
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Happy Birthday Sweetie!!! You are truly the warmest, kindest, most thoughtful person I have ever met. You truly are one in a million. I am so grateful to have you as my friend. I hope this year is your best year yet.


Aug 8, 2005
Happi birthday Missy! One computer back tomorrow.


Mar 29, 2005


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, honey I am so sorry your mom is continuing to not do well and I feel the stress in your post. I am so sorry you are also dealing with much of this by yourself and I know that it is just overwhelming no matter what you do. You are doing a great job of taking care of your mom and getting her the best care possible but I know it is hard and your heart is heavy. I hope the meeting with the social worker went as well as it could have yesterday and I hope you are glad you did schedule it sooner vs later though I wish you had your dh there with you to lean on it is better you got it over with and can move forward. It is not an easy decision. Leave her where she is for now long term rehab or move her to the NH. I hope the decision became clearer after talking with the social worker yesterday. Sending you the biggest hugs and much love dear Junie and I am continuing to think good thoughts for you and that the road gets a bit easier and less bumpy and that you have the peace of mind knowing you are doing every single thing you can be doing for the best outcome for your mom and her care. And I am continuing to send healing vibes your mom's way. ((((HUGS)))).

Marcy, I am glad you enjoyed the Cayenne photos yesterday and LOL I am sure people were like why is that girl taking pics of that car at so many different angles. I always have the NIRDIs in my heart (yes we NIRDIs stick together!) and with me and I just thought you would enjoy those pics. :sun:
I much prefer the sapphire blue color and a bit smaller size too so your new car is really perfect. I hope it arrives to you at least on time if not early. So you had a Station Wagon in the early days. I don't think they make Station Wagons anymore right? Thanks for the Macan info. I don't think we are going to be able to get a Porsche. I like the maxi Mini Cooper but Greg thinks it is too small. If I was just getting a car for myself it would be an easier decision. OMG MG anyone.... :cheeky: JK!!! Don't worry you have all convinced me the MG is NOT the way to go. Anyway no car for just me right now. We would have to be here full time I think to even consider getting a second car.

Hope work is continuing to go smoothly and that it all works out re Marty's possible new job. Woohoo it's Wednesday!

Jimmianne, glad the dentist visit went well yesterday good going. I don't like my teeth and they are so NOT white and I wish I could do something about that but my front tooth is bonded and my teeth are super sensitive on top of it all so I think I am just going to continue to accept my smile is not as nice as it was when I was younger. I am very self conscious about my teeth these days. Glad the rest of the NIRDIs have pretty teeth though!

Thank you Gypsy! How is Duncan doing? I hope he is continuing to eat and improve and feel 100% better and same to you too. Hope your infusion is happening soon and it restores you back to feeling all well! (((HUGS))). And yay for getting one of your computers back today. :appl:

Hi Rainwood, thank you for the birthday wishes! I hope you are continuing a fantastic trip and adventure of a lifetime and just enjoying the heck out of yourselves. (((HUGS))).

Dearest Callie, thank you honey and I feel the same way about you. Biggest (((HUGS))) and much love. I don't know how I got so lucky to have you and such a great bunch of women in my life but I am grateful and thankful to have you in my life. Thank you for the endless and loving support always and for your kindness empathy love and friendship. Priceless. Truly priceless. :appl: :appl: :appl:

The weather is just not cooperating today sadly so not sure of our plans. Rain is coming by 10AM and it is already almost 6:30AM and we are not ready to go out cycling just yet. Need more caffeine. :bigsmile: But with the rain coming we better get a move on if we want to go out cycling at all today. Rest of week rain rain rain. Oh the joys of August. I am sure we will have a good rest of the week anyway. Gotta make the best of it right?

Oh and I saved the best news for last. Sprite did eat overnight at least a bit so I am thankful about that! I don't know why she is coming so infrequently and I just want her to completely acclimate to being back here and feel safe and secure as I have a feeling she is just still recovering from her captivity all these past months. I appreciate all the kind words from you girls and I want you to know they do make a big difference in how I am feeling. So just in case I didn't respond individually to all of you re your comments about Sprite I want you to know what you say is helping me feel better and process it all. And Sprite thanks you too. You already know I believe in the power of positive thinking and thank you for taking the time and energy!!!

Have a great day girls. I love you and appreciate your friendship so very much. ((((HUGS)))).


Dec 9, 2013

Happy Happy Birthday Missy!


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, get out there and kick some BIRTHDAY A$$ if you have not already. And I'm figuring you already have on the tandem!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I so hope there was coffee ice cream involved :lickout: :lickout: :lickout: I'm going to pick up some coffee gelato today and down some in solidarity with you!!


