
Now I really did it :((

Scandinavian|1466758391|4047453 said:
Good "morning" from Scandinavia!
At least it is still morning for you girls, lol. But perhaps not for you Jimmianne, I'm afraid I have forgotten exactly when you will land.

Sharon - are you sure that chipmunks don't have blond hair.... ??? LOL

Scandinavian: I am very sorry for the comment I made that, appears to be, offensive to you. While I love the character you post over your face (truly it makes me smile), I clearly did not communicate that and it came off as rude. Please know that was not intended and as such I am mortified.

kind regards, Sharon
junebug17|1466994736|4048665 said:
Hi girls! Ok, I am obviously hopelessly behind and can't possibly catch up completely so I'm just going to jump back in and do my best - My apologies for not checking in sooner, things are cray-cray lol - I've been reading along and thinking of all of you.

Sharon, thank you for the support and encouragement, you just don't know how much it means, and helps me (((hugs)))…and if I ever end up buying that ring you can definitely borrow it lol! Sorry to hear work is challenging, sounds like several of our nirdis are having issues in that department and I hope things improve for all.

JB--you have my hand. I have just returned from an out of town stay with my 81 year old Mom. While cleaning her garage she fell and sustained a T12 compression fracture. :(( Caring for an otherwise independent person while managing other issues, is, well, a challenge. And you know this. Big changes in a small moment.

FWIW, it was weird being disconnected from all tech devices, but not awful. Maybe that was just because I was "home" with my in the "old" days.


Rainwood, that is nice you can walk to the fireworks display on the island. I sure hope you can get your AC fixed. I like Done is Better than Perfect. Check it off your list, right? I should be ready for an upgrade when the iPhone 7 comes out. I have the iPhone 6. You are cracking me up with the lemon, lemonade and champagne line - I will definitely remember that at work. I don’t have my mom’s green thumb either. We’d go buy out flowers together from the same place and hers always looked way better than mine. I am glad dinner with your MIL wasn’t as bad as some other past experiences. Too funny about her makeup comment. Yea for progress on finding a gardner and getting plans for accessing your attic. I wish our farmer’s market would start here soon. I want good peaches.

Missy, I don’t wear makeup much anymore either. I always have trouble getting mascara off then it gets all over my face and in my eyes so I gave up on that too. If I put on makeup it’s for a party or wedding or something. I never wear lipstick; just vanilla lip smackers. Oh no to your patient having permanent damage. That is too bad. Sorry to hear about the pressure to eat pizza and cake at work - it is awful to have to keep telling people you can’t eat something. I don’t think anybody is normal though. You are perfect just the way you are now. Is your friend that is going to school the person who you posted pictures of her little girls? I remember they were very cute. I am glad she is making her American Dream come true. That’s a great idea for plates for that MG. Awesome! The Chevy dealer left Marty a message today to call him back because he had some more things to tell him. I hope your ride this morning was nice. I love your dream car. Gorgeous.

Jimmianne, that is too cute that Puff can talk up a storm but only when you aren’t in the room. He’ll get that tune down soon. The poor pups don’t want to get their ankles bite; I can’t say i blame them. The bears could really make those rabbits back off if they had a little ankle biter in their midst. I am glad to hear Pom is doing better.

Junebug, I am usually a news junkie but lately I am kind of indifferent. It’s all bad news, I don’t want to listen to politics and all the lies and finger pointing so I just watch old TV shows. That is nice you’ll have some company this weekend. I am glad you like the caregiver and that your mom seems accepting of it. I am not surprised that your mom would think to ask who is paying for it; that is definitely something my mom would have wanted to know. I hope you can start to get more sleep. Our vacation is the last 2 weeks of August. Although I am not anxious to hang out with all the in-laws I am looking forward to 2 weeks away. And seeing the beach.

Scandinavian, yeah for being back at the summerhouse.

Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. How is she doing with her recovery?

Kristie, I hope you are feeling better today.

I had a busy day at work and we got to come home 2 hours early. We had a lot of rain about 30 minutes before we left and there were little lakes and ponds everywhere coming home as well as standing water on the roads.

When I started my car I could tell something was wrong right away. I revved up right away and then I got an engine maximum speed / rpm warning and the engine and emission light came on. I turned to car off and started it again. Same problems. The car seems very underpowered. I drove home very slowly. Marty drove it around and called the dealer. The repair shop is closed tomorrow so we are dropping it off and they’ll look at it Tuesday. So I am Marcy No Car on a long holiday weekend. Noooooooo!!!!!

Marty went to meet some friends for a beer tonight. I didn’t sleep well last night so I might go to bed early. Not like I can get up and go anywhere tomorrow.

Take care. Have a fabulous weekend.
I really jammed one of my fingers today thanks to Mr. Bad Kitty (aka Jack) so I can't really type right now. Just wanted to wish everyone a great weekend and say hi!

Here's my favorite picture of the furry little demon so you can put a face to the mischief that lives in my house.

