
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, Saturday will be here soon for you. I love the cake story; that is pretty funny.

Jimmianne, I do get the impatience and excitement waiting for new bling to show up. I like your fresh face philosophy. Sometimes I think I like the excitement of finding something new more than having it to wear. The teddy bear ornament is only 2 years old; I got it from Lenox. It reminded me of my teddy bears. I am looking forward to having time to take some pictures.

June, is your pretty new ring wrapped and under the tree? You are so right about the rabbit being a real brat. Those rabbits have nothing but attitude.

Not much going on here. We had a potluck at work today and I ate nothing but carbs and sweets. I figured Marty would smell it on me when I walked in the door. “What is that awful smell?” Ha Ha. I had a grilled cheese sandwich for supper.

One of Marty’s gym buddies is about to hear from me. We have a wooden banister that is by our stairway and he keeps smacking a metal water bottle down on it that is wet as well. I am very anal about things like that. I can get up and wipe off the water but I can’t fix scratches. Grr.

I rented Sully to watch. Pretty good movie.

One more day of work. Woo hoo!!!



Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls!

I have decided to take Friday off - so Marcy - yippy - only one more day for us both!!! We can do this !! (And its all your fault that I'm taking Friday off, I hope you know that!) Oh, and you are a super duper wife! Those gym buddies would drive me insane...


Tomorrow - take furbaby for a long walk off-leash so that she is a bit more relaxed for dinner + presents on Saturday, lol. We are celebrating at my fathers, so I don't want her to ruin his house from pure excitement :lol: :lol:

Missy, I love your pictures! That tree is soooo pretty! All you girls have such pretty trees! Ours will be typically Scandinavian... probably shot (yes. shot. not a misunderstanding caused by me being terrible in English. :lol: ) in the forest and a bit skinny in the branches and not very straight.. :lol:

So back to the shooting. Its an old family tradition to go poaching for Christmas trees. LOL. And as it is poaching, you can't really bring an axe or a saw. That would really ruin the point, don't you think?? :oops: :lol: (I'm not kidding, I promise..)

Jimmianne, please post pictures when you receive it !!

June, everything ready for the holidays? Thinking of you and hoping very much that you will have a nice time with your family. Are the children home now?

Callie, how are you doing? And how is the holiday spirit coming along? Please feel free to come this way, I'll sing Christmas carols to you at the top of my very squeaky voice until you give in :) Alternatively, I recommend these old Disney classics:

Callie, side note: I have bought some new shoes that I'm dying to show you but not Choo’s, unfortunately :lol: These, but in light beige, couldn't find the right picture:

Missy, you are my hero boots shopper :appl: Could you please buy them a size too small next time and send them to me.... ? As they do not fit you anyways, I mean... (You have such long legs so I'm guessing my feet are smaller than yours, as I do not have long legs.. )

Rainwood, how is the holiday coming along? I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family!

Kristie, finished with the shopping? I love presents.. maybe a bit childish but I really love them.. Both buying and receiving !

I have forgotten tons, but have been trying to write this for 3 hours now between calls, so I'm giving up. Oh and as a fun surprice: Have to move to another office down the hall before I go home today. Two days notice. Mad.

Miss you all, MERRY HOLIDAYS :wavey: :appl: :wavey:



Dec 9, 2013
Scandi, you are shooting trees?! You have a lot of fun, I think.

Marcy, Lenox ornaments are beautiful, even more so in close-ups.

I had a belated birthday lunch with my friend and at my request we visited the big pen shop after. I got my DD a rose gold Lamy, and for myself, a nice Pilot Prera. He was quite a salesman, said they were 20% off retail. I got home and looked them up. He had such a markup I didn't save anything on the Lamy : ( and the Prera was twice what it cost on Amazon. Live and LEARN!

For Christmas, so far, myself got me :naughty: a Bose sound system, which arrives today, some new Prana tunic sweaters and new boots [brand undetermined as yet...several pair coming from Zappos to try]. I still need an espresso machine, a haircut and a new car LOL
This is the retail therapy portion of the year. I think there is a rule...on the shortest day of the year you must buy new things to counteract the lack of sunlight, then the next day you must buy more to celebrate the return to light.

I do love being a materialist. It's one of the pleasures of life and I don't at all think it makes us makes us happy.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! I think today we start getting longer days woohoo!!!