Dec 31, 2006
Thank you so much guys

kristie...rarely happens to me. I've made it so nobody asks me for anything. :lol: but yes, definitely, for me, even if not "doing," feeling pulled into many social obligations / events can cause overwhelm.

june I hope it all works out and you're able to get your mom into a permanent place soon so that it is all settled and that part is "done". I can't even imagine the financial side to all of this makes me feel stressed just thinking about it. So you are dealing with so much. Are you taking care of yourself in any way, even if in small ways. Are you remembering you.

Honestly, I get overwhelmed and stressed so easily it's kind of embarrassing to even complain about it. I feel like I look around and everybody else is doing and dealing with so much more than I am. But please don't stop saying your kind words anyway. They reach me and I appreciate them.

missy Yes it's a vicious cycle. Went to the gym today felt like I was just going through the motions. But in the back of my mind I was like at least my blood is moving. Good news is I haven't craved cookies in like 3-4 days so my diet has been back to normal. Of course when the craving hits it's for a whole box. :roll: but I've been doing some reading on how to deal with food binges and I ran across something that has been intriguing - and that is to allow myself cookies any day of the week rather than just having Friday/Saturday when they're "allowed". BUT - I need to really, really want them. This is a very intriguing concept for me. I took advantage of it last week by eating tons of cookies every day but I can see how this line of thinking has merit because it doesn't require will power or discipline. So I'm going to keep trying it.

Thank you for always thinking of me.

And of course, Happy Birthday. I hope your day OVERFLOWS with love and warmth and furbabies and your beautiful and handsome husband and everything else you could wish for.

marcy hi :wavey: some of this is definitely feeling overwhelmed by a project, *knowing* I should break it down into pieces, but allowing the anxiety to not "let me" and to continue to choose overwhelm instead. It's also about wanting to do a good job. Long story. But let's just say when I have a job to do I do it 1000% at the peril of everything else sometimes.

Do you and Marty eat out a lot? That sounds like fun. I enjoy going out to dinner and being served on. Although I feel like we rarely do it any more. (I used to love spending $ on dinner now I'm like, what? we can't do $100 on a dinner! Let's get pizza. haha)

gypsy hugs to Duncan that he's eating and to you that you're getting the infusion. :) how is your mom doing? or I should say how are things with you and your mom doing? (if you feel like mentioning it of course)

rainwood I wish I was you right now. I'd love to be traveling somewhere. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. I'm happy for you.

Everyone else hi!


Jul 1, 2014
1 year ago I had a bad haircut. It was the LAST STRAW with my hairdresser. :twisted: :evil: :devil:

So I started a thread to ask who here cuts their own hair. Had GREAT response and decided to go that route next time. Why pay $100 to not be listened to and given a mess to deal with?

So this month its been 1 year. Plenty of growth thanks to Callie's advice regarding biotin. (I also take liquid silica.)

Saturday I just DID IT. I cut my own hair following instructions I got in my thread.

IT TURNED OUT FAB! :appl: :appl: And it was free. And I was in a clean calm environment. I didn't wait and wait and wait. I did not have to make conversation with anyone. 5 minutes. DONE and done well.

What I did was I combed my hair thoroughly. It was dry. I divided it into two sections as if I was going to have pigtails. Using a scrunchie on each side, I gathered the hair at the same point using my ears as references. I then slid each scrunchy forward, it turn, until I had about 1" left hanging out of the scrunchy. I then took the most expensive hair cutting scissors you can buy on Amazon and cut that 1" off.

OMG, I have that beautiful graduated U shape to my overall hair and the ends look fantastic. My curl and wave looks great, like I always wanted. I lived with it a few days and decided I wanted to even up the crappy layering done last year so I repeated the procedure and took another 1" off.

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

I ordered the Crea Clip on Amazon today, going to use that versus scrunchy, I think I'd get a more consistent result with it.


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Birthday to our wonderful Missy!!!



Feb 27, 2007

Hi Calliecake, Gypsy, Rainwood and Jimmianne!

Missy, I sure hope you are having a fabulous day for your birthday! I am totally enjoying seeing and doing research on Porsche’s. It’s my new obsession. I keep checking out blue cars and i think the bright blue cars stick out as much as red cars. Oh oh to lead foot Marty on that! Audi actually has wagons; they are called Avant. I know the A3, A4 and A6 have them. You are right though you don’t see wagons too often just lots of SUV. I definitely think I’d wait until you move to the beach house full time before you buy a second car. Ugh to such hot weather and a lot of rain. Glad you can get out early for your rides. Great news that Sprite stopped by for some dinner.

