
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, I don’t envy anyone being a mom; it is such a challenging and demanding job. At least you are paying attention to your son and notice he is acting different. Your husband’s apple pie sounds delicious. I always agree with bling therapy.

Missy, I hope you don’t have to go out in pouring rain this weekend. Cold rain can be bone chilling. Oh no I am so sorry to hear you cut yourself so bad. Did you need stitches? I think you need recovery bling. Yay for being a science nerd too. I liked science, math and history in school. That is cool we were visiting in your dream and having a grand time. I am sure it was bling centric too. I hope your new coat keeps you warm but darn it that it is a dark navy. I like things to at least look blue too.

Jimmianne, your ring is fabulous! The color of that spinel is gorgeous. I am glad to hear you are loving it. You had to be the best bling dressed lady in the grocery store. Tony’s entry is stunning! Beautiful ring.

Hi Junebug! I hope you are having a good day.

I had another busy day at work. My former problem employee’s new supervisor asked to meet with me for input on his performance appraisal. She brought me his self appraisal but I gathered from her it might make me angry so I passed on reading it. She said he has admitted he did some things in my department he shouldn’t have done but still thinks he was right about how the department should be run. I pointed out that is why I am not going to read what he said. Just reviewing my notes before we met got me agitated again. Who knows if she’ll use my comments or ratings but I at least got consulted.

I met Marty for lunch. Snow is coming again tomorrow. Boo.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, sorry about the aggravation at work. I am glad you are finished with that problem employee. I hope that's the last you have to deal with him in any regard. Hope your upcoming snow event is a non event and glad you met Marty for lunch yesterday.

Hi Junie!

Jimmianne, you have had an exciting few days. Thank you for sharing your happiness with your beautiful spinel ring. :love:

Have a good day girls!


Jun 8, 2008
Greg has been stuck on the Gowanus for 2 hours now due to a multi vehicle accident. He is on his way to meeting the pod guy and plumber and movers as today is clearing out the basement day and storing everything in a pod during the basement expansion project. He is not moving. Stuck in this traffic snarl. He said thank goodness I am not with him as I do not do well in traffic especially not moving for 2 hours. I would have lost it for sure. Hoping he arrives safely to the beach house (and back home to me later!) and that he can get everything rescheduled for today because Monday is the beginning of demolition.

You know I'm worrying, it's sadly what I do best, Just saw a movie where Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman (married couple in movie) are discussing how much she worries. And she says, honey, I have to worry. It keeps me calm. Lol. :-o ::)


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, how did the day turn out?!

AZ - I just saw your comment on the SMTB 2-3 ct thread. I think you may have been talking to was right after I posted a photos of my marquise.
If so...I'm sorry I didn't respond! It was such a very nice post!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am glad I that employee is no longer my problem too. I hated to hear about Greg being stuck in traffic so long. I hope he got to the beach house and back okay. I bet he feels like he had a long day.

Jimmianne, are you enjoying your pretty spinel ring today?

Work was busy today. I met a friend for lunch; we hadn’t had lunch for about a month so it was good to catch up with her. Marty made homemade spaghetti sauce for supper and put it on cheese raviolis. He cuts up long skinny baguettes and makes us garlic bread. It was delicious.

The snow was coming down on the way home tonight. I don’t know if I want to peak out and see if it’s still snowing.

Tomorrow is Friday!


Dec 9, 2013
Great dinner, Marcy. Your evening meals always sound so civilized and delicious.
How is the snow this morning?! Excited for you - probably more than you are. If only it were the weekend so you could cozy up indoors.
Be safe on the roads today! I'll bet you're an expert winter driver so you just have to watch out for idiots.

My spinel went to Tony on Wednesday so I have not had more than a passing glimpse, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks sized down one size and with my bands

I am making art. daily. & putting together a show for my art group at a Greek restaurant. The owner is a doll and has one of my big belly-dancers permanently installed in her main dining room. I suggested curating a happy mid-winter show for the rest of the place and she was excited. So now I'm excited to produce something she will love. It's all in fun, small show, easy. Something to chase everyone's winter blues.
note on that: isn't it interesting how the universe conspires in our favor when we start something? This show is just a tiny idea but it is making a lot of people happy and is getting me off my duff. [and away from the bling sites online].

Missy, when you cut your hand like that of course you can be our baby. Kitchen cuts are scary. How is your hand today? Are you through your work-week now? What are your plans for the weekend? Did Greg's day get better, I hope?


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! TGIF!