Though Marcy, I might have gotten that wrong despite your patient teaching about all this with sunrise and sunset info and my apologies if I did but it is not a reflection on you rather my inability for retain any info with my poor sleeping habits. Anyway if it is the beginning of longer days WOOHOO!!!!

OK just checked...sun rose yesterday and today at 7:17 AM but set yesterday at 4:32 PM and is setting today at 4:33 PM YAY we are getting more day. :appl:
Now tomorrow it doesn't rise till 7:18AM so later sunset and sets again at 4:33PM so a minute shorter tomorrow... :think: but next day sunset is 4:34 PM. OK it is not really linear but the concept is we are generally heading out of the darkness and into longer days. Surely but sloooooowwwwly. But hey we are getting there. :cheeky:

Never saw the movie Sully. Will check it out. We finished the series OA and enjoyed it.
I love grilled cheese Marcy and glad you enjoyed it for supper. Haha about thinking Marty could smell sweets on you. Sweets for the sweet. And speaking of sweet thank you and the other girls for keeping me company and advising me on my latest bling purchase. A true impulse purchase if I ever had one but more on that later. And even sweeter yay to you and Scandi for being off Friday. Long holiday weekend for everyone!

Junie, I am sure you are anticipating your beautiful Christmas bling from your dh and I am requesting more photos when you have the ring on hand. If that is OK. I am living vicariously through you re your antique cluster ring since I am probably not getting one anytime soon now. But your ring is gorgeous enough for me to enjoy too. :halo: I hope your Sunday preparations are going smoothly!

Scandi, those shoes are TDF and we must have a pic of them on you when they arrive please. I would gladly share my boots with you but I think you are quite right. My feet are MUCH larger than your lovely feet. I am a size 9 and buy all my shoes now in 9.5 for room for inserts.

I have been to Greece and love it! We went to Hydra and it is gorgeous. Blue clear water and rocky gorgeous beaches and just such a lovely place to visit and dare I say live. LOVED the Greek islands. Athens was full of history and I enjoyed my visit there too but give me the Greek islands any day over the city please. It was very hot in Athens when I visited so that might have had something to do with my preferece of Hydra over Athens. A worthwhile place to visit no matter the season.

Shooting trees? Hmmm I cannot quite figure out how that works. Wouldn't that shatter the tree and how does it fall down properly in one piece when being shot down? :think: Good luck and be safe please.

Good luck with your workday today and woohoo it's almost merry holiday time. :appl:

Kristie good luck today. I am thinking of you sending lots of good luck your way. Looking forward to hearing good news from you later.

Jimmianne, so glad you are getting your asscher soon and cannot wait to see it. Hoping it is exactly what you want it to be. Sorry I was MIA yesterday but it was a full day and I didn't have enough time to post. Should have done a quick fly by but then I leave people out and I hate that so I waited till I had a proper amount of time. We went to Lambertville yesterday and with some help from some of the girls (enablers all of you LOL) I bought earrings that were a complete impulse buy as I don't need earrings but I have always wanted sapphire earrings and they are antique earrings with beautiful diamonds and well I couldn't resist though I tried. I don't know anything about sapphires but the knowledgeable gem loving NIRDIs helped and hopefully it will be a purchase I enjoy for years to come. Will share some pics below. So while we are waiting for you to receive your asscher you can enjoy my pics and it will be your turn soon please. :love:

I love that you bought yourself some lovely gifts. Bose, tunic sweaters, new boots (I recommend SW of course they fit everyone beautifully and all you have to do is figure the length and style you want and need), and hopefully a new car! 8-) We saw a lovely Tessla yesterday and I know Scandi has one and they are so pretty!

And if I may re quote you here...I love this Jimmianne.
I do love being a materialist. It's one of the pleasures of life and I don't at all think it makes us makes us happy.

And that leads us into my material purchase from yesterday and thank you to all of you who helped in this purchase. Truly a team effort. :wavey:

I didn't get great shots but couldn't leave you hanging so here's the best I could do. Will include some other highlights of the day from yesterday if I may in another post. Adding a gratuitous Bea pic after Joanie cleaned her. This is when we were outside walking around deciding if I should get the antique earrings.