CJ2008, sorry to hear you get stressed easily. I used to be that way and it took me years and years to be less susceptible to things. I think I turned myself around when it really sunk in to me that I was completely and solely able to control what I allowed to stress me out as well try to focus on the positive things in my life. It is certainly hard to do some times though. I am a total sucker for cookies but try to have them only on weekends. Good luck on your project. Marty and I used to eat out a few times every week but now that he is on his serious get skinny diet we don’t eat out as much. I like to on the weekend after golf or sometimes when I just don’t feel like doing more dishes. I understand the reluctance to spent $100 on dinner. When Marty was eating more he’d get an appetizer and 2 drinks, I always get 1 drink, we both get meals and then split a dessert. So yes, easily $100 for that. Good idea to order pizza instead.

Kristie, I hate bad haircuts. Wow your hair cut sounds fabulous and what an easy way to cut it. Do you have thick hair? I worry it wouldn’t work for me. My pigtails are bigger than most people’s pony tails. I can’t even put my hair in a pony tail because it is just too big. Woo hoo to the money and aggravation this is going to save you. I have a hair appointment on Monday at 5. I am getting about 3 inches cut off and bangs because I don’t want to mess with anything on my vacation.

I had my work done before lunch. I met a friend for tacos and then stopped at Walgreens to pick up a new electric razor; my other one bit the dust this morning.

This afternoon I watch the idiot on parade climbing the Trump Tower and kept an eye on the clock. I have streamlined my reports and created macros to help me out so now I can get my work work done more quickly. Sweet.

Saturday I need to make a list of stuff for buy for our trip and go shopping. Marty and friends are going to play golf that day somewhere in the mountains of Colorado so I’ll have most of the day to myself.

Have a fabulous evening and day tomorrow.



Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I think I'm too late to wish you a happy birthday, you are probably snoozing right now but I hope you had a fabulous day!!! I'll be back tomorrow to catch up.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Y'all! I am LOVING having a computer again. I missed typing. Strange but true. I did first draft Powerpoint presentation today and it was so much FUN. I know how that sounds, don't worry.

I also missed really responding to you all! First an update on things I've posted about.

Duncan: did not eat yesterday at all and had us freaked out, and we were going to take him to the vet today, but then he woke up hungry and himself and so we didn't take him (primarily because the only local vet I was able to get an appointment with I wasn't happy with the reviews I saw posted and was hoping that the rescue I got Lily from would call me with vet recommendations and I could go there instead). So he's still going to the vet, but I did get a recommendation for a vet that is not too far from here, and that's where I will take him. He just threw up as I was typing this. He's got some vicious nausea in general I think. Vet tomorrow it is, possibly tonight back at the emergency vet if he keeps this up. Poor kiddo.

Job search: pits.

Lily: doing well. She's integrated very well. Picture below. She's a very smart kiddo and is catching on to the rules of the house. I think she's going to be fine. My biggest concern now with her is that her foster mother apparently let her have basically any human food so she's tried to eat chocolate so far, tomatoes, a raspberry, orange cake, a blackberry, and a half of a bagel with jalapeno cream cheese on it, a steak (that one at least makes sense). While I can break her of the habit of jumping up to get food (already have a start on that), we are going to have to be super careful as to what we leave out in the future as my kids don't touch things like chocolate, tomatoes or orange cake that are bad for them. Steak sure. But the other stuff, no way. She's lacking the 'don't eat things that could kill me' caution of my others.

WOW. I have a headache all of the sudden.

John is busy with a wine and cheese night at work. I declined to go this time, so I could stay home with Duncan.

Mother: eh, she's herself and that's not going to change. Her evaluation is mid-August. So we'll see what they say about how much longer she has to be at the rehab. Stepdad is worn out. We're all trying to make things easier on him. Well, okay the rest of us are, Mom, not so much. One of her nurses calls her "My Queen" and cornered me to tell me how special, wonderful, lovely and amazing my mother is. She's very charming. Same as my father. He's a narcissist too. I am just avoiding fights with her right now.

Other stuff. I made some yummy .... hmm. Not sure what to call it. We have a Persian dish called Kotlet that is a seasoned meat and potato patty that is fried. John and I both love them but A) they are PITA to make and B) they are high in carbs plus you eat them with bread. So I got a brainstorm while I was at Trader Joe's to make them with riced cauliflower in place of the potatoes, ground flax seed in place of half the breadcrumbs, and a little (teaspoon) of coconut flour to suck up the extra moisture the potatoes normally wood. They turned out great. So, I really need to get back on the low carb lifestyle again. So I am going to be focusing on cooking low carb at home again and then increase it from there.

Missy, I hope you had a very happy birthday. Too bad about the weather. At least you guys don't have a drought. Great news about Sprite visiting. Maybe she's just re-evaluating her options and figuring out that she might have missed out on a luxurious lifetime if she had stayed indoors. I do hope she acclimates back quickly. Good news on trapping the two others!

June, I am sorry things are going to hard for you with your mother. ((HUGE HUGS)). I am hoping that maybe the social worker helped you guys out with some good advice or suggestions. About Bingo, could be her way of interacting with you guys, whom she loves, while still being distracted. I do hope things improve soon.