Love the photo of that furry mischief holding a flower. I can't tell if the expression is "who me?!" or "Of Course I'm up to something but you won't know 'till it happens. hahaha". Definitely a little :devil:

Sharon, so sorry to hear about your Mom. How debilitating is that type of injury? Does she have osteoporosis? I ask because I am on Prolia shots 2x a year and they work well.

Marcy, there is something mysterious about the recent test-drives and your car having a fit. It may not be a coincidence!

Looks like much is well in the NIRDI world as several of us are at summer houses. Good weather to you!
Good morning girls! Happy July 4th weekend. I slept late today (till 6:15 AM) and it felt delicious. I could get used to this. :bigsmile:

Sharon, I am so sorry about your dear mom's accident and I hope she is doing as well as possible. My heart goes out to her and you too and I hope she is on the road to a complete recovery. Gentle (((Hugs))) to you both and I am thinking good thoughts and sending healing vibes her way.

Rainwood, I hope everything works out well and that much is accomplished by you and the HVAC guy(s) this weekend.

Gypsy, I am sorry you hurt your finger and I hope it heals fast. Jack is precious. Look at his face. I just want to kiss him. He looks sweet and innocent. I think the other kitties are framing him. Just saying. 8) And he is offering you a flower as a peace offering. My kitties almost never do that. :cheeky:

Marcy, ugh I am sorry about your car and I agree with Jimmianne that it does seem like a coincidence with Marty trying out cars and this happening. Anyway I hope they figure it out and can lend you a car in the meantime because I don't think being without a car is a good option where you live. NYC yes. Where we live in NJ- no. And where you live- a definite no. I don't remember if you lease it or if it is yours but either wayI hope you get to rent one even without insurance covering it.

You have the best memory. Yes that is the woman whose photo I texted you many many months ago. LOL how did you remember that? She is a sweetheart and so are her daughters and I am pleased as punch (where did that expression come from I wonder) she is living her dream and her daughters will get to live their dreams too. When she first started at the clinic she invited everyone who worked there at the time to her wedding and we didn't even know her and I remember thinking how strange to invite everyone you just met at your new workplace to your wedding. LOL that was a long time ago and now I understand.

Junie, glad your DS is going to be joining you guys this weekend and glad your DD is going to be enjoying the shore. I wonder if she is going to be near us? Looks like decent (though very windy today) weather through the holiday but you never know. The weather changes from minute to minute and the meteorologists do the best they can with outdated equipment. We never get it quite right before we are going out re wind speed/direction/temps but down the shore is a different climate anyway with the ocean and wind.

I am glad your mom is doing a bit better getting into her routine and that you have hired someone who seems reliable and kind and one day at a time. Maybe she will have a recommendation for her replacement when she goes on maternity leave in October. Is she planning on returning to work after a few months? Don't worry now and it will all work out somehow. You are doing your due diligence and doing everything in your power to make this successful. And that is pretty good Junie so remember that and hold on to that thought. You are doing everything possible. (((HUGS))).

Scandi, glad you are enjoying your summer house and thank you for the lovely photo.

OMG it was pouring here after 2:30 PM yesterday and thank goodness we were already back from our bike ride. Greg was putting up curtains in the living room downstairs so I have privacy and I am pleased. I think they look great and I have privacy now. Form and function. Perfect.

It poured for many hours here yesterday on and off with thunder and lightning and I kept thinking about the ferals. I sure hope they stayed dry. We did see Fresca and Squirt around 9PM and they were eating at the feeding station and then Squirt was hanging out on one of our wood chairs in the backyard but I couldn't tell (it was getting dark) if she was wet or not. And I didn't see any other cat before I went to bed last night.

Oh and we lost power around 6PM or so and it wasn't even thunder/lightning at the time the power went out but Greg says it can work like that but our generator went on after a minute delay (there has to be a delay so the signal of no power gets to the generator and it turns itself on) and OMG while waiting for that minute to pass sometimes feels like an eternity never knowing if it is really going to work and give us dear power). But weird because a few minutes after that the power went back on and our generator shut off so we just lost it for a few minutes. I think that had to be a lightning strike that wasn't too severe but IDK. That is something I am having trouble getting used to. Losing power often even if not for very long thankfully. I am so glad we have a generator but I would rather not ever lose power anywhere because I value my electricity very much. :pray:

We are going cycling again today of course despite the winds and I am looking forward to it. I know the fireworks will start tonight through Monday and often beyond as people just love fireworks. As you may remember I hate them and hate how scared our kitties get (and can only imagine how the ferals feel about the noise too) and wish fireworks weren't so popular but they are so the kitties and I just have to get through it. It is just nice being here and sleeping again. :))

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Saturday and special thoughts going out to Junie and your dear mom and Sharon and your dear mom.
(((HUGS))) everyone.
canuk-gal|1467416500|4050618 said:
Scandinavian|1466758391|4047453 said:
Good "morning" from Scandinavia!
At least it is still morning for you girls, lol. But perhaps not for you Jimmianne, I'm afraid I have forgotten exactly when you will land.

