007
I have no problem with it. I have no problem if other people do it. I''ve been considering it actually and hopefully will get something done by the end of the year.


Nov 2, 2004
I say that I''d like a boob lift someday, but if/when that time comes I''m not really sure that would do it. The only other thing I would consider is a tummy tuck after having babies if I had a lot of extra skin. Have you seen pictures of some women that have excess skin that no matter how much they exercise it''s impossible to get rid of because their muscles are all stretched out? They feel like they have to hide the skin under pants, etc? If I had that, I would do it in a heartbeat.

As far as face lifts, implants of any kind, etc I would not do unless medically necessary.


Jul 17, 2007
my sister is going to begin her ENT residency next year (and will one day get into plastics) and FI is always teasing me about my "ethnic" nose so....

not a chance

as imperfect is my body is (and trust me, it's quite imperfect), i think that i would be weirded out standing naked in the mirror and seeing anything else. so as disgusted with myself as i often am, i don't know if i would be happier with a better body if i knew it was fake.

however the women in my family have a history of having to get if they wanted to throw in a tummy tuck after i get the babies out, i might not be all that opposed

plus, i'll just go ahead and say that it is probably the most vain thing you can do if you think about it.....
i know that a lot of women opt to do it for very personal reasons like increasing their self esteem/the way they feel about themselves, but even though that is said to be "personal" that is still very much fueled by societal pressure blah blah blah and that there are deeper issues that likely need to be addressed. could i ever wear a bikini top that doesn't have underwire? not a freaking chance on earth! (much less a bikini in general
). would it make me feel better about myself if i could? probably. but i realize that it would be on such a superficial level, and i have so much work to do on the inside that as of right now i can't be bothered with working on the outside, and it's those things that are likely going to make me feel better about myself and take the pressure off being "better"

all that being said, i don't judge people for getting it done. it makes me a little sad for them, but i definitely don't judge them. (who could watch extreme makeover and judge those people??? but i think those people are the exception, and the majority of plastic surgery isn't major overhauls, it's more like face lifts and boob jobs).
(and of course this doesn't include reconstructive surgery!)

sorry for the rant nebe!


Nov 16, 2007
Oh and can I add I have had elective surgery?

I had PKR done in December and it was one of the best things I think I have ever spent money on.


Mar 20, 2006
I have absolutely no problem with it, provided it's a decision being made by a competent, mentally stable adult (ie, no boob jobs for 16th bdays or anything like that!). I'm 28 and pretty comfortable with the current state of my body, so right now there's nothing I would change. But years from now, if there were something I wanted to tuck or lift, and I had the money to do it... I don't see why not.

I guess I feel like the real me is on the inside... my outer self is just an accessory, so no reason not to tweak it at some point if I really feel the desire! Same reason I get highlights in my hair and use zit cream and had my underarms lasered and wear an underwire bra... just enhancing what I've got. That being said, I'm personally not a big fan of "overdone" faces or drastic changes, so I can't imagine going too far with it.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Orbaya, I hear you on that. Now that I have "working girls" I understand the allure of a lift and tuck. But I am kind of a chicken so who knows if I would ever REALLY do anything. Plus I heard tummy tucks are so PAINFUL to recover from.

Funny you bring this up b/c my dad was just telling me a strange story. He used to work at a hospital with AMAZING benefits. Free Plastic surgery for all family members. None of us took advantage of this (except for lasik/PRK) but many people did. One wife had 12 hours of surgery (including an ear lobe reduction, maybe a PSer
) and she requested them to REMOVE her belly button when they did her tummy tuck. She wanted one smooth surface
Of course they did but how freaky!?!


Nov 24, 2006
I don't think I would do it; I just slap on some sunscreen w/Menoxyl to help w/the UVA rays.
Plus I see all these women that look plastic like; look at Madonna (icky now) and Priscilla Presley.

I also heard people can get addicted to it. Oh let me fix this, or let me fix that, etc.

I do think if you were in an accident or have a crocked nose or something like that is different than just going under the knife for happy lines, but that is just me. I also think there are so many people who are naturally beautiful and they don't see it since they are so hard on themselves.
When I look at someone I tend to like them for their inner beauty not their outer beauty. There have been times I saw drop dead gorgeous people but if they don't have the heart to go w/the looks then all the beauty in the world won't help them. Also if I saw someone who is just okay but get to know them and they are an amazing person then they are beautiful to me.



Oct 6, 2004
No belly button? That''s freaky.

I personally wouldn''t have plastic surgery. I wouldn''t feel like me. I''d feel fake. I love all of me, including my imperfections. I don''t have any judgments for those who do choose to have plastic surgery.