Rainwood I hope your trip continues to be amazing. Have a great time.

CJ, one day at a time. Being overwhelmed is a terrible feeling. ((HUGS)) is there anything I can do?

Kristie: you are brave! I tried to cut a roommates hair once and it was such a disaster I think I'm scarred by it. So happy you love your new self hair cutting skills and results. How are things for you otherwise?

Hi Jimmiannie, Callie, and Missy!


Aug 8, 2005
Lily tried to eat the sauerkraut from our dinner. That's a new one. Here are Penny and Lily.



Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls! Hope everyone is having a good Thursday. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes everyone. I really appreciate it. We rode my years plus one in miles yesterday as is our usual tradition and then had a lovely early dinner by the sea at my new favorite local restaurant. It was a great day and we enjoyed it despite the heat.

Junie, how is your mom doing? I hope she is comfortable and eating more and that you are feeling better about things. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, thank you I love that card. So adorable. You have plenty of time to pack no worries and I bet you can get anything you might leave behind accidentally where you are going so definitely don't stress. This weekend you can pick up any odds and ends you need. I find it helpful to start a list of what you are thinking of packing and that way in the next few days more things might come to mind that you can add. The most important thing are any meds you and Marty need and glasses and contact lenses and sunglasses. And a pillow if you travel with yours like I do. :lol: I bet by the time you get to the beach it will be much cooler than here so don't worry. And I know you are going to enjoy a terrific vacation and work will be but a distant memory! Ah the ocean waves. There is no more relaxing sound (besides kittens purring that is haha).

Kristie, that is great! Now I know who is cutting my hair. Good job! :appl: Can we get a pic? At least of just the back of the hair?
I don't know how you take this heat. I am seriously melting. It is too hot for me and this is just the beginning and you know I am worried about the ferals outside. This is too hot for any living creature. Oh right Arizona is a dry heat. :halo: I know people laugh about that but it is much more comfortable than this humid heat we get here. Hope you are enjoying your new bling! Wow that was dirty. :shock:

CJ, thank you for the good wishes and I am glad you are doing well.

Jimmianne, thank you for my birthday cake! Yummy.

Gypsy, how is Duncan doing today? I would have done the same and stayed home with him. So glad Lily is fitting in well with the family. That is great news. Hoping Duncan is eating and keeping it in and feeling better. Sending bucket loads of healing dust his way and lots of hugs.

You are right that we are fortunate not to have a drought but this heat is dangerous. I am worried for all the outdoor animals and the elderly and anyone with breathing issues. Heat index is 105 right now. And come to think of it the rain never appeared like it was supposed to today.

Haha yes I wish Sprite changed her mind. She is so jumpy and scared right now but who can blame her. She was prisoner for over 3 months and I just hope she is OK out there in the heat. It is brutally hot. I wish I could convince all the ferals to come inside just at least while it is this hot out but no luck. They run if you even move toward the door. We are very grateful we were able to trap Rootbeer and Shasta this round. We lucked out. We are not going to try trapping Seven Up, Dr Pepper or Ginger Ale. With the way Sprite is acting I don't want to take the food away and put out traps plus with the high heat it is just not a good week to trap any more cats. It is unfortunate timing because we won't be back here for a full week until October and by that time Ann doesn't trap anymore but perhaps we can trap a weekend in September and perhaps it won't be too late i.e. no new babies being born- fingers crossed.

I hope your mom is improving and that her re-evaluation goes well and she will be able to leave rehab soon. I know your step dad is grateful for all you are doing to help him. LOL on her being called the Queen. Well if the shoe fits right? Those fried potato patties sound delicious. I am sorry your job search is not going well right now. (((HUGS))) and good job dust being sent your way.

OMG Lily and Penny are so beautiful. And LOL on the sauerkraut. That is a new one. :lol:

We got up at 5AM this morning so we could be on the road cycling at 6AM because we knew it was going to be too hot to be cycling later and by 10:30AM we were just DONE. So freaking hot and we have at least 4 more days of this heat. Sigh. I hope everyone is staying cool and comfortable and having a good afternoon. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Gypsy, isn’t it funny how attached we have becomes to our computers? I am on one at work then continue when I get home. What is your power point about? Poor Duncan, I at least think it’s an improvement he was hungry this morning but darn it he got sick again. Searching for a job is completely and utterly the pits. PS Dust coming your way in your search. I am glad to hear Lily is adapting and hopefully she’ll figure out what food to eat. The picture of Lily and Penny is adorable. I hope your headache is better tonight. I hope your mothers evaluation goes well.

Missy, your birthday sounds like a wonderful day. I am glad you liked your kitty birthday image; they had so many to choose from too but that one got my attention. Reminded me of HRH! Good idea to make myself a packing list. I can work on that tomorrow then buy what I need Saturday. Ocean waves are very soothing and of course having some kitties purring by you just adds to that feeling of contentment. I agree with you humid heat is way worse than dry heat. I am chilly right now because the AC makes me cold. Marty has on shorts, a t-shirt and no shoes.