Jimmianne, I love that you are enjoying this art project
and producing a show for your Greek restaurant. What fun! I wish we could join you in celebrating. When is the art show scheduled? Please take pics of some of your pieces that day. We are there with you in spirit.
And yay for getting your new spinel ring resized. Cannot wait to see it on you again! That short glimpse we got was such a tease and we need more pics. Especially "old lady" NOT lol hand shots. :love:

Marcy, OMG I love ravioli and darn it you have made me hungry for ravioli and garlic bread before 8 in the morning haha. Have you ever had pumpkin ravioli? Amazingly delicious too. Darn I just need ravioli now.

I bet the snow is pretty coming down and I hope it remains manageable. What is your warmest coat Marcy? I bet you have a super warm coat. I probably should have consulted with you before I bought my latest coat which I have not yet tried because it is too warm for such a warm coat right now though we are supposed to be much colder next week so I will be seeing how the coat does in just a few days.

Greg arrived safely to the beach house and was able to get the plumber to come and also had the POD placed exactly where he wanted it to be and the movers showed up earlier than the scheduled time but it was perfect as everything that needed to be accomplished was finished so yay for that and even managed to put a "roof" on the eating area for the feral kitties to help protect them somewhat from the wet weather when eating.

And also a big yay as that was one serious accident on the Gowanus yesterday AM and miraculously no one was killed! I saw it on the news when I got home from work and they were describing the multi vehicle accident and one car was crushed like an accordion but somehow the driver survived! The fireman they interviewed was talking about it and saying they were shocked that man was still alive after the car was crushed like that.

Have a great day girls!


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, that driver had a miracle. It gives me chills.

Lean Cuisine butternut squash ravioli is good for quick & easy, but you have to have two servings per person - only 4 ravs to a box : )

Today is cleaner day that's why I'm still sitting here and not getting ready :roll:


Jun 8, 2008
Oh that sounds yummy Jimmianne. I have to check the sodium content though because I find most of those prepared foods have way too high an amount of sodium. And 4 raviolis in my book are not 2 portion sizes but 1/2 LOLOL. :lol:

I feel for you. We have our cleaning person coming next week and I have soooo much to do to get ready for her. No time at all because next week is shaping up to be a busy one too. Derm appointment Tuesday and then cleaning person coming Wednesday. I have so much to do. Have I said that already? :cheeky: Good luck with your cleaning person prep today and think how nice it will all be when she is finished. :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Greg just sent me pics of the storage container. FYI. Cannot wait for this all to be completed because it is too messy for my liking and I want Greg to have the workshop of his dreams already. He deserves it.




Jun 17, 2009
Hi girls!

Missy, so glad you see that Greg made it safely and that nobody was killed in the accident. And it's great that the project is on track and things are moving along, very exciting! (particularly for Greg lol!) And the roof on the feeding station is a great idea, maybe the ferals will at least hang out there to get out of the rain, since they feel comfortable and safe being there.

I hope your cut from the slicer is doing ok - I have a mandolin, and yeah, personally I think it's kind of a dangerous tool so don't be hard on yourself, I think it's pretty easy to get hurt using it! :o I only use it to slice potatoes for scalloped potatoes because it makes really thin slices and I use a holder that came with it to protect my hand, but I'm always nervous when I use it. Does it seem to be healing ok? I hope it's not causing you much discomfort.

Jimmianne, it's so exciting that your jeweler friend won an award, that is just fantastic and I love his creation! Very artistic and innovative, and different from anything I've ever seen. It is so wonderful that he's nearby and you can take advantage of his awesome talent. :clap: Your new spinel ring is SO beautiful and I'm glad you're keeping it as is, the color of the stone is yummy. I can't wait to see many more pics of it, the few you posted are woefully inadequate! :D

Your art show sounds like a lot of fun, and yes, a terrific way to get through these dreary winter months. It's great that you have a fun project to work on that will get your creative juices flowing, that's a good feeling. I wish I was closer, I would love to help out in some way, like setting up haha. As missy said, we are with you in spirit!

Marcy, sorry your former employee managed to annoy you, thankfully you don't have to deal with him on a regular basis anymore! The description of your yummy Italian dinners made me very hungry. Are you getting a lot of snow? So far we've managed to avoid ice and snow and I just hope it continues. :pray:

LLJsmom, I'm impressed your dh made an apple pie! That's something I've never tried to make, I've always been too nervous I'll completely mess it up lol. I love your new pendant!!! :love: :love: :love: It looks fantastic on you!

Callie and kristie, hope you guys are having a good week!

Not a whole lot going on with me, same old stuff basically. Just sort of moving through one day at a time, been feeling a little down on and off lately but trying to fight it and just focus on the good things. Looking forward to the weekend and spending some time at home with dh.

Have a great day everyone!