Feb 13, 2008
I had both a tummy tuck and a hernia repair after I was sure that I was done having children (my first pregnancy - twins totaling almost 17 lbs. No, that is not a typo.
) It is a tough surgery and tough recovery but I have never for a moment regretted doing it - I had a lot of excess skin and literally no longer had abdominal muscles as they had stretched past the point of no return. I absolutely looked better after but more importantly I felt better.


Feb 17, 2007
I'm scared of surgery in general, so a big NO for me. But I think it is fine for others as long as they are really truly doing it for THEMSELVES and not for someone else. I also echo the absurdity that Ephemery brought up of boob/nose jobs for 16th birthdays. THAT is disgusting IMO that a parent would support their child doing that under normal circumstances.


Jan 1, 2007
Well, I'm happy with my face and body, so I know that I'm very lucky in that respect. If someone is very unhappy about a feature of theirs, and the feature is really detracting from their overall appearance and happiness, I see no problem with correcting it.

I've seen so many plastic surgery shows where people had a feature that (and this will sound mean, but oh well) really sort took away from their overall attractiveness, for lack of a better word. One man had an extremely weak chin and he really looked so much better after surgery, and it was so obvious that he felt better about himself, too. Same goes for a nose job, etc. Of course, all these ideas about attractiveness are cultural, but we do have to live in our culture, and when you have a feature that is basically looked at as ugly, I think it would be very difficult to not want to "fix" that feature.

What I do have a problem with is seeing (usually) women with perfectly attractive faces and figures get nose jobs, collagen in their lips, breast implants, etc., all to conform to a societal "ideal." It just makes me wonder "Whose ideal is that?" because I really do not get why the same cookie cutter nose/big fish lips/blond hair/tan look is considered ideal. Plus I know that many men (including probably 99% of the ones I know) aren't into that look, either, because it's just so fake.

Anyways, if I popped out a few kids and had a bunch of loose skin or whatever, I'm sure I would definitely consider getting a tummy tuck. Same goes for when I'm older-I might think about one of those "lifestyle lifts" that are like mini face lifts and look very natural if I'm not happy with my face. I guess I'll have to wait and see how I feel in 30 or 40 years!


Jul 21, 2006
Definitely not for me. I have family members who have had some things done, but I am too weirded out when I see the Michael Jacksons of the world.


Oct 28, 2007
I'm in the middle on the issue. Right now, there's nothing I really want to change, although I've never liked the bump in my nose...but I'd only do something about that if I were already having surgery for a deviated septum and it was a tiny bit of extra work for them to smooth it out a bit. I still wouldn't want a "perfect" nose, just one with a little less pronounced a bump.

I'm also hoping that if I manage to get really fit before baby time comes, and to keep in shape as much as possible during pregnancy, it won't be as difficult afterward. I know that one can't really plan how one's body reacts and recovers, but I'd rather know that I tried, instead of just resorting to plastic surgery to fix everything. If I'm one of the unlucky ones, then maybe. I'm reserving judgment on this for if/when the time comes.

The one thing I'm pretty sure I will have done eventually is Botox or something like it to fill the lines on my forehead. For now, I just try to wear sunscreen and be careful not to wrinkle my forehead up too much, but with this I do think that prevention is better than the I'm not opposed to having just a touch of this done in a few years to keep me from getting serious grooves (my mother has them, and they definitely make her look much older than her real age). After awhile, though, I'll probably give up and age (un?)gracefully. I just hope I know when the right time is to do that.

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 3/31/2008 11:15:12 PM
Author: snlee
No belly button? That''s freaky.

I personally wouldn''t have plastic surgery. I wouldn''t feel like me. I''d feel fake. I love all of me, including my imperfections. I don''t have any judgments for those who do choose to have plastic surgery.

Isn''t that gross?!? I *wish* I loved all of me but I don''t have that kind of confidence. Oh well. Still think I am too chicken though


Nov 16, 2007
Date: 3/31/2008 11:39:23 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 3/31/2008 11:15:12 PM
Author: snlee
No belly button? That''s freaky.

I personally wouldn''t have plastic surgery. I wouldn''t feel like me. I''d feel fake. I love all of me, including my imperfections. I don''t have any judgments for those who do choose to have plastic surgery.

Isn''t that gross?!? I *wish* I loved all of me but I don''t have that kind of confidence. Oh well. Still think I am too chicken though
That is the freakiest thing... my god why on earth would you do that???


Feb 18, 2006
Hmmmmmm...maybe...someday. If I ever felt like I needed a little freshening up I would *probably* do it. That said, I would never do something that would leave me with excessive scarring. I kinda feel like it is robbing Peter to pay Paul, ya know. And I happen to be terrified of surgery. One of the many advantages of having babies young is that the skin (mine anyway) is so resilient and I never got stretch marks or loose skin with the kids. I think the only thing I''d consider is some ''face work'' in a decade or so. My sis really wants a tummy tuck. After 2 c-sections she has lots of loose skin. She had a breast reduction in her 20s and would like another one since the kids have been born. I have many friends that have breast implants and love them! Every time I consider cosmetic surgery I talk myself out of it. I''d much rather buy jewelry. Besides, DH thinks I''m perfect just the way I am. I guess that''s good enough for me.