Kristie, you new band is really pretty especially now that it is all polished up.

I am watching the Broncos first game. I dressed in my usual blue and orange, dug out my Broncos bracelet and am using one of my Broncos cups. Once they win this game they only have 23 more wins to go to repeat the Super Bowl.

I picked up a snack sized curly fries and sandwich from Arby’s tonight which set me back $2.34. Cheap supper. Marty was making himself some lamb chops.

Marty has been on conference calls all day and is on one again now. Poor guy; he is either bored or insanely busy.

Tomorrow is Friday. The Perseid meteor shower peaks about 1 am tonight but I doubt I am going to watch. I’d be shot tomorrow. I’m too old to watch meteor showers then go to work.



Aug 8, 2005
Hi guys. Just a quick update. I didn't sleep last night and my brain is mostly mush right now.

Duncan is still ill, didn't eat at all yesterday. Took him back to the vet today. They gave him strong anti-nausea medication. His intestines felt inflamed so a medication to address that. And he is getting an ultrasound tomorrow. He finally ate a little this evening. He didn't have the heart murmur he had on Sunday. And we did extra blood tests too. So we'll know more tomorrow, hopefully.

I read 4 books last night (could not shut my mind off and finally gave up). Don't be too impressed they were YA/kids books and only like 200 pages each. Fast reading. But they were REALLY GOOD. Only problem is it was a box set billed as a complete series. Well, yes it is complete in that it has all the books to date, but the series is one book shy of complete and Harper Collins (apparently) is delaying the release of the last book in order to maximize their profits (it's being made into a movie or a tv series or something apparently). It was super cute. But it was a cliff hanger. So that's the second cliff hanger YA fantasy series I am on the hook for.

Thank you all for the well wishes for Duncan. He's my heart, that cat. I can't express how much he means to me. I'll update more tomorrow.

Missy I am very happy you had a great birthday. Marcy thank you for your thoughtful post.

I had popeyes for dinner out of desperation. I hadn't eaten all day and then at 6pm was about to pass out from hunger and exhaustion and it was the ONLY thing quick for miles and I had Duncan in the car with me. I got the chicken strips and was surprised that it was better than I remember. I really loved the biscuit. Darned carbs. Mac and cheese was gross and did not get eaten.

Watching gymnastics. Worrying about the vet bills, unemployment hold up (I have to verify my identity for some unknown reason, and when I did they told me I didn't do it right, so now I have to file an appeal. REALLY???). I cancelled my infusion to take care of Duncan today. Rescheduled for next week. Don't care. It's an hour drive minimum to get there and I had no bandwidth to deal with it today.

Some days I really want to move out of the Bay Area. This was one of them.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls.

Gypsy, I am so sorry that Duncan is not doing well right now and I hope that the tests and the ultrasound show it is something that can easily be remedied and that he recovers fully. I know how he is your heart and soul and your dear dear baby. I get that and feel your pain and heartache and I am praying he is OK. (((HUGS))). I am also very sorry you had to cancel your infusion and hopefully you can get it next week as scheduled and you will start feeling better. Ugh about your unemployment. That makes me crazy. Bureaucratic red tape making lives difficult. :nono:

Glad you were able to read those books (I like YA books too) and that they could get your mind off things for at least a short while. Sending Duncan lots of healing vibes and good thoughts and hugs and same for you. I know it really sucks right now and I am hoping things improve very soon honey. I am so sorry how life is atm for you and this is a bad period right now and fingers crossed everything and everyone will start getting better and life will become easier. Please take care of yourself OK? I know it is hard to do that when you are dealing with so much but please take care. (((HUGS))) and love and lots of good thoughts your and Duncan's way.

Marcy, I'm with you. Definitely too old to stay up and watch meter showers at 1AM. Sleep is critical. Of course today we woke up at 4AM to get an even earlier start on cycling because it is just too hot out. I was in a deep sleep when Greg asked if I wanted to wake up because it was already (haha already!) 4AM. I said give me 10 minutes but then a minute later I just got out of bed and fed the kitties (who seemed unusually unhungry given the early hour I guess) and made coffee. So here I am typing this in the pitch black thinking am I crazy? And is Greg crazy to go along with my crazy ideas? Don't answer that. It's rhetorical. 8)

A snack size meal for dinner would never be enough for me. I like my volume but that Arby's snack certainly was an economical dinner. Greg and I usually eat different things for dinner so you and Marty are not alone. Sorry Marty has been so busy with work. Isn't it funny how that goes. Same for me and same for Greg. Either crazy busy or deadly slow. I dislike both options and prefer to be moderately busy so I feel like I accomplished but not so crazy busy that I feel overwhelmed. Anyway soon enough you will be away from all the crazy work and relaxing by the ocean. Ahh feel those waves now. Good luck with your list and packing and in about a week you will be enjoying much deserved time off. :appl:

Junie, how are you doing? How's your mom? Thinking of you. Is Zoe back home yet? Hope you are staying cool and comfortable. (((HUGS))).