Sharon - are you sure that chipmunks don't have blond hair.... ??? LOL

Scandinavian: I am very sorry for the comment I made that, appears to be, offensive to you. While I love the character you post over your face (truly it makes me smile), I clearly did not communicate that and it came off as rude. Please know that was not intended and as such I am mortified.

kind regards, Sharon

Sharon sweetheart I never ever thought any such thing!! Hugs!
4 children keeping me buzzy... but here is a picture at least :-)

Gypsy|1467439449|4050726 said:
I really jammed one of my fingers today thanks to Mr. Bad Kitty (aka Jack) so I can't really type right now. Just wanted to wish everyone a great weekend and say hi!

Here's my favorite picture of the furry little demon so you can put a face to the mischief that lives in my house.

So beautiful and such personality :-)
Missy, hope the cycling is going well and hope for pictures - do love your helmet :-)
Feel like this one needs a bit more work before we buy a boat LOL its a very old very small pier....

Hi everyone!

Missy, I hope you’re getting all your cycling in. And I love you to pieces, but I have to vote no on the MG. The photos you posted show the best kind of MG – one that is red, parked, and belongs to someone else. They are inherently unreliable – I dated a guy who had one back when they were still newish - and you have to be willing to have your car break down anywhere at anytime. And if you don’t drive a stick, it would be no fun at all. So no, no, no, no, no. I’m with Greg on this one.

Sharon, I’m sorry your mom had a fall and broke her T-12. I had to look up which one that is. Ouch! I think we’ve all been in, are in, or will be in a caregiver role for our moms. It’s part of life, especially for daughters. Good for you for stepping in, and you certainly have more skills to do it than most of us. Hope she’s on the mend now that you’re back home. And sometimes it’s nice to take a holiday from ‘tech’ but only if it’s of your own choosing and not because your mom had a mishap. It’s amazing how much of our lives revolves around devices.

Marcy, it’s hilarious that Marty wants to test drive sports cars. I think that means something, but as long as it’s just cars and not anything else 'sporty,' it’s all good. Especially if you end up being the one needing a new car. I’ll bet you’re having some great salads now that you’re married to the lettuce king. And I’m sure you’re loving the time away from work. Yeah for being another member of the ‘less is more’ club for makeup.

Jimmianne, I didn’t know you had a parrot! I need a rundown of all your beloved animals. How many dogs, how many horses? And is Puff your only bird? I keep finding out more intriguing things about your life. You are definitely not ‘old and over’!

Junie, I hope you have a good time hanging out with your DH and DS as well as Mom and sister too this weekend. It sounds like you’ve got a good person to come in the afternoons to care for your mom. If she’s like my mom and MIL, it takes a bit for them to get used to someone new, but they end up really enjoying having that extra person in their life.

Scandi, love the photos. That pier does need a little work before you can get a boat! But such spectacular scenery.

Kristie, hope you’re feeling better and enjoying the holiday weekend.

Gypsy, Jack clearly has that ‘right back at’cha’ attitude though which is fine until someone gets hurt! Hope your finger is better so you can type. And I love to read, but I’m still a real book person. I just love the feel of a book in my hands, the paper, the texture of the cover, and the different fonts. And I like to keep the ones I enjoyed the most. I have the full bookshelves to prove it!

I’m not heading to the island until tomorrow, ready and resigned to coming back early if it gets too hot. I don’t know if I have A/C or not, but my guess is not. Cross your fingers, everybody! I haven’t had the most enjoyable holiday weekend so far, but I’ve gotten two projects done that I’ve been avoiding for ages. I won’t go into specifics, but they involve death and taxes. Not my favorite, but done. Pat on the back for me.

And here’s the big news. I got a dog! No, not that kind. This kind:

Very cute, and doesn’t require much care. She’ll do for the time being. And I haven't thought of a name yet.

I’ve been writing this as I listen to ‘Prairie Home Companion.’ Garrison Keillor is retiring and today was his last show. Truly the end of an era. I will miss ‘The News from Lake Wobegone,’ Rebop-a-rebop Rhubarb Pie, and Guy Noir. Thanks, GK, for all the years of entertainment!


Gypsy, OUCH! Mr. Bad Kitty (aka Jack) is saying - “Who me?” I hope your fingers feel better.

Jimmianne, LOL that is so funny your caption for Mr. Bad Kitty is the same as mine. Great minds think alike, right? I told Marty the same thing last night - my car is misbehaving because it knows he was out test driving new cars. Sadly now I want a new car too.

Missy, we buy our cars and I would have sworn even this morning I wouldn’t consider buying a new car until the warranty runs out on this car but not this afternoon. I am so happy for your friend and her family. I love to hear happily ever after stories. She invited all of you to her wedding because she knew you’d become friends. I remember all sorts of things; I am really good at Trivial Pursuit and Marty swears I pull it out of my butt but it’s just something tickles my brain and I kind of remember it. Yea for beating the rainstorm today. We drove through several miles of heavy rain going to Fort Collins. Rats for losing power for a while during a thunderstorm. That happens frequently in the summer here. Stupid Thunderstorms. That is good you have a generator. I know fireworks will be scary for lots of animals. Poor little things.

Scandinavian, at least you have a gorgeous view while your cute kids are keeping your busy.

