
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Thank you all for your healing vibes and good wishes. Yesterday at 9AM I called my endodontist's service and asked them to have him call me because I had tooth/nerve pain and he called me 10 minutes later. He told me to come in Monday morning at 9:30. My worry is he won't be able to find the cause of the pain again as we have been on this merry go round a few years ago but fingers crossed. Yesterday wasn't too bad because after a few hours of not drinking or eating the throbbing subsided and it almost felt normal. So if no liquid or warmth or cold touches the area I am good.

We visited one of the animal rescues in my neighborhood earlier and then we went window shopping in the afternoon before my hair appointment at 4:45PM and stopped by Van Cleef Arpel and OMG saw some GORGEOUS watches. 250K for a watch but just beautiful. And the salesperson Lily was a dear because she had us sit down even though I said we were just window shopping and had Rodney bring us all the watches. He was our watch valet lol. I LOVED all the watches especially the Planetarium watch in rose gold. Telling time is a confusing proposition with that watch however but who cares. It is so gorgeous.



This watch for a lady is beautiful. Lily showed it to us in red and blue. Guess which color I would get it in.. 8)
Van Cleef & Arpels' Féerie Rouge Watch


The blue watch she showed us had pave diamonds on the blue band.

This watch was also OMG gorgeous. Van Cleef & Arpels Le Pont des Amoureux.

Lily was telling us about the different movements and how soon Van Cleef and Arpel will have their own movement as they teamed up with a famous designer/artist to have their own movement and no longer will be using Piaget. Honestly I wasn't following a lot of the mechanics of all the movements because I was just overtaken with the beauty of all these amazing timepieces. They were works of art.

Then we went to Tuey and I got my haircut and colored (semi permanent color) and it is a nice color. A soft auburn. A bit lighter than my natural dark color but still a rich color so far. He only ever does semi permanent on my hair as it is so fine and delicate and easily damaged. He cut only the split ends off as requested and blew it straight as it was cold out last night and I didn't want to wait for it to dry as that would have taken hours and it was already late. Tuey usually has his dog with him and last night was no exception. Presenting the beautiful Cuko.


We were planning on going out to eat yesterday but since I was still in discomfort form the tooth pain we went home. It was a long day but it turned out OK and the visit to Van Cleef and Arpel was the highlight.

Having my morning coffee carefully but yes it is a bit throbby on that side even though I am being so careful not to get any liquid on it and drinking my coffee lukewarm. Sigh I just was hoping it would go away on it own before too long.

Jimmianne, great picture of you and I LOVE your bangs. I yearn for my bangs back and even discussed it again with Tuey and Greg. They both want think I am better off with no bangs because I am low maintenance but I love your bangs and miss mine. They soften the face. Love the kitty retreat you shared thank you. Hope you are feeling all better this morning.

Junie, love your sweet Zoe and thank you for sharing her picture under the blanket. :love:

SO adorable! Thank you for your encouragement and caring support. I feel it through the computer monitor LOL and appreciate it. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Marcy, that sounds so painful and glad you got that pain resolved. Bad toothbrush. :nono:
Glad your cleaning lady worked out so well and yes I remember it is a relative of your original cleaning lady. It is a relief to have someone you can depend on for sure. Your dinner last night sounds very tasty. I had popcorn again because it is easy to eat that on one side of my mouth LOL. See it popcorn is good for many reasons.

Scandinavian, I cannot believe your friends have not commented on your ring. Are they blind? No matter you have us to ooh and ahh over you gorgeous ring and any other bling you acquire. Every time Tuey sees me he goes into how much he loves my ring. It is nice to hear because Tuey had great taste IMO and I know he genuinely loves my ring. It is not as flashy as my original ER and setting but it is much more elegant IMO.

I love collecting special pieces from our travels and they do commemorate the happy visits we shared there.
Your jade horse is a special piece.
Love your ruby bracelet. I love rubies and have a necklace and a couple of pairs of ruby earrings. Here is snapshot of my necklace.


I love beautiful area rugs and it sounds like you have access to some gorgeous ones. We have very few area rugs however due to our allergies and have mainly uncovered wood floors for hypoallergenic purposes with 4 cats you cannot be too careful even with constant vacuuming. But they really ground a room nicely. The area rugs that is. :lol:

Love the oil painting too. I have no modern art rec but we love modern art and also the impressionists. One of our favorite living artists is Robert Cardinal and we have a few of his paintings. Love his work.