Oct 24, 2012
just saying hi girls!!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi again girls! Just got back from Costco (oh what an exciting life we lead :lol: ) and wanted to say thanks for caring about me slicing my finger and I am doing OK. It is healing so woohoo. And I won't be going near the mandolin again. :errrr: I know my limits and my capabilities and I was being careful so no more shredded anything for me.

Junie, I am glad you are being very careful when you use your mandolin. I think ours did come with something but Greg said it wouldn't work for what I am using it for however he mentioned that he could get me a special chainmaille (I think it is some sort of metal but I cannot remember for sure) glove so I *couldn't* cut myself LOL but I just think it is easier to give up on the shredded veggie dream haha.

Right now he is trying to fix our bottom dish drawer. That darn Fisher Paykel. I love it when it works but man it sure is finicky. Luckily the top has been working like a dream but I got spoiled with 2 dish drawers and miss the bottom since it has been out of commission this week. He has tried fixing it a few times now this week but the fix doesn't stick. He ordered 2 new parts for whatever it is that isn't working and he just got them and is now installing them. Fingers crossed.

OK he just finished and said there is no such thing as a permanent fix with this dishwasher. Now he has to show me a special way I need to close the bottom drawer from now on so it keeps working. LOL.

LLJsmom, I love your new pendant necklace. It looks great on you! What a nice winter pick me up gift. :love: :appl:

Callie, I am thinking of you right now and sending bucket loads of good luck dust your way for your appointment. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, thanks for keeping me company before. Hope your workday is going smoothly and please be super careful driving home on the icy roads. I know you will be and I hope your drive home is easier than your drive in this morning. The baby black bear wants you and Marty to adopt him!

Girls here is a photo from the security camera this AM. Heartbreaking...a beautiful kitty we are not familiar with was trying to get in to eat but couldn't. Water is frozen too. :(( Greg said don't worry because the cat doesn't look like he has missed too many meals but of course I am upset. Look how sweet he is. Greg said he looks like a baby bear and I agree.

Also adding a pic from last night. Sprite and Sammy inside eating and Fresca outside drinking water. Cute sweet babies.




Jun 8, 2008
Taken just a little while ago. All 3 of the kitties eating together. Sammy, Sprite and Fresca. They are so sweet.



Dec 9, 2013
Missy, your kitty-station worked out really well for them.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, The pictures looks like a baby bear!!!! We are having warm weather today (40's). Hopefully some warmer weather will be coming your way. The three kitties seem like best buds! Please don't get mad at me Missy but honey you need to stay out of the kitchen. I girl needs to know her limitations. You and I just don't belong in that room of the house! They invented shopping malls for girls like us. No one ever cuts their hand in Stuart Weitzman.

Jimmianne, Your new ring is beautiful. I love the color of the stone and that setting is just gorgeous. Great find! Is your daughter staying for a long visit?

Marcy, I love hearing what you make for dinner. It makes me feel guilty but I still love hearing about your meals.

Junebug, How has your mom been feeling. I hope you are well. I think this time of the year gets a lot of people down. The holidays are over and Heaven knows it will be a while before we get warm weather again. The days here have been so gray lately which also doesn't help moods. You need a jewelry project. I won't tell your husband.

LLJsmom, Are you all blinged out today? I love your new necklace.


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I did chuckle that you think of our evening meals as civilized - we are setting there giving each other crap, talking about the rabbits and bears you know silly stuff - but yes the meals are usually delicious. Thanks for thinking about me and the roads this morning. That sounds really fun and what a fabulous time to put on an art show. Take pictures please. I can’t wait until you get your beautiful spinel ring back from Tony. I keep thinking about how pretty his ring is; I love that style.

Missy, I have not had pumpkin ravioli. That does sound good. A lady at work makes pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. They didn’t sound too good to me but once I tried them I liked them. My warmest coat is from Land’s End and rated as their warmest category which is good down to something like 30 below. That sucker is almost too warm for me. If I wear it in to a store I am boiling in it. So I usually wear a longer wool coat unless it is below zero. On warmer days in the 30’s or above I wear a fleece jacket. Sorry you have cold weather coming next week but glad you have a nice warm coat to test out and keep you warm. I am glad made it to the beach finally and got his projects and chores done. That is awesome no one died in that horrible accident. The pod is nice to keep everything stored in it by your shed. You’ll be glad to get that all finished. Good call to never use the mandolin again. I bet it takes a while to heal. My worst knife cut (it was from one of those jagged bread knives) kept opening up every time I got it wet for weeks. Marty bought me one of those metal gloves and while it might lesson the severity of a cut I think you are still going to hurt yourself with one of those on. Glad to hear Greg got your bottom drawer working again. Great shots of the kitties having supper.