Jun 8, 2008
Aaah coffee break. Makes the morning worthwhile. That and sharing with you all in the NIRDI thread. It is something I look forward to reading about your days. Even when I have already heard about them. Cannot get enough of you girls. :kiss:

OK more pics to reward you!

Bling first. Then art.

Saw another lovely piece of bling. An antique (all 3 stones GIA certed) 3 stone diamond ring. Gorgeous. As usual my photo taking does not do any of the bling justice.

Then we visited our favorite artist in Lambertville and saw a new piece he was creating. Feel so lucky we got to see him working on this in person. His gallery was closed but when he saw it was us he opened up and showed it to us. Wow.






Jun 8, 2008
And this is another of my favorites by him. This one is just breathtaking IMO. :love:

Leaving you with this painting girls and wishing you a happy day. One more day and then we are all off and can enjoy family and friends and the happy holiday season. (((HUGS))) and love to you girls. :wavey:



Jun 8, 2008
OK just got my phone and adding a few pics of the earrings from yesterday.
And adding one of my favorite songs here too since it goes with the blue theme. And because I love this song.

I feel so bad I got a worried mind
I'm so lonesome all the time
Since I left my baby behind
On Blue Bayou

Saving nickles saving dimes
Working til the sun don't shine
Looking forward to happier times
On Blue Bayou

I'm going back someday
Come what may
To Blue Bayou
Where the folks are fine
And the world is mine
On Blue Bayou
Where those fishing boats
With their sails afloat
If I could only see
That familiar sunrise
Through sleepy eyes
How happy I'd be

Gonna see my baby again
Gonna be with some of my friends
Maybe I'll feel better again
On Blue Bayou

Saving nickles saving dimes
Working til the sun don't shine
Looking forward to happier times
On Blue Bayou

I'm going back someday
Come what may
To Blue Bayou
Where the folks are fine
And the world is mine
On Blue Bayou
Where those fishing boats
With their sails afloat
If I could only see
That familiar sunrise
Through sleepy eyes
How happy I'd be

Oh that boy of mine
By my side
The silver moon
And the evening tide
Oh some sweet day
Gonna take away
This hurting inside
Well I'll never be blue
My dreams come true
On Blue Bayou






Dec 9, 2013
Missy, you are full of riches for us today!
I am on my way out to visit a neighbor but wanted to say thank you!

Puff is very happily listening to Christmas music when I go out these days. Of late we have been watching parrots on youtube together.
I'll post his picture later for those who don't know him.
When I adopted my chihuahua he was wearing a t-shirt that said "I'm a lover, not a biter".
Puff the parrot would have the exact opposite on his t-shirt. : )
Well, actually he is in love with me, but he is a very abusive bf! fortunately he only weighs about 4 ounces.

ps: FedEx/asscher tomorrow before noon.
That vendor is going to get a big PS hug from me!


Jan 23, 2016
OMG Missy those earrings! Almost as beautiful as you are :love:

Jimmianne - can't wait :appl: :appl: :appl:


Mar 29, 2005
I'm back!! I won't try to catch up on everything - it's been too long - but will dip in here and there.

Missy, love those new sapphire earrings. They look great on you!! And I'm glad work "worked out" for you with the new record-keeping system. And love the kitties with the tree. We had cats when I was a kid and there were several years where the tree went over when one of the cats decided to climb a little too high. We started hanging our favorite ornaments in the back. We couldn't see them, but at least they didn't break!! Hope you're having a good holiday at the beach.

Jimmianne, I'm excited for the asscher's arrival on Friday!! Hope you love it. And love the white tree. I just got my tree out and will decorate tonight. Not exactly last-minute but close.

Scandi, love the cakeline for snow!! What a great story. I'm still trying to sort out how you shoot a tree to get it down rather than using an axe or saw, but it apparently works!!

Junie, is your new cluster ring burning a hole in its Christmas box? I'd think so. It will be so nice for you to get to wear it everyday. Hope you're feeling better and that the holiday is okay for you. The "first" Christmas is hardest.