Rainwood, very good point about Marty just interested in new cars. I am definitely a less is more on makeup. About the only thing I do faithfully is paint my fingernails. I haven’t tried Marty’s lettuce yet; that too is something I have problems with - I only eat a salad about once a week. Good deal getting 2 unpleasant tasks completed, not something you look forward to doing but nice to get them finished and out of the way. I hope you have AC at island. I love your new dog. He is very cute.

I am watching the movie Frequency. It’s an older movie but pretty good.

Marty played golf today. I slept in and found my new glasses were loose so I limped my car over to the eye doctor and did a style change. I got some Oakley glasses this time.

Marty was starving after golf so we met for lunch and then headed off to Colorado. We didn’t take my car today but did go test drive a Porsche Macan. We both are in love with it. Oh oh. It’s faster than my A6, handles like a dream and perfect size for me. I’ll be tempted again this coming week when I get my car taken in for repair. What’s a few more hundred a month in car payments, right?

We stopped and had ice cream at Cold Stone on the way out of town then got home about 6. What a nice day.

The guy we bought my car from says it’s probably okay to drive me car as long as the warning lights aren’t flashing. I still might have roadside assistance tow it down there since it’s 50 miles. Another thing he says could cause this is rodents get in there and chew through wires. Apparently they have soy on the outside of wires and hoses now and rodents eat them. A few people at work have had rabbits do that to their cars. Strange. And no they aren't Killer Rabbits. :lol:


Missy, I LOVE that car! Just tell Greg to buy two, and then you just drive the other one when the first break down! Also, i think you should make it a priority to buy the same colour for both of them so that if it breaks down on the road, you can tell Greg to come in the other one, switch cars, and keep driving without anyone at work / jewelry store realising that your car broke down!

Re earlier post and not living forever. I think you two were meant to be. And if the universe is clever enough for that, I think there is a good chance that you will stay together always. I was thinking along the same lines when we got married, so my DH had engraved in my ring "yours forever" to remind me.

Marcy! BUY !!!!!!!!! That is all I can say! I totally picture you in that one! Also love the Panemera version :naughty: :love:

Need to take the bread rolls out of the oven now. Hugs!
Good morning girls!

Haha Rainwood, OK OK thank you for advice I am convinced. No MG for me. Greg also told me that when you have an MG you better have another car as a backup. That license plate would have been so funny though. :cheeky:
There are lots of pretty cars I like so I will just find a more reliable car when I am ready to get one. Right now one car is enough given that we are paying a small fortune keeping it in the garage in Brooklyn. No need for 2 until we move full time to the beach house.

We are getting a lot of cycling in thanks for your good thoughts for that and the weather is holding up. It was a hard slog on the way back yesterday though due to strong head winds but we made it. And I was so happy to get back home and collapse and so was Greg LOL.

I like your new dog and it is a good stand in until/if you decide to adopt another dog. She is a sweetie. Have you decided on a name yet?
Paille (French for straw)...Paja (Spanish)... Julia (for July)...just throwing some ideas out there.

Good for you accomplishing a few unpleasant tasks yesterday and I know it wasn't easy but yay for powering through and getting it done.
My fingers and toes are crossed for you today and when you arrive to your house I am hoping everything (including AC!) is working right.
Sending lots of PS dust and good vibes your way!

Marcy, Yay for ice cream yesterday and we enjoyed some too at our favorite ice cream shoppe down the shore. What flavor did you have? Greg had caramel pretzel and OMG it was delicious. I had my usual. Glad you got new frames and got to test drive a Porsche. Hmm just think about the few hundred extra a month though...that could buy some pretty bling when the year is up... Though I love the look of the Porsche and it is on my short list. This is without having done any research at all though and when it is time for me to buy you can bet I will research the heck out of whatever cars I am considering.

I am glad you and Marty had a nice day yesterday and I hope your car holds steady till you get to bring it in and have it repaired. Don't give up on it just yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed it all works out without having to spend bling money. LOL I am a PSer through and through. Cars come and go but bling is forever. :halo:

Frequency is a good movie. Glad you are enjoying it again. I just might put that into our movie rotation this week. We watched Phenomenon last night. We had seen it when it first came out in the movies but that was so long ago I didn't remember it at all. With John Travolta and Kyra Sedgwick. It was good but not great.

Junie, hope you are enjoying your family this weekend and I am thinking of you. (((HUGS))).

Sharon, hoping your mom is recovering well and not in pain and sending more good thoughts and PS dust and healing vibes her way. (((HUGS))).

Scandi, I love all your new photos thanks for sharing. And this photo is for you. From our ride yesterday. Yummy bread rolls. Sounds so delicious and I can smell them from here. :lickout:

Hoping all the NIRDIs are enjoying the holiday weekend and doing well. (((HUGS))).

Hey NIRDI Babes!!

Glad everyone is slogging along as we come up to the 4th.