Junebug, I am sorry to hear you are a bit down this week. I am glad you can spend some time with you DH this weekend. This time of year I think in general can cause the blues and you have lots going on to think about as well. How is your mom doing? Are you still wearing your pretty EC every day? I am starting to think about pulling out a gemstone ring but haven’t done so yet. I am glad you use some kind of protection when using your mandolin. I would amputate my hand - really no doubt. We got about 5 inches of snow from this storm. It isn’t windy (yet) but the last few storms left behind lots of glaciers on the street (easily 4” high) and drifts everywhere. It’s a mess. Glad you have been snow and ice free so far this year.

Hi LLJsmom, are you still running the kids around? Do you love your new pendant?

Callie, when Marty and I worked at the same place he’d often have to stay late so we ate out or picked up fast food 90% of the time. Now we eat at home 90% of the time. The food at Chez M&M is better and cheaper (plus probably better for us too.) I am glad you are enjoying some warmer weather. Hopefully this icy snow storm doesn’t head your way.

The roads were awful this morning. It rained first then got cold enough to change to snow so there was ice under the snow. I have to turn to go to work on a bridge and everyone was sliding through that corner. It’s a double turn lane so I waited until the other lane was clear. I took it slow. I waited until 5:15 to leave tonight so the traffic would have thinned out a bit. I sent Marty a text telling him I made it to work okay - his reply was he didn’t have any issues getting to work either. Walking down the steps must have been rough on him. I called him a brat.

Speaking of knife stories Marty is always telling people I am not allowed to use knifes. A few years ago at one of our family Christmas dinners one of the little nephews went and told Marty “Marcy is using a knife”. Too funny.

Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?

We have my company holiday party tomorrow night. They are cheap so do it after Christmas. We get dinner, a drink and they have 2 comedians come in for a show. We always go; I want that free dinner.

Have a great weekend.



Feb 27, 2007
This was my .75 GIA XXX that I traded in 4 months. It just wasn't an AGS0. However I did photoshop it on our reindeer.



Dec 9, 2013
LLJsmom|1452276156|3972735 said:
just saying hi girls!!
What's up? You doing well, Ms. LLJs? How is the running?

Marcy that is my kind of reindeer and your photo proves just how diamonented we are. :clap:

My UV flashlight arrived. Confusing - they sent two different models wrapped up together, two chargers, two batteries, no explanation.
Almost nothing in my house is fluorescent, but I had fun roaming around in the dark this morning. No scorpions and no counterfeit $$ found yet. My Mege band with pink sapphires however, was a surprise. It lit up glowy red.

Missy, I caught a tiny mouse overnight in the have-a-heart trap. While my daughter was here yesterday it keep coming out [of the bird seed closet] looking at us and running back in. NOT what I wanted to see : (
I hate to move it from it's comfy situation, but it is going to the barn today where there is plenty of food and water, and I am sure, other mice.
You have the kittycastle and I have the murinemansion! lucky us.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

June, I missed that you are feeling a bit down and I am sending you big (((hugs))) and lots of good thoughts and I hope you are feeling better today. Winter is the toughest season IMO and you have so much on your plate. However you are doing an amazing job of holding it all together and making it all work. You are a wonderful terrific and amazing woman and we love you as does everyone who knows you I am sure. XOXO to you sweetheart. console2.gif

Callie, luckily I wasn't eating or drinking when I read your post or I would have choked laughing LOL. I could never be upset with you and you speak the truth anyway. LOL no one ever cut themselves on their Stuart Weitzman's haha. I am thinking it could be their new slogan (not that they need one LOL). Oh you know how much I love my SWs. I just love wearing them and yanno that would be one of the biggest negative factors to moving someplace warmer. If I couldn't wear them I would have to rethink moving there haha.

I am so glad you are done with part 1 of your testing and yay for having the results on the disc. Now in just a while you will be completely done. Sending lots and lots of good luck dust!!! fairy%20dust.gif

Is snow coming your way? It will be in the 50s tomorrow with torrential downpours. I have to laugh. Leave it to me to choose the one horribly windy rainy day to go out to a show and meet friends for dinner. Oh well the drowned rat look is in style again right? :bigsmile:

Jimmianne, oh no poor mouse. I am getting from your post however the trap is a humane one and he is alive and well and you are just relocating him to a more suitable home right? YAY to you sweet Jimmianne and thank you for letting him live! slider_yourock.gif
It might not surprise you I am a fan of all rodents (I even think the subway rats are adorable).

Love your fluorescent bling pic. Cool.

Hope your DD is doing well and that everything continues to go smoothly. You know I am continuing to send bucket loads of dust her way too. (((Hugs))).