LOVE that photo of your sweet dog. She is such a beautiful girl. :love:

Have a good day girls! I hope everyone enjoys this Sunday. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
missy|1457269011|4000497 said:
Good morning girls!

Thank you all for your healing vibes and good wishes. Yesterday at 9AM I called my endodontist's service and asked them to have him call me because I had tooth/nerve pain and he called me 10 minutes later. He told me to come in Monday morning at 9:30. My worry is he won't be able to find the cause of the pain again as we have been on this merry go round a few years ago but fingers crossed. Yesterday wasn't too bad because after a few hours of not drinking or eating the throbbing subsided and it almost felt normal. So if no liquid or warmth or cold touches the area I am good.

We visited one of the animal rescues in my neighborhood earlier and then we went window shopping in the afternoon before my hair appointment at 4:45PM and stopped by Van Cleef Arpel and OMG saw some GORGEOUS watches. 250K for a watch but just beautiful. And the salesperson Lily was a dear because she had us sit down even though I said we were just window shopping and had Rodney bring us all the watches. He was our watch valet lol. I LOVED all the watches especially the Planetarium watch in rose gold. Telling time is a confusing proposition with that watch however but who cares. It is so gorgeous.



This watch for a lady is beautiful. Lily showed it to us in red and blue. Guess which color I would get it in.. 8)
Van Cleef & Arpels' Féerie Rouge Watch


The blue watch she showed us had pave diamonds on the blue band.

This watch was also OMG gorgeous. Van Cleef & Arpels Le Pont des Amoureux.

Lily was telling us about the different movements and how soon Van Cleef and Arpel will have their own movement as they teamed up with a famous designer/artist to have their own movement and no longer will be using Piaget. Honestly I wasn't following a lot of the mechanics of all the movements because I was just overtaken with the beauty of all these amazing timepieces. They were works of art.

Then we went to Tuey and I got my haircut and colored (semi permanent color) and it is a nice color. A soft auburn. A bit lighter than my natural dark color but still a rich color so far. He only ever does semi permanent on my hair as it is so fine and delicate and easily damaged. He cut only the split ends off as requested and blew it straight as it was cold out last night and I didn't want to wait for it to dry as that would have taken hours and it was already late. Tuey usually has his dog with him and last night was no exception. Presenting the beautiful Cuko.


We were planning on going out to eat yesterday but since I was still in discomfort form the tooth pain we went home. It was a long day but it turned out OK and the visit to Van Cleef and Arpel was the highlight.

Having my morning coffee carefully but yes it is a bit throbby on that side even though I am being so careful not to get any liquid on it and drinking my coffee lukewarm. Sigh I just was hoping it would go away on it own before too long.

Jimmianne, great picture of you and I LOVE your bangs. I yearn for my bangs back and even discussed it again with Tuey and Greg. They both want think I am better off with no bangs because I am low maintenance but I love your bangs and miss mine. They soften the face. Love the kitty retreat you shared thank you. Hope you are feeling all better this morning.

Junie, love your sweet Zoe and thank you for sharing her picture under the blanket. :love:

SO adorable! Thank you for your encouragement and caring support. I feel it through the computer monitor LOL and appreciate it. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Marcy, that sounds so painful and glad you got that pain resolved. Bad toothbrush. :nono:
Glad your cleaning lady worked out so well and yes I remember it is a relative of your original cleaning lady. It is a relief to have someone you can depend on for sure. Your dinner last night sounds very tasty. I had popcorn again because it is easy to eat that on one side of my mouth LOL. See it popcorn is good for many reasons.

Scandinavian, I cannot believe your friends have not commented on your ring. Are they blind? No matter you have us to ooh and ahh over you gorgeous ring and any other bling you acquire. Every time Tuey sees me he goes into how much he loves my ring. It is nice to hear because Tuey had great taste IMO and I know he genuinely loves my ring. It is not as flashy as my original ER and setting but it is much more elegant IMO.

I love collecting special pieces from our travels and they do commemorate the happy visits we shared there.
Your jade horse is a special piece.
Love your ruby bracelet. I love rubies and have a necklace and a couple of pairs of ruby earrings. Here is snapshot of my necklace.


