
Pick an Orange


Mar 13, 2013
I've been on the hunt for an Orange FCD.
Take a look at this pic and see which one would you choose?


From left to right
.18 Cushion Fancy Intense Orange Yellow
.15 Pear Fancy Intense Yellow Orange
.23 Cushion Fancy Intense Yellow Orange
.19 Pear Fancy Intense Orange Yellow.
blackprophet|1412025980|3758804 said:
I've been on the hunt for an Orange FCD.
Take a look at this pic and see which one would you choose?


From left to right
.18 Cushion Fancy Intense Orange Yellow
.15 Pear Fancy Intense Yellow Orange
.23 Cushion Fancy Intense Yellow Orange
.19 Pear Fancy Intense Orange Yellow.

The 23 point cushion has the most even and saturated orange color out of the four, and orange is the primary color unlike the first and last stones in the line up.
Yup, what she said :appl:
Why, the cushion of course. Nice even colour, well saturated and looks big. :bigsmile:
I agree with the above!

I'd rule out the pears because of the stronger orange at the tips (that'd bug me) and the other cushion would be too yellow if i were looking for an orange stone
and yet another vote for the .23 cushion.
Not the 0,23 ct cushion - is there a fracture beneath the table??

I like the left stone - yes - the color ... I know - but I like it.
Yes the .23 ;)
This might sound stupid but it's what I thought when looking at them.

I love the cushions the best. The .18 reminds me of summer - bright, intense, and hot. And the .23 makes me think of fall since it seems a bit darker, richer, like after the leaves turn. The size and shape of the .23 draw me in a bit more than the .18. So I think the .23 cushion gets my vote. How could you go wrong though?! ;)
Based on Marlow's post, it sounds like the cushion might not be eye clean?
Chrono|1412078347|3759113 said:
Based on Marlow's post, it sounds like the cushion might not be eye clean?

Could be a feather under the table. It might not be as noticeable in person, but I would ask about it. I have a brown diamond with a much much larger feather. I have a hard time seeing it unless I tilt the stone a certain way. IMO, larger inclusions on colored diamonds aren't anywhere near as noticeable as colorless diamonds, and I think SI is acceptable in both colorless and colored.

I would buy based on face up color, and orange as a primary color is more valuable than yellow as a primary color. However, you did ask what is most orange, and the face up on the cushion is the most orange. In the pears, it is concentrated more towards the tips, as is typical of pear shaped FCD's, and the other cushion is more yellow. What do YOU like though, as far as color is concerned?
It is an SI2, so It could very well not be eye clean.

Here is another picture:

The GIA report number is: 2145266537
Looks like a needle.
blackprophet|1412082124|3759158 said:
It is an SI2, so It could very well not be eye clean.

Here is another picture:

The GIA report number is: 2145266537
Looks like a needle.

That needle or feather may not be as noticeable in person, although it's pretty noticeable in the photo. Depending on what you can tolerate, and the price, it may be worth it. Perhaps it is discounted due to that inclusion?????
TL|1412081937|3759156 said:
Chrono|1412078347|3759113 said:
Based on Marlow's post, it sounds like the cushion might not be eye clean?

Could be a feather under the table. It might not be as noticeable in person, but I would ask about it. I have a brown diamond with a much much larger feather. I have a hard time seeing it unless I tilt the stone a certain way. IMO, larger inclusions on colored diamonds aren't anywhere near as noticeable as colorless diamonds, and I think SI is acceptable in both colorless and colored.

I would buy based on face up color, and orange as a primary color is more valuable than yellow as a primary color. However, you did ask what is most orange, and the face up on the cushion is the most orange. In the pears, it is concentrated more towards the tips, as is typical of pear shaped FCD's, and the other cushion is more yellow. What do YOU like though, as far as color is concerned?

Based on this pic, I like the .23 the best. Although the Right two are appealing as well.
However it is $200 more than then right pear and $300 more than the other two (obviously). If the feather is noticeable, its not worth the price increase to me. Not sure if I wanna pay for that increase either way.
They also sent me a video, but not sure how to upload it here. The video is pretty bad too. I'll look for it in the video.

I didn't even notice the feather before. If that one is out, which one would you pick?

I will ask about it being eye clean.
blackprophet|1412082731|3759161 said:
TL|1412081937|3759156 said:
Chrono|1412078347|3759113 said:
Based on Marlow's post, it sounds like the cushion might not be eye clean?

Could be a feather under the table. It might not be as noticeable in person, but I would ask about it. I have a brown diamond with a much much larger feather. I have a hard time seeing it unless I tilt the stone a certain way. IMO, larger inclusions on colored diamonds aren't anywhere near as noticeable as colorless diamonds, and I think SI is acceptable in both colorless and colored.

I would buy based on face up color, and orange as a primary color is more valuable than yellow as a primary color. However, you did ask what is most orange, and the face up on the cushion is the most orange. In the pears, it is concentrated more towards the tips, as is typical of pear shaped FCD's, and the other cushion is more yellow. What do YOU like though, as far as color is concerned?