Marcy, Glad you got home safely last night. Slow and safe good job Marcy! Haha love that reindeer diamond picture. That reindeer won't get DSS anytime soon that is for sure. Godblessusalleveryone.gif

5 inches of snow, not too bad right? Thanks for the warm coat info. east%20coast%20psers.gif
I am glad to see I did the best I could because I also have the same Lands End jacket you are talking about I think. I bought it a few years ago and it had the warmest rating and is rain proof too. I have it in light blue. So it will be interesting to see if my new jacket (called The Mystique from Canada Goose) will hold up to or surpass the LE coat. I will report back next week if the temps indeed reach the cold predicted.

I am sorry you experienced a bad cut on your hand too and thanks for the info on those gloves. I will not be getting one if they are not cut proof. No sense. I am just doing what Callie suggested and staying out of the kitchen. Everyone is much safer that way anyway. LOL.
Haha to Marty telling everyone you are not allowed to use knives. I think Greg is going to be starting that mantra too now. :oops: :lol:
I should have learned my lesson when a few years ago at the beach house (2011 I think?) I sliced my finger good de-pitting an avocado. That was not a pretty sight and I fainted too. Not good. :oops: And I had Greg get our neighbor's friend who was visiting who is a nurse to attend to my wound. It was fortunate she was visiting but OMG what an experience. :oops:

I am so mad for you having discovered that bling issue. angry_8_text1.gif
The more I think about it the angrier I get for you. I would contact them ASAP and talk to the boss there and see what he offers. I am sorry you are dealing with this and it is 100% their fault and I know they will make it right for you!

LLJsmom, I spent the first hour this morning just reading your bracelet thread which I wasn't even aware existed. OMG how did I miss that. You are the woman 1169425oabd8or7qu.gif
because you did an amazing research job finding the perfect bracelet for you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! :love:
I am more of a bangle person but after reading your thread I feel I need a diamond tennis bracelet now LOL. I know I have a few measly pre-PS diamond tennis bracelets but nothing substantial like your amazing bracelet. :love:

Have a great Saturday girls!
OMG and LOL I am sorry that mouse pic is so big but isn't he adorable? :love:


Feb 27, 2007
Good Morning NIRDIs!

Jimmianne, isn’t it funny how pink sapphires look red under UV light? Mine did that too. Marty suggested I take pictures of things in normal light and UV light and post them side by side. You can take some too. First we need to take down the Christmas stuff though. Have you checked out all of your jewelry with it yet? I had fun playing with mine but of course maybe I should have quit while I was ahead. Glad you didn’t discover any scorpions in the house. That is nice of you to move the mouse. I’d be screaming like a little girl. We had some get in our first house and I was terrified of getting up in the middle of the night because I just knew I was going to run in to one of them. Marty finally found where they were getting in and plugged it up. Our second house had garden snakes get in the house. Most were small and in the basement but one about 30 inches long was found smack in the middle of our living room. So far the only varmits I’ve seen in this house are spiders. I love your diamonented word; it’s so appropriate.

Missy, somehow I am not surprised you think rats are cute. Yes the mouse picture is cute but only as a picture not in real life. You are a friend to all furry creatures. I hope you don’t get caught in too much rain. That would be funny if we have the same coat from Lands End; mine is light blue it. It’s something like their squall jacket. i keep thinking of exploring some stuff from that Duluth Trading company; they claim their stuff is made to withstand cold and harsh weather. Oh no you cut yourself so bad once you fainted. That must have been awful. The bread knife cut was so bad I went to the doctor the next day and was promptly chastised for not coming in sooner - it needed stitched but it was too late by then. I had to get those waterproof wraps to take a shower and keep that finger dry for about a week until it started to heal. Ha ha no dishes for me.

LLJsmom I must find your bracelet thread. I have smaller thin bracelets because I like to stack them but I quit wearing them after I got my Mac Book Pro because they scratch up where my hands rest on the laptop. Missy mentioned she likes bangles; which are really cool bracelets but the clanging eventually gets to me and I take them off. Of to find your thread.

Glad you ladies like the reindeer diamond picture. Sad thing is I googled how to do that in Photoshop and wouldn’t have a clue how to do it now. I also only have Photoshop Elements now but they do basically the same thing for amateurs like me.

Marty’s watch was chirping about something at 7 so I woke up and he slept right through it. He was up with his Fallout video game until who knows what time. I am wishing I’d stayed in bed though I am still tired. I think I went to bed about 12:30.

It looks cold and snowy out. Boo.

Have a great day.


Jun 17, 2009
Hey all! :wavey:

Missy, love the pics of the feral kitties eating - yeah, can't help but feel bad for the black bear kitty (so cute, I love him) - we must listen to Greg though, he's right when he says the kitty looks well-fed, he's got to be getting food from other sources!