It turned out to be a double-cold trip to Canada. It was both cold and a bit snowy, but I also ended up getting a cold the first night I was there. It ended up being a really nasty one, and I wasn't able to sleep much (one night not at all) and ended up going to a walk-in clinic to get asthma inhalers. I don't usually need them unless I have a cold and my old one was really old, and I felt like I couldn't breathe well at all. Probably the reason I couldn't sleep. I wasn't able to do everything that was planned, but did end up walking 4.5 miles my last day there so we could go to a nice lunch at the Empress Hotel with my sister's walking buddies. I made it through, but it was tough. I was glad to get home to my own bed and routine.

In honor of my trip north, I thought this ornament of the day would be appropriate:

I didn't go quite as bling happy as some of you, but I did buy a Sophie Buhai sterling silver pendant I'd been admiring for awhile. Here it is, and yes that's exactly how I plan to wear it:

Next up, photos of Christmas at Butchart Gardens!




Mar 29, 2005
Here are some photos from Christmas at Butchart Gardens:






Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, let our holiday vacations begin. Woo hoo! Good plan to take your furbaby for a long walk tomorrow. She’ll still be excited on Saturday though. Who wouldn’t with a delicious dinner and all those presents? You have me intrigued about shooting your trees; if you don’t take a saw or an axe how do you cut it down? We used to pick out our trees in the mountains and used a power saw to cut them down. We always got permits from the forest service though. Those trees rarely were perfect; scrawny on one side or missing limbs here and there; they look great in the forest though. I would kill myself in those shoes. No doubt. Rats for moving your office. I generally don’t mind changing cubes because I really clean things out then.

Jimmianne, I only have a few Lenox ornaments but I have become a fan. Darn that you didn’t save money on the pens. I have a rose gold pen I really like but I don’t remember the brand. I love nice pens; they are so much nicer to write with them. You will love the Bose system and new sweaters and boots. I like your retail therapy philosophy. I plan on ordering a few things online tonight – just more stuff for my new camera. What type of car do you want? Hopefully your delivery tomorrow is the first package off the truck.

Missy, the days start to seem longer to me now because it is at least staying light a few minutes later each day. I don’t notice the morning changes so much. I hate driving home in the dark. Yes we are slowly getting back to more daylight. Yippee! Great new pictures of your earrings. They are so pretty. I thoroughly enjoyed being an enabler yesterday. The 3 stone ring is really pretty. Your favorite artist is quite talented. I like his paintings. I haven’t heard Blue Bayou for a long time. I always liked it.

Rainwood, sorry you got so sick on your trip. Feel better soon. Love your new ornament. He is definitely all bundled up. The Christmas lights at the gardens are beautiful.

We got to leave at 3:00 today but of course at last minute deal came up so I stayed about 20 minutes more. I stopped by the cemetery on the way home but didn’t stay long that wind was biting cold out there. After I got home I had to join a conference call for work but that only lasted about 20 minutes. What would a holiday vacation be without being called for a work problem?

We are going to see the new Star Wars movie tomorrow. Marty’s sister will get here sometime tomorrow. I need to bake candy cane cookies. I’ll make Marty and his sister haul all the Christmas dishes out here on Sunday so we can get ready for Monday. Neither of them are planners so I’ll make plans for them and get them to do my work. Suckers!



Mar 29, 2005
And it's not winter in Canada without a skating rink. Not big enough for hockey, but it was certainly skating weather with snow on the ground. Cleaning the ice the way they did pre-Zamboni:



Dec 9, 2013
Rainwood, hi. Everything you posted is such great eye candy. Thank you for the early morning Christmas cheer - and I love that pendant. It is quite a statement, even more so with that outfit. I'm so sorry to hear that you got sick right away on your trip. For some reason that happens too often and I hope you are doing better this morning.

Marcydoodle, I can't stop thinking about those three crock pots full of good things : ) Congratulations on getting to the holiday in one piece despite an annoying call from work.
I hope you take lots of holiday pictures! but don't let the rabbits use your new camera unless they pay rent up front. rabphot2.jpg

I am loving the Bose. Things are looking up here. I think my jet lag is behind me. All week I've been painting every morning or making sketches for paintings based on photos from France. I ordered two pair of knee high boots from Zappos this morning. Not SW lol, but Missy is tempting me. :errrr: I need 13" circumference or smaller, so there are not a lot of choices. Another HUNT. yes. fun. Oh I am so excited about getting that diamond today. [!!!!!]