Dec 14, 2007
Breast reduction in 2003. I was 21.

My ladies were also a 32GG.

I had to order bras from England because that was the only place I could get my size that didn't cost 75 dollars or more a bra. I would get up and my back would instantly start hurting unless I put on a bra. I had women poking at my boobs (Women I DIDN'T know, at MY WORK
) asking if they were real. I didn't get it because of that though-I can deal with comments. I couldn't deal with the back pain and the fact that I was going to be going to culinary school across the country and supporting that extra weight while standing/cooking for at least 10 hours a day.

My surgeon took one look at me, and said that it wouldn't be a problem and that mine were the biggest breasts he'd ever dealt with. Also he said that it was better to do it while I was young and relatively painless instead of waiting until the back pain had increased. Insurance was no problem either. $20,000 and my parents paid the $500 deductible. The removed almost 7 and a half pounds of breast tissue. That's the size of a newborn. Never once have I regretted it. Right after surgery I was a 32 C, but have since "relaxed" into a 34 DD.

If I had any kind of breast cancer scare, I'd have a double mastectomy in a heartbeat.

When I was 19, my mom found out she had breast cancer and one night she was crying to me about how she wouldn't look like a woman anymore without breasts (she'd already decided to have a double mastectomy) and I told her, "Mom, you're living my dream." And my dad chimed in with, "Breasts don't make a woman." She instantly cheered up.


Jan 1, 2007
Wow Frekechild, that must have been terrible. I know several people who have had breast reductions and I really don''t even consider it plastic surgery. I think of it more as a medical necessity just because of the pain and back problems I know my friends have dealt with. And I can''t believe people POKED YOUR BOOBS! That just blows my mind! People are just insane.

Fly Girl

Jan 9, 2007
Plastic surgery is not for me. I''d only do it for medical reasons (certainly Freke''s experience is such a situation), but not otherwise.


May 19, 2005
Ummm, I soooo would do it! I am 36 and have a very well um, adolescent figure. I have a very petite chest. And would love more womanly curves if ya know what I mean.

Although, I have a man who loves me for who I am and claims he''s not a b**b man....I would just like a little sumthin-sumthin. You know, when I was pregnant and done nursing my second I was quite content AND THEN...something happened!

Was that to much information?


May 19, 2005
ummm maybe adolescent wasn''t the right word to use...


Nov 1, 2003
yikes not this thread again


Dec 9, 2007
Date: 3/31/2008 11:52:06 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Breast reduction in 2003. I was 21.

My ladies were also a 32GG.

I had to order bras from England because that was the only place I could get my size that didn''t cost 75 dollars or more a bra. I would get up and my back would instantly start hurting unless I put on a bra. I had women poking at my boobs (Women I DIDN''T know, at MY WORK
) asking if they were real. I didn''t get it because of that though-I can deal with comments. I couldn''t deal with the back pain and the fact that I was going to be going to culinary school across the country and supporting that extra weight while standing/cooking for at least 10 hours a day.

My surgeon took one look at me, and said that it wouldn''t be a problem and that mine were the biggest breasts he''d ever dealt with. Also he said that it was better to do it while I was young and relatively painless instead of waiting until the back pain had increased. Insurance was no problem either. $20,000 and my parents paid the $500 deductible. The removed almost 7 and a half pounds of breast tissue. That''s the size of a newborn. Never once have I regretted it. Right after surgery I was a 32 C, but have since ''relaxed'' into a 34 DD.

If I had any kind of breast cancer scare, I''d have a double mastectomy in a heartbeat.

When I was 19, my mom found out she had breast cancer and one night she was crying to me about how she wouldn''t look like a woman anymore without breasts (she''d already decided to have a double mastectomy) and I told her, ''Mom, you''re living my dream.'' And my dad chimed in with, ''Breasts don''t make a woman.'' She instantly cheered up.

Oh Freke! My heart goes out to your Mom.

And I''m so glad you are now a comfortable size!


Jun 17, 2005
Have not read the whole thread.

I am a chicken and am afraid of surgery generally, so that is where I come from with it. But I would never judge if someone really wants to do it for themselves. NOT to keep a man or what not, but for themselves. I also feel, if I ever got my courage up, it would be tummy tuck and boob lift, after three kids things are heading south for sure, but I would not put things in me unless it was reconstructive. I think there are times when surgery is so necessary, but then, I see women all the time where I live, or famous women, who have just done horrible things to themselves. We have all seen those famous women who did not age gracefully and now look horrendous. There is a disorder wherein someone feels unattractive (though they are not) and feels a procedure will be their saving grace. Of course it is not, and they end up continually altering themselves til they are not even recognizable. Why some doctors take on patients like this is a mystery to me, when psychiatric intervention is needed, but we have all seen the results. It is terrifying and sad to me. But someone just deciding their eyes look droopy or they hate their neck or their nose...that is not something I would ever bother commenting on. More power to you if you wish to improve and can do so, but I just would always hope it is kept within reason.