I'm really glad your hand is healing - and yes, that holder really only works for a few things so except for slicing potatoes I don't go near the thing! And luckily I hardly ever make scalloped potatoes :cheeky:

Marcy, omg please be careful driving on the roads! It sounds pretty bad so please take it easy. Your holiday dinner sounds like fun, and yes, no sense in passing up a free meal lol - and it's pretty funny that your party is after the holidays! That is kinda cheap, but I suppose it's a good way to save money and better late than never I guess :D Funny you should mention my ring…I was starting to second-guess the purchase and have some doubts about it to the point it was stressing me out so I put the ring away for a few days to give myself a break…today I gave it a good cleaning and wore it, and I've decided I'm just going to enjoy it and stop over-thinking. I'm so glad you are still enjoying that "new ring" feeling, I have a feeling your EC ring is going to be a favorite for quite a while! And with good reason, it is SO gorgeous! Oh, and I love your blinged-out reindeer haha!

Jimmianne, it was very sweet of you to relocate the mouse! I agree that it's just not practical for it to set up house in your house ha - And thank goodness you didn't come across any scorpions lol!

Girls…thanks for the nice words and for allowing me to vent a little - I was embarrassed as soon as I posted, here goes junebug again with another pity party :oops: so your kindness and graciousness are very much appreciated! Yeah, I guess it's just been one of those weeks - holiday letdown, feeling a little overwhelmed and isolated, dealing with the extra pounds I've put on over the holidays. So fun to put on, so painful to get off. ;( Thanks for being there, you guys helped and I'm feeling much better.

Have a great night everyone and I'll check in tomorrow!


Dec 9, 2013
June, when I read your last paragraph I thought -but - - - but wait! this is where we come to vent! : )

This time of year, post-holiday & short days? combined with real life problems to navigate? ugh.
Love & hugs.

Hugs, not ughs.
Hugs to you dear June.

The mouse movers have moved the mouse to the barn with all his belongings [fur coat, beady eyes & whiskers]. He should be happy, as there are apples and sweet feed and a whole mouse universe there tucked in the hay bales.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!
It is pitch dark here and very windy and as predicted raining cats and dogs! Honestly I don't even understand why that saying came about...why cats and dogs? raining_cats_dogs_15.jpg

Hmm. Anyway good morning!

Marcy, this is for you. I had to dig out some old old pics but I knew you would appreciate it. Please ignore the unflattering pics of me and let's focus on the sweet guinea pigs. Cornelius was my first guinea pig and Damien and Casey were my guinea pigs after Casey was gone. That was an awful loss and I still remember it. I told my parents I never wanted another guinea pig ever after Casey died. And they ignored me and presented me with Casey and Damien sometime after that. I cannot remember the time period between Casey and Cornelius and Damien but I fell in love with them pretty quickly. Cornelius is in the last 2 pics and Casey (another orange guinea pig) and Damien (brown and white) are in the 2 pics above that.

caseyandme.jpg caseyanddamien.jpg cornelius_0.jpg corneliusandme.jpg

Did you know guinea pigs are the only rodents with lips? Hence me kissing Cornelius in that last pic. I was always kissing them because they were so kissable. They used to make this squeaking noise when they wanted attention. I miss my guinea pigs.

I think we might have the same LE coat. I got mine around 2005/2006 and I think it was a squall coat. I checked my past LE orders but they don't go past 2013 online for some reason.

Hope your weather is calming down. I hope you had a great time at your holiday party. Yes it is cheap for them to have it after the holidays but it does give you something fun to look forward to after the whole hoopla of the holidays is over.

Jimmianne, glad the mouse is safely relocated. Have you named him?

June, Jimmianne is quite right. That is what this thread is vent and cry and get the support and love and comfort of the NIRDI sisters. We are here for you always. No upset too small or great. (((Hugs))).

My parents came over yesterday and we had a nice day walking around our neighborhood and of course visited the rescue cats but darn it I couldn't convince my parents to adopt another. They have 7 rescue kitties now. LOL. I am always hoping when we go there Greg will fall in love with a kitty but so far it hasn't happened. You know that saying I think by Benjamin Franklin- "Energy and persistence conquer all things." Well I am trying girls. I am trying. :bigsmile:

OK girls, I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. It is going to be tough staying dry for us today. That is for sure.