I was pretty sick for about 12 hours after eating some avocado, I've been trying to eat a more varied (in a good way :lol: ) diet and decided I could eat avocado on my turkey wrap. I'm assuming it was the avocado :shock:

Then my Achilles heel took a hit (control, bullies, and money: and I'm unpleasantly surprised at how crazy this made me:
I have a Verizon plan for my cellphone, its 1 GB/unlimited talk & Text. I never ever go over my 1 GB because I never use my phone as a computer. I only telephone and text with it, rare to use email on it and rare to use it as a navigator. No movies. No music. No games. No apps really.

So imagine my distress on Saturday night (end of my monthly useage) when I see that I went over on data to the tune of 127,000 GB. That is right, 127k. So my bill for that totals right around $600,000.


So I call Verizon. I'm the 5th person that evening talking to "Frankie" about this. She tells me to call back in 72 hours to see what is what. She gives me, AT MY REQUEST, the Verizon Master Ticket Number (always get this, by the way, my NIRDI friends).

So I shut my phone off.

I wake up early the next morning and I check my data useage total: 42%. WHILE MY PHONE WAS SHUT OFF COMPLETELY. I toast an English muffin, eat it, check data useage again and I'm at 127% overage.

I call Verizon again. I talk to "Bobby." I have a modest freak out.He looks at the apps I have on my phone (nothing other than what is needed to phone/text/email/navigate, I took everything else off and never ever get apps to add). He remarks that its clear I'm not using data at all. He reassures me that my next bill will be the same amount ($66.10) less $15.00 as his apology for the annoyance of this.

This morning my cell phone is 400% overage in data useage.

By this time, I'm asking myself why I'm getting as spun out over this as I am. I am seriously upset about this. To me, it feels like I have a bomb going off in my Visa (I autopay Verizon through my Visa) every single minute of every day and Verizon is doing nothing to stop it even though I've informed them.

So my DH is shocked at how upset and nutty I am with this issue. This, in turn, makes me feel even more broken than I feel I already am.


I hope nobody actually reads this stupid post of mine but it was good therapy to post it here where the NIRDIs won't judge me harshly.

Thank you.
Rainy, I love your new canine unit!!! A free dog, of the Faux Breed!!! No trips to the vet, HEAVEN in my book. Good buy!!!
Marcy, EFF EFF EFF to broken cars.
Sharon, I hope your dear mother is feeling better.
Gypsy, I love Jack!! I particularly love the expression on his handsome devil-may-care kitty face! And then with the flower?
Scandi, great pics. I'm glad summer is doing well by you!!!! (Sweden or Norway?)
Kristie, I would have freaked out too! Seriously. So unpleasant and kind of horror movie scary. .. not very reassuring am I. .. sorry :devil: :Up_to_something: :lol: :wall: . But I do understand. It will be OK though! They can not charge you for this! Please kick your DH from me and tell him to be supportive :angel: or let him call and yell at them for you tomorrow as punishment :naughty:

Scandinavian, that is so sweet your husband engraved “Yours Forever” in your ring. I like it. I can smell those rolls over here. They sound great. Marty is still avoiding carbs so he’d probably string me up somewhere if I made homemade bread or rolls.

Missy, I bet it is very pricey to park a car where you live. Good plan to hold off on getting another car until you move full time to the beach house. Sweet. Ugh to riding home in the wind yesterday. I bet you were tired after fighting that all the way home. I am glad you enjoyed some ice cream yesterday too. I had a mix of cake batter and chocolate. Marty got a chocolate chip mint. I’ve been doing lots of research on the Macan GTS and it’s got glowing reviews. It was released in 2017, the S and Turbo models came out in 2015. I am definitely having no luck talking myself out of getting it now. Unless the problem with my car turns out to be something chewing throw my hoses it should be under warranty. I bought it in September of 2013 and it’s only got 24,000 miles on it. I like Frequency it’s an unusual story and of course has a happy ending. I haven’t watch Phenomenon in a long time and forget Kyra Sedgwick is in it. I’ve been watch reruns of Closer lately (because I didn’t catch it when it was a new show). Great picture of Greg taking a break on your bike ride.

Kristie, sorry to hear you got so sick from your turkey and avocado wrap. In my case it would have been the turkey - ha ha. I am glad you are feeling better. OMG to what happened with Verizon and your phone usage? I check my usage the minute I read that. I’d be freaking out too and calling them several times a day.

We had a quiet day doing things around the house. Marty changed all of our water, furnace/AC filters. I pulled weeds and cut off deal flowers. I’ve been working on laundry. Marty WD40’d the door between our bedroom and our bathroom - it was pretty squeaky in the middle of the night. I can’t sneak out. Ha!

We’ve been building our own version of the Macan today. Marty’s comes out about $5000 more than mine. I am having a really hard time talking myself out of buying one. I am my father’s daughter there - he never went to look at new snow machines or automobiles without coming home with one. I figure my car is worth as much as it will be and we both seem very excited about getting this SUV next year so why not now? Decisions, decisions.

Some friends of ours just bought a 30 foot trailer (with 3 feet added for hitch) and they live on a cul-de-sac with only one lane of traffic in most spots because of cars on the street. Their driveway is maybe a 75 degree angle. We want to go watch them get it in to their house when they pick it up. I also don’t see how they’ll get it out of there once they do get it in there and our HOA really frowns on RV’s left more than a day or two. Mean, aren’t i? We thought we’d film it and take popcorn. Ha Ha.