I love beautiful area rugs and it sounds like you have access to some gorgeous ones. We have very few area rugs however due to our allergies and have mainly uncovered wood floors for hypoallergenic purposes with 4 cats you cannot be too careful even with constant vacuuming. But they really ground a room nicely. The area rugs that is. :lol:

Love the oil painting too. I have no modern art rec but we love modern art and also the impressionists. One of our favorite living artists is Robert Cardinal and we have a few of his paintings. Love his work.

LOVE that photo of your sweet dog. She is such a beautiful girl. :love:

Have a good day girls! I hope everyone enjoys this Sunday. (((Hugs))).

Forgot to add LLJsmom, I hope you see the Van Cleef and Arpel bling I posted. I know you are a fan. I am now a new fan of their pieces. :love:


Jun 8, 2008
OK I just snapped pics for Callie as she wanted to see the color so will share them here. Please realize I am still in my nightgown :oops: and I have slept on my hair so it is not nice like when Tuey first cut and blew it. But the good thing about straight hair is it not as messed up as when your hair is curly and you sleep on it. You can see how thin my hair is when blown straight. That is why leaving it naturally curly is best for me. It hides how thin it really is.

Adding all the pics I took in different light. All natural light but you can see where it looks darker and where it looks lighter with more sunlight.





Dec 9, 2013
Off to art roundtable but had to first say "Gorgeous Color!!"


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Jimmianne. Hope you are having fun at the round table. Forgot to share that my good girlfriend who lives in my building is in an art class that had the opportunity to sketch Iggy Pop in the nude and that is now being displayed at the Brooklyn Museum exhibit. Cool right? She said he was so nice.

Ok so I contacted a local dentist who has Sunday hours and even though I am not a patient of his he graciously squeezed me in today despite his full schedule. He was very nice but couldn't find anything wrong. Omg here we go again. He said it is possible for something to be wrong i.e. crack inside tooth not showing up etc but nothing is showing up on X-rays. He actually knows the endodontist I am seeing tomorrow and I am bringing a copy of the X-rays to the endo tomorrow. Frustrating. My dad said the best bet if my endo cannot find anything is to remove one filling at a time on that side and make crowns since both big teeth on that side are almost all filling and cannot be saved probably as there is so little tooth left. One tooth at a time to see if that helps. Idk. Will see what my endo thinks. I am glad I saw the dentist this morning but it is just what I feared. Here we go again. No obvious source of my pain.

Just wanted to update you lovely people. Thanks for listening.

A special shout out to Vapid. Thinking of you. (((Hugs))).


Feb 27, 2007
Here are some shots of my ruby ring and earrings The studs are better color than they photograph.



Jun 8, 2008
Ooh gorgeous Marcy! :love:


Feb 27, 2007

It’s a beautiful sunny non-windy day in Wyoming. WTH?

Jimmianne, well I like the kitty playpen even if it’s not yours. I’ll be anxious to see your DD’s finished creation. Our HOA is pretty finicky about additions outside too. Will the HOA squawk about the kitty walkway? It sounds very cool! Sometimes lazy days are just required. I hope you had fun at the art roundtable.

Scandinavian, I think good color rubies are fabulous but nothing looks worse than a bad color ruby. KWIM? That is great you have so many treasures from your trips. That makes them very special memories. I think I’ll quit talking to Marty about that job; he seems rather sensitive about it. I think the biggest thing and you nailed it on the head he feels like he has been passed over. I mentioned again we could move if he wants to and he was very adamant he doesn’t want to move. There could also be feelings from his last job seeping in to his current situation. He was a senior manager with more responsibility and employees than most directors and they kept hiring new directors from the outside rather than promoting him. They have 3 people doing his work now and I get comments all the time from people how much they miss him.

Missy, OMG that planetarium watch is gorgeous. I love it and I am not even a watches person. What a fun afternoon. I am glad you found a dentist to check you out today and I hate to hear he didn’t find anything. I know cracks sometimes can’t show up on X-ray. Hopefully the endodontist figures out what is going on and can fix you right up. Thank you for posting pictures of your ruby necklace again. It is so pretty. Your new hair color looks fabulous! Thanks Missy for the compliments about my rubies. I’d like a larger ruby the the likelihood of that store ever having as nice of a ruby in a larger size is probably pretty small. It’s rich enough the ring doesn’t appear too small on my hand.