Have a good Friday girls. :wavey:


Dec 31, 2006
Good morning and happy Friday! :wavey:

I am happy to report I still haven't had crazy cookie cravings. I don't know what the heck is going on but I am glad because I was already starting to see the extra little weight in my thighs. :knockout:

First day I'm feeling more back to normal. It's nice. I think it's because it's Friday. :)

gypsy sorry to hear about your transfusion having to be rescheduled I think we all get you about putting yourself second to the kitty. I can feel how much you love him.

And thank you for your kind offer - you already did a lot by asking about me. Of course, I always welcome kitty pictures and they always make me feel better no matter what's going on. 8-)

marcy yes it can add up to $100 quite easily if you have appetizers and drinks. And I looooove pizza. So any excuse to have it. You're so right about what we choose to stress us out. As I get older I am starting to learn a little bit how to do that. But it's so engrained it will take time.

Cool about your macros! Nice.

callie how are you? you come into my mind often - you're my Juvederm bud. :) I have not had it since that one time. Oh wow it's the first time I realize it must be totally and completely gone by now. Oh oh. Now I'm afraid to look to see how my nasolabial folds look. How funny that I haven't noticed them again all this time. Maybe I will purposely try to forget.

Enjoy your super early bike ride, missy! And how are the kitties doing. I haven't asked you in a while. Sorry about that.

Everyone else hi! Have a GREAT Friday.


Jul 1, 2014
Gypsy, please share the name/author of this YA series, I read YA all the time :lol: :clap:

Junie, I hope your mom is doing better. Take care of yourself too. :angel:

Hi CJ, keep on keepin' on, as it were.


Feb 27, 2007

Gypsy, sorry to hear you didn’t sleep. I hate nights like that and the day following. Sending PS dust to Duncan. Poor little guy! Rats for the books having a cliff hanger and the next book isn’t out yet. I read all the Harry Potter books and thought of buying the new book but feel like I should go back and read the series again first. I have never tried Popeye’s chicken but I know people who are fans. A biscuit sounds great. I hope you get your unemployment issue resolved soon. Grr.

Missy, tell Greg he is a real comedian saying “do you want to get up? It’s already 4 am.” Sadly I’ll be getting up earlier than that next Saturday. I’d have to say anyone who gets up in the dark is crazy but just because I hate to get up. Oh wait I wasn’t supposed to answer that. Sorry it was so hot there. I am excited for your shopping today. Why should I have all the fun? We do all seem to be crazy busy or too slow; I’m with you I like just busy enough of course it never turns out that way.

CJ2008, good deal for not having crazy cookie cravings. I love pizza too. I am glad to hear you are feeling more yourself today.

Kristie, thanks for the car info for me today! My SIL in Florence came back from Denver and found a sink hole in her yard. Does that happen from the heat? She has her house for sale because she is getting transferred to Denver starting in October.

I went and had a mini pizza for lunch and then Marty cooked steak and corn on the cob on the grill for supper. He must have left the door wide open when he was grilling his lunch because I’ve been killing flies all night. For a smart guy he doesn’t seem to get it that grilling meat right by the door attracts flies and opening the patio door and leaving it open to come in and out means the flies are going to come in and explore the house.

Marty is headed to Estes Park tomorrow for a golf tournament. He has to be on the road by 4 am. Ugh. I hope I sleep through him leaving. Ha!

Tomorrow I’ll be making my lists and checking them twice for packing.

Have a great weekend.


Aug 8, 2005
Busy day today. SO SO tired. We ended up rescheduling Duncan's ultrasound on doctor's advice. It will be in a couple weeks. He's still stable. We even managed to give him his disgusting liquid medicine with ease. Of course it's the pills he's a pain the neck with and we have to give him those, well... as soon as I type this post out.

I gave the kitten a bath. She has diarrea and stank. I forgot how easy it is to bathe kittens. One handed, no effort at all in the bathroom sink. Easy peasy. Lots of struggling, but no impact at all. So pathetic looking. Bathing one of my full growns is more than my life is worth most days. I have special wipes for most problems for them, and bathing is reserved only for the direst of emergencies. Even with two people it's a disaster.

I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends today who is moving far away. Her kids are the closest I have to kids and it was a very hard goodbye. Lots of tears and sobbing. So I am just drained.

Worked on editing a friends book today. Doing a first pass edit on it for her. Which is good as it keeps me busy.