Based on this pic, I like the .23 the best. Although the Right two are appealing as well.
However it is $200 more than then right pear and $300 more than the other two (obviously). If the feather is noticeable, its not worth the price increase to me. Not sure if I wanna pay for that increase either way.
They also sent me a video, but not sure how to upload it here. The video is pretty bad too. I'll look for it in the video.

I didn't even notice the feather before. If that one is out, which one would you pick?

I will ask about it being eye clean.

Well, it is larger and has better face up color, and in the world of FCD's, $300 more isn't a dramatic price increase. It's probably discounted due to the feather. However, if it bugs you, I would then avoid all four of these stones and keep looking. Pears always seem to concentrate color in their tips, which is more annoying to me than a feather, but that's my prerogative. You have to like it. The yellow cushion on the left, although a pleasant color, has yellow as a primary color, and isn't as orange (what you're looking for) and is smaller.

ETA: You can't upload videos to Pricescope, but you can link to them.
BTW, you should always get a side view of any FCD as well. I looked up your GIA report, and the girdle is very to extremely thick. A large girdle takes away from face up size. That's just something else to note. Clarity is noted as SI2 and the inclusion is described as a "Feather, Crystal, Needle, Indented Natural, Natural." The color is "Fancy Intense Yellow-Orange." and "Even."
If you take a magnifying glass to the screen, you can identify the feathers on the report. I've enlarged it a bit. Don't know if people are reading what I think is a reflection as the needle/feather.

When it comes to CS and FCDs, as long as it is eye clean (to me) and the inclusions do not break the surface, I'm fine with that.
Chrono|1412095077|3759247 said:
When it comes to CS and FCDs, as long as it is eye clean (to me) and the inclusions do not break the surface, I'm fine with that.

I would be, too, especially given the price of FCD's.
there are always tradeoffs......
I have a 0,40 ct oval C7 ( Ebay) with a fracture ( otherwise it would be "EY") beneath the table facet - not nice.

But if it is a needle ( btw. in diamonds - is this a growth line or what??) it is o.k. !
In terms of even saturation, the cushion wins BUT to me it has too much brown (which I find many of the orange diamonds have).

The first stone, the 0.18 is the most pleasing in colour to my eyes and has less brown but the primary colour is yellow but I would take that one over the others because the colour is what I would want.

Can you get hand shots of the ones you like to compare? The reason I'm saying that is because if I look at my orange diamond, on my hand and close up it looks much more yellow than held at normal viewing distance. See photos. The reason I'm suggesting this is because if you're going to set it, it may look quite different at arms length.


LD|1412097628|3759260 said:
In terms of even saturation, the cushion wins BUT to me it has too much brown (which I find many of the orange diamonds have).

The first stone, the 0.18 is the most pleasing in colour to my eyes and has less brown but the primary colour is yellow but I would take that one over the others because the colour is what I would want.

Can you get hand shots of the ones you like to compare? The reason I'm saying that is because if I look at my orange diamond, on my hand and close up it looks much more yellow than held at normal viewing distance. See photos. The reason I'm suggesting this is because if you're going to set it, it may look quite different at arms length.

First off: Your orange is amazing!

Secondly: Great idea and great point. I will ask, and see what they say.
Here is a screen shot of the video. You can sort of see the feather in the .23.

I still love the smaller cushion!!

Will you take the other cushion?
blackprophet|1412099969|3759283 said:
Here is a screen shot of the video. You can sort of see the feather in the .23.


If the photo is accurate, I would skip all four, unless they're super inexpensive. I think they're very brown, and it's hard for me to digest that the cushion I like is a fancy intense yellowish orange. It looks fancy orangy brown in this photo.

This stone, to me, represents a very pleasant and bright orangy diamond. It was graded fancy intense yellow orange.

TL|1412103111|3759312 said:
blackprophet|1412099969|3759283 said:
Here is a screen shot of the video. You can sort of see the feather in the .23.


If the photo is accurate, I would skip all four, unless they're super inexpensive. I think they're very brown, and it's hard for me to digest that the cushion I like is a fancy intense yellowish orange. It looks fancy orangy brown in this photo.

This stone, to me, represents a very pleasant and bright orangy diamond. It was graded fancy intense yellow orange.

Beautiful :love:
Marlow|1412103647|3759317 said:
TL|1412103111|3759312 said:
blackprophet|1412099969|3759283 said:
Here is a screen shot of the video. You can sort of see the feather in the .23.


If the photo is accurate, I would skip all four, unless they're super inexpensive. I think they're very brown, and it's hard for me to digest that the cushion I like is a fancy intense yellowish orange. It looks fancy orangy brown in this photo.

This stone, to me, represents a very pleasant and bright orangy diamond. It was graded fancy intense yellow orange.

Beautiful :love:

The pear!!!
Looking at the screenshots of the video, I agree with TL that none of them look orangey to me. There's way too much brown. I was so surprised that I went back to look at the first photo you posted and realised that the initial photo is flooded with light (making all the stones appear much brighter).

Definitely hold off pulling the trigger on any of them until you see handshots.
Handshots (iPhone)

.15 Pear
.18 Cushion
.23 Cushion

All 3
Which one do YOU like Blackprophets?