Jun 8, 2008
Oops, I really need to proofread my early AM posts. Meant to write I didn't want another Guinea pig after Cornelius died...Casey and Damien came after Cornelius. After Cornelius died I was heartbroken but my parents knew ultimately I had more love to give so that's how I came to get my beloved Casey and Damien despite my protests. Girls, Guinea pigs are super sweet rodents. Really terrific pets for responsible kids especially.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDIs! :wavey:

Junebug, now I want scalloped potatoes. Those are always tasty to me. I am sorry to hear you put your ring up for awhile and had second thoughts about it. That’s good you got it back out, cleaned and decided to enjoy it. 99% of my jewelry I go through some kind of buyer’s remorse. I honestly think I like the thrill of the hunt and initial excitement when I get something that once I get it and start wearing it becomes ho hum like a letdown. I also go through second thoughts like do I really like it that much, could I have gotten something nicer or better quality and I shouldn’t have spent the money. The ones that I know are keepers like my new EC the buyers remorse isn’t as soon or strong. Please feel free to vent here anytime. You aren’t going to find a more supportive place than NIRDI-land. I completely understand why you feel overwhelmed and isolated you have to much on your plate and so much to juggle. You are doing an amazing job at managing it all and if we can help take some pressure off of you we are glad to do it.

Jimmianne, yay for getting the mouse moved. I agree this is a great place to come vent.

Missy, LOL to your raining cats and dogs image. I love the pictures of you and your cute guinea pigs. They are so darned cute. I didn’t know they had lips and that is so cool they knew how to get your attention. Too funny we have the same type of coat. It looks wet there too. I am glad you had a nice visit with your parents.

The post holiday party was fun. Yes my company is cheap but for a large company they haven’t (knock on wood) had layoffs. They always run lean. There were probably about 250 employees including their date in attendance. Food was basic buffet, a few salads, rolls, choice of chicken or beef, mashed potatoes and dessert that never looks appealing and if you try it you’ll find out your eyes weren’t lying. The 2 comedians were both pretty funny. Marty drew a crowd of lots of people glad to see him and wishing him well. That’s nice to see since he quit there over 4 years ago.

I slept in until 8. I kept waking up from 5 am on but I guess I was depressed since we didn't win Powerball so I decided to get some extra sleep to help keep that emotional pain at bay. I can lay it on pretty thick can't I? :lol:

I made pancakes for breakfast. We had a grapefruit with it and I made Marty some bacon. I am making beef noodle soup for lunch. I am using beef tenderloin tips for the meat but it was pretty fatty so I cut a lot of it out before I started the soup. Then I had a blonde moment and put an extra egg in the noodles. D'oh or Dough - either way you look at it. I was going to make 3 batches of noodles but decided 2 was enough but still had 3 eggs on my mind. They were small eggs for "large" but the dough was sticky. I added a bit more flour but not enough. Rolling out the noodles was challenging but I think they will cook up okay after they air dry.

Of to tend the laundry. That dryer buzzer can be so annoying.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, The pictures you posted are adorable. Your hair has always been beautiful. My niece had guinea pigs when she was about seven. They bought an already pregnant one. Well things didn't turn out so well as the mother decided to eat one of her babies. My poor niece was traumatized for months. She would bring it up on the car ride to pick up my other niece for months. Try explaining how this sometimes happens with some animals to a seven year old. When we all live in the same neighborhood there is no need to worry if we all decide on a warm climate. I keep my house so cool you will always have a place to wear your boots! You might even need your new coat too! My poor husband is wearing two sweatshirts today. M

Junebug, I hope you are beginning to feel better. Your comments about the holiday weight made me LOL. It's not going to seem too funny when I have to get on the scale Thesday morning. Now I have yet another reason to be nervous about my doctors appointment. It's amazing how quickly a couple pounds can creep on. Are you still enjoying your new ring?

Marcy, Your holiday party sounded like it went well. I'm glad Marty also had a good time. We had crummy weather here yesterday too. The only good thing is my car drives very well in snowy conditions. I would have been all over the road in my old car. I am still thinking about the Audi I didn't get. My husband told me if we won the lottery that I could quit thinking about it and could just go buy one. I know the car I have is much more practical as getting the baby in her car seat would be such a pain with a two door. I was so disappointed that we didn't win last night. Please be careful driving to work tomorrow.

Kristie, Where the heck are you? I miss you!

LLJsmom, Are you enjoying your new necklace?


Oct 24, 2012

I've been stressed about work, and just working and being distracted, and trying to work again. I'm done for the day.

I love reading your posts.

The guinea pig pics are very cute. Missy, you have such a loving and compassionate heart. And I love all your emojis. I want to find some. Is Greg all moved in?

June, I hope you are feeling better. Are you enjoying your ring?

Marcy, hope your EC is doing well.

Callie, I hear you about the holiday weight. I let myself go and eat whatever I wanted. DH made apple pie again, and I ate some last night, and he also did a great apple tart. I figure I will just try to do things in moderation, always a difficult task for me.