I have been renting lots of movies this weekend. I watched Spotlight Friday night, then Steve Jobs and Legend last night. Spotlight was really good. Steve Jobs was okay but if he was like that in real life he wasn’t a very nice person. Legend is not bad. The Peanuts movie comes out Tuesday so I’ll be watching it too.

Marty met some of his former employees at a local pub last night. I dropped him off and picked him up about 11. He met his golf buddy for breakfast and I hope they decided to play golf instead of going to the range because it is gorgeous out there.

I went to the grocery store first thing this morning and am working on laundry now.

Have a great Sunday.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi girls!

Missy, I'm sorry the dentist couldn't find the reason for your pain, very frustrating :(sad I'm hoping the endodontist can shed some light on this. Hugs to you and hang in there, I know you're worried and upset and I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping you get some answers tomorrow.

Wow, love your hair color! It's really beautiful! :appl: And your ruby necklace is stunning :love:

Thanks for sharing the pics of your window shopping outing! The watches are all so beautiful and unusual. It's great that the salesperson at VCA was so accommodating and nice. Cuko is adorable! I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy the day in spite of being so uncomfortable and hopefully being out and about distracted you a little from it.

Marcy, glad your cleaning lady worked out well, she sounds very thorough. It's nice you're enjoying some pleasant weather, you deserve it! I hope Marty was able to play golf. You sound like you were pretty good at cake decorating! How cool that Marty ended up having a talent for it. I taught decorative painting for a few years at Joanns and they had a Wilton class too - I would see everyone bringing in their cakes and cupcakes and it looked like a lot of fun. But yeah, I could see where it would be a hassle to clean up from it. What a great idea to bring the cakes to the fire station! Glad you had a relaxing weekend watching movies, I'm happy you were able to get a break from work and unwind a little. Your ruby pieces are stunning and the color is luscious! :love:

Jimmianne, your dd's cat pen sounds AMAZING! I'm sure her kitty is going to love it. I'm glad to hear you took it easy today and gave yourself permission to relax a little, I think all of us need a day like that once in a while. Maybe even more than once in a while! :cheeky: Hope you had a good time at your art roundtable.

Scandinavian, love the pic of your sweet dog! :love: The painting is beautiful and I'm sure it will look great in your dining room. Your trip to China sounds like it was a wonderful adventure. I can see where hiring a guide would be a huge help. Thanks for the kind words about my painting - I have quite a few finished pieces in the basement that I don't know what to do with so maybe I will try to sell some lol.

Ended up being a pretty quiet weekend - just did some laundry and ran a few errands. Did go out for a nice dinner with dh and ds and watched some golf today.

Wishing everyone a good night and will see you all tomorrow!


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning!

I have been working all weekend, but it still feels like Monday today, thought I might die from the exhausting task of getting out of bed this morning.
Oh well. Going to get my second cup of coffee now. Hang on.
Back now, and feeling better already, lol.
I’m going to give a guest lecture at the university on Wednesday, so I need to start preparing for that today. Probably should have started two weeks ago, lol, but just not possible. Oh well, it will be ok I think. I have done it a few times before, always so nice to be asked   so I always say yes even though the pay is horrible.

Missy: thank you so much for the pictures of the watches! Made my day:) My husband is saying that knowing you girls is going to be expensive, lol.
Your hair colour! Just gorgeous! I loved the one that you had also, but always nice with a little change  When I saw this one, I thought “oh this would be soooo beautiful to grow out also with your regular colour for a little ombre effect.. ”. I never have the guts to experiment with my own colour, (I only add a few downlights in the summer and a few highlights in the winter to keep the colour similar throughout the year) so I always love that others are a bit more adventures 
Your rubies are so nice!!! Love that necklace! Such a good present  And the earrings too! Always nice with a set  
Thank you for loving my furbaby  She is my little everything  And thank you for mentioning Robert Cardinal, had to look him up 
Really sorry about your tooth. Hope everything goes well at your appointment today and that they figure it out! Keep us posted!
Re watches: I love nice watches. Mine is an oldie but a goodie – a present from my grandparents for my confirmation when I was 14. I have been wearing it every day since. But I would love to buy a bigger one for sporting adventures, probably a men’s version in yellow or red gold I think.. But first – build a house, lol

: Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful rubies!! That ring is oh-so-nice! And the studs too! I love rubies  I think you are a very kind, sensitive and supporting wife!! I hope he appreciates you ;-) I think that is always a challenge to get promoted inhouse and not being passed over (money or title wise) by people the company buys in from competitors etc because they need to offer them something to win them over, and the people who are already there carry the costs of that. I have friends that had to change company to get the promotion, and even some changed back later to an even higher promotion. Skipping along the corporate ladder, so to speak.. lol.
You are good to be doing laundry. Mine/ours is piling up. We might drown soon.. lol.

Junie: Hope your mother is doing ok. Your weekend sounds nice. You should sell your paint work!! I’ll buy!  If anyone is interested in China, please let me know and I can make a list of interesting places to visit. Nature is amazing there, with the “sugar-top” mountains, yellow rivers, panda nature reserves etc. Beijing is the place for architecture and palaces, etc. Shanghai looks like a real life version of Japanese cartoon movies. The bridges are lit by blue light underneath and looks like they are floating on the light / the light is holding them up. And they are in 5-6 stories all open so you can see them building up on top of each other, the roads, bridges, metro system etc.

Jimmianne: The art round table sounds exciting! Please share :)

Hope you will all have a fantastic week!


Jan 23, 2016
Some more rubies :)
My husband gave me this necklace when our first was borne. The red stone for a girl and the star as a symbol of her name, she is named after a star.

A ring to go with the rest (its a bit darker than in the picture, you can't really tell the colour difference.

And a watch without a single ruby, lol

Please excuse the quality of the pictures, I'm not awake.





Dec 9, 2013
Where to start.

Iggy Pop nude?! that made my day LOL

Missy, I loved hearing about your adventure and thanks for illustrating it with are quite a successful enabler! I was ready to hop on a plane and visit a place where there is real down-to-earth & serious temptation.
The fairy watch is beautiful! I would like the red. Which one do you want?

Scandinavian, I have to backtrack a little and say that my pool is one of those tiny heated lap pools with a swim current in it. Have you seen them there? They arrive at your house in a couple of large crates & are then assembled - great invention. When I see you out in all that that snow I think one of those Endless pools would be a good fit for your climate.

Marcy, that ring is beautiful. Nothing like rubies and diamonds, is there, and that one looks like a drop of blood it's such a perfect color.
I am praying the HOA doesn't say anything. It can't be seen from the street, so someone would have to come in close then report my DD to the HOA.

Hi June :wavey:

Today, French lessons begin again. The instructor gets me sufficiently worked up about France that I'm willing to keep shoving conjugations and vocabulary into my brain :lol: as I prepare for an unknown future without a clear plan... A big invisible puzzle with only a few pieces and no big picture yet.

no dangles yet. dang!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, woohoo a sunny non windy Wyoming Sunday. What more could you ask for? Glad you were productive and that you enjoyed the weekend. Greg was also very busy doing laundry and linen/sheets Saturday and Sunday. And vacuuming. LOL see cat diary thread. :bigsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed Spotlight. We plan on seeing that movie when it comes out on Netflix or Cable. We also did some TV/Netflix watching this weekend. Most notably we are 9 episodes through the new season of House of Cards. It's going fast lol.

Hope you have a good Monday at work and that your employees behave today!

Junie, thank you. It's a temporary color. That's all I ever have done with Tuey. Less harsh that way. Of course it doesn't last long but I am OK with that. At some point I will probably just allow my hair to go as grey as possible like my mom. I just hate maintenance. It's such a chore.

Glad you and your dh had a lovely dinner out last night and enjoyed a quiet but nice weekend. Quiet is good. I would be pleased with no excitement these days for sure.

Scandinavian, thank you for more lovely pics. Beautiful bling. And I LOVE your watch.
LOL your dh may be right but I hope he doesn't come to hate us. 8)

I am not a big experimenter either but it helps cover the gray and that is the only reason I started. I am lighter than my natural hair color which when I was younger was almost black. Very very dark brown with some red highlights all natural. When I started going gray I ignored it for a long while and only recently started doing the color and even then it is only twice (three times at most) a year I have it done. I hate putting chemicals (albeit as mild as possible according to Tuey) on my head/hair. And I have never had it highlighted. Only single process temporary hair color supposedly the least harsh process you can have. Tuey told me highlighting can be very damaging but my guess is if you have strong healthy hair highlighting is just fine.