We are all so lucky. I went to visit a neighbor who just refinanced her house to pay off a 40k [!] credit card bill, but is still spending like a champ. She is also retiring this year and is trying to figure out how to earn a living from home. I know there are people much worse off than that, but my heart goes out to everyone who is struggling. This was a good reminder to donate to a cause. I like the local food pantry - the CEO does not take a salary, and I have a fondness for "Memory & Music" which donates equipment to people with dementia.
I use the Charity Navigator to see how much of the donation actually gets to the people who need it. What is your favorite charity?
[I also like the local tiger rescue, and a prison program which pairs up prisoners and shelter dogs to train.].
well, that turned into a ramble. Do I dare now go look at the news of the day? haha

back later to say hi to the rest of the dear NIRDIs, who are still quiet this morning.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

Rainwood, welcome home! Sorry you got sick when you got there but glad you are well now. Getting sick sucks but getting sick on vacation doubly sucks. Love your new bling and the way you are planning to wear it...FANTASTIC. :love: And if anyone can pull that off I know you can! :appl: Seriously though I love your necklace. And the ornament is adorable. Love all the photos you shared. Beautiful. Winter is beautiful unlike any other season. With it's icy cold beauty and sharp lines and snow filled scenery. And love the holiday lights.

Scandi, thank you. As always you are too kind. Right back at ya and (((HUGS))). Enjoy your day off today. :dance:

Jimmianne, OMG I am so excited for you to get your blingy treat. Cannot wait to see it and I hope it fulfills your bling dreams! :love: YAY for PS vendor coming through!
Puffy boy and I have much in common. I LOVE Christmas music and could probably happily listen to it all year round. :bigsmile: But Greg would be driven insane so I only listen around the holidays give or take a month (or 2 :cheeky: ).

Speaking of my dh I thought you girls would get a kick out of what this guy does that Greg does too. Personally I always hate giving advertising away so rarely buy things with logos if I can help it. Greg does this however just because it is an excuse to put Francesca on his around the house casual clothing I think. LOL.

Greg already does this but he replaces the logos with the Francesca logo LOL. As shared below.


I am glad you are loving your Bose and thank you for that precious kitty santa photo. :halo:

Marcy, yay you are enjoying freedom today. Enjoy the Star Wars movie and enjoy your SIL's visit and ooh please share the Candy Cane cookies here. I wish we could taste them too. I bet they are amazing. :lickout:
I hear you on being the planner. That is generally my role as I like to plan way in advance. I am the opposite of spontaneous much to the chagrin of some. But it works for me. 8)
Thank you and all the other girls for being my enablers. You are devilishly good at what you do. Evil temptresses all of you. :devil: :lol:

Sharing some photos from yesterday. Starting with last night. We bought the kitties new kitty beds as we had thrown out all of them with the flea fiasco. Perhaps we overreacted LOL as the exterminator said he could have just sprayed it and when it dried it would have been A-OK for the kitties but well we threw everything out we could. Including all the kitties (our lol) stuffed animals including my favorite piggies that Greg won for me a few years ago at the beach carnival oh well, and the comforters and sheets etc in the cats room and well you get the picture. If it wasn't nailed down we threw it out. So we are in the process of replacing the kitties belongings and the cat beds were a hit last night. You can sort of make out Francesca too I think cooling off on the cooler floor after laying by the fire for a loooong time. :lol:


Next pic is from Greg's latest project that he started just a couple of days ago. He is building a cat house/feeding station for my parents ferals and we are seeing them tomorrow for Christmas Eve and Chanukah so he has to finish it today. He is going to add windows today and complete some finishing touches too.



And last up some more pics of my "new" antique earrings. Hope you aren't tired of seeing more pics. Just waiting for you to share your newest bling pics Ms Jimmianne! 8-)

First up a perspective shot and then a couple of gratuitous pics from yesterday. Oh and almost forgot we also bought the cats a new cat tree. Mini compared to our Brooklyn tree but they seem to like it.

Have a great day girls and (((hugs))). :wavey:






Jun 8, 2008
Adding more pics.

Tommy was first on the cat tree claiming it as his. 8) And then Fred and Bobby got into the act enjoying the cat tree. Then some in progress pics of the feral cat feeder Greg is making for my parents. Thought it might be interesting to see it in the beginning stages.




And had to add one of the sunset pics from the other night. Nothing like a winter sunset.

