
Photographer help please

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Nov 5, 2007
I''m going crazy over photography details. I know my questions would be good to ask a photographer, but I need an idea of what to look for first. Hopefully someone can help me!

Two issues: the first is that my parents are, at the moment, adamant against doing pics before the ceremony. I think my mom nearly passed out when I brought it up, not realizing that weddings/traditions have changed since 1981. But we only have an hour inbetween ceremony and reception, and it will be 6:30 in November = dark = no outdoor pics. It''d probably be raining anyway, but we''d like the option of doing them outdoors!
We have a 8 person bridal party total. Is an hour enough time? How much time did you spend taking pics?

Second issue is that veryone seems to be all over the place as far as the amount of time given. Our ceremony and reception is scheduled for 5 hours. Should I look for someone for 8 hours, to get the getting ready shots? Is your photog leaving before the reception ends? I''ve heard of some staying beyond their scheduled hours but don''t think I should bank on that if we get someone for 6 hours or something...

Sorry, that was a book. Shows how lost I am on this!

I''m having my photographer come in for 8 hours. My ceremony & reception are 5 hours like yours and we also have an 8 person bridal party (4 each side). But we''re doing photos ahead of time. Right now, I''m planning on having the photographer come in around 2PM. Do some final getting ready shots, take pictures with the bridal party from 3:30-5:30, minus 30 min travel time between from my parent''s house to the venue. I want picture in both locations. The ceremony is at 6PM, so that gives us 30 mins to unwind etc. Yes I know that''s a lot of time between but that also gives us some room if we run late or something.
Thanks for replying lliang! This is making my head spin.

I just got a reply back from a photog who said that 1 hour would be good for just the 2 of us, then we could do all the bridal party stuff beforehand. But then what about family? Do we even want family portrait type pics? (Talking to myself here, don't mind me.)

I've become a photo snob but I don't want to pay for the good stuff. Dammit.
How about this..... get someone for the getting ready and formal photos....
Come back after your honeymoon and have a bridal pair session around the city. You can take 2 hours, put your wedding clothes on again, choose a good weather day, and go! Pictures are super important to me, so I understand you feeling about it. If you want some amazing photos of just you and your new husband, this might just be your answer.

Just a thought.

That being said, my FI and I are meeting before the ceremony for 2 hrs of pictures around our wedding city. I think it will be great!

Good luck with your decision

I wish you could book the photographers I have for my wedding... They did such a good job of explaining this stuff to me, as I had ALL of the same questions you have!

My ceremony/reception last 6 hours total, but ceremony seating opens at 6pm- So yeah, gettin'' hitched in the dark. For this reason, our photographers suggested (um, begged) that we really consider starting at 2/3pm and have them stay til 10pm. They said this for three reasons: #1- 8 hours is an awesome amount of time to catch getting ready/ceremony/reception and every overlooked detail in between. #2- They want a few hours of DAYLIGHT. #3- Never any reason to stay past 10, ''cause one dancing shot is like every other dancing shot... and the more the night goes on, the more people drink, the less photogenic they become

Our photogs suggested 1.5 hours for the "first look" and bridal party shots... Then we''ll have a bit of downtime before the ceremony.

As for seeing each other before the wedding: I''m doing it, but it def. isn''t what I dreamed about as a little girl. Two things sold me... FI''s best friend got hitched in November, and he and his wife did a "First Look" before exchanging vows, and the photos from it are PRICELESS. SO touching-- emotions were brought out that are often hidden @ the altar because couples are so nervous. Also, our photographers explained it to us in an awesome, awesome way... They have the bride approach the groom while his back is turned. She taps him on the shoulder & he turns around. The photographers stay far away & use long lenses to capture the moment... The bride & groom and talk, laugh, cry & say things that they do no have the chance to say when 300+ eyes are on them. Plus, when the bride walks down the isle, the couple can focus on the ''task at hand''... There is more time to think about exchanging vows and the commitment the couple is making since the ''shock'' of seeing each other for the first time has been reduced.
Oh Pils that helped me so much!!! Thank you! I''ll have to keep that timeline in mind, because it sounds great.

I love those first look photos, they make me tear up every time. LOL...I''m becoming more and more of a sap lately.
No problem!! I don''t know your exact timeline, but ours will look something like this

2:00-4:00- Hair/dress/makeup/etc... (Gives the boys time to go bowling or something & then get dressed)

4:00-5:30- First look/b-party photos, sun will set a bit before 5 ....

5:30-6:30- Say ''goodbye'' to groom, touch-up hair/makeup, family time... guests arrive at 6. This is kind of a ''break'' for our photographers, but we may send them to photograph guests as they start to arrive.

6:30- ceremony, cocktails, dinner, dancing

10:00- photogs leave! :)

8 hours sounds like FOREVER... But really, when you break it down like this, I think you''ll be glad to book ''em for so long. Some people may disagree, but if there''s one "personal" splurge I think couples should make, it is on photos! Food/music/dancing make for a fun party, but my goal is to capture all the little moments and hidden details of the day, so that I''ll never forget the tiny things that I didn''t even notice while ''living in the moment''!
we''re doing 8 hrs too.. she will get there at like 2ish and take pics as im finishing getting dressed... then she will take pics of me.. and if i have a bridal party us too.. then she will leave and go to the church and take pics of the boys and then afterwords i guess maybe a couple pics of us with family/bridal party if we have one then just all us.. she said about an hour would be good.. oh our ceremony will be at like 4:00pm and cocktail at 5- reception at 6 :-)
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