Cool clouds tonight.

My finger is finally better, and I can type! Thank you all for the well wishes.

Jack is a handsome, devilish little looney-tune. I do love that picture of him, and he is generally photogenic. That 'flower' is his favorite toy actually. Dratted thing is discontinued but if I had the money, I'd buy the plans from whomever owns them and make them myself. Best toy ever.

Jack lives with us because he 'heeled" John and walked right into our house 5 years ago. We lived in an area with a high stray population (we were always finding cats there and re-homing them. Lucy is from a different apartment in the same town) and one day when John pulled into our parking space Jack excitedly ran up to him, howling with joy, and stayed right by his ankle all the way up the stairs and down the hallway and then stepped into our house like he belonged there. Well, my other 3 (not counting Lucy as she always gets her own room) here NOT happy with that. So I picked him up and whisked him away to our third bedroom (we got a steal on that apartment because someone had died there and they could NOT rent it out) and set him up in there (I always have a "stray cat" kit that includes a disposable litter-box in the house), took pictures of him to post around (not one call), and then had him checked out for a chip (he had one, outdated information not updated), and had him bathed, gave him shots and had him tested for diseases. It became REALLY apparent though that he had been abused. He was friendly, but he would flinch badly and even run away at sudden hand movements. He also had spraying issues. Which is where we think the abuse came in. He would be terrified if we caught him spraying and would tremble with terror. So we had him tested some more. He did have crystals, plus he would have high anxiety behaviors so he is on a diet for crystal prevention and on Prosac for the anxiety now.

That plus the laminate flooring we have now mostly neutralizes the spraying issues, but not completely.

He's a mommy cat. He loves daddy. But MOMMY is where its at for him. He's actually a very needy kid emotionally and needs constant reinforcement of our love for him. Much more dog like than cat like. And since he lived off of dumpster food, he loves breaking into the trash and recycling and despite our numerous attempts to "Jack proof" such things he is quite skilled at getting into things he's not supposed to. And he's good at sneaking out of the front door and into Lucy's room (he's terrified of her, but can't resist).

So he's not just a handful, he's several handfuls. Which is why he is ours. I re-home all the ones I can, but the wiggy ones-- those stay with us. We can't risk anyone getting frustrated with them and giving them to a kill shelter. I'd end up in prison if I found out that happened to any of my rescues. I'd set the person on fire. And then roast marshmallows.

In other news. We're having a very nice weekend. We grilled yesterday up on the roof patio and spent the day outside enjoying the views from the roof and the weather. We took it easy today in the morning and then went to lunch at the new Famous Dave's BBQ that just opened. To say they are having issues with their opening is an understatement. Both the service and the food had significant issues to work through, so we'll probably wait at least a few months before we try it again. We are having venison steaks for dinner tonight. YUMMO.

Lucy is currently out and about hissing at everything and everyone. Cranky little beast. Penny is trailing her from 3 feet away at all times like a little shadow. She really wants to be friends, poor little kiddo. That ain't never gonna happen. Lucy has been tolerating Duncan for the last 3 years and STILL if he gets within 18 inches of her she growls and hisses. She's got "issues" that one. She was half feral when we got her. And the neighborhood cats had been bullying her BADLY so we literally rescued her. It took over a month before she let John touch her. And over 3 years before she was really "human friendly." John's following Penny, following Lucy around the (small) apartment. Like a nervous hen with Lucy my husband. I swear I would have had her grumpy butt integrated years ago if he wasn't such a worrywart. Lucy is the ultimate "daddy-cat". I'm just "not the daddy."

Sharon, I hope your mother heals well and quickly. Is there permanent nerve damage? Poor thing. It's so hard to grow old, physically.

Rainwood, I do hope the air conditioning is fixed! Great job on checking stuff off to do. Thank you for the kind words about my ring. It's definitely not in the same league as the works of art on here, but I am happy with it. I DID try on my DREAM RING though when I was out last week. And it's nothing TOO fancy, a 7mm cushion in a super delicate split shank. I could easily do it for under 20k if I won the lottery. LOL! What a handsome new dog companion you have! I look at that and think "giant cat scratcher"! I'd like to suggest Dottie as a name.

I love your story about the flowers on Valentine's day. What a lovely memory of all those yellow roses. I really love yellow roses too, especially the ones with the reddish edges. John and I have something similar with Valentine's Day. I worked at florists from the time I was 14 whenever I needed extra money (college and law school too) and so I really do NOT like red roses because of the cliche, but particularly at Valentine's Day. So John has always bought me Tulips or Lily's or other flowers for Valentine's Day ( since we've had the plant-muncher, Jack, though, we only get cat friendly flowers) and the florists always LOVE him when he goes in to buy them, because they too are tired of selling red roses. Roses with the edges red like that always remind me of my grandmother. She always called them "lipstick kissed" and that makes me smile.