OK now I am really off to start my day. Enjoy and TTYL!





Jun 8, 2008
And he's almost done! I think Greg saId the roof is made of cedar shakes.




Dec 9, 2013
Missy, It's funny how all the cats gravitate toward the cat tree and find their spot. Are you noticing any hierarchy ? [higher-arcy]
Was the cat tree a ruse to keep them out of Christmas trees? : )

Greg's feral box for your parents is great. You and he should write a "ferals" brochure or blog to help other people dealing with the feral situation because you have so much experience now. [in your spare time of course, whenever that is]. The sapphire earrings are beautiful. They look so good on you - frankly everything does and it's nice that you take the time to share photos, so thank you.

Still waiting for FedEx. He is 10 minutes late! but who's counting? Once the box is open I will be, like, OK that was fun. Send me another! lol hope not.
edit: it's here. I can't wait to see it and am first saying a little prayer that it's a great stone.
back with a report later!


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, The feeding station Greg made looks fantastic! Do your parents know he is making this for them?

Jimmianne, Come on Fed EX!!!


Dec 9, 2013
I think it's pretty good. Faces up white, very chunky and bright.
How did Puff get in the middle of things :naughty:



Jun 8, 2008
Gorgeous! And the asscher's not bad either. :cheeky:

Seriously it is beautiful Jimmianne. :love: What are your thoughts? How's the size? What are your setting ideas?

Mesmerizing facets. :love:

Hey Puffy boy! LOVE you sweet baby. :kiss:

Thank you Callie!


Mar 29, 2005
Jimmianne, that ring is gorgeous!!!!! I love it and I love it on you. Great size.

Your description of "pretty good" doesn't sound like you are in love with it though? Is that right?


Dec 9, 2013
rainwood|1482526225|4109239 said:
Jimmianne, that ring is gorgeous!!!!! I love it and I love it on you. Great size.

Your description of "pretty good" doesn't sound like you are in love with it though? Is that right?

I think I might be!
she is pretty DARNED interesting :love:

thanks for the positive support : )


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1482526213|4109238 said:
Gorgeous! And the asscher's not bad either. :cheeky:

Seriously it is beautiful Jimmianne. :love: What are your thoughts? How's the size? What are your setting ideas?

Mesmerizing facets. :love:

Hey Puffy boy! LOVE you sweet baby. :kiss:

Thank you Callie!

Puffy says; love you Missy, give me a cracker! : )

Perfect size!
I will either keep it in this plain setting as a stacker [most likely] or modify that platinum SK setting.
JA did a great job of cutting the inside side of the prongs to exactly fit the shape of the sides of the stone [you know how asschers bulge a little]. I was impressed, especially with all they have going on there during the holiday.


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, your diamond is gorgeous. I think it is the perfect size; certainly a nice size. Great picture of a rabbit taking a picture. I am glad you are loving your Bose system. They are amazing for sure. Hearing about your neighbor helps remind me to watch my spending. I am totally paranoid about credit card debt. I have one I’ll use now and then but then I am focused on throwing everything I can at it. I didn’t always have that luxury which is probably why I am so paranoid about it now. I used to do whatever charity they were doing at work for Christmas but the last few years I donate to our local hospice and to the cancer society. My mom had leukemia and I was very impressed by our hospice when my mom was there her last few days. The kitty picture with them wearing Santa hats is very cute.

Missy, I love the Francesca logo; it is perfect. I like planning ahead too. I have a friend that is a program manager and she is the most disorganized person I know; which I find kind of funny. I would have thrown out everything that wasn’t nailed down too; I get it. Very cool that Greg made a cat house for your parent’s feral kitties. The cat tree is awesome. My sister’s cat has on and always perches on the top to watch the backyard. Your earrings look awesome. I dug out some of my blue sapphires to wear today to join in on the fun. The sunset picture is absolutely beautiful.

Hi Callie! What did you get your little niece for Christmas?

Hi Rainwood.

We had a busy day. We got up and made it to the 9:30 airing of Rogue One. There were about 10 of us in the theatre and a mom and her young son came in late and sat right behind us. The young boy was a talker. Luckily the sounds was generally pretty loud so I didn’t hear him too often. What are the odds?