Am thinking of maybe brainstorming a children's YA book. I so so strongly believe in child literacy and feel that encouraging them to read and making it wonderful for them is one of the best gifts we can give them. And maybe I can get excited about it. Who knows.

The two series I read that are YA/kids that I loved were: this is a ten book series so there are two books to come out, but both are on track. One is coming out November, last one next year.

And this one was the one I read the other night, it sounds silly, magical cat. But it was surprisingly well written (this one is more simple, pretty obvious foreshadowing and stuff) but really fun. I really thought it was cute.

Thank you all for the encouraging posts today. I've got to pill a cat. :knockout:


Aug 8, 2005
Joke (you've probably seen before):

How to give a cat a pill:

Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.
Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.
Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.
Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.
Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.
Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.
Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.
Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil, and blow down drinking straw.
Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink 1 beer to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.
Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.
Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of Scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss back another shot. Throw T-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.
Call fire department to retrieve the damn cat from tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil-wrap.
Find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Wrap cat up again this time in thick blanket and put on coffee table. Keep head out. Have spouse pry jaws open and hold them open. Push pill into large piece of steak filet. Push down cats throat. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.
Consume remainder of Scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and remove pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.


Jul 1, 2014
Gypsy, please pet Duncan for me, give him my very best. I know he's in the best hands---your hands.

Thank you for sharing your recent fun reads, I'll load up my kindle.

Cheers to the Lily bath. The Westies sure hate theirs and Bob, my DH, has to do them because they really fight me on it. I hate bath day around here.


Jul 1, 2014
:lol: :lol: :lol: To How to Pill A Cat !!! My first pet sitting job was for a cat needing twice daily pills. That was the longest week of my life!!


Aug 8, 2005
azstonie|1471065336|4065385 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: To How to Pill A Cat !!! My first pet sitting job was for a cat needing twice daily pills. That was the longest week of my life!!

Hally needed to be pilled various times a day for cancer for 18 months. She was the best cat when it came to forgiving. Never held a grudge (with humans only). But it was miserable for all involved.

The worst thing I've had to do was force feed Frodo though. He had FIP and stopped eating so we had to syringe feed him. It was the hardest pet related thing I've ever had to do. I would bawl afterward.

The problem with Duncan is he starts resenting you for it and hiding in really good spots after the second day. And then more cunning about every day after. And if you keep it up for too long he will ignore you all the time like "you are dead to me." Holds a grudge.

We've had to have special pills formulated for him all his life when he's needed medication. It's really expensive though. And they can't do it with all medications. And it only works if the cat is eating. So it was not possible this time, since the whole problem is that he isn't eating and we're giving him anti nausea medication and appetite stimulants.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I can't believe you were up at 4:00 AM but can understand it if you were cycling in the heat. It cooled off here today down to the 80's which was nice and we had rain all day which was very good to finally see. I'm off the hook for watering flowers tomorrow. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? We are supposed to go out for dinner tomorrow but I'm craving pizza so we may just order in. He was gone all week for work so hopefully he will just want to stay home tomorrow.

Gypsy, How is Duncan feeling now? I'm sorry you had to reschedule your infusion but understand why you did. Hopefully they can get Duncan's issues figured out quickly and get him on the road to feeling better. It's awful and so scary when they are sick. I know what you mean about him having your heart. It's obvious how much you love him and your other babies. Penny and Lily look like they are getting along very well. The picture you posted of them brought a huge smile to my face. They look so cute together. They are so darn easy to fall in love with. I'm also sorry you are having to deal with unemployment issues. One of my nieces lives in the Bay Area and she says she loves living there but doesn't like how high the cost of living is. They would like to purchase a home but home prices are outrageous. I can always help you find a home here Gypsy! Trust me once you reach a certain age the cold will actually feel good.

Marcy, You must be so excited to go on your trip. A beach vacation sounds like heaven. Make sure you have a mudslide when you're sitting out there by the water. Are you going to start packing this weekend?

Hi CJ, I hope you have been feeling better. It sounds like you are beginning to feel a little better. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. You had me laughing when you were describing how you love cookies, I understand your love of cookies. I swear I lived on Lorna Doone cookies for those months my brother was in the hospital. He's be sleeping and I would stuff my face with cookies. The nurses would come in to get their afternoon cookie fix of too. I was eating a box a day which was fine because I was so stressed out that I lost over 10 pounds. The problem now is I still want to eat cookies all day and my weight up. You mentioned cookies in a post and I ran to the kitchen to get some. You are too funny about the Juvaderm. I probably need to do that again soon. I just hate that it's so expensive. Thank goodness it lasts a long time. Just be careful because this stuff is addicting.

Rainwood, I hope you are having a great time on your vacation. I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Junebug, I'm sorry I didn't check in with you earlier today. How did today go? Is you mom eating any better today? I wish the meds would begin working well and her appetite begin to improve.