Jimmianne, glad the Iggy Pop story made you smile. I am probably going to check out the exhibit with my friend who was in the art class that created the art work that is hanging in the museum. Good stuff. I like the fairy watch too and I would get it in blue as blue is my favorite color. But any of the watches would do for me. :love: :cheeky:
Where are those darn dangles! :confused: Enjoy your French lesson today.

Callie, (((hugs))) and more (((hugs))). Good luck today honey.

Girls, thank you all for your good wishes. My appointment will be in a few hours. He is pretty far away and Greg will be with me. I think it might be an hour drive. I'm nervous and since the dentist couldn't find anything yesterday I fear this will be the endodontist's findings too but I am going anyway because just in case. Plus even if he cannot find anything at least I am doing my best and being proactive. LOL my dh says every illness/condition I get is a mystery condition. :(sad Not funny but true.

I'm glad you enjoyed my watch pics girls. All of you are welcome to hop on a plane and come here and we can go and visit the watches. In fact Lily told us of a special watch exhibition at Van Cleef and Arpel March 19th through the 29th (I think not sure of the end date) and she invited us to come the opening day to be her special guest. We have our niece and nephew visiting from Chicago that weekend but maybe we still can go.

Have a good Monday and I will check back later here. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
forgot to add this pic. Some of the trees around the neighborhood have signs naming them and well you can see for yourself the reason. I think it it is an interesting and green project. And hey this one is named after me. 8) LOL. :halo:



Jun 8, 2008
Back from endodontist. He couldn't figure it out. So I'm in a holding pattern. He said avoid drinking and eating in that side and we will see what happens. He warned me if it hurts on the side of my face or when I bite down to let him know immediately. Lol I don't think I needed to be told that but thanks. Gotta laugh. He did all the heat tests X-rays tapping tests but nothing. No pain in his office. I told him I just need to take him with me and I'll be good. He said he'd be happy to do that and would give my dh a break. Haha I said my dh could use a respite from me lol. :lol:

Ok taking it one day at a time and hoping the pain goes away as mysteriously as it came.

Have a good day everyone. :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
missy|1457367347|4001043 said:
Back from endodontist. He couldn't figure it out. So I'm in a holding pattern. He said avoid drinking and eating in that side and we will see what happens. He warned me if it hurts on the side of my face or when I bite down to let him know immediately. Lol I don't think I needed to be told that but thanks. Gotta laugh. He did all the heat tests X-rays tapping tests but nothing. No pain in his office. I told him I just need to take him with me and I'll be good. He said he'd be happy to do that and would give my dh a break. Haha I said my dh could use a respite from me lol. :lol:

Ok taking it one day at a time and hoping the pain goes away as mysteriously as it came.

Have a good day everyone. :wavey:

Oh Missy! I'm so sorry! You don't deserve this. Hope the stupid thing goes away on its own. Fast. If you need a good laugh, I just read a thread called "the sad truth". Not sure if you have my weird sense of humor though.. but I started laughing out loud... ;-)


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, I hope it just goes away soon.
I had an episode last year with tooth pain that felt similar to the time I needed a root canal.
The dentist couldn't find any problem, took x-rays and said I was fine and to call if it got worse.
It went away. I wish I could tell you more, but I don't remember what we finally decided might be going on,
but I am wishing with all my heart that yours turns out as mine did.
hugs, Missy!

PS. Scand., love the kite-set ruby with the star.


Jul 1, 2014
Hi All! Glad everyone is doing well as we rocket through to Spring :appl:

Missy, love that hair color. I like the way Tuey shapes your hair, my Hair Unicorn (lol remember her in the FedEx parking lot?) has the U shape also.

Wanted to bring my ruby ring from Christmas out to play with all of your ruby jewels! Scandinavian, love the necklace, that is truly a one-of-a-kind jewel.



Dec 9, 2013
AZ :wavey:
That ring!!! :love: :love: :love:


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you all so much. (((HUGS))).

