
NY transfer?

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Jun 18, 2007
Hi! My fiance D and I are getting married in October of this year. We currently live in DC, but he''s a British national here on a US work visa - he''ll apply for a permanent residency card once we''re married.

We''re both lawyers working in the financial services arena, and a few different job opportunities have come up for the both of us in NYC. He''s not US-licensed so will have to take the NY bar in February. I''m licensed in DC and Maryland, and would either have to take the NY bar (which I do NOT want to do - once is enough, plus I don''t want to take off work when he also has to take off work) or else wait until 2010 to waive into NY.

Long-term, I think it makes the most sense for us to both be in NYC, career-wise. But both of us come from small towns, and although we lived in London and DC, NY just seems so ... big. I''ve been there plenty of times on business, but living there is another story! We want a house, so we are thinking Brooklyn could be a good option for us. We do have some work colleagues in NY who are also social acquaintences, so at least we wouldn''t feel like we were totally starting over!

I just really don''t want to take another bar, but I also don''t want us to have to live separately until I can waive in! The position that he''s been offered would start once his admission to the NY bar is pending (so, likely next summer).

I guess it''s helpful just to type this all out - lol! There''s no easy solution, but I want to encourage him to move to NY because it''s a great opportunity for him. I can always see if there is a bank or regulator that would take me with only MD and DC bars, or whether my firm would bend the rules slightly to allow me to waive in in 2010 despite practicing there before waiving in - I don''t know!

Anyhow, enough verbal diahhrea from me ... guess I''d just be interested in hearing your thoughts (including if you ever made a career move for your SO)...


Jun 27, 2008
I''m glad you are encouraging either way for the outcome!! I don''t have any advice but i do wish the best for both of you! It sounds like you have a pretty good head on your shoulders and it will work out!, plus, 2010 is not far away!! :)


Jun 18, 2007
Thanks - I think my belief that the move would be good for both of our careers is helping me stay positive! I personally love DC and we''ve built a very nice life for ourselves here in the short 8 months since we''ve returned from London, but NY is probably the best long-term move.


Feb 19, 2004
lol.. we had the reverse happen. we''re both from NY, hubby is in finance works on wall, live in the city. typical new yorkers. His company gave him the opportunity to move to london as they have offices there as well. the position was similiar- the money better (even with the cost of living in london). Was up to me. I said "no". While i love, love, LOVE london, i couldn''t do it. While my career did play a part in it, it was more about my family and friends. Plus I didn''t want to start over.

If you''re comfortable with it, go for it!! Especially since it is NEW YORK!!
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