Hi Kristie, Sharon and Jimmianne!


Aug 8, 2005
azstonie|1471065197|4065384 said:
Gypsy, please pet Duncan for me, give him my very best. I know he's in the best hands---your hands.

Thank you for sharing your recent fun reads, I'll load up my kindle.

Cheers to the Lily bath. The Westies sure hate theirs and Bob, my DH, has to do them because they really fight me on it. I hate bath day around here.

The cats generally do not get 'bath days'. Its one of the reasons all of mine are short hair.

My dogs were all really good about baths, honestly. Jett was the easiest. He walked right into the shower and sat there, happy as a clam while you wash him. You closed the door when he was rinsed and he would shake his heart out. He'd come out and you'd towel dry him and then he'd go and nap till he dried out. He was a Shepherd.

Sheila was funny. We bathed her outside, lead tied to the garage thingy. She had a lab water repelling coat and OMG was it hard to really bathe her. It was a work out and took two of us, a bottle of shampoo to really work it in so it actually got to her skin. We'd be sweating buckets when we were done. And she enjoyed giving a good shake at odd intervals so we would get soaked. She was totally easy though. She'd let you dry her (had to break her of wanting to play tug of 'towel' we lost too many towels that way), She was a Shepherd Lab mix.

Duncan is not speaking to me right now. As soon as he is, I'll give him a good head rub from you.

((HUGS)) you.

How are you doing today?


Aug 8, 2005
Callie, I'm so happy the weather is cooling down where you are. I actually don't mind the heat, if it's a dry heat. I don't mind the cold either honestly. I like four seasons. John HATES to live where it snows. Although we are being lobbied by our friends VERY hard to consider moving to Omaha.

if I can get a job that gives me mobility I would be so happy. I want to own a house so much. I can't even tell you. I just want something that's mine.

John is about to have a meltdown on his Xbox.

I updated about Duncan just now above hon. I would re-type it but I have to stop my husband from killing a machine.

Much love to you.

I would love an update on how YOU are.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I am sorry things aren't going well right now for your mom and sending you lots of love and more hugs. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Callie, thank goodness for the rain in your area and temps in the 80s. What a relief. Hoping that weather comes here soon. Another day in triple digits here today and tomorrow. It really exhausts you. Thank you for keeping me company yesterday and helping with your advice. Glad you have a day off from gardening and glad your dh is home and hoping you get your pizza wish today. We were up at 4:15Am today but I am not sure of the wisdom of this decision for a few reasons and one of them is my ankle started bothering me yesterday afternoon.

Marcy, yay it is Saturday! I am with you. I know it might not seem like that because we always seem to be waking up when it is dark but you have to make the best of the situation and when the temps are in the hundreds (heat index 110) there is no choice but to get up at 4AM just to enjoy outdoors for a few hours at least. Hopefully your waking up early today will allow you lots of time to do what you need to do. Thank you for all your help yesterday. It was fun getting you guys into the action with me and the next best thing to being there together. I am never alone with my NIRDIs there. I am excited for your new purchase and hoping it arrives early for you. I guess I can cross VW off my list. Jerky stiff ride. I used to dream of owning a convertible but it just doesn't fit into our lifestyle. SUV is the way to go but I'm a convertible girl in my dreams. Good luck with the list and getting things ready for your trip. You still have plenty of time but before you know it you will be enjoying the sun and sea. 2 of my favorite things. Oh and by the way Francesca wants Carl to know she is thinking of him...have you been letting Carl use your iPad again Marcy? :lol:

Kristie, thank you for all that info yesterday and it is definitely eye opening. I am definitely a Lexus fan and knock wood our car lasts another number of years. That would be terrific to not have to purchase a new one too soon but if we do we have the info now. Glad you and the kiddos are enjoying the pool and that things are going smoothly.

Gypsy, I am sorry your best friend and her kids are moving away. That is tough even in the age of easy communication via so many devices. It isn't the same as being there but I hope you can still see her as often as possible and that it isn't too difficult. Haha yes pilling a cat can be challenging and not too much fun. Hope it is going well. How is Duncan feeling today?

Rainwood, hoping you are having a wonderful time. Thinking of you.

I took a few pics during our early ride yesterday morning. Hope you enjoy. And one photo from overnight security camera. LOL look at those eyes. I love that they are coexisting peacefully side by side. :halo:

Have a good day girls! And extra (((hugs))) to Junie.






Jun 8, 2008
Oh and just one more thing. Halloween decorations etc are already for sale. How did this happen? It is still August. :shock:
But I am enjoying thinking about the cooler weather. Just hope we get some real autumn weather before the winter sets in!

Gypsy, I forgot to say in my last post that I know that will happen for you. A good job with mobility and you will get your dream of owning a house one day. I know it. It will happen for you. (((Hugs))).

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