Scandinavian, I am going to check out that thread thank you. I love a good laugh and I have a very wide sense of humor. Weird works. :cheeky:

Jimmianne, sorry you had unexplained tooth pain too. What a pain. Glad yours went away. :appl:

Vapid, thanks so much for that info. If the pain persists I am going to ask the endodontist or my dentist about that possibility. It is good info and I never realized you could have a crack that doesn't show up on X-rays. :errrr: Glad you are in complete relief re tooth/nerve pain. :appl:

Kristie, that is so gorgeous. :love: I LOVE your ruby ring so much. I heart it. :love:

I hope you are all enjoying the day. It is lovely weather here and it feels like spring is right around the corner. :wavey:
Can you believe we spring ahead with the clocks this weekend already? OMG winter flew by!


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, I am very pleased with the new cleaning lady. If this keeps up I’ll want to keep her instead of going back to the other lady. Marty did play 18 holes of golf yesterday. It was gorgeous yesterday. In the 60’s and very little wind - it was very weird. I bet you had fun teaching the painting classes at Joann’s. I keep swearing I am going to get my knitting back out but if I’m not online I am reading. I am glad to hear you had a nice quiet weekend. I assume you watched the PGA golf tournament. That was a mean spirited course. Lots of water.

Scandinavian, sorry you had to work all weekend. That will be nice to give a lecture at the university next month. I imagine a lot of companies are like that where they hire people from the outside rather than promote from within. We get an average of 3% raise a year but people hired start with a higher salary than someone working for the company 10 years. The place I worked called Marty once to see if he would be interested in coming back - he said no. I love the ruby / star necklace. Very pretty. I like your ring and although I don’t know much about watches it looks like a great watch.

Jimmianne, I am glad your pool is heated. Do you use it often? Hopefully no one reports your daughter. We have a greenway on 2 sides of our house so I am sure anything we’d try would be reported. Our new neighbor last summer got reported and he probably thinks it was us since we were his only neighbor. He has the greenway on one side and put up a huge, black dog cage back there (right outside Marty’s office window) and up against our fence. Dog houses or sheds have to match the house. It was gone in about a month. Yay for starting up French lessons again. Hurry up dangles!

Missy, I am so sorry the endodontist didn’t find anything wrong. I hope your pain goes away and never ever rears it’s pesky head again. We did enjoy our beautiful weather yesterday. Sadly I had an inch of very wet snow on my car when I left work to come home. It’s going to be icy in the morning. I need to check out House of Cards; I know so many people that like it. Is that HBO? Good idea to stick with temporary hair color. A long time ago they had a rinse in hair lightener called Summer Blonde that would kind of stark giving your lighter streaks in your hair. I used is once or twice in the winter when my hair was getting darker. Well we had some nice weather in the spring and I’d just put some Summer Blonde on my hair and I started drying my hair out in the Sun and it turned my hair Ronald McDonald orange. I wanted them to dye my hair back to my normal dark blonde but it just bled through so I had to get my hair bleached. It was awful. I haven’t put anything on my hair since then. I should dry it in the Sun though because it really lightens it up.

Kristie, we talked to my in-laws the other day and it was in the 80’s down there. Enjoy your warm spring for me. I am so glad you posted pictures of your pretty ruby band. It’s one of my favorites. How are the renovations coming along?

Hi Callie, LLJsmom and Sharon!

Work was busy and I ended up working about 20 minutes late. Naturally Marty had supper ready for us on time. Oh well.

I used to make a weight watchers recipe called pizza meatloaf so Marty was going to try it for supper. Sadly I only list ingredients on my recipe card - it doesn’t have any directions. Basically you use the hamburger as your crust in a pie pan, cook the hamburger then kind of decorate the “pizza” like a pizza and back it until the sauce bubbles and the cheese melts. Marty improvised and make it like a meatloaf. Sadly since the meat has not fillers or eggs it was like a dense, tough lump of meat. Oh well. It tasted good and the baked potatoes were fabulous. Crispy outside, soft and done inside. We each had a death cookie too; that was the highlight of my day.

Marty is probably going to Atlanta in a few weeks. I wonder if he’ll have a new boss by then?