We went to lunch at Olive Garden then Marty and one of his buddies worked out this afternoon.

I had to dial in to work for a while. What would a holiday weekend be without some last-minute work crisis? Hopefully that make it pre-disastered and I won’t have to dial in again.

I made the Candy Cane cookies for Christmas and will make Christmas M&M cookies. Then I think it’s all I can do until Christmas.

I did take a few pictures today; ornaments, the rings I wore today and some teddy bears. I made a collage.

I had to reduce the image size on my settings; the pictures were so large they wouldn’t even open in preview.




Jun 7, 2014
Scandi, I love your new shoes!!! They will look fantastic on you. Are you all ready for Christmas?

Marcy, So glad the Snoopy ornaments are making their yearly appearance. How is the new car doing in the snowy weather? I went completely overboard with Christmas presents for my niece. It's so easy buying for a two year old. She also loves shoes, boots and clothes so I'm sure she will be very happy Christmas Day.

Jimmianne, Love the new stone! Is this one a keeper?


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Christmas Eve girls!

Marcy, I love your collage. You do a collage like no one else. :appl: LOVE all your bling and that sapphire ring is so beautiful and blue. :love:
Ummm pics of the candy cane cookies pretty please. :lickout:
Re the movies that's why I don't like going to the theater anymore. People treat it like their own living room and chat away or check their phones continuously. Everyone thinks they are the center of the universe and have no regard for others around them. Blech. :knockout: But glad the movie noise drowned out the rude noises from other people and that you still enjoyed the movie. :appl:

Sounds like you are right on schedule re Christmas planning. Good going. Have a wonderful visit with your family!

Callie, your great niece is greatly spoiled by you and it shouldn't be any other way. I know she is going to be one very excited little girl today after receiving all her gifts...or are you making her wait till tomorrow?
Anyway have a great visit with your family today and I hope the meal goes smoothly.
I am wishing the same for me and my family because we are all too familiar with family and GTGs aren't we. :cheeky:
Fingers crossed all the NIRDIs have a smooth happy holiday!

Jimmianne, please give Puffy boy a cracker from his Auntie Missy and lots of love and kisses OK? He is such a sweet boy! Have you let him try your new Asscher yet? :cheeky: 8) Any more thoughts regarding this beautiful diamond? I love you keeping it a beautiful elegant solitaire but you know I am partial to solitaires. Interested to see it as a stacker. That will be some stack. :love:

Have a great Christmas Eve and Chanukah girls! Love when they both fall on the same day. Makes it easier to celebrate it all together. :appl:


Dec 9, 2013
Hi Callie :wavey: Thanks, yes I think it's a keeper. I did post it on SMTB, so that's an indication of bonding and not just "another pretty face". lol

How are you? What are you up to? Have I missed the post where you say what you are doing for the holidays? But Missy has given a hint of your activities with you nieces and family. I hope you have a wonderful time.

Missy, I almost had a heart attack.Your very first post where it said you & Greg had a bike accident came up on my computer screen as today's mail! I thought it was today's post. OMG I am so glad that is so far in the past. And when you think of the wonderful NIRDIs that came out of your trials and tribulations! You suffered for us, Queen Bee <3
and have brought a lot of joy and comfort to everyone.

Isn't it nice that we have been together so long and shared so much. It's a heartwarming thought for Christmas Eve 2016.
I hope everyone is feeling the spirit of the holidays today. Just think, the NIRDIs are the part of our family that never argues or act crazy [?!]

Marcy, donating to hospice is such a worthy cause. I appreciate you sharing that idea. Please don't answer your phone today so the werks can't get to you! Hopefully you will give a report of your activities tonight and tomorrow.
I love your collage that includes everything sweet.

Scandi, you are quiet this morning. :think:

Rainwood, hugs for the holidays :dance:
How is your cold?


Apr 19, 2004

No place like home for the holidays....well we tried to get "home" to see my Mom. We changed travel days due to the changing weather forecast...but it wasn't to be. We are sad. :((

Highways littered with accidents--and backed up for kms by one small rural community. White knuckles all the way. Turned around and came home...3 hours for nothing! And of course my cupboards are kinda bare....

I think we got 15 cms of snow and 10 more is predicted. It IS a white Christmas!



Dec 9, 2013
Oh Sharon, so sorry!
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