I am wearing my AVR everyday. It is big enough. I like it. I think this is step one of future upgrades. Maybe. It's funny, now that I have this. I can't think of what else I am really missing.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

June, I am with Marcy. It is the thrill and the hunt I love so much and there are many pieces where once that wears off I just have to put it away until the mood strikes and I am in love with it all over again. So take heart. That is normal IMO and I hope you are in love with your new ring again. It really is beautiful. The great thing is if you decide it is really just not for you anymore you can return it. That is the amazing thing about Costco!

Marcy, your breakfast yesterday sounded delicious and I am glad the party was a success. At least they had a party right? Business has been slow for Greg so of course that is always a concern for me (he doesn't seem stressed about that or at least is not sharing it with me) but as usual I am trying my best to just take it one day at a time. And enjoy each day as much as possible without worrying. To that end I just got tickets to The King and I for February. Front row Loge seats on the center aisle. My favorite seats. Our seats yesterday were excellent too and the show was very good. Greg enjoyed it and I had seen it about 10 years ago so it was like new for me too LOL. We also met a lovely couple who was sitting next to us who also have a beach house (Cape May) and there were many similarities. Haha how funny right. If they lived closer we might have become friends as we were chatting up a storm before the show and during the long intermission while standing outside while the firemen were checking things out. Cute firemen too. :naughty:

Callie, thank you sweetheart. You are a true friend. Keeping your house cold enough for me to wear my SW boots hahaha. You are the best! I am sorry your dear niece experienced that trauma. If I remember correctly (and I could be all wrong here) you are supposed to remove the babies when they are first born for gerbils/mice etc too I believe and not just guinea pigs. One day I will share the story where all the newborn gerbils our first 2 gerbils had (Adam and Eve lol we were little OK haha) somehow got out/escaped and my dad spent days tracking down every last one. He had to open up the walls to get the last one after days of searching and putting out food and listening carefully. LOL I just shared the whole story basically. It was very stressful but hysterical too looking back on the whole experience and every baby gerbil was saved! The wall not so much and had to be redone. Hahaha. Good times.

Our weather was crummy too and is freezing temps now. We got lucky though and all the rain pretty much stopped before we left for the show yesterday. We had a great time especially when we met our friends later for dinner. OMG the fire alarm went off right at intermission and we had to evacuate the theater (3 other shows also had to evacuate) and stand outside for 40 minutes. LOL never a dull moment for sure right? That had never happened before and I had to text my friends saying we would be late but they were cool with that. So glad the rain was finished by the time we had to stand outside for all that time.

LLJsmom, I am sorry work is stressful but glad we can provide an outlet for you. Your AVR necklace pendant is gorgeous and I am so glad you got it. Sometimes we agonize over details that don't matter with our bling and only in hindsight do we realize it was inconsequential. It is a beautiful piece that can easily be upgraded too. Very happy for you that you are satiated and I am glad you don't feel you are missing any bling as of now woohoo!

I took some pics during the day yesterday just to share with you girls but my phone is loading very slowly and I think it is my connection so I will post later. My friend Tom is so sweet. I asked him to dress without any logos last night as he always wears logos on his clothes (except for work of course) mainly from Georgetown. Normally I really don't care what he wears but for a change I thought it would be nice to dress without any logos especially given we were going to a nice restaurant and he surprised me with a bow tie! What a guy!

And my girlfriend and I were laughing so hard all night at dinner that I just had the most wonderful time. It reminds me I have to make more of an effort to go out and see my friends as I can be such a homebody hermit yanno?

Have a great Monday girls! Greg left for the beach house just a little while ago as today is Lolly column destruction day LOL. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly and he makes it to work in the afternoon this time. (((HUGS))).


Jun 8, 2008
OK loaded pics and posting in chronological order. I hope you girls enjoy this because I took all these with you in mind. Greg thinks I am crazy haha. :bigsmile:

First up Brooklyn Bridge view as we head into the city. It was leftover rain/clouds and I thought it was so pretty I had to take a couple of pics. This is my favorite bridge in the world. LOVE it. Also it is the oldest suspension bridge. Cool.



Next up just a shot of the avenue. Pretty quiet on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I love it like this. It took us 10 minutes to drive into the city into Midtown. All tourists gone and the city is mine again. :halo: cruisingdowntheavenuesundayafternoon_0.jpg

Then I had to get a few bling pics in for my sweet NIRDIs before we went to the theatre.

Girls, what do you think? I could wear this as an everyday necklace right? :cheeky:

Next up some pretty watches.

panerai.jpg paneraicloseups.jpg

A shot of the set. Isn't is pretty? I thought they did a wonderful job.


A pic of my oldest dearest friend Tom. With his permission of course!


And then on the ride back home Sunday night. I thought it was so pretty.



Hope you girls enjoyed my sharing my day with you in pictures. Enjoy this Monday and hope to chat with you later! Callie I know I am chatting with you later. :wavey:
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