Dec 14, 2007
Hee hee. I totally abuse it. I like to make comments when I''m wearing a low cut shirt like, "I''m so glad I had my boob job!" And get totally freaked out looks from people.

What I think is funny is that I''m still a DD-huge change from GG- but still large. But its so much more comfortable for me. I can even go bra-less.

Yes! This woman came in and poked my boobs! And then asked if they were real! And I was working as a receptionist in a divorce attorney''s office! And there was another client in the reception area...


And my dad knows entirely too much about breast surgery. And breasts in general.


Oct 4, 2007
Date: 4/1/2008 12:59:35 AM
Author: coatimundi
Date: 3/31/2008 11:52:06 PM

Author: FrekeChild

Breast reduction in 2003. I was 21.

My ladies were also a 32GG.

I had to order bras from England because that was the only place I could get my size that didn''t cost 75 dollars or more a bra. I would get up and my back would instantly start hurting unless I put on a bra. I had women poking at my boobs (Women I DIDN''T know, at MY WORK
) asking if they were real. I didn''t get it because of that though-I can deal with comments. I couldn''t deal with the back pain and the fact that I was going to be going to culinary school across the country and supporting that extra weight while standing/cooking for at least 10 hours a day.

My surgeon took one look at me, and said that it wouldn''t be a problem and that mine were the biggest breasts he''d ever dealt with. Also he said that it was better to do it while I was young and relatively painless instead of waiting until the back pain had increased. Insurance was no problem either. $20,000 and my parents paid the $500 deductible. The removed almost 7 and a half pounds of breast tissue. That''s the size of a newborn. Never once have I regretted it. Right after surgery I was a 32 C, but have since ''relaxed'' into a 34 DD.

If I had any kind of breast cancer scare, I''d have a double mastectomy in a heartbeat.

When I was 19, my mom found out she had breast cancer and one night she was crying to me about how she wouldn''t look like a woman anymore without breasts (she''d already decided to have a double mastectomy) and I told her, ''Mom, you''re living my dream.'' And my dad chimed in with, ''Breasts don''t make a woman.'' She instantly cheered up.

Oh Freke! My heart goes out to your Mom.

And I''m so glad you are now a comfortable size!

Freke Sorry to hear about your mum my thoughts go out to her but it is wonderful that she has such a supportive family unit to help her through :)

I see nothing wrong with plastic surgery in moderation or when in need, if something bothers you that much about yourself and it makes you feel like crap then go for it if it gives you more self esteem and a better ability to function within yourself who is to say it is wrong as long as you are a well informed and consenting adult.


Jun 17, 2005
Freke, a pal of mine developed young (12) and was a 40 EE and literally had pain and misery from that day on. She had a reduction in her 20''s, insurance paid as it was medically needed, and she never regretted it either. She told me she would never run, could not sleep on her stomach, could not find bras easily at all, and had men of all ages leering at her, when she was not even in her teens. She was told she could not nurse any babies she might have, but I think though she knew she would not likely have kids, it did not matter, she would have done it regardless. I think they took out 5 pounds, not sure if that was in each or total, but she said she felt so free and happy afterward.

If you have not had to lug around all that extra weight and deal with the consequences, you can never know how it feels, and how liberating it is to get rid of.

I hope your mom is well now.


Dec 14, 2007
Thanks for all of your well wishes about my mom. Unfortunately she''s not doing so well. She was almost in remission for 5 years, but at her 5 year checkup they found another lump. She''s been doing chemo ever since then, had surgery and radiation, and will likely be on chemo for the rest of her life unless she chooses not to. And right now she''s been dealing with a nasty infection that won''t go away, but her oncologist won''t take her off chemo either, because when she was on chemo before (she got a 2 month break over Christmas because her immune system was so low) it spread to her liver-even though she was already on the chemo. Lately, I''ve actually been really upset about it because she lives about half an hour from me, and with school being busy it''s hard to make it up there to visit her. Thanks again, you ladies are so wonderful and supportive.

DF-what you described with your friend is EXACTLY what I went through. I was a D by the time I stopped wearing sports bras exclusively and that was 8th grade. I was a size 3 with 32DD chest and they just kept going up from there. I knew the risks of not being able to nurse, but I was warned that with the size I had, it wasn''t likely that I could anyway. So yeah, here I am. And I healed really well, and you can hardly tell I had any surgery-the scarring, while a lot of it, healed really really well and are now just a little lighter than my normal skin.
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