
*paging* damons!


Mar 25, 2010
how''s it going, girl? What''s the latest? Are you engaged? I have been thinking about you and I hope all is amazing in your world!!


Jan 21, 2010
Hello friend!! Thanks for the post

I am not engaged yet, but I will be very soon. I am proposing to my girl on Friday night. Three more days!! I can''t believe it. So close, yet so far away.

I''m so nervous. Part of me thinks she has no clue and the other part of me thinks that she is hopeful that something will happen. But then again, just because she is hopeful doesn''t mean she necessarily expects it. I know I have been much more affectionate lately. She has noticed, and in turn, she has been too. I''m just enjoying the moment, and trying to contain my excitement.

How are things going with you???


Mar 25, 2010
ooooooooooooooo that is so exciting! and so so sweet. I''ll be dying to hear from you with an update and some pics! I''m sure it will go amazingly-- she''s the one!

Thanks for asking, things are good over here. We are back on track and I still plan to propose on the Fri in SF (25th). We''ve made huge strides to ditch the stress (aka my ex-H) and to work together on things rather than let them tear us apart. There''s a lot of upcoming stress w/ moving to another state (and the custody issues that may ensue), moving in together in general, living long distance for a while while she gets established, her finding a new job, etc etc, but I think we can do this and be stronger. Or I hope. I won''t say I''m not scared. But I really can''t imagine my life without her.

I have no idea how I''m going to propose. I think since she''s so private it will just be in the hotel room, just the two of us. Lame, I know, but there is no time to go to napa like I had originally wanted to. I tihnk she will say yes-- I asked her cat in front of her (the only male in her life, LOL) whether I had permission to marry her and he said MEOW. LOL, so it''s on.


Jan 21, 2010
I''m so glad to hear that things are working out. I am a firm believer in the whole "what doesn''t kills us makes us stronger" and I feel the same way about relationships. If you both want it badly enough, you can get through anything.

Last year, my partner graduated from nursing school and couldn''t get a job because none of the local hospitals were hiring new grads. Fortunately, she was able to get a job in her home town. The problem was that her home town is almost 3 hours away. So she packed her stuff and moved in with her parents, while contining to apply for jobs here. We saw each other every weekend, even on the weekends that she had to work. Ten months later, she got a job here and moved back home. It was horrible, but it made our relationship so much stronger than it already was.

My point is: keep your eye on the prize. Don''t worry about your ex-H and the long distance and the moving. Everything will work itself out. I''m so proud of you for making the extra effort to make your relationship work. It sounds like your partner is doing the same and that''s great.

You must be so excited about proposing!! I think a hotel room proposal is perfect for a private person. It allows you to decorate the room and be a little creative in ways that you can''t be when you are outside. You can even wear a special outfit for her while you do it
Since you have the cat''s approval, I say full speed ahead!

I was originally planning on proposing in a hotel room, but I had to switch it up a bit since the show was moved. Now I am proposing at night on the beach. There might be a few people on the beach, but I am sure I will be able to find a private spot. I talked to her parents about it last week and they are thrilled to say the least, so now there is nothing to it but to do it. I just wish Friday would get here already!!


Mar 25, 2010
I can''t wait to hear the good news and see pics!!! WHOOOOOO!

(sorry about the identity/debit card fraud-- just saw that post and how SUCKTASTIC is that?!?!)


Jan 21, 2010
I am engaged! It was awesome...better than I could have ever imagined.

We got there earlier than I expected. We checked into the hotel at 7:30, and we were at the beach by 8:00. We walked on the beach for a little while near the end of the boardwalk where it was very private. We were standing by the water and the sun started to set. I can honestly say that everything just fell into place. I never expected to be there at sunset. I was incredibly nervous, but I knew I had to "man up" and just do it.

So I took her hand and said some things, and took the ring box out of my pocket. She looked confused, and I just smiled at her and kind of shook my head "yes". Then she realized what was happening and I could see that she was COMPLETELY shocked. She had absolutely no idea. She started to cry, which I expected, so I gave her a pack of tissues and continued to tell her how I feel about her and how she has changed my life.

Her face was priceless! I could tell she had no idea that it was coming. I put the ring on her finger, and it fit perfectly. The ring looked great. It sparkles like crazy, even in the dark. She loves it. She looks at it all the time and says "holy shit!" haha.

When she recovered, we went to an outside bar on the boardwalk and got a beer. She said the proposal was perfect. Rehoboth is a very gay-friendly beach and it is where we vacation every summer, so now when we go there in August, and in the coming years, we will always remember it.

So we spent the rest of the weekend being stupid and in love, and it was completely wonderful.

Soooooo.....your day is coming up!!! What are your plans??????


Mar 25, 2010
what a great update, I''m so happy for you! it sounds like a perfect proposal! I hope you post a separate thread with pics!!! Do you feel different now? I''m giddy for you!

I wish it was "easier" for me to be going into next weekend without any doubts and concerns, but they are there. I know I should just KNOW, but I don''t. We have arguments all the time over my ex (he is a meddlesome force and I need to make some big changes to not allow him to come between us-- but I''m afraid of repercussions-- aka nasty custody battle). As a result of this ongoing stress, she doesn''t trust me. This kills me. After nearly a year and a half, when will she? Do i need to do more to earn it? I wish I knew these answers. On the other hand, I am so totally in love with her, as are the kids. Will love conquer all? Or should it just be easy? I can''t imagine my life without her. I don''t want my life without her. But is now the right time? Will she even say yes?

gah. I have lots of thinking to do!

But enough about me. I''m so happy for you. I want to see pics of the happy couple! congrats!!!


Jan 21, 2010
That''s a tough one. Without knowing you or her, my guess would be that if she has trust issues, it has nothing to do with you. Unless you have given her specific reasons to now trust you, I think she should after a year and a half. Just my opinion.

I''m a little torn about what to say. Part of me thinks that by proposing, you would prove to her that you are committed to her...but on the other hand, I don''t think people should get engaged or married to "fix" problems in their relationship. Maybe you two should have a talk to make sure you are on the same page.
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