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from Scandinavia  :wavey:

Not much going on here except work. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on bling and my watch  I’m starting to look forward to the Easter holiday now 

Jimmianne: I’ll have to check out that pool idea  Sounds good! You are so clever to do French lessons. I tried in high school, but I guess I wasn’t really motivated then… Any dangles today?

France is such a nice country! I simply love Paris!! And the Riviera also! Have you girls been to Paris? The Eifel tower has a magical view of the city at night. Versailles is my favourite. So stunning! The garden is also magnificent, and you can hire small rowing boats and have a picnic on the little lake :)

Missy: How are you feeling today?? I would never let my husband hate you girls, lol. Going easy on your hair sounds like a good idea. And the colour is gorgeous! Looks like it would match your skin beautifully also. The museum exhibition sounds like fun! The tree sign was a good idea and so charming. Love that picture.

Azstonie: Your ring is soooo beautiful!! Bling! And the picture is really good too. I can never take good pictures.. Love rubies. We should have a ruby party :)

Marcy: Your new cleaning lady sounds like a dream. Your dinners always make me hungry :) Hope you will have a good day at work. Your hair story was scary, hope it all ended up ok. Drive safe! I have never seen House of cards either. But I promised some friends I would give it a try, lol. Here, it is available on Netflix at least – or so I’m told, lol.

All the best - S


Jan 23, 2016
Re travel: Could not find any pictures from France (???) so Istanbul will have to do ;-)




Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, I found some bling for Marty haha. it even has a pear! lol


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, LOL I remember Summer Blonde. Never tried it being a brunette and all but OMG yes I heard similar stories about it. Glad your hair has recovered and how lucky are you that the sun lightens your hair naturally with beautiful highlights. The sun turns my hair reddish and always has so in the summer my brunette hair becomes very auburn. I miss my naturally dark hair but Tuey thinks it is too harsh for my (still thankfully much of the time) pale skin. IDK I like the goth look. Even at my age. :cheeky:

Yes please check out House of Cards on Netflix. Start from season 1. I think you and Marty will enjoy it. Glad work wasn't too bad yesterday and 20 minutes late isn't too terrible. Hope today you get home early.

Wow so great that Marty got to play golf during your beautiful weather yesterday! It is going to hit 75 here tomorrow (supposedly) and be warm through Thursday and then be in the 50s this weekend. I'll take it!

If Marty goes to Atlanta in a few weeks hope he meets and likes his new boss.

Scandinavian, I too love Paris. It is a very romantic city and I agree magical. I would never relocate there as Jimmianne is considering (she is very adventurous and brave) but I appreciate its history and beauty. Though some of its history does disturb me but I won't get into that. :wall:

I have never been to Istanbul however and love all the beautiful scenery you are sharing. Thank you.

That area on the lower left side where my teeth are feels tender and strange but thankfully I am not in any throbbing pain right now. I have been diligently avoiding drinking/eating on that side and avoiding all extreme temp liquids. Drinking my lukewarm room temp black coffee right now lol. Hey don't feel sorry for me. Any black strong coffee is good no matter the temp. Thanks for asking!

That's great you lecture occasionally. I am impressed. I cannot speak in public and am in awe of those who do so and enjoy it. My dh is an adjunct professor at an engineering school not too far away and teaches a class in environmental law. He enjoys it. What are you teaching?

Jimmianne, when are those JA dangles arriving? Any idea? We NIRDIs are waiting (im)patiently... :appl:


Jan 23, 2016
Missy: I'll be pretending to be a tax law professor ;-) LOL. Wish me luck. And don't be too impressed. I'm not sure if I enjoy it...


Jun 8, 2008
Haha Good Luck Scandinavian!!! I am sure you will be great and I hope you do enjoy it. And I am impressed. :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Sharing a few fresh kitty pics from this morning.
Hope you enjoy. :wavey:





Jul 1, 2014
HRH Frankie being some peasant's FOOTSTOOL????? GAH!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1457451598|4001533 said:
HRH Frankie being some peasant's FOOTSTOOL????? GAH!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lol. What can I say. The power of love. We are an equal opportunity loving family. :cheeky:
And anyway, she is a heat seeker and anybody's warm body will do for HRH. Discriminating about that...NOT. :lol:

Good luck with the vet allergist appointments for Finn and Maggie today!!!
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