I am LOLing at your MIL and the make up ... "trowel" huh! I have had those shocked into silence moments too. I find them very fortunate, honestly because usually they keep me from saying something "unforgivable". I wonder if it's a generational thing though, the makeup, a hold over from the "Mad Men" days. Is she 'ethnic" in anyway? Persian women are very much like that. It's always "pluck your eyebrows and put on some lipstick" with them.

My great aunt was here a while ago, and long story short she's old of those older generation Persian women from the "working hard to keep the men in your life happy (regardless if they do the same), and getting them everything they need before they ask for it (god forbid they should put a dish in sink), and looking beautiful all the time so they don't stray (cause that's what makes men stay loyal, lipstick)" mentalities. I came over to my mom's (where she was staying) just out of the shower and after saying hello to everyone and chatting for a few minutes, I went into the bathroom and dried my hair and since we were having guests over, I put some makeup on. My aunt takes one look at me when I come back and pulls me aside, "Honey, I can NOT BELIEVE how much BETTER you look with MAKEUP on! You should absolutely NEVER EVER let John see you without it!!!" :wacko: And yes, I too had one of those "gobsmacked into silence" moments. Because, let's face it, if I hadn't... who knows what I would have said. And I do love her very much. She's just really into 'the art of husband happiness" and the expense of your own life. So... well, I hate to say it but I pity her. Her husband is a b*stard.

And yes, everyone in my family is nuts. I am trying to think of one sane person... oh, I have one sane male cousin. But he's still young, there's time. :))

I hope you are enjoying the spoils of your Farmer's Market trip! Everything sounds yummy.

Missy, I love MG's too!! John would put me in a tank if he could. If I could have any car I'd get a 1967 corvette stingray convertible. John says "Cramped and crowded death trap," I say "tomato. Greg and John sound like they'd get along well. Funny article about the coop. OH MY, I love Rootbeer. Perfect name! Do you have a 'favorite" of the cola brigade? I'm sorry you feel weird about food issues. Honestly, though, most people just feel guilty and that's where their comments come from, weird personal guilt they can eat something and you can't. I do hope the fireworks aren't too bad for you this weekend.

Jimmiannie, I am throughly entertained by your little terror Puff and the cowering dogs. My Hally (AV kitty) used to stand on our dog's head (90 lb Shepard mix) and try to pull her ears off .What is it with the little Napolean beasts? They make life entertaining though, in my experience. If your Puff provides you with half the laughs Hally did in her life, it is worth the trouble.

Junebug, great news on the home aide. I hope she's a huge help and that soon your mother even looks forward to visits with her. I hope she has a recommendation of someone to cover her when she goes on maternity leave. I will update on Duncan when I know more (Vet said another test in a month). Today he ignored fresh catnip though (has never happened before) so I am a little concerned, admittedly. Thank you so much for the compliments on my ring. I am a horrible photographer, but if I take some more, I will post them I promise.

Scandi, Your pictures make me wish teleportation was a power I had. The water views and just breathtaking. And, this might sound weird, but everything looks so CLEAN and unspoiled. I love the engraving on your ring. My original setting was engraved. But I'd need Marcy's brain to remember what it said!

Kristie, I've never heard of anyone getting sick from an Avocado, but then, anything get bacteria, I guess. The Verizon bill thing being attached to your account would TOTALLY stress me out. Tell DH to be more supportive. You are NOT broken.

Marcy, I have to admit to being jealous of your memory. I'm terrible and I lose arguments to John all the time as a result. Frequency is a great movie. I actually HAD some type of rodent eat the wires in the Camry we used to own and it was very inconvenient. My boss totally thought I made it up when it stranded me! That blue Porsche is nice! I love it. And yes, I can totally see that in your garage! You aren't mean, I'd video tape it! I dislike HOAs. BEAUTIFUL CLOUDS! Thank you.
Picture of Jack and Whitey.

missy|1467368170|4050394 said:
They had pizza and vanilla lemon cake that looked amazing but I held strong and didn't even sample the cake or have a bite of pizza. I wanted to but then I thought OK a minute of enjoyment and I will pay the price for much longer afterwards. So not worth it. Though it was getting a little annoying when person after person kept offering me pizza and cake and I kept saying no thank you. And some of them were persistent LOL. After 15 years there and 15 years of goodbye pizza and cake you would think they would get it by now. I hate being "different" this way and for just one week I would love to be able to eat anything I wanted without suffering repercussions. Yes I want to be "normal" for just a short time :

Missy, I'm just trying to catch up a little - whilst drinking coffee outside in the sun poor me - I have missed this before: I'm very happy that you are not normal! Normal is VERY BORING !! And not very nice. I know a lot of normal people and they are generally not very nice at all! Not appreciative of bling (at least do not appreciate
other people's bling - i.e. do not comment on my ring, lol) not animal lovers. And then what is the point?? You know the saying - let them eat cake - totally out if context here but I think the same lack of understanding is very much present..... ! So let them eat their cake!
I do understand you thought, my in - laws are always commenting on my food. Such joy. Next time we see them I think I'll just say that I have stopped eating bread out of sympathy for the children in Africa. They will like that much better than me being sensitive to gluten! LOL. Hugs honey! Love you just the way you are!!
Happy July 4th, 2016 girls!!!

Kristie! You are NOT broken. We all would have freaked out about that and until it was fixed continued stressing believe me. I asked Greg and he said not to worry at all. There is no way that charge will stay and successfully go through so please don't be so hard on yourself and don't be upset about being upset. Any of us would have been. You are NOT alone and we are here on your side. If you need me to make a few (or a few dozen) phone calls I will do that OK? Let me know and I will help you fight those morons. Grrrr. :nono:

Gypsy, LOVE your photos of Jack and Whitey. They are so precious. :love: And thank you for sharing their backstory. All your kiddos had tough beginnings and are so lucky you and John rescued and adopted them. I am relieved your finger is healing and feeling better. Yes I think John and Greg would get along very well. Many of the NIRDI men have a lot in common (besides the NIRDI women and their love of bling and animals haha) and one day maybe all of us can do one big GTG. And we can all drive up in our MGs. 8-) :lol: Not. How weird because yesterday as we were bike riding we passed a parked red MG just like the photos I shared here Friday. I told Greg it was a sign :devil: but he was not amused and wanted to know why we need to have conversations over and over about the same thing all the time. Men. :lol:

Marcy, what gorgeous clouds and a beautiful sky. I love that blue Porsche and have revised my opinion. If you and Marty feel this car can really add to your quality of life and you can get max value out of your current car by trading it in well I am leaning towards doing it. I was against it at first because I thought it was just a reaction to being without your car for a while and dissatisfaction with it breaking down like that but after getting what you are explaining and how you both have wanted a car just like this Macan GTS that handles like a sports car and has amazing reviews etc. well I am seeing your POV. Anyway I guess you will see what happens tomorrow and then take it from there. Sending you lots of luck for it turning out just how you want it to. Darn rodents though. They sure are cute but can cause a lot of damage. Unike the ugly rodent who is Trump. Not cute at all but still trying to cause as much damage to our country as possible. OK I digress but I am pissed at his latest antics and I think he is dangerous. Sadly I cannot say Clinton is less dangerous but she is who I am voting for because I am hoping she cannot do as much damage as Trump. :blackeye: OK not sure how I got off on that tangent. Back to regularly NIRDI scheduling. :halo:

Wow Marty was quite useful yesterday way to go Marty! Love when our men put their energy to good use. :appl:
Good looking and functional too. 8-)
Why is Marty's version of the car 5K more expensive than your version?

Scandi, thank you sweetheart. That is so nice of you to say and I appreciate that. Since there is no chance of me ever being "normal" I will take what you say to heart and yes we are all different and that is what makes us interesting. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :lol:
Being outside enjoying coffee in the sun sounds like a little slice of heaven. I am glad you are enjoying the tranquility and beauty all around you. Hugs and love you too!

OK adding our July 4th photo for the day. Took this near the end of our ride yesterday. Happy July fourth to everyone!!! Be safe and enjoy the day! :wavey:


Hello to all the NIRDI's! Happy 4th of July!!!!! :wavey:

Thank you for all the kind well wishes for my Mother. Her confidence has been rattled and of course the self blame occurs--the pain reminds her of that. But she seems better and doesn't suffer as much she did when she first fell. She has knees that need replacing so she lives with chronic pain regardless, and therefore manages it very well. Except for the chronic complaining! :saint: eyiyi.

Gypsy--to date, she has no nerve damage and I hope it stays that way. Thank you for asking. Your cats are very pretty--the picture of Jack and Whitney together look like a golden and white Tahitian pearl next to each other.... :love:

Kristie--I would have been very aggravated with Verizon! :wall:

Take care Marcy you don't buy a whole new fleet of vehicles. How about a Panamera?? :bigsmile:

Missy--I love your "ruby" helmet.

I actually agreed to work 1/2 day today so I better get moving. :wavey: :wavey:

Missy, I love both the cycling pictures! Perfect picture, perfect DH, perfect picture, perfect couple! Thank you for sharing!

Happy 4 July to you all !

I'm back home again, apparently I love driving.... Not so much. But it beats walking, haha. At least for that kind of distances. Imaging doing that by horse and carriage... lol I proably would have skipped the carriage and just taken the horse... even in the good old days I would have been a bit different lol. Can't imagine why anyone would want to go slower than necessary.

Which brings me to this: NIRDIs where meant to be. I love cars too. (Maybe we just like shopping for expensive things..... Hmmmmmmmmm. ...). When I got my license I wanted a red trans am. But my dad threatened to disinherit me lol. I have become less and less grounded with age so now I dream of an orange Lamborghini. :Up_to_something: I did buy a Tesla online a little over a year ago though.... so I do get to have some fun.... :bigsmile:

Marcy, perhaps you should get a Tesla too? It's perfect, you can buy them online by leaving your credit card details and you can cherry pick equipment and everything without setting foot in the store, lol but not kidding. My DH though I was a bit crazy when I sent him the confirmation email as a surprise Christmas gift though... LOL.

I'll post before losing power as my phone is down to 5